Dissertation List APA Style

Dissertation List APA Style
(Revised August 2007).
Afrifah, A. (1980). The relationship between logical cognition and ego identity: An
investigation of piagetian and eriksonian hypotheses about adolescence. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 41 (02), 707B. (UMI No. 8016896)
Adelberg, R. A. (1986). A comparison study of searching and non-searching adult adoptees.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 46 (12), 4420B. (UMI No. 8602754)
Alders, J. O. (1985). The reentry community college female student: Identity status, life
events, and family/social support. Dissertation Abstracts International, 47 (02), 353A.
(UMI No. 8609449)
Allison, B. N. (1998). Identity status and parent-adolescent conflict among early adolescents.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (01), 439B. (UMI No. 9822285)
Anderson, K. R. (2002). The relationship between individuation from family of origin and
identity development in college students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63
(11), 5547B. (UMI No. 3073149)
Anderson, L. (1993). The relationship between Marcia's ego identity status paradigm and
Erikson's psychosocial theory. Dissertation Abstracts International, 54 (09), 3603A.
(UMI No. 9402290)
Anderson-Hanley, C. M. (1995). Identity development: The comparative effects of two
Outward Bound-type programs and a control condition on college students.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 57 (02), 573A. (UMI No. 9616271)
Andersen, L. K. (1980). The careers of adult women: Psychological profiles from a
developmental perspective. Dissertation Abstracts International, 41 (03), 985A. (UMI
No. 8019509)
Andrews, S. J. (2002). The relationship between identity development and the perception of
love in college students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63 (11), 5565B. (UMI
No. 3072164)
Antosz, L. J. (1990). Religiosity, identity development, and health outcomes in a late
adolescent sample. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51 (05), 2640B. (UMI No.
Ayers, M. R. (2006). The relationship of ego identity status to effective leader behaviour.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 67 (07), 2639A. (UMI No. 3227468)
Baik, J. (1997). Individuation, college adjustment and ego identity: Construction of a measure
of individuation and psychometric analysis. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58
(09), 5157B. (UMI No. 9729907)
Balderrama, S. R. (1990). A comparison of identity status and self-esteem between pregnant
and non-pregnant adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51 (09), 4590B.
(UMI No. 9033811)
Balistreri, E.(1989). The interaction of selected personality characteristics with ego identity.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 50 (04), 1685B. (UMI No. 8918634)
Bankier, S. (1997). Attachment style and interpersonal problems in identity formation.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 58 (02), 966B. (UMI No. 9722691)
Barr, R. A. (1995). Identity status and career decision in diverse populations: A study of
community college students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56 (10), 3856A.
(UMI No. 9604549)
Battle, P. C. (1998). Identity and intimacy development across adolescence: A cross-sectional
study. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (11), 6089B. (UMI No. NQ32876)
Beer, C. P. (1999). Identity and intimacy in adults who have suffered parental death in
childhood or adolescence. Dissertation Abstracts International, 60 (04), 1840B. (UMI
No. 9926396)
Behar, B. A. (1983). The relationship between androgyny and identity during college.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 44 (07), 2234B. (UMI No. 8326131)
Belz, E. J. (1992). The relations among possible selves, ego identity status, and career
exploratory behavior in undergraduate students. Dissertation Abstracts International,
53 (09), 4973B.
Bennett, P. R. (1997). Adventure recreation and adolescent identity development. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 58 (08), 4488B. (UMI No. 9804836)
Bentrim- Tapio, E. M. (2002). Alcohol consumption in undergraduate students: The role of
ego-identity status, alcohol expectancies, and drinking refusal self-efficacy.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 64 (01), 66A. (UMI No. 3076747)
Berliner, A. J. (1998). Re-visiting Erikson's developmental model: The impact of identity
crisis resolution on intimacy motive, generativity formation, and psychological
adaptation in never-married, middle-aged adults. Dissertation Abstracts International,
61 (01), 560B. (UMI No. 9959125)
Berrios, A. C. (2000). The relationship among family differentiation, identity control theory,
and the occupational identity status in late adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 61 (05), 1749A. (UMI No. 9971513)
Bevan, J. P. (1988). Early adult development and major psychosocial transitions. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 50 (06), 2613B. (UMI No. 8918339)
Bigley, J. M. (1995). An investigation of relationship between identity development and
cognitive development in adults. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56 (08), 4599B.
