Syllabus - California State University, Bakersfield

Excellence- Integrity-Caring
EDSP 301 (3 quarter units)
Teaching Exceptional Diverse Learners in Inclusive Settings
Fall, 2010
Instructor’s office
Phone :
Yeunjoo Lee, Ph.D.
EDUC 219
(661) 654-6478 (w)
Candidate Dispositions
Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other professional school personnel know
and demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions
necessary to help all students learn.
Professional Collaboration: Candidates will participate in action-oriented collaboration
that will enable them to learn from others and provide leadership in partnerships with all
Reflective Practitioner: Candidates are reflective, life long learners who apply problem
solving and critical thinking strategies and the respectful appreciation of differing points
of view.
Ethical Professional: Candidates’ actions are based on accepted professional standards of
conduct and reflect insight and awareness with respect to diverse perspectives, opinions,
obligations and ethical responsibilities of the profession.
Student/Client Centered: Candidates, throughout their programs, will prioritize the needs
of the students/clients they serve by maintaining trusting relationships built upon caring,
nurturing (respective) and meaningful interactions.
Professional Leader: Candidates, throughout their programs, will be strong, determined,
professional leaders with a clear instructional focus using effective communication skills
and a willingness to take risks to ensure the advancement, safety, and welfare of all
students in our communities.
Professional Competence: Candidates will maintain high programmatic outcomes that
reflect research-based practices, principles of learning differentiation, and standards
based instruction.
This course presents an overview of the role and responsibilities of elementary and secondary
teachers in meeting the educational needs general of exceptional and diverse learners in general
education classrooms. Students will be given the opportunity to study the special education
process, characteristics of exceptional, diverse, and at-risk learners, and the use of effective
differentiated instructional guidelines, practices and accommodations. Emphasis will also be
EDSP 301- 2
focused on management considerations, evaluative and collaborative activities, curriculum
modifications, and laws, procedures and regulations pertaining to the education of exceptional
Vaughn, S. Bos, C. S. & Schumm, J. S. (2011). Teaching Students Who are Exceptional,
Diverse, and at Risk in the General Education Classroom (Fifth Edition). Boston, MA:
Allyn and Bacon.
 membership: You can purchase the livetext membership at the CSUB
runner bookstore (Multiple or Single subject credential candidates only)
RECOMMENDED READING (Reserved in the Walter Stern Library):
Friend, M. & Bursuck, W. D. (2002). Including Students with Special Needs: A Practical Guide
for Classroom Teachers. (Third Edition). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Lewis, R. B. Z& Doorlag, D. H. (1999). Teaching special Students in General education
Classrooms. (Fifth Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill, Prentice-Hall.
Wood, J. W. (2002). Adapting Instruction to Accommodate Students in Inclusive Settings.
(Fourth Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill, Prentice-Hall.
The candidate will be able to:
1. demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of major categories of exceptionalities
including the students with disabilities and giftedness;
o Program Standard 3: Educating Diverse Learners.
2. discuss relevant and state and federal laws, practices, and procedural safeguards, and
regulations pertaining to the education of exceptional and diverse populations, as well
as the general education teacher’s role and responsibilities in Individual Education
Program (IEP) process, including: identification; referral; assessment; IEP planning
and meeting; implementation; and evaluation;
o Program Standard 2: Professional, Legal, and ethical Practices
o (CLAD 13).
3. demonstrate the basic knowledge and skills in assessing the learning and language
abilities of students with special needs in order to identify students for pre-referral
and referral to special education programs and gifted and talented education
o Program Standard 5: Assessment of Students
o (CLAD 7, 13)
4. select and use appropriate instructional materials and technologies, including assistive
technologies, and differentiated teaching and management strategies to meet the
needs of special populations including exceptional, diverse and at-risk learners in the
general education classroom;
o Program Standard 6: Using Educational and Assistive Technology
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o (CLAD 7, 13)
5. demonstrate the skills to plan, deliver and evaluate instruction to those identified as
students with special needs and/or those who are gifted and talented that will provide
these students access to the core curriculum;
o Program Standard 13: Curriculum and Instruction of Students with Disabilities
o Program Standard 9: Preparation to Teach Reading/Language Arts
o (CLAD 7, 13)
6. demonstrate the skills to know when and how to address the issues of social integration
for students with special needs who are included in the general education
o Program Standard 12: Behavioral, Social, and Environmental Supports for
o (CLAD 13).
