EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT PE/VI/PV/00-20 COMMITTEE ON LEGAL AFFAIRS AND THE INTERNAL MARKET MINUTES of the meeting of Tuesday, 11 July 2000 and Wednesday, 12 July 2000 BRUSSELS CONTENTS Page Tuesday, 11 July 2000, afternoon 1. Adoption of draft agenda (PE 286.040) ........................................................................... 5 2. Approval of minutes of the meeting of: 16 May 2000, in Strasbourg (PE 286.022) ............................................................... 5 3. Draft Statute for Members (98/069B – T06065) (PE 286.050, PE 286.050/AM) Draftsman: Willi Rothley Exchange of views on amendments .......................................................................... 5 4. EU Citizens’ Right to Freedom of Movement and Residence (99/034 – T06561) (PE 286.037) COS(1999)2157 – COM(1999) 127 – C5-0177/1999 COS(1999)2157 – COM(1999) 372 – C5-0178/1999 Draftsman: Diana Paulette Wallis Vote on and adoption of draft opinion Responsible: LIBE R (BOUMEDIENE-THIERY Alima – VERTS/ALE) Opinion: EMPL, CULT, .................................................................................................. 5 ---------------------22 September 2000 PV\416869EN.doc EN PE 286.041 5. Internal market, notably review of Strategy 2000, International Market Forum and other topical items Exchange of views in the presence of Mr Frits BOLKESTEIN, member of the Commission .............................................................................................................. 5 6. Appropriateness of Parliament intervening in a case before the Court of Justice Decision to recommend intervention........................................................................ 5 7. Audiovisual policy: Media and digital technology (00/43 – T06732) (PE 286.033, PE 286.033/AM) COS(2000)2087 – COM(1999) 657 – C5-0144/2000 Draftsman: Antonio Tajani Vote on and adoption of draft opinion Responsible: CULT R (VELTRONI Valter – PSE) Opinion: EMPL ................................................................................................................ 5 8. Draft Statute for Members (98/069b – TO6065) (PE 286.050, PE 286.050/AM) Draftsman: Willi Rothley Vote on and adoption of draft opinion ..................................................................... 5 9. Community action programme to combat discrimination 2001-2006 (00/010 – TO6642) (PE 286.044) CNS(1999)0251 – COM(1999) 564 – C5-0022/2000 CNS(1999)0251 – COM(1999) 567 – C5-0046/2000 Draftsman: Arlene McCarthy Vote on and adoption of draft opinion Responsible: LIBE R (CASHMAN Michael – PSE) Opinion: BUDG, ITRE, EMPL, FEMM .......................................................................... 6 10. Employment, combating discrimination; equal treatment (00/016 – T06641) (PE 286.043, PE 286.043/AM) CNS(1999)0225 – COM(1999) 0565 – C5-0068/2000 Draftsman: Arlene McCarthy Vote on and adoption of draft opinion Responsible: EMPL R (MANN Thomas – PPE) Opinion: LIBE, ITRE, FEMM ......................................................................................... 6 Wednesday, 12 July 2000, morning 11. Appointment of rapporteurs and draftsmen Decisions on procedure to follow ............................................................................. 6 12. Community customs code (amendment of Regulation 2913/92/EEC) (00/083 – T06002) (PE 286.045) COD(1998)0134 – A4-0080/1999 COD/1998)0134 – C5-0267/2000 PE 286.041 2/11 PV\416869EN.doc Rapporteur: Ana Palacio Vallelersundi Consideration of draft recommendation ................................................................... 