(UMI No. 9543450)
Blackburn, J. Z. (2003). A cross-sectional comparison of college athletes and nonathletes on
factors of career exploration, academic motivation and ego identity status:
Implications for sport retirement research. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64
(12), 6367B. (UMI No. 3115686)
Bob, S. R. (1969). An investigation of the relationship between identity status, cognitive style
and stress. Dissertation Abstracts International, 30 (09), 4358B. (UMI No. 9620586)
Boerio, R. P. (1996). The relationship of self-esteem and identity to Christian religious
maturity: A study of students at a small, private, liberal arts university. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 57 (07), 2874A. (UMI No. 9637852)
Bozik, J. M. (1985). A study of ego development and psychosocial adjustment in
mainstreamed hearing-impaired adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, 46
(07), 2489B. (UMI No. 8517983)
Breuer, H. (1973). Ego-identity status in late adolescent college males as measured by a
group-administered incomplete statements blank, and related to inferred stance toward
authority (identification with, rebellion against, and humanization of authority
figures). Dissertation Abstracts International, 34 (12), 6191B. (UMI No. 7412830)
Brickfield, L. A. (1989). Identity development from late adolescence to adulthood: A study of
ego identity status, object representations and self-esteem in women. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 50 (07), 3144B. (UMI No. 8923643)
Buchsbaum, Y. (1983). The relationship between styles of commitment and psychological
autonomy in young adulthood. Dissertation Abstracts International, 44 (03), 906B.
(UMI No. 8317230)
Bush, N. F. (1993). Links among adolescent reconstructions of early family experiences and
current identity development. Dissertation Abstracts International, 54 (06), 3358B.
(UMI No. 9323351)
Cain, H. M. (1997). Ideological and interpersonal identity statuses of senior university
students with learning disabilities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58 (10),
5669B. (UMI No. 9813232)
Campbell, E. E. (1984). Adolescent identity status and current familial relationships during
separation. Dissertation Abstracts International, 45 (09), 3092B. (UMI No. 8428016)
Carn-Watkins, E. (1991). Identity status and its relationship to family characteristics among
academically gifted adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (05), 2791B.
(UMI No. 9128959)
Cawood, R. L. (1998). Self in relationship in women who engage in disordered eating.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (09), 5074B. (UMI No. 9905925)
Chamberlain, T. J. (1980). The relationship of adolescent identity status to vocational
differentiation and moral judgement. Dissertation Abstracts International, 40 (11),
5430B. (UMI No. 8003728)
Christensen, R. S. (1986). Relationships between ego identity status and assertive behavior in
adult women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 47 (04), 1571A. (UMI No.
Chieco, E. K. (1991). Women and the “levinsonian dream”: The early adult transition.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (04), 2290B. (UMI No 9127767)
Coburn, K. B. (2003). The effects of ego identity status and level of role integration on
college adjustment among traditional and nontraditional college students. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 65 (04), 2089B. (UMI No. 3129429)
Colby, P. M. (1996). Individual differences in identity development status: Social and
cognitive correlates of goal integration in early adulthood. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 58 (02), 1013B. (UMI No. 9721023)
Craver, R. S. (1999). Dating violence and its relation to identity, self-esteem, and silencing
the self among college women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 60 (07), 2707A.
(UMI No. 9938356)
Crawford, D. W. (1998). The relation of religious family background and ego identity
development in late adolescence. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (03), 734A.
(UMI No. 9828312)
Cross K. A. (1994). Father absence and the father-daughter relationship as correlates of
identity development and achievement tendency in late-adolescent women.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 55 (11), 3451A. (UMI No. 9509037)
Currie, P. S. (1983). Current attachment patterns, attachment history, and religiosity as
predictors of ego-identity status in fundamentalist christian adolescents. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 44 (06), 1955B. (UMI No. 8323811)
Cushing, D. C. (1971). Identity status: A developmental model as related to parental behavior.
