DEMONSTRATION: Cu turnings and conc / dilute nitric acid. WARNING: THIS MUST BE DONE IN A FUME CUPBOARD . With dilute nitric acid Add 50 mls of 2.0M nitric acid to 2g of copper turnings in a large conical flask. Record what happens. With concentrated nitric acid Add 50 mls of concentrated nitric acid to 2g of copper turnings in a large conical flask. Record what happens. EXPLANATION With dilute nitric acid there is no observable reaction. When concentrated nitric acid is added to copper turnings there is an obvious chemical reaction. Brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide are liberated (DANGER) The copper turnings react with green copper nitrate solution being formed. A lot of heat is generated. The best experimental set up for this experiment is shown in the diagram below. WHAT HAPPENS Brown fumes of NO2 are produced. These are absorbed in the water Copper reacts forming green copper nitrate. On cooling water enters the conical flask and the copper nitrate solution turns light blue. This is perhaps the safest way of doing this experiment. WARNING: THIS MUST BE DONE IN A FUME CUPBOARD . FOR THE TECHNICIAN measuring cylinder 2g of copper turnings 50 mls of dilute nitric acid 50 mls of concentrated nitric acid 2 large conical flasks delivery tube tall beaker bunsen mat HAZARD WARNINGS Concentrated nitric acid Corrosive Causes severe burns An oxidising agent Avoid contact with combustible material Nitrogen Dioxide A brown irritating gas – very toxic when breathed in. Symptons – headaches and dizzyness. Asthma sufferers are susceptible. ONLY PREPARE IN A FUME CUPBOARD