6 13. Improvement of crossborder payments in euros (00/018 – TO6635) COS(2000)2018 – COM(2000) 36 – C5-0103/2000 COS(2000)2018 - INI(2000)2018 Draftsman: Rainer Wieland Exchange of views Responsible: ECON R (PEIJS Karla – PPE) ................................................................... 6 14. Rule of law in the candidate countries and its employment practice in areas relating to the internal market (00/066 – INI(2000)2120) (PE 286.047) Rapporteur: Joachim Wuermeling Initial consideration of draft report ........................................................................... 6 15. 2001 Budget (00/030 – DVR0798) (PE 286.053) Rapporteur: Joachim Wuermeling Consideration of working document ........................................................................ 6 16. Water policy: List of priority substances, protection of the environment and of human health (00/025 – TO6690) COD(2000)0035 – COM(2000) 47 – C5-0079/2000 Draftsman: Jean-Maurice Dehousse Exchange of views Responsible: ENVI R (BREYER Hiltrud – VERTS/ALE) Opinion: AGRI ................................................................................................................. 6 17. Air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions trading – green paper (00/048 – T06757) (PE 286.059) COS(2000)2101 – COM(2000) 87 – C5-0193/2000 Draftsman: Heidi Hautala Initial consideration of draft opinion Responsible: ENVI R (MOREIRA DA SILVA Jorge – PPE) Opinion: ECON A, ITRE A ............................................................................................. 6 18. Petitions Nos. 858/98 and 1087/98 on state and private schools in Italy (00/04 – DVR0782) Rapporteur: Stefano Zappalà Exchange of views .................................................................................................... 6 PV\416869EN.doc 3/11 PE 286.041 19. Date and place of next meeting ........................................................................................ 7 Annex I: Coordinators’ meeting Annex II: Record of attendance PE 286.041 4/11 PV\416869EN.doc The meeting opened at 3.15 with Mrs Palacio in the chair. 1. The draft agenda was adopted with the modifications recorded in these minutes. Consideration of the 29th report on competition policy (COS002153) and of the oral question proposed by Mr MacCormick was postponed until the next meeting. The following spoke with regard to the draft agenda: Medina Ortega, Speroni, Krarup and Thors. In connection with the so-called Provan report on the internal reform of the European Parliament, Mr Medina raised the question of the calendar of sittings and meetings, notably of committee meetings for the year 2001. The chairperson replied that this matter was primarily the responsibility of the Conference of Presidents. 2. The minutes of the meeting of 16 May 2000 were approved. 3. The draftsman on the draft Statute for Members, Mr Rothley, set out his draft opinion on the report by the group of eminent persons and commented on the amendments tabled. The following then spoke: Garaud, Speroni, Lehne, MacCormick, Berenguer Fuster, Zacharakis, Grossetête, Zappalà, Ripoll and the chairperson. Mr Berenguer Fuster withdrew all his amendments which were covered by compromise amendments 1-5. Mr Ripoll withdrew all his amendments which were covered by amendments 1-3. 4. The draftsman, Mrs Wallis, introduced her draft text on EU citizens’ right to freedom of movement and residence. Conclusions 1, 2 and 3 were adopted. Conclusions 4, 5 and 6 were adopted with oral modifications. Conclusions 7-13 were adopted en bloc. As amended, the draft opinion was adopted unanimously. 5. Commissioner Bolkestein delivered a statement on the internal market strategy and on the Community patent. The following spoke: Rothley, Hautala, Medina Ortega, McCarthy, Beyssen, Lord Inglewood and the chairperson. 