Journals for Review
Exceptional Children
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Journal of Mental Retardation
Behavioral Disorders
Learning Disabilities Research and Practice
Teacher Education and Special Education
Focus on Exceptional Children
Journal of Learning Disabilities
Journal of Special Education
Learning Disabilities Quarterly
Teaching Exceptional Children
General Information:
a. Request for modifications: If you require instructional modifications due to a
DOCUMENTED disability (by Student Disability Services), please make an appointment to
see me after the first class or before the second class meeting.
b. Assignments are due at midnight on the assigned due date. Late assignments will
automatically lose 10% of its assigned credit. No assignments will be accepted one week
after assigned due dates.
c. If you have an emergency on the day of a test you will be allowed to make up that test on a
compromised day with the instructor.
d. All assignments should be written in APA format (6th edition). For example, 12 fonts, oneinch margins, and double space.
e. Be aware that I do not assign extra work. You will receive the grade you have earned. I do
not assign bonus points, nor do I give you credit for how hard you try.
f. Students who choose to violate the standards of ethical conduct will be dealt with as outlined
in CSUB 2009-2011 (p. 82-83) catalogue. See the instructor if you need a copy of this
1. Self-Introduction
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EDSP 301- 4
Post self-introduction in the “Discussion” by Sept. 20.
Your description should include
o Your name.
o Experience with students with disabilities.
o Current work place.
o One unique thing about yourself.
2. Informational Examinations.
There are three scheduled tests throughout the quarter. Clink the TEST link in Blackboard
to take a test on an assigned date (between 9 am and midnight).
Test questions will take many forms, but most will be multiple choices, true/false, fill-in
the black, and/or short answer. Each test is valued 40 points.
The test items will be generally from textbook, therefore, it is critical to read the textbook
before taking tests.
You have 90 minutes to complete a test.
Test Number
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Sept. 30
Oct. 22
Nov. 18
Assigned Chapters
1, 2, 3, 5, 6
4, 7, 8, 9, 10
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Two Mandatory Blackboard Discussions
Instructor will provide two discussion topics.
You will need to actively participate in discussion boards.
Your main posting should be 2-3 paragraphs and reflect on the readings.
Protocols for Online Discussion
Postings should be evenly distributed during the discussion period (not concentrated
all on one day or at the beginning and/or end of the period).
Postings should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two
Avoid postings that are limited to 'I agree' or 'great idea', etc. If you agree (or
disagree) with a posting then say why you agree by supporting your statement with
concepts from the readings or by bringing in a related example or experience.
Address the questions as much as possible (don't let the discussion stray).
Try to use quotes from the readings that support your postings. Include page numbers
when you do that.
Build on others responses to create threads.
Bring in related prior knowledge (work experience, prior coursework, readings, etc.)
Use proper etiquette (proper language, typing, etc.).
Rubric for evaluating online discussions:
Timely discussion
Excellent (90-100%) Good (80-89%)
Timely and
Timely postings.
Dr. Lee, EDSP 301 - 4
Average (60-79%) Poor (50% or lower)
One or two late
Late postings. No
EDSP 301- 5
substantive postings. Adequate
Great contribution to contribution to
Responsiveness to discussion
and demonstration of
knowledge and
understanding gained from
assigned reading
Adherence to on-line
very clear that
readings were
understood and
incorporated well into
all on-line protocols
readings were
understood and
incorporated into
contribution to
postings have
relationship to
reading material
contribution to
not evident that
readings were
understood and/or not
incorporated into
1online protocol not 2-3 online protocols 4 or more online
not followed
protocols not
4. Please select one project from following options and submit a report to
Special Education Class Observation Reports:
 Observe a K-12 special education classroom in public schools.
