
Quiz Answer Key
sco.quiz.questions[1] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[1].points_possible = 2;
sco.quiz.questions[1].correct = "2";
sco.quiz.questions[1].question = "Atmospheric absorption bands allow
energy from the surface to pass thru the atmosphere relatively
unaffected by clouds and precipitation. ";
sco.quiz.questions[1].instruction = "Choose the <strong>best</strong>
sco.quiz.questions[1].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[1].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[1].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[1] = "True";
sco.quiz.questions[1].answers[2] = "False";
sco.quiz.questions[2] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[2].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[2].correct = "3";
sco.quiz.questions[2].question = "Total precipitable water describes
_____. ";
sco.quiz.questions[2].instruction = "Choose the <strong>best</strong>
sco.quiz.questions[2].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[2].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[2].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[2].answers[1] = "the amount of liquid water
contained in clouds for an atmospheric column";
sco.quiz.questions[2].answers[2] = "the amount of liquid water
contained in precipitation for an atmospheric column";
sco.quiz.questions[2].answers[3] = "the amount of liquid water if water
vapor were condensed out of an atmospheric column";
sco.quiz.questions[2].answers[4] = "the amount of liquid water and
precipitation contained within an atmospheric column";
sco.quiz.questions[3] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[3].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[3].correct = "2";
sco.quiz.questions[3].question = "Water vapor is _____.";
sco.quiz.questions[3].instruction = "Choose the <strong>best</strong>
sco.quiz.questions[3].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[3].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[3].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[1] = "equally distributed throughout the
sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[2] = "concentrated in the lower
sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[3] = "concentrated in the upper
sco.quiz.questions[3].answers[4] = "concentrated in the middle
sco.quiz.questions[4] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[4].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[4].correct = "3";
sco.quiz.questions[4].question = "GOES water vapor imagery _____.";
sco.quiz.questions[4].instruction = "Choose the <strong>best</strong>
sco.quiz.questions[4].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[4].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[4].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[1] = "tracks low-level water vapor";
sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[2] = "tracks moisture most responsible
for heavy precipitation";
sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[3] = "tracks middle and upper-level
moisture ";
sco.quiz.questions[4].answers[4] = "tracks moisture throughout the
sco.quiz.questions[5] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[5].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[5].correct = "1";
sco.quiz.questions[5].question = "Cloud liquid water is _____.";
sco.quiz.questions[5].instruction = "Choose the <strong>best</strong>
sco.quiz.questions[5].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[5].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[5].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[1] = "the amount of liquid water
contained in clouds for an atmospheric column";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[2] = "the amount of cloud water and cloud
ice for an atmospheric column ";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[3] = "the amount of non-supercooled
liquid water for clouds within an atmospheric column";
sco.quiz.questions[5].answers[4] = "the amount of liquid water
contained only in precipitation within an atmospheric column";
sco.quiz.questions[6] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[6].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[6].correct = "1";
sco.quiz.questions[6].question = "In the image above, the circled dark
areas indicate _____.";
sco.quiz.questions[6].instruction = "Choose the <strong>best</strong>
sco.quiz.questions[6].graphic = "amsu_test_1.jpg";
sco.quiz.questions[6].graphic_width = "406";
sco.quiz.questions[6].graphic_height = "500";
sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[1] = "where ice crystals scatter
microwave energy";
sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[2] = "where raindrops scatter microwave
sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[3] = "where ice crystals emit microwave
sco.quiz.questions[6].answers[4] = "where cloud-top temperatures are
warmer than the surrounding area";
sco.quiz.questions[7] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[7].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[7].correct = "1";
sco.quiz.questions[7].question = "Lower-frequency channels (aka
emission channels) work well over water because ______. ";
sco.quiz.questions[7].instruction = "Choose the <strong>best</strong>
sco.quiz.questions[7].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[7].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[7].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[1] = "the cold ocean background provides
a good contrast to the relatively large emissions from raindrops";
sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[2] = "the cold ocean background provides
a good contrast to the relatively larger emissions from cloud ice";
sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[3] = "the warm ocean background provides
a good contrast to the relatively smaller emissions from raindrops";
sco.quiz.questions[7].answers[4] = "the warm ocean background provides
a good contrast to the relatively smaller emissions from cloud ice";
sco.quiz.questions[8] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[8].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[8].correct = "2";
sco.quiz.questions[8].question = "Lower-frequency channels (emission
channels) do not work as well over land because _____.";
sco.quiz.questions[8].instruction = "Choose the <strong>best</strong>
sco.quiz.questions[8].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[8].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[8].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[1] = "the cold land masks emissions from
cloud ice and precipitation-sized hydrometeors";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[2] = "the warm land masks emissions from
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[3] = "the warm land masks emissions from
ice crystals in the cloud";
sco.quiz.questions[8].answers[4] = "the cold land masks emissions from
sco.quiz.questions[9] = new Checkbox();
sco.quiz.questions[9].points_possible = 4;
sco.quiz.questions[9].correct = "1,2";
sco.quiz.questions[9].question = "Higher-frequency channels (scattering
channels) function over both land and ocean because _____. ";
sco.quiz.questions[9].instruction = "Choose <strong>all</strong> that
sco.quiz.questions[9].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[9].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[9].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[1] = "scattering by cloud ice particles
blocks upwelling radiation and is characterized by low brightness
sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[2] = "scattering by large raindrops
blocks upwelling radiation and is characterized by low brightness
sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[3] = "scattering channels measure cloudtop temperatures ";
sco.quiz.questions[9].answers[4] = "scattering channels see through
thin cirrus clouds";
sco.quiz.questions[10] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[10].points_possible = 2;
sco.quiz.questions[10].correct = "2";
sco.quiz.questions[10].question = "Water vapor imagery and TPW imagery
usually depict the same moisture plumes.";
sco.quiz.questions[10].instruction = "Choose the <strong>best</strong>
sco.quiz.questions[10].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[10].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[10].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[1] = "True";
sco.quiz.questions[10].answers[2] = "False";
sco.quiz.questions[11] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[11].points_possible = 2;
sco.quiz.questions[11].correct = "1";
sco.quiz.questions[11].question = "The Global Precipitation Mission
uses both active and passive microwave remote-sensing technologies. ";
sco.quiz.questions[11].instruction = "Choose the <strong>best</strong>
sco.quiz.questions[11].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[11].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[11].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[11].answers[1] = "True";
sco.quiz.questions[11].answers[2] = "False";
sco.quiz.questions[12] = new Radio();
sco.quiz.questions[12].points_possible = 2;
sco.quiz.questions[12].correct = "2";
sco.quiz.questions[12].question = "The TRMM passive microwave imager is
able to sample discrete layers in the vertical, whereas the TRMM
precipitation radar senses precipitation rates. ";
sco.quiz.questions[12].instruction = "Choose the <strong>best</strong>
sco.quiz.questions[12].graphic = "";
sco.quiz.questions[12].graphic_width = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[12].graphic_height = "0";
sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[1] = "True";
sco.quiz.questions[12].answers[2] = "False";