Conference Debate

The Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) is pleased to
invite you to the special conference:
“Growing greener cities: Factors affecting cleantech
deployment in cities”
by Stephen Hammer*
(Professor at Columbia University & advisor to the OECD)
discussant (Michel Colombier - IDDRI)
moderated by Benoit Lefèvre (Programme Director Urban Fabric - IDDRI)
Wednesday 9th of March, 2011, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
at Sciences Po – room Leroy-Beaulieu (3d floor)
27, rue Saint-Guillaume – 75007 Paris
(M° Saint-Germain-des-Prés)
The recognition that cities are the key to addressing climate change has meant that cleantech
companies are now focusing their efforts spatially. The solutions promoted cover a wide range of
policy arenas, from transport to buildings to power generation and distribution. Getting these
solutions deployed is not as easy as the marketers would have us believe though, due to a wide
range of locally specific resources, institutional and financing obstacles. Based upon examples
from around the world, this talk will focus on academia’s and government’s capacity to move
beyond the rhetoric in order to create a more friendly landscape to cleantech deployment.
The conference and debates will take place in English.
* Stephen HAMMER provides research and project management support on climate, energy, and environmentrelated topics to public, private, and non-governmental organisations. He currently serves as an advisor on “green
growth” initiatives to the OECD in Paris. He previously served as a consultant and founding Executive Director of the
Energy Smart Cities Initiative, a China-based initiative which provides energy and climate policy training and runs
technical assistance programs for local governments around China. He also founded and served as Director of the
Urban Energy Program at Columbia University’s Center for Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy. He is the
co-founder and co-Director of the Urban Climate Change Research Network and a member of New York City Mayor
Bloomberg’s Energy Policy Task Force.
Stephen Hammer has written extensively on urban sustainability planning, urban energy systems, distributed
generation technology, and the impacts of climate change on local and regional energy networks. He teaches graduate
courses on energy policy at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), serves on the
editorial board of the academic journal Local Environment, is a reviewer for Energy Policy journal, and is the co-editor
of a forthcoming book on climate change and cities, to be published by Cambridge University Press in spring 2011.
Stephen Hammer holds a PhD from the London School of Economics, an MPP from the Kennedy School of
Government at Harvard University, and a B.S. from the University of California at Davis.
Please confirm your participation before the 8th of March 2011 by fax (01 45 49 76 85) or by email to
Julie Cohen (
Please fill in the registration form and return by fax 01 45 49 76 85 or email to Julie Cohen before the 8th of March.
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the conference of Stephen Hammer, on March 9 2011.
Please note that IDDRI conferences are recorded and then made available on IDDRI’s website and
TerreTv’s website.
Please fill in the registration form and return
by fax 01 45 49 76 85 or email to Julie Cohen
before the 8th of March 2011.
27 rue St Guillaume - 75 007 Paris
Tel : 01 45 49 76 60
Fax : 01 45 49 76 85