 Please see Appendix A for further description about the assignment.
 Submit your report to LIVETEXT.COM.
 Please see Appendix B for the direction to submit an assignment to LiveText.
Chancellor’s Office of Risk Management is requiring all students in various
fields, including the Credential Program to purchase Professional Liability
Insurance at the cost of $20 per Academic Year (or the designated current rate).
This fee may be paid at the Cashier’s window or online.
Visit online modules in the table. Select TWO online modules from the table that
are meaningful or interest you.
Complete the module by following the order of Challenge, Thoughts, Perspectives
and Resources, Assessment, and Wrap-up. Respond to questions in
ASSESSMENT from each module.
Your responses should demonstrate your understanding and reflection of the
Post your responses to
Module #1
RTI (Part 1): An overview
Module #2
The Pre-Referral Process: Procedures for Supporting Students with
Academic and Behavioral Concerns
Module #3
RTI (Part 3): Reading Instruction
( )
Module #4
Instructional Accommodations: Making the Learning Environment
Accessible to Students with Visual Disabilities
( )
Dr. Lee, EDSP 301 - 5
EDSP 301- 6
Assignment Point Values:
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Blackboard Discussion
Choice of projects
Grading Scale:
A = 94% (or higher)
B+ = 87-89%
B- = 80-82%
C = 73-76%
D = 69-60%
Individual Point Value
Due Date
Sept. 20
Sept. 30
Oct. 22
Nov. 18
My Grade
Oct. 28
59% or below
The schedule is subject to change.
Topics of Discussion
Week 1
Sept. 13-19
Week 2
Sept. 20-26
Week 3
Sept. 27Oct. 3
Chapter 1. Special Education and Inclusive Schooling
Chapter 2. Response to Intervention: Developing success for all
Chapter 3.Communicating and Collaborating with Other
Professionals and Families.
Chapter 5: Promoting Social Acceptance and Managing Student
Chapter 4. Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students.
Chapter 6. Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities and
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Week 4
Oct. 4-10
Chapter 7. Teaching Students with Communication Disorders.
Week 5
Oct. 11-17
Chapter 8. Teaching Students with Emotional and Behavioral
Week 6
Oct. 18-24
Chapter 9. Teaching students with Autism Spectrum
Disorders/Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
Chapter 10. Teaching Students with Developmental Disabilities.
Dr. Lee, EDSP 301 - 6
Test #1
Test #2
EDSP 301- 7
Week 7
Oct. 25-31
Chapter 11.Teaching Students with Lower-Incident Disabilities.
Week 8
Nov. 1-7
Week 9
Nov. 8-14
Chapter 12. Facilitating Reading
Chapter 13. Facilitating Writing
Chapter 14. Helping All Students Success in Mathematics.
Chapter 15. Differentiating Instruction and Assessment for Middle
and High School Students.
Chapter 16. Fostering Strategies for Student Independence
Week 10
Nov. 15-21
Special education
observation and
interview due.
Test #3
Related Youtube videos
What is IEP?
A mock IEP meeting:
FAT city Processing of students with LD:
FAT city reading and decoding:
FAT city reading comprehension:
FAT city visual perception:
Involving students with severe disabilities in a football game.
Living with TBI
Basic Facts about TBI
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (for Bakersfield campus)
To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact the Office of Services
for Students with Disabilities (SSD) as soon as possible. Their office is located in SA 140, and
they may be reached at 661-654-3360 (voice), or 661-654-6288 (TDD). If you have an
accommodations letter from the SSD Office documenting that you have a disability, please
present the letter to me during my office hours as soon as possible so we can discuss the specific
accommodations that you might need in this class.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (for AV campus)
To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact the Office of Services
for Students with Disabilities (SSD) as soon as possible. Their office is located in Bldg. 200, and
Dr. Lee, EDSP 301 - 7
EDSP 301- 8
they may be reached at 661-952-5061 (voice) or 661-952-5120 (tdd). If you have an
accommodation letter from the SSD Office documenting that you have a disability, please
present the letter to me during my office hours so we can discuss the specific accommodations
that you might need in this class.
