Exceeds Expectations
Got It
Meets Expectations
Not Yet
Needs More Practice
Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor
Ideas &
exploration of topic
ideas and reflection
Exploration of topic insightful. Ideas/
Perceptions confident and discerning.
Support is precise, aptly reinforces ideas
& impressions
Exploration is purposeful. Ideas/
Perceptions are thoughtful and considered. Support is specific and strengthens ideas & impressions
Exploration is generalized. Ideas/
Perceptions are straightforward and relevant. Support is adequate and clarifies ideas & impressions
Exploration is vague.
Ideas/Perceptions are superficial &/ ambiguous. Support is imprecise and/or ineffectively related to ideas & impressions
Exploration is minimal. Ideas/
Perceptions are underdeveloped &/ irrelevant. Support is lacking &/ unrelated to ideas & impressions
stylistic choices
(quality of language and creation of tone)
development of unifying effect
Voice created is convincing. Stylistic choices are precise and creation of tone is adept. Unifying effect is skillfully developed
Voice created is distinct. Stylistic choices are specific and creation of tone is competent. Unifying effect is capably developed
Voice created is apparent. Stylistic choices are adequate and creation of tone is conventional. Unifying effect is appropriately developed
Voice created is indistinct. Stylistic choices are imprecise and creation of tone is inconsistent. Unifying effect is inadequately developed
Voice created is obscure. Stylistic choices impede communication and creation of tone is ineffective. Unifying effect is absent
student has responded using form other than prose
student has written so little that it is not possible to assess Ideas & Impressions
there is no evidence that the topic presented in the assignment has been addressed
there is no connection between the text(s) provided in the assignment and the student’s response
Exceeds Expectations
Got It
Meets Expectations
Not Yet
Needs More Practice
Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor
Thought &
effectiveness of ideas in relation to assignment
quality of literary interpretations and understanding
Ideas insightful & carefully considered, comprehension of subtle distinctions in text and topic. Literary interpretations perceptive and illuminating
Ideas thoughtful & considered, competent comprehension of text and topic. Literary interpretations revealing and sensible
Ideas relevant and straightforward, generalized comprehension of text and topic. Literary interpretations general but plausible
Ideas superficial or oversimplified, weak comprehension of text and topic. Literary interpretations incomplete &/ literal
Ideas largely absent or irrelevant, &/ do not develop topic. Little comprehension of text demonstrated
Evidence (x1.5)
selection and quality of evidence
how well evidence is employed, developed and synthesized to support ideas
Support precise and astutely chosen to reinforce ideas in convincing way. Valid connection to ideas efficiently maintained
Support specific and well chosen to reinforce ideas in persuasive way.
Sound connection to ideas capably maintained
Support general, adequate, and appropriately chosen reinforce ideas acceptably, but may occasionally lack persuasiveness.
Reasonable connection to ideas suitably maintained
Support inadequate, inaccurate, largely a restatement of what was read &/ inappropriately chosen to reinforce ideas, lacks persuasiveness. Weak connection to ideas maintained
Support is irrelevant, overgeneralized, lacks validity and/or is absent.
Little or no connection to ideas evident
Form &
coherent, focussed and shaped arrangement and discussion
unifying effect developed & maintained
Judicious arrangement of ideas and details contributes to fluent discussion which is developed skillfully.
Unifying effect effectively sustained and integrated
Purposeful arrangement of ideas & details contributes to controlled discussion which is developed capably.
Unifying effect coherently sustained and presented
Straightforward arrangement of ideas & details provides direction for appropriate discussion. Unifying effect presented and maintained generally, however, coherence may falter
A discernible but ineffectual arrangement of ideas and details provides some direction for underdeveloped discussion. Unifying effect inconsistently maintained
Haphazard arrangement of ideas and details provides little or no direction for discussion; development is lacking or obscure. Unifying effect is absent
Matters of
choices of syntactic structures
extent to which stylistic choices contribute to creation of voice
Diction is precise.
