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Dispositions Bibliography
(Courtesy of the AHRC Metaphysics of Science Project)
Adams, F. R. (2002), 'Review: The Nature of Meaningfulness: Representing, Powers, and
Meaning, by R. Shope, (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 1999)', Philosophy and
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Armstrong, D. (2006), 'Book Review: 'Powers: A Study in Metaphysics'. George Molnar (ed.
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Armstrong, D. (2005), 'Four Disputes About Properties', Synthese 144, 309-320.
Armstrong, D. (2004), Truth and Truthmakers, Cambridge: CUP.
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Armstrong, D.; Martin, C. & Place, U.Crane, T., ed. (1996), Dispositions: A Debate,
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Armstrong, D. & Place, U. (1991), 'A Debate on Dispositions, Their Nature and Their Role
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Aronson, J. (1997), 'Dispositions as the Foundation for Feynman's Formulation of Quantum
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Berg, J. (1960), 'Some Problems Concerning Disposition Concepts', Theoria 26, 3-16.
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Bird, A. (2000), 'Further Antidotes: A Response to Gundersen', The Philosophical Quarterly
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Bostock, S. (2004), 'Book Review: 'Powers: A Study in Metaphysics'. G. Molnar. S. Mumford
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Butler, D. (1988), 'Character Traits in Explanation', Philosophy and Phenomenological
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Philosophical Quarterly 51, 238-245.
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Cartwright, N. (2007), Causal Powers: What Are They? Why Do We Need Them? What Can
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Cebik, L. (1970), 'Dispositions', Systematics 7, 329-346.
Chakravartty, A. (2003), 'The Dispositional Essentialist View of Properties and Laws',
International Journal ofPhilosophical Studies 11, 393-413.
Champlin, T. (1990), 'Tendencies', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 91, 119-133.
Charlton, W. (1987), 'Aristotelian Powers', Phronesis 32, 277-289.
Chatterjee, A. (1985), 'Towards a Dispositional Ontology', Journal-of-Indian-Council-ofPhilosophical-Research 2, 103-118.
Chisholm, R. M. (1947), 'Book Review: 'Power and Events'. A.P. Ushenko. (Princeton,
1946)', The Philosophical Review 56(4), 431--433.
Choi, S. (2006), 'The Simple vs. Reformed Conditional Analysis of Dispositions', Synthese
148, 369-379.
Choi, S. (2005), 'Dispositions and Mimickers', Philosophical Studies 122, 183-188.
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Philosophical Quarterly 55, 495-503.
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Christensen, D. (1992), 'Causal Powers and Conceptual Connections', Analysis 52, 163-168.
Clapp, L. (2002), 'Book Review: 'Scientific Essentialism'. Brian Ellis. (Cambridge, 2001)', The
Philosophical Review 111(4), 589--594.
Coder, D. (1969), 'Some Misconceptions about Dispositions', Analysis 29(6), 200--202.
Cohen, J. (2002), 'On an Alleged Non-Equivalence between Dispositions and Disjunctive
Properties', British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53, 77-81.
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Craig, E. (1987), 'Book Review: 'Dispositions'. Elizabeth Prior. (Aberdeen, 1985)', The
Philosophical Quarterly 37(146), 109--111.
Crawford, S. (2003), 'Relational Properties, Causal Powers and Psychological Laws', Acta
Analytica 18, 193-216.
Cross, T. (2005), 'What is a Disposition?', Synthese 144, 321-341.
Cummins, R. (1975), 'Functional Analysis', Journal of Philosophy 72, 741-765.
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D'Alessio, J. (1967), 'Dispositions, Reduction Sentences and Causal Conditionals', Critica
Revista Hispano Americana de Filosofia 14, 65-76.
Dalrymple, H. (1975), 'Dispositional and Causal Explanation', South-West Journal of
Philosophy 6, 115-121.
Davies, P. (1995), Superforce, London, Penguin.
Dennett, D. (1971), 'Intentional Systems', Journal of Philosophy 68, 87-106.
Dilworth, J. (2006), 'A Reflexive Dispositional Analysis of Merchanistic Perception', Minds
and Machines 16, 479-493.
Dilworth, J. (2005), 'A Naturalistic, Reflexive Dispositional Approach to Perception',
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Doris, J. (2002), Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior, New York: Cambridge
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Dowe, P. (1998), 'Book Review: 'A World of States of Affairs'. D.M. Armstrong.
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Dreier, J. (2000), 'Dispositions and Fetishes: Externalist Models of Moral Motivation',
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 61, 619-638.
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International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9, 280-283.
Drewery, A. (2001), 'Dispositions and Ceteris Paribus Laws', British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science 52, 723-733.
Eells, E. (1995), 'Cartwright on Probabilistic Causality: Types, Tokens, and Capacities',
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55, 169-175.
Ehring, D. (1985), 'Dispositions And Functions: Cummins On Functional Analysis',
Erkenntnis 23, 243-249.
Ellis, B. (2005), 'Katzav on the Limitations of Dispositionalism', Analysis 65, 90-92.
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23, 189-210.
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Engel, P. (1999), 'Dispositional Belief, Assent, and Acceptance', Dialectica 53, 211-226.
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