Development of an Experimental Paradigm In Which to Examine Human Learning Using Two Computer-Based Formats Ariel Haas and Helene M. Hoffman University of California at San Diego (UCSD), School of Medicine Office of Educational Computing INTRODUCTION Human anatomy is extremely challenging to teach and learn. Traditionally, anatomy is taught through a combination of textbooks, lectures, and laboratory dissections. While still considered the "gold standard" against which alternatives are judged, the above practices in anatomy education do not fully support students’ need to develop the necessary conceptual understanding of spatial-anatomic relationships and to apply anatomic knowledge to clinical problem-solving scenarios. Pedagogical challenges are further complicated by reduced hours available to anatomy education and a growing need to find alternatives for cadaver and animal specimens. Computer-based instructional programs are frequently promoted as a means to augment or replace the traditional anatomy curriculum. The most commonly used are multimedia programs range from static slide shows to interactive dissection manuals. Virtual reality (VR)-based environments, increasingly advocated as a means to practice surgical and procedural skills, have not yet gained widespread acceptance with anatomy educators. This reluctance to embrace the newer simulation-based applications may be due to: •Reservations about embracing new technology without scientific proof that it improves learning and retention •Fear that students will avoid traditional classroom and didactic teaching methods in favor of computer-based learning •Costs Each of these valid concerns must be addressed before technology-based resources are considered for today’s educational context. AIMS The UCSD School of Medicine is embarking on a series of studies to compare the efficacy and efficiency of new and conventional computer-based learning formats. The initial study, which will commence shortly at UCSD, will compare knowledge acquisition and problem solving among medical students who are learning an anatomy lesson using one of two different computer-based instructional modalities: Multimedia, a 2-dimensional (2D) learning environment with pre-selected idealized views of anatomic structures or VR, a 3-dimensional (3D) learning module with student-selected visualization options. Each modality will provide equivalent lesson content, but will differ in their level of interactivity. This poster describes the content and process of lesson building and the overall experimental strategy that will be employed in subsequent studies. METHODS Learning Module Design: o A self-instructional lesson on lung anatomy, consistent with an introductory medical school anatomy curriculum o Able to be completed by students in one hour or less o Deliverable via both the Multimedia and VR formats o Using anatomic models derived from NLM’s Visible Human database or developed at UCSD o Incorporating digital still and video images to provide clinical context and introduce anatomic structures from a variety of clinically relevant viewpoints o Text used only to stimulate student exploration and promote learning through self-discovery. Virtual Reality Lesson: o Implemented using UCSD’s Anatomic VisualizeR’s Lesson Editor [1]. o Virtual Study Guide used to organize the lesson into primary topics, deliver short action phrases and questions, and provide selectable links for feedback and additional information. o An example of the VR implementation is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: The learning module as implemented in Anatomic VisualizeR. These images represent one scene from the lung module, captured at different times in the exercise. The image on the left is the initial scene presented to the student upon entering into the Lung section of the lesson. Students are able to directly interact with the 3D models, use tools to link/unlink structures, dynamically create cross-sectional views, change opacity and view interior structures. The image on the right demonstrates the additional resources (an explanatory text file and clinical images) requested by the student during the exploratory exercise. Multimedia Lesson o Developed using Microsoft PowerPoint o Index page used to organize lesson topics and provide a cognitive framework o Anatomic images found in the multimedia lesson created by screen captures of 3D models in the virtual environment. o Supporting 2D imagery (diagrams, clinical photographs, etc.) and the descriptive text (with only slight modification of the short action phrases) are identical in both lessons. o The implementation of the multimedia-based lesson is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: The learning module as implemented in Microsoft PowerPoint. These images are sequential screens from the multimedia version of the lung anatomy learning module. The image on the left is the first screen of the Lung section and the image on the right shows the additional resources (explanatory text and clinical images) in the following screen of this lesson. Experimental Protocol Overview: o Subjects: Twenty, first-year medical student volunteers o Orientation: A one-hour session during which students have hands-on introduction to the two computer-based formats and complete a demographic questionnaire. o Assignments: Students prospectively randomized into two groups: one assigned the multimedia environment (PowerPoint), the other the VR environment (Anatomic VisualizeR). o Study Period: Each group given 60 minutes to complete their lesson. o Post-Test: Immediately thereafter, students an identical written examination and complete a short follow-up questionnaire Evaluation Assessment of these educational studies will be keyed to several levels of cognitive performance and standardized sets of learning goals. •Written examination to test factual knowledge, conceptual understanding of spatial-anatomic relationships, and the ability to apply newly acquired knowledge of lung anatomy to clinical problem-solving scenarios. •Questionnaires to measure the perceived quality of the educational experience as well as demographic and attitudinal dimensions. DISCUSSION Lesson Development: The challenges encountered in development and implementation of the two computer-based learning modules were both technical and pedagogic. •3D materials, particularly creation of high-quality polygonal models of the thorax. •2D multimedia resource acquisition, editing, annotation, and cataloging. •Text presentation intended to be an important catalyst in the learning process, including the syntax for short action phrases / questions, and the criteria for their placement within the lesson framework. •Design of VR lesson that could compel students to actively explore the 3D models, to ask and answer their own questions, yet contain sufficient structure to ensure that the underlying learning objectives are realized. •Creation of an equivalent multimedia lesson that would provide a highquality interface, interaction options, and access to the requisite instructional elements. Virtual Reality: The educational experiences afforded by VR are frequently touted as superior to those of other computer-based learning modalities and consistent with currently accepted best practices in education2,3. Virtual environments, such as Anatomic VisualizeR are predicated on the notion of student exploration, discovery, and active self-learning. Students are able to disassemble and reconstruct spatial anatomic relationships while participating actively in the virtual learning environment. •The cognitive processes evoked in a virtual learning environment are thought to be similar to those employed when people acquire knowledge from authentic real-life experiences, and are therefore potentially superior. •The direct physical links between the learner’s actions and effects within the simulation (e.g., interacting with 3D models, using tools to link/unlink structures, dynamically creating cross-sectional views, changing opacity to view interior structures, etc.) are thought to enable a greater understanding of complex spatial relationships4. •This positive view of virtual learning and 3D visualization is not universally accepted and one recent account has suggested that students remember objects as limited 2D views, making 3D representation extraneous and burdensome5. Clearly, further investigation into the efficiency and effectiveness of learning anatomy with computer-based formats is required. Only by systematically comparing the efficacy of VR and multimedia formats, will we hope to elucidate the appropriate roles for virtual and conventional representations in anatomy education. The results of the pilot study described here will be used to refine and improve the design of the remainder of studies planned in this experimental series. References [1] Hoffman H., Murray M., Anatomic VisualizeR: Realizing the Vision of a VRbased learning Environment. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 62:134-40, 1999. [2] Lake D. A., Active Learning: Student Performance And Perceptions Compared With Lecture. Selected papers from the 11th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL., 119-124, 2000. [3] Hetzroni O.E., Effects of Active versus Passive Computer Instruction on the Learning of Element and Compound Blissymbols. Augmentative & Alternative Communication. June 16 (2): 95-106, 2000. [4] Salzman M.C., Dede C., Bowen Loftin R., Chen J., A Model for Understanding how Virtual Reality Aids Complex Conceptual Learning. Presence 8(3): 293-316, 1999. [5] Garg A., Norman G.R., Spero L., Maheshwari P., Do Virtual Computer Models Hinder Anatomy Learning? Academic Medicine 74:S87-S89, 1999.