Syntactic structures effective and sometimes polished. Stylistic choices contribute to skillful composition with convincing voice
Diction is specific.
Syntactic structures generally effective.
Stylistic choices contribute to considered composition with capable voice
Diction is adequate.
Syntactic structures straightforward, complex structures awkward.
Stylistic choices contribute to conventional composition with appropriate voice
Diction is imprecise &/ inappropriate.
Syntactic structures frequently awkward or ambiguous.
Inadequate language choices contribute to vague composition with undiscerning voice
Diction inaccurate
Syntactic structures are uncontrolled or unintelligible. Lack of language choices contributes to confused composition with ineffective voice
Matters of
sentence construction
accuracy of word usage
Confidence in control of correct sentence constructions, usage, grammar and mechanics. Relative absence of error impressive, considering complexity of response
Competence in control of correct sentence constructions, usage, grammar and mechanics. Minor errors in complex structures understandable
Control of basics of correct sentence constructions, usage, grammar and mechanics. Occasional lapses and minor errors, however communication remains clear
Faltering control of correct sentence constructions, usage, grammar and mechanics. Range of errors blurs clarity of communication
Lack of control of correct sentence constructions, usage, grammar and mechanics. Jarring errors impair communication
student has written so little that it is not possible to assess Thought and Understanding and/or Supporting Evidence
no reference has been made to literature studied
only literary reference present is to the text(s) provided in the Personal Response to Texts Assign
no evidence of an attempt to fulfill the task presented in the assignment
Exceeds Expectations
Got It
Meets Expectations
Not Yet
Needs More Practice
Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor
Thought &
effectiveness of ideas in relation to assignment
quality of literary interpretations and understanding
Ideas insightful & carefully considered, comprehension of subtle distinctions in text and topic. Literary interpretations perceptive and illuminating
Ideas thoughtful & considered, competent comprehension of text and topic. Literary interpretations revealing and sensible
Ideas relevant and straightforward, generalized comprehension of text and topic. Literary interpretations general but plausible
Ideas superficial or oversimplified, weak comprehension of text and topic. Literary interpretations incomplete &/ literal
Ideas largely absent or irrelevant, &/ do not develop topic. Little comprehension of text demonstrated
selection and quality of evidence
how well evidence is employed, developed and synthesized to support ideas
Support precise and astutely chosen in convincing way. Valid connection to ideas efficiently maintained
Form &
coherent, focused and shaped exploration
unifying effect developed & maintained
Support specific and well chosen in persuasive way. Sound connection to ideas capably maintained
Support general, adequate, and appropriately chosen, but may occasionally lack persuasiveness.
Reasonable connection to ideas suitably maintained
Support inadequate, inaccurate, largely a restatement of what was read &/ inappropriately chosen to reinforce ideas, lacks persuasiveness. Weak connection to ideas maintained
Support is irrelevant, overgeneralized, lacks validity and/or is absent.
Little or no connection to ideas evident
Judicious arrangement of ideas and details.*
Unifying effect effectively sustained and integrated
Purposeful arrangement of ideas & details.*
Unifying effect coherently sustained and presented
Straightforward arrangement of ideas & details.* Unifying effect presented and maintained generally, however, coherence may falter
A discernible but ineffectual arrangement of ideas and details.*
Unifying effect inconsistently maintained
Haphazard arrangement of ideas and details;* development is lacking or obscure. Unifying effect is absent
* Success in Form and Structure is contingent upon the student’s adherence to the organizational conventions governing the medium in which they’ve chosen to work.
Matters of
extent to which stylistic choices enhance response
Matters of
application of conventions related to the chosen medium
Choices are precise and polished. Stylistic choices contribute to skillful composition
Choices are specific and generally effective.
Stylistic choices contribute to considered composition
Choices are adequate though use of more complex structures may be awkward. Stylistic choices contribute to conventional composition
Choices imprecise &/ inappropriate, frequently awkward and/or ambiguous.