6. In the presence of the Jurisconsult, Mr Garzón Clariana, and under exclusion of the public, the committee considered the appropriateness of intervening in the legal proceedings before the Court with regard to Cases C-11/00 and C-15/00 on the side of the Commission. The committee decided by 6 votes to 4 with 12 abstentions to recommend such an intervention to the President of the EP. The meeting adjourned at 6.05 p.m. to allow a coordinators’ meeting to take place. The meeting resumed at 7.10 p.m. in the plenary chamber with Mrs Palacio in the chair. The electronic voting system was working, so that the votes could be checked electronically. 7. The draft opinion by Mr Tajani was put to the vote. The following amendments were adopted: 1, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 17 and 25 and paragraphs 2, 8, 9 and 13 of the draft text. Thus amended, the draft opinion was adopted by 29 votes to 1, with 1 abstention. 8. The draft opinion by Mr Rothley was put to the vote. The following amendments were withdrawn: 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21–25, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 48, 50, 55, 56, 75, 182-187, 92, 95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 111, 112, 190-198, 119, 122, 124, 127, 128, 143, 153 and 161. The following were adopted: compromise amendments 1, 2 (modified orally (insertion of the words ‘(assistants’ salaries)’ after the words ‘Secretarial assistance allowance’), 3, 4, and 5 and amendments 60, 76, 78, 82, 88, 109, 110, 123, 133, 162, 164, 166, and PV\416869EN.doc 5/11 PE 286.041 paragraphs IIIb, IV b to f, IV n to r, IV t to v, V a to c, VI a to c, VII a to e, VII g, VII i, VIII a to e, VIII g to m, of the justification and conclusions 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12. Thus amended, the draft opinion was adopted by 18 votes to 10 with four abstentions. 9. Amendments 1 to 4 en were adopted en bloc. Thus amended, the draft opinion was adopted by 18 votes to 0 with no abstentions. 10. Amendments 1 to 9 were adopted individually. Thus amended, the draft opinion was adopted by 14 votes to 8 with one abstention. The meeting adjourned at 8.45 p.m. * * * The meeting resumed at 9.13 a.m. with Mrs Palacio in the chair. 11. The appointment of draftsmen and rapporteurs and the decision not to deliver reports or opinions in certain cases as proposed by the coordinators were approved by the committee (see annex). Proposals for studies to be carried out by STOA should be submitted to the secretariat by the end of September. 12. Mrs Palacio, rapporteur, introduced her draft report. The following then spoke: Beysen, Medina Ortega, Fourtou, Garaud, Dehousse and the chairperson. Mr Oyarzabal spoke for the Commission. Mr Beysen took the chair. 13. Mr Wieland, draftsman, set out the main considerations to be included in his opinion. Mr Beysen then spoke. Mr Allix spoke for the Commission. The committee called on the draftsmen to submit a draft opinion by 12 September. 14. Mr Wuermeling, rapporteur, introduced his draft report. The following then spoke: Medina, Dehousse, Palacio, Koukiadis and the chairperson. Mr Koukiadis spoke for the Commission. The deadline for tabling amendments was set at 30 August 2000. The vote in committee was planned for the September meeting. 15. Mr Wuermeling, draftsman, introduced his working document on the 2001 budget. Mr Beysen then spoke. Mr Spillane spoke fore the ECJ. 16. Mr Dehousse, draftsman, set out his thoughts on water policy. Mr Beysen then spoke. Mr Dehousse spoke for the Commission. The committee called on Mr Dehoussse to support a draft opinion by the September meeting. 17. Mrs Hautala, draftsman, introduced her draft opinion. Mr Dehousse and Lord Inglewood then spoke. The deadline for tabling amendments was set at 30 August 2000. 