From CSUB Catalog 2009-11, pages 82-83
Academic Integrity. The principles of truth and integrity are recognized as fundamental to a
community of teachers and scholars. The University expects that both faculty and students will
honor these principles and in so doing will protect the integrity of all academic work and student
grades. Students are expected to do all work assigned to them without unauthorized assistance
and without giving unauthorized assistance. Faculty have the responsibility of exercising care in
the planning and supervision of academic work so that honest effort will be encouraged and
positively reinforced.
There are certain forms of conduct that violate the university’s policy of academic integrity.
Academic dishonesty (cheating) is a broad category of actions that involve fraud and deception
to improve a grade or obtain course credit. Academic dishonesty (cheating) is not limited to
examination situations alone, but arises whenever students attempt to gain an unearned academic
advantage. Plagiarism is a specific form of academic dishonesty (cheating) which consists of the
misuse of published or unpublished works of another by claiming them as one’s own. Plagiarism
may consist of handing in someone else’s work as one’s own, copying or purchasing a prewritten composition and claiming it as one’s own, using paragraphs, sentences, phrases, words or
ideas written by another without giving appropriate citation, or using data and/or statistics
compiled by another without giving appropriate citation. Another example of academic
dishonesty (cheating) is the submission of the same, or essentially the same paper or other
assignment for credit in two different courses without receiving prior approval from the
instructors of the affected courses.
When a faculty member discovers a violation of the university’s policy of academic integrity, the
faculty member is required to notify the CSUB Dean of Student Life and CSUB Student Conduct
Coordinator and the student(s) involved. A course grade of ‘F’ may be assigned or another grade
penalty may be applied at the discretion of the course instructor. Additional academic sanctions
are determined by the student conduct coordinator. Academic sanctions may include disciplinary
probation, suspension, permanent expulsion from the university or from the California State
University system, administrative hold on the release of records, and withholding a degree.
Disciplinary probation shall be noted on the student’s formal academic record only for the
duration of the probationary period. Disciplinary suspension and expulsion are a part of the
student’s permanent record.
The student may pursue a formal hearing or make a settlement agreement with the student
conduct coordinator. CSUB Dean of Student Life and CSUB Student Conduct Coordinator shall
conduct an investigation, confer with the faculty member, students and any witnesses identified,
and review all evidence. The student is entitled to a formal hearing scheduled by the CSUB Dean
of Student Life and CSUB Student Conduct Coordinator, in which the evidence of the alleged
Dr. Lee, EDSP 301 - 8
EDSP 301- 9
violation shall be presented before an impartial Hearing Officer (appointed by the President) and
the student shall be present to provide an explanation or defense. The Hearing Officer shall
submit a written report to the President containing the findings, conclusions, and
recommendations. Alternatively, a settlement agreement may be made with the CSUB Dean of
Student Life and CSUB Student Conduct Coordinator. The settlement agreement will specify the
academic sanctions, the length and terms of disciplinary probation or suspension, and the
conditions the student is expected to meet in order to remain in good standing (e.g., training or
regular meetings with the CSUB Dean of Student Life and CSUB Student Conduct Coordinator).
All sanctions are reported to the instructor reporting the incident, the student’s Chair, and the
student’s Dean.
Any repeated violation of academic integrity shall result in more serious academic sanctions.
Normally, this will include suspension or expulsion from the university with a note on the
student’s permanent record.
Academic Freedom. Freedom to pursue truth and to achieve personal and intellectual
development is essential to CSUB’s community of scholars. The University is firmly committed
to such freedom for both students and faculty. Academic freedom is the University’s guarantee
of freedom of expression by all students and faculty under the First Amendment.