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of New York, Buffalo.
deAssis, D. M. (1995). The influence of ego identity, separation from mother, and maternal
employment on adolescent female's career decidedness. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 57 (02), 1435B. (UMI No. 9619232)
DeJesus-Reuff, R. (1986). An exploratory study of ego identity status and ethnic identity
among mainland Puerto Rican female adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 47 (01), 124A. (UMI No. 8606844)
DeMania, M. E. (1999). The role of exploration in the development of congruent and
satisfying career choises. Dissertation Abstracts International, 60 (06), 2996B. (UMI
No. 9933569)
De Witt, C. A. (1987). Ego identity status, religious orientation and moral development of
students from christian colleges. Dissertation Abstracts International, 48 (08), 2474B.
(UMI No. 8716333)
Diplacido, D. (1994). Young adults' identity status, relationship maturity, and recollections of
parental practices. Dissertation Abstracts International, 54 (04), 2260B. (UMI No.
Domingos, B. W. (1991). Affective style, cognitive style, ego identity status and career
interest. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (04), 1260A. (UMI No. 9128578)
Dunkel, C. S. (2002). The role of identity in the encoding and memory of trait adjectives.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 63 (06), 3041B. (UMI No. 3041355)
Dyk, P. H. (1990). Family relations factors that facilitate or inhibit middle adolescent identity
development. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51 (10), 3582A. (UMI No.
Edmondson, B, M. (1998). The interrelationship of the eriksonian psychosocial stages and the
relationship of psychosocial stage attributes to ego identity development in late
adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (03), 1390B. (UMI No. 9826778)
Edward, D. A. (1981). Girls’ camp cross-age helping: A study of self and situation effects and
influences. Dissertation Abstracts International, 42 (03), 1056A. (UMI No. 8119285)
Egli, D. S. (1979). Ego integrity, identity status and death perspectives in late adulthood.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 40 (11), 5402B. (UMI No. 8011514)
Elders, M. A. (1989). An investigation of the expression and appreciation of humor and
hostile wit and ego identity status in male and female college students. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 50 (11), 5312B. (UMI No. 9005863)
Ellett, S. O. (1989). Identity formation and family functioning in college students.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 50 (05), 2174B. (UMI No. 8918357)
Engelstein, N. (1988). The relationship between identity formation and intimacy with the best
friend in adolescence and early adulthood. Dissertation Abstracts International, 49
(09), 4043B. (UMI No. 8815565)
Engler, J. N. (2005). The dynamics of identity development: Exploring the relevance of
separation-individuation. Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol 65 (9) 4826B.
(UMI No. 3148286)
Erb, C. R.B. (1993). The role of religious commitment within the framework of ego identity
development. Dissertation Abstracts International, 55 (3), 1171B. (UMI No.
Feldman, R. (1990). Identity status, current relatedness to parents, self-esteem, and loneliness
in male and female college students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (03),
1714B. (UMI No. 9118564)
Fierman, B. A. (1985). The relationship between identity status and vocational maturituy.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 45 (08), 2684B. (UMI No. 8415682)
Flewelling, A. (1990). The fusional response to the intimacy crisis: The influence of ego
identity, gender role orientation, and gender. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51
(06), 3174B. (UMI No. 9032153)
Florence, M. J. (1989). The relation between identity status, ego development, and academic
achievement in black female adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51
(02), 453A. (UMI No. 9010034)
Forbes, S. A. (1999). Acculturation, family characteristics, gender, and identity development
of African American, Caucasian, and Hispanic adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 60 (12), 4316A. (UMI No. 9956580)
Francis, S. J. (1981). Dropout decisions perceived as a function of the relationship between
identity status, locus of control and ego development: A developmental approach to
retention and attraction. Dissertation Abstracts International, 42 (10), 4319A. (UMI
No. 8207374)
Freedman, B. A. (1987). Ego identity status and the family and career priorities of college
women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 48 (05), 1528B. (UMI No. 8718347)
Friedman, J. A. (1990). Leaving home: The influence of gender and family of origin
environment on ego identity development. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51
(04), 2060B. (UMI No. 9025532)
Frucht, S. L. (1995). Family interaction, ethnic identity, and ego identity: A study of
Mexican-American adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56 (06), 3443B.
(UMI No. 9533897)
Futterman, J. R. (1987). Identity status, sex role, and gender identity in late adolescent males
and females. Dissertation Abstracts International, 48 (11), 3443B. (UMI No.