18. Mr Zappala, draftsman, set out his thoughts with regard to the petitions concerning public and private schools in Italy. The following then spoke: Beysen, Tajani, Hautala, Dehousse and Harbour. Mr Ringel spoke for the Commission. PE 286.041 6/11 PV\416869EN.doc 19. The next extraordinary meeting would be on 4 September in Strasbourg. The next ordinary meeting would be on 12/14 September in Brussels. The meeting closed at 12.30. PV\416869EN.doc 7/11 PE 286.041 Annex I Coordinators meeting Appointment of rapporteurs and draftsmen - decisions on procedure to follow I. Decisions to be taken urgently in view of deadlines a. Acts to be adopted under the co-decision procedure. 1. The organisation and minding of above credit institutions (86/011 COD2) POSTPONED. b. Acts to be adopted by the European Parliament or subject to its assent. 2. Request for the waiver of Mr Ribeiro e Castro’s immunity (00/086) POSTPONED 3. Request for the waiver of Mr Carlos Coelho’s immunity (00/085) POSTPONED 4. Request for the waiver of Mr Bossi’s immunity POSTPONED 5. Administrative cooperation on VAT (amendment of Regulation 218/92/EEC)/081) POSTPONED 6. VAT arrangements applicable to services provided by electronic means (amendment of directive 77/388/EEC) (00/082) Draftsman: Diana Paulette WALLIS COM(00)349 contains two different proposals, the present one and those of the preceding item date of adoption in ECON: 11 October 2000 rapporteur: WALLIS Group: ELDR Points: 0.5 Responsible: ECON R Opinion: ITRE 7. Assessment of directive 89/299/EEC on the own funds of credit institutions (00/089) ECON was awaiting authorisation but the rapporteur had already drawn up a draft report whose adoption was envisaged on 11 October 2000. Rapporteur: Group: Responsible: ECON R PE 286.041 Points: 1 8/11 PV\416869EN.doc 8. Dangerous substances and preparations: short chain chlorinated paraffins (20th amendment of Directive 76/769/EEC) (00/090) announcement in plenary: 3 July 2000 date of adoption in UMWE: to be announced Rapporteur: Group: Points: 1 Responsible: ENVI R 9. Summertime arrangements from 2002 to 2006 (00/091) announcement in plenary 3 July 2000 Date of adoption in RED: to be announced Rapporteur: Group, points: I Responsible: RETT R Opinion: ITRE The following two items are own initiative reports planned for the October part-session. Authorisation has been requested and the Committee on Legal Affairs has been asked for an opinion. 10. Constitutionalisation of the treaties (INI002160) POSTPONED 11. Closer cooperation (INI002162) POSTPONED PV\416869EN.doc 9/11 PE 286.041 BILAG/ANLAGE/ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ/ANNEX/ ANNEXE/ALLEGATO/BIJLAGE/ANEXO DELTAGERLISTE/ANWESENHEITSLISTE/ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΠΑΡΟΝΤΩΝ/ RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/LISTA DE ASISTENCIA/LISTE DE PRESENCE/ ELENCO DEI PRESENTI/PRESENTIELIJST/LISTA DE PRESENÇAS Formandskabet/Vorstand/Προεδρείο/Bureau/Ufficio di Presidenza/Mesa : (*) Til stede Ana Palacio Vallelersundi (1, 2), Willi Rothley (1), Rainer Wieland (1,2), Eduard Beysen (1,2) Anwesend Παρόντες Medlemmer/Mitglieder/Μέλη/Members/Diputados/Dιputιs/Deputati/Leden/Deputados: Carlos Candal (1,2), Jean-Maurice Dehousse (1,2), Raina A. Mercedes Echerer (1), Janelly Fourtou (1,2), Marie-Françoise Garaud (1,2), Gerhard Hager (1), Malcolm Harbour (2), Heidi Anneli Hautala (1,2), The Lord Inglewood (1,2), Kurt Lechner (1,2), Klaus-Heiner Lehne (1), Donald Neil MacCormick (1), Arlene McCarthy (1,2), Toine Manders (1), Luis Marinho (1), Hans-Peter Mayer (2), Manuel Medina Ortega (1,2), Bill Miller (1,2), Antonio Tajani (1,2), Feleknas Uca (1,2), Guido Viceconte (1,2), Diana Paulette Wallis (1,2), Joachim Wuermeling (1,2), Stefano Zappalà (1,2), Stedfortrædere/Stellvertreter/?