For the achievement of academic freedom, a necessary condition for such pursuit is an
acceptance of the spirit of inquiry and appreciation for diverse ideas, viewpoints, cultures, and
life-styles. Acceptance must be demonstrated not only in the classroom but in all other areas of
the campus. The achievement of academic freedom, however, must occur within a respect for
law and the protection of the opinions and dignity of others.
Civility and Respectful Conduct. The classroom is essential for the achievement of academic
freedom, the pursuit of truth, and the development of students. Because of its importance,
students are expected to exhibit respect for the views of others, the professionalism of the
instructor, and the goals of academic freedom whenever they are in the classroom.
Faculty are obligated to recognize and respect student diversity, ideas, perceptions, and opinions.
At the same time, faculty have a fundamental responsibility to maintain the integrity of the
learning environment. When confronted by unreasonable disruption in the classroom, faculty are
expected to initiate actions to correct such conditions. Such actions may result in disciplinary
action ranging from removal from the classroom to formal disciplinary sanctions, including
probation, suspension, or expulsion.
As of August 1, 2006, the CSU Chancellor’s Office of Risk Management is requiring all students
in various fields, including the Credential Program to purchase Professional Liability Insurance
at the cost of $16 per Academic Year (or the designated current rate). This fee may be paid at
the Cashier’s window or online.
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EDSP 301- 10
Appendix A
Classroom Observation (40 pts)
The purpose of this assignment is to expose you to a special education classroom.
Visit one special education classroom in a k-12 public school.
Use the observation template in the Blackboard to complete an observation report.
You can either use the downloaded form or write in narrative. When you write in
narrative, you should follow the subtopics provided in the form. Do NOT forget to
provide your reflections on each subtopic.
“Reflection” is a critical component in this report. Consider the following questions when
you write your reflection: Does it reflect the best practices discussed in the textbook?
How? What would you do differently if you were the teacher? Specify why and why-not.
Support your opinion with literature (e.g., textbook).
Observations must be of at least one hour or one class period duration.
You will find a sample of observation reports in the Blackboard. The report is better than
others, but not perfect. You may want to add information from the text book or other
sources to support your thoughts and opinion. Observe the classroom and think of what
you could do better if you were the teacher.
Provide constructive feedbacks on the lesson or teaching styles in the report.
Please be sure to get permission from the principal’s office to observe the class.
Please be on time. Arrive at your observation site before a session begins so that you do
not disturb the class. Be situated in a place where your presence is least distracting to the
Ask questions to the teacher after your observation if you have any questions.
Please remember that this observation is for your learning purposes. Try to learn
something and report what you have learned. You are not there to criticize the teache
You should appreciate the opportunity for this observation and appreciate that they gave
you the permission to observe their classes.
Thank them when you leave.
Please check the scoring rubric in the LiveText template. Your observation report
will be graded against the rubric.
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Appendix B
Instructions for Submitting a Signature Assignment
EDSP 301
Developed by Yeunjoo Lee, Ph.D.
1. From the LiveText home page type in your username & password, then click the Login Button
2. Click My Work on the left side of the screen.
3. On the My Work page
a. Click on CREATE
4. On the Materials>Create document page:
a. Under “1. Choose a folder,” select PROJECT California State University, Bakersfield
b. Under “2. Choose a template,” select EDSP 301 signature assignment.
c. Give a title “301 Project” (Note: It is extremely important that you use this title.)
d. Click on CREATE DOCUMENT on the bottom of the page.
5. On the EDSP 301 Signature Assignment page:
a. Read “EDSP 301 Course description” “EDSP 301 Signature Assignment Description”
“CTC cross referenced standards with competencies” and “scoring rubric.”
b. Click EDIT on the right side of the “insert your observation report here” column.
c. Cut & PASTE your assignment into the blank space (after
removing any unwanted LiveText instructions)
d. Click SAVE
e. Click FINISH
6. After scrolling back up to the top of the screen: (if you do not follow this step, your report will
not be graded).
a. Click Submit for Review.
b. Type ylee in the dialogue box.
Now, you are done!
Dr. Lee, EDSP 301 - 11