Garbrecht, L. S. (2004). Gender roles, identity development, and the gender traditionalism of
career aspirations, Dissertation Abstracts International, 65 (11), 4102A. (UMI No.
Gebelt, J.L. (1996). Identity, emotion and memory in college students. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 57 (2), 1465B. (UMU No. 9618522)
George, D. T. (1996). The influence of family functioning on identity formation: A model of
late adolescent identity development. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57 (07),
4743B. (UMI No. 9638466)
Georges Van- Heusen, C. M. (2003). College women's ego identity status in relation to
perceived parenting style and college experience. Dissertation Abstracts International,
64 (04), 1925B. (UMI No. 3088474)
Gilden, D. M. (1993). The relationship between a temporal assessment of ego identity status
and gender-linked variables. (Volumes I-III). Dissertation Abstracts International, 54
(07), 3852B. (UMI No. 9332797)
Glatfelter, M. (1982). Identity development, intellectual development, and their relationship in
reentry women students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 43 (11), 3543A. (UMI
No. 8308051)
Godwin, A. E. (1989). Cattell's Sixteen PF Test factors as predictors of ego identity status
among new staff members of Campus Crusade for Christ. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 50 (02), 747B. (UMI No. 8909804)
Golden-Thompson, A. (2006). The relationship between familial and extrafamilial voice and
support for voice and identity exploration in African American emerging adults.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 67 (04), 1549A. (UMI No. 3216491)
Goldman, E. R. (1979). The relationship of ego identity status, seeking counselling, and level
of adjustment in college women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 40 (04), 1892B.
(UMI No. 7921874)
Goldstein, A. E. (1990). The relationship among adolescent perceptions of control,
perceptions of maternal caretaking and identity development. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 51 (06), 2167A. (UMI No. 9031328)
Goldstein, S. N. (2006). The exploration of spirituality and identity status in adolescence.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 67 (06), 3481B. (UMI No. 3222424)
Gombosi, P. G. (1972). Regression in the service of the ego as a function of identity status.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 33 (04), 1789B. (UMI No. 7225277)
Gonzalez, P. C. (1990). Ego development and ego identity in mothers at midlife. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 51 (05), 2643B. (UMI No. 9028444)
Gortych, B. (1983). The shift in identity status from diffusion to moratorium in adolescent
females: A pilot study. Dissertation Abstracts International, 44 (12), 3636A. (UMI
No. 8407187)
Greenfield, J. J. (1998). Spiritual well-being and identity status among Catholic college
students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (03), 748B. (UMI No. 9826780)
Greiner, M. M. (1990). The relationship between psychological adjustment and identity
development for young adult women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51 (12),
6125B. (UMI No. 9112425)
Gumina, D. P. (1995). Ethnic identity, self-identity, and family values: A study of Italian
American late adolescents in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 56 (06), 3475B. (UMI No. 9533899)
Gunn, C. S. (1991). The relationship between career readiness and ego identity formation in
college students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (07), 3920B. (UMI No.
Haag, M. A. (1989). Identity and the search for origins: A study of adult adoptees.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 50 (12), 5926B. (UMI No. 9011835)
Hall, S. E. (1994). The influence of a structured curricular intervention on the identity
development of college students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56 (02), 462A.
(UMI No. 9517010)
Halpen, T. L. (1993). A constructive-developmental approach to women's identity formation
in early adulthood: A comparison of two developmental theories. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 55 (03), 1201B. (UMI No. NN86282)
Hamilton, L. A. (1996). Dyadic family relationships and gender in adolescent identity
formation: A social relations analysis. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57 (06),
4056B. (UMI No. 9633181)
Hardy, V. D. (2001). An examination of womanist identity, ego identity, and mental health in
a sample of female medical students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 62 (10),
3303A. (UMI No. 3029631)
Harmer, J. (1992). The effect of reality therapy treatment on low-achieving students.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 53 (11), 3875A. (UMI No. 9235333)
Harrington, J. A. (1994). Codependency as a function of identity development. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 55 (08), 2280A. (UMI No. 9429229)
Harris, P. B. (1989). The effects of differential attachment to mothers and fathers on
adolescent identity. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51 (02), 1029B. (UMI No.