ναπληρωτές/Substitutes/Suplentes/Supplιants/ Membri supplenti/Plaatsvervangers/Membros suplentes: Present Presentes Présents Luis Berenguer Fuster (1,2), Charlotte Cederschiöld (1,2), Brian Crowley (1,2), Françoise D. Grossetête (1), Ioannis Koukiadis (1,2), Ole Krarup (1), Hartmut Nassauer (1,2), Elena Ornella Paciotti (1), Carlos Ripoll i Martínez Bedoya (1,2), Francesco Enrico Speroni (1,2), Astrid Thors (1), Theresa Villiers (1), Christos Zacharakis (1,2), François Zimeray (1), Jürgen Zimmerling (1,2), Presenti Aanwezig Andre Brie (Krivine), Francesco Fiori (H.P. Mayer), Jas Gawronski, Othmar Karas (Doorn), Margot Keßler (Gebhardt), Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, Mario Mantovani, Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca, Art. 153.2 Herbert Bösch, Diemut R. Theato, Art. 162.6 Art. 166.3 Endv. deltog/Weitere Teiln./ Συμμετείχαν επίσης/Also present Participaron igualmente/ Participaient également/ Hanno partecipato altresi΄/ Andere deelnemers/ Outros participantes/ (Dagsorden/Tagesordnung/ Ημερήσια Διάταξη/OJ/OG/Agenda/ Ordem do dia-Pnt./Σημείο/Point/ Punto/Punt/Punto): * (P) = Formand/Vorsitzender/Πρόεδρος/Chairman/Prιsident/Presidente/Voorzitter/Presidente (VP) = Næstform./Stellv. Vorsitz./?ντιπρόεδρος/Vice-Chairman/Vice-Prιsident/Vicepresidente/Ondervoorz./Vice-Pres./Vicepres. Til stede den/Anwesend am/Παρών στις/Present on/Prιsent le/Presente il/Aanwezig op/Presente em/Presente el (1) 11.07.2000 (2) 12.07.2000 PE 286.041 10/11 PV\416869EN.doc Efter indbydelse fra formanden/Auf Einladung d. Vorsitzenden/Με πρόσκληση του Προέδρου/At the invitation of the Chairman/Por invitación del presidente/Sur l'invitation du président/Su invito del presidente/Op uitnodiging van de voorzitter/A convite do presidente/: Radet/Rat/Συμβούλιο/Council/Consejo/Conseil/Consiglio/Raad/Conselho: (*) COMmissionen/COMmission/Επιτροπή/Commission/Comision/Commissione/Commissie/Commissão: (*) OYARZABAL, ALLIX, RENAUDIERE, Cour des comptes: C.E.S.: Andre deltagere Andere Teilnehmer Επίσης Παρόντες Also present Otros participantes Autres participants Autri partecipanti Andere aanwezigen Outros participantes Gruppernes sekretariat Sekretariat der Fraktionen Γραμματεία των Πολ. Ομάδων Secretariat of pol. Groups Secr. de los prupos politicos Secr. des gr. Politiques Segr. dei gruppi politici Secr. van de fracties Secr. dos grupos politicos PPE PSE ELDR V/ALE GUE UEN TDI EDD NI Cab. du Président PRETO (1, 2), BARESI (1, 2) CLARKE (1, 2) COLERA GARZON (1, 2) MAIN (1, 2), F. INGELAERE (1, 2) FERRARA (1, 2) SOIBINET (1, 2) GHILARDI VAUGIER SATTLER (2), CARLES KAVALIERAKIS Cab. du Secrétaire Général DG Présidence Generaldirektorat Generaldirektion Γενική Διεύθυνση Directorate-General Dirección general Direction générale Direzione generale Directoraat-generaal Direcção general Comité du Personnel Contrôle financier Service juridique I II III IV V VI VII DREXLER GANTEN OFFERMANN VALVERDE SCHOO, GARZON CLARIANA Udvalgssekretariatet Ausschubsekretariat Γραμματεία επιτροπής Committee secretariat Secretaria de la comisión Secrétariat de la commission Segretariato della commissione Commissiesecretariaat Secretaria de comissão SCHIFFAUER (1, 2) BRAY (1, 2) HUBER (1, 2) LEONHARDT (1) Assist./Βοηθός ALIMONAKI (1, 2) * (P) = (VP) = (M) = (F) = Formand/Pras./Πρόεδρος/Chairman/Prιsident/Voorzitter Næstform./Vize-Pras./Αντιπρόεδρος/Vice-Chairman/Vice-Prιsident/Ondervoorz./Vice-pres. Medlem./Mitglied/Μέλος/Member/Miembro/Membre/Membro/Lid/Membro Tjenestemand/Beamter/Υπάλληλος/Official/Funcionario/Fonctionnaire/Funzionario/Ambtenaar/Functionαrio PV\416869EN.doc 11/11 PE 286.041