Announcement of the 30th Annual International Symposium (doc file)

27th Annual International Symposium on Acupunture,
Electro-Therapeutics & Related Integrative Medicine
to be held October 21-24 (Fri.-Mon.), 2011 at the Garden Room of Faculty House , 64 Morningside
Drive, New York, NY 10022, at Columbia University in the City of New York
This 4-day meeting is accredited for 35 Credit hours by the New York State Boards for Medicine & Dentistry towards the 300-hour requirement for
the acupuncture certificate for licensed physicians and dentists in New York State to be able to practice acupuncture. It is also recognized for credit
by many other states & countries. It is also accredited by NCCAOM for licensed acupuncturists towards recertification credit hours for core
knowledge, skills, and ability as well as adjunct therapy/continuing education. The 27th Annual International Symposium is organized by the
International College of Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics (permanently chartered by the University of the State of New York) and its official
journal, Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The International Journal (Cognizant Communications), by the Heart Disease Research
Foundation; the Nordic Acupuncture Soc. (Scandinavia); the Schmerz Therapeutische Kolloquium (Germany); German Bi-Digital O-Ring Test
Medical Society; Portuguese Federation of Acupuncture Association; Serbian Medical Acupuncture Soc; Brazilian Med. Acupuncture Soc;
Federation of Acupuncture Soc.'s of S. America; Hippocratic Foundation of Greece; Institute of Acupuncture Research, Shanghai Medical College of
Fudan Univ (Former Shanghai Med University); Ukrainian Nat. Kiev Medical Univ, Dept of Non-Orthodox Medicine; Japan Bi-Digital O-Ring Test
Medical Society, etc. Renowned clinicians and scientists from different part of the world will present or demonstrate their latest research.
*Acupuncture, Electro-Therapeutics and Related Therapies in the East and West: Past, Present and Future.
*Neurotransmitters and their Inhibitors; and Mechanisms of Pain, Depression, Abnormal Behavior & Memory.
*Normal and Abnormal Blood Pressure and Blood Flow, etc., in the Brain and Other Parts of the Body, and the
Effects of Acupuncture and Electro-therapy on Circulation, Blood Chemistry and Neurotransmitters.
*Acupuncture, Electrotherapy & Qi Gong in the Treatment of Intractable Pain and Intractable Problems in
Surgery, Anesthesia, Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine, Psychiatry, Geriatric Medicine, Dentistry,
Veterinary Medicine, etc., (Their effect on Circulation & Selective Drug Uptake Enhancement Methods).
*Meridians & Acupuncture Points & their Biophysics & Biochemistry as well as Connections to Cerebral Cortex.
*Evaluation of the Effects of Acupuncture, Electrotherapy, Laser, Qi Gong, Western & Herbal Medicine.
*Beneficial and Adverse Effects of Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics, Laser, Qi Gong, Electro-Magnetic fields.
*Diagnosis and Therapy Based on the Organ Representation Concept: Cerebral Cortical, Scalp, Auricular,
Facial, Lip, Tongue, Hand and Foot, and Nasal Representation Areas of the Different Organs of the Body.
*Manual & Electro-Acupuncture, TENS & Qi Gong in Cardiovascular Diseases (Stroke, Myocardial Infarct, etc.),
Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Diseases, Drug Addictions & Obesity, TMJ problems, Electro- (Kirlian) Photography.
*Medico-Legal Standards for Teaching and Practicing Acupuncture, Electro-Therapeutics, and Related Fields.
*"Bi-Digital O-Ring Test" in Acupuncture, Electrotherapy & Western Medicine: Its Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications [e.g. Imaging of
Internal Organs and their Corresponding Meridians and Acupuncture Points, Identification & Localization of Bacteria, Viruses, Malignant
Tumors (Early Diagnosis & Treatment), Neuro-transmitters, Hormones, Drugs, Toxic Substances] & Food & Drug Compatibility Test, Optimal
Dosage & Drug Uptake. Detection of Valuable, but Invisible, Information on X-rays, MRI, SPECT & PET scans, hand writing.
*How to Prevent Potential Adverse Effects of Acupuncture, Electro-Therapeutics, Qi Gong, Western & Herbal Medicine.