Inadequate stylistic choices contribute to vague composition
Confidence in control of structures of the chosen medium. Relative absence of error impressive, considering complexity of response
Competence in control of structures of the chosen medium. Minor errors in complex structures understandable
Choices are inaccurate
&/overgeneralized and at times may be unintelligible. Lack of stylistic choices contributes to confused composition
Control of basics of structures of the chosen medium. Occasional lapses and minor errors, however communication remains clear
Faltering control of the chosen medium.
Range of errors blurs clarity of communication
Lack of control of chosen medium. Jarring errors impair communication
student has produced so little that it is not possible to assess Thought and Understanding and/or Supporting Evidence
no reference has been made to literature studied
no evidence of an attempt to fulfill the task presented in the assignment
Exceeds Expectations
Got It
Meets Expectations
Not Yet
Needs More Practice
Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor
Thought &
effectiveness of ideas in relation to assignment
quality of literary interpretations and understanding
Ideas insightful & carefully considered, comprehension of subtle distinctions in text and topic. Literary interpretations perceptive and illuminating
Ideas thoughtful & considered, competent comprehension of text and topic. Literary interpretations revealing and sensible
Ideas relevant and straightforward, generalized comprehension of text and topic. Literary interpretations general but plausible
Ideas superficial or oversimplified, weak comprehension of text and topic. Literary interpretations incomplete &/ literal
Ideas largely absent or irrelevant, &/ do not develop topic. Little comprehension of text demonstrated
Evidence (x1)
selection and quality of evidence
how well evidence is employed, developed and synthesized to support ideas
Support precise and astutely chosen to reinforce ideas in convincing way. Valid connection to ideas efficiently maintained
Support specific and well chosen to reinforce ideas in persuasive way.
Sound connection to ideas capably maintained
Support general, adequate, and appropriately chosen reinforce ideas acceptably, but may occasionally lack persuasiveness.
Reasonable connection to ideas suitably maintained
Support inadequate, inaccurate, largely a restatement of what was read &/ inappropriately chosen to reinforce ideas, lacks persuasiveness. Weak connection to ideas maintained
Support is irrelevant, overgeneralized, lacks validity and/or is absent.
Little or no connection to ideas evident
Matters of
choices of syntactic structures
extent to which stylistic choices contribute to creation of voice
Diction is precise.
Syntactic structures effective and sometimes polished. Stylistic choices contribute to skillful composition with convincing voice
Diction is specific.
Syntactic structures generally effective.
Stylistic choices contribute to considered composition with capable voice
Diction is adequate.
Syntactic structures straightforward, complex structures awkward.
Stylistic choices contribute to conventional composition with appropriate voice
Diction is imprecise &/ inappropriate.
Syntactic structures frequently awkward or ambiguous.
Inadequate language choices contribute to vague composition with undiscerning voice
Diction inaccurate
Syntactic structures are uncontrolled or unintelligible. Lack of language choices contributes to confused composition with ineffective voice
Matters of
sentence construction
accuracy of word usage
Confidence in control of correct sentence constructions, usage, grammar and mechanics. Relative absence of error impressive, considering complexity of response
Competence in control of correct sentence constructions, usage, grammar and mechanics. Minor errors in complex structures understandable
Control of basics of correct sentence constructions, usage, grammar and mechanics. Occasional lapses and minor errors, however communication remains clear
Faltering control of correct sentence constructions, usage, grammar and mechanics. Range of errors blurs clarity of communication
Lack of control of correct sentence constructions, usage, grammar and mechanics. Jarring errors impair communication
student has written so little that it is not possible to assess Thought and Understanding and/or Supporting Evidence
no reference has been made to literature studied
only literary reference present is to the text(s) provided in the Personal Response to Texts Assign
no evidence of an attempt to fulfill the task presented in the assignment