*Factors Influencing Safe and Effective Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, TENS, Electro-Magnetic Field Stimulation
and related Electrical Stimulators, as well as Qi Gong , Laser, Shiatsu, Hypnosis, Nutrition , Drug Therapy & Herbal Medicine.
*Role of Telomere, Telomerase, Aging, Apoptosis, Cancer, & Longevity Genes. How to reduce cancer cell Telomere markedly, while increasing
normal cell Telomere by acupuncture at the True St. 36 (at traditional St. 36 no acupuncture point exists). Optimal dose of DHEA for cancer.
*6 Minute non-invasive screening of cancer & other malignancies by measuring Oncogene C-fos ab2 or Integrin 51 & localization of cancer by X-,
Y-axis laser line scanning of whole body. Rapid non-invasive screening of Pre-Alzheimer's Disease by measuring Acetylcholine, -Amyloid
(1-42), Tau protein, Al, Hg, Pb & Asbestos, Rapid non-invasive screening of heart disease and cardiovascular disease by measuring cardiac
Troponin I , L-Homocyst(e)ine, BNP, & C Reactive Protein. "Selective Drug Uptake Enhancement Method". Asbestos & malignancy.
*Significant role of Asbestos in the genesis of malignant tumors, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cataract, chronic
pain, etc. & safe, quick, non-invasive method of removing Asbestos.
*Non-invasive quick detection of important invisible medical information from R- & L- mouth-writing, handwriting, & footwriting for early diagnosis of intractable medical problems including cancers& other malignancies, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, etc before
standard laboratory tests can detect & quick non-invasive evaluation of therapeutic effects.
*Anti-aging and Longevity; Common factors contributing longevity and how to increase longevity genes protein expression of Sirtuin 1,
noninvasively, and new exciting research finding on super-centenarians.
Registration fee*: Until Oct. 12, 2011: The fee for 35 credit hours from the NY State Boards of Medicine and Dentistry towards the Acupuncture
Certificate for the licensed MD, DO, VMD, or DDS in the U.SA, Puerto Rico and Canada is $550 ($600 after Oct. 12, 2011). Fellows and Members
of the Int'l College pay $600 ($650 after Oct. 12, 2011). The Registration fee for members of ICMART or major int'l medical acupuncture societies
and of the International Association for the Study of Pain from countries outside of the USA, PR, and Canada, AND current 2-year subscribers to
Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics, The International Journal from outside of the USA, Puerto Rico or Canada is $450 ($500 after Oct. 20, 2009).
$300 for public. For medical students from New York State and the students from Columbia University will be exempted from the registration fee.
Hotel: Riverside Tower Hotel (212) 877-5200, $140-$160. Milburn Hotel, 242 W. 76th Street, New York, Tel: (212) 362-1006, $200-300/night (1-2
people in a Studio Room). Newton Hotel, 2528 Broadway, 94th St. (212) 678-6500, $200-300/night for 1-2. (Bed and Breakfast average $100/night
at private home [Call (212) 874-4308].) West Side YMCA (5 W. 63rd St.), (212) 875-4100 at about $80-$120 single, or $150 for a double. East
Side YMCA (224 E. 47th St.), (212) 756-9600 has about the same price scale. New York Hotel-Broadway Hotel & Hostel, 230 W. 101st st, New
York, Tel: (212) 865-7710, $60-200/1-2 person/night. Beacon Hotel, 74th St. at Broadway (212) 787-1100 ext 623 $145-250. Please confirm current
rates and add tax. Information: Those interested in participating or presenting a paper: contact Chairman Prof. Y. Omura, MD, ScD, F.I.C.A.E.,
800 Riverside Drive (8-I), New York, N.Y. 10032. Tel (212) 781-6262, Fax (212) 923-2279,; Dr.Andrew Pallos, DDS (949) 9102090; Avraham Henoch, MD, (917) 882-4393; Claire Urich, B.S., (212) 781-3082; Victor Wong, BS, (201) 420-8988; Diana Gerometta, MS, (410)
323-6029 [after 6 PM]. Website: & All papers and abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in
Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The International Journal (Cognizant Communication). Those who have difficulty in finding a
reasonably priced hotel room should contact Dr. Omura or go to and search for economy hotel
For further information, please see; &