Hart, B. L. (1989). Longitudinal study of women's identity status. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 50 (10), 4807B. (UMI No. 9003648)
Hatton, N. W. (1988). Moral development, ego development, and ego identity in community
college students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 49 (05), 1096A. (UMI No.
Hazen, S. L. H. (1995). The relationship between ethnic/racial identity status and ego identity
status. Dissertation Abstracts International, 55 (11), 5050B. (UMI No. 9510812)
Hendrickson, C. C. (1986). Impact of early loss on the identity of the young adult.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 47 (01), 314A. (UMI No. 8605270)
Heyduk, C. R. (1982). The relationship of identity status and intimacy status: An overlapping
stage resolution perspective. Dissertation Abstracts International, 43 (09), 2922A.
(UMI No. 8302184)
Hickel, D. B. (1991). The effects of paternal loss on the developing ego identity of the male
adolescent. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (08), 4491B. (UMI No. 9204117)
Higginson, R. E. (1988). Theoretical implications of the relationship between ego identity and
career maturity among adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, 49 (10),
2970A. (UMI No. 8817686)
Highland, A. C. (1980). Ego development and mental health: An investigation of identity
status, information processing, repression- sensitisation, and anxiety in late
adolescence. Dissertation Abstracts International, 41 (08), 3180B. (UMI No.
Holstein, K. A. (1981). An examination of eriksonian ego identity status versus diffusion
preceding retirement. Dissertation Abstracts International, 42 (10), 4222B. (UMI No.
Hossach, R. C. (1990). Ego identity status, locus of control, and tolerance of ambiguity in late
adolescent youth in religious and secular academic settings. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 31 (04), 1948. (UMI No. MM76650)
Howard, M. R. (1975). Ego identity status in women, fear of success and performance in a
competitive situation. Dissertation Abstracts International, 36 (03), 1437B. (UMI No.
Huffman, S. P. (1984). Identity status as a predictor of traditional or nontraditional career
choice for women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 45 (09), 2805A. (UMI No.
Huh, K. (1993). The impact of adolescent pregnancy and childbearing experiences on
adolescent psychosocial development. Dissertation Abstracts International, 54 (2),
1122B. (UMI No. 9316771)
Hursh, P. (1994). Adolescent identity development in a context of post-divorce visitation.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 55 (08), 3609B. (UMI No. 9501809)
Imberman, E. (1983). The relationship of intimacy, ego identity and marital adjustment in
married and cohabiting young adults: A comparative study of normative adult
development. Dissertation Abstracts International, 44 (12), 3954B. (UMI No.
Iskowitz, G. (2000). Changing perspectives: Two complementary paths towards identity
development in adolescent boys and girls. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61
(11), 6137B. (UMI No. 9995088)
Jackson, L. M. (2002). Ego-identity development in college women who were and were not
sexually abused as children. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63 (02), 1031B.
(UMI No. 3041775)
Jensen, L. A. (1991). Identity formation in late adolescence: A study focusing on the role of
separation-individuation and defects in self-development. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 53 (06), 3155B. (UMI No. 9230751)
Johansson, N. (1983). The relationship between identity status and stressors, state-trait anxiety
and depression among baccalaureate nursing students and the effectiveness of a stress
management program in reducing state anxiety and depression of baccalaureate
nursing students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 44 (02), 439A. (UMI No.
Johnson, L. C. W. (1990). Self-esteem and ego-identity achievement in adolescents with
cancer. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51 (07), 3324B. (UMI No. 9032580)
Jordan, E. A. (1993). Family systems, object relations, and identity formation in late
adolescent college women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 54 (07), 3873B.
(UMI No. 9400389)
Jowdy, D. P. (1994). The influence of family structure, separation from parents, and ego
identity formation, on career identity development and career exploration. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 55 (10), 4606B. (UMI No. 9506859)
Junkin, M. F. (2001). Relationship of religious involvement, commitment, and motivation to
identity development in late adolescence. Dissertation Abstracts International, 62
(02), 1116B. (UMI No. 3003797)
Just, H. D. (1999). Freshman adjustment and retention: Combining traditional risk factors
with psychosocial variables. Dissertation Abstracts International. Vol 59 (9) 5138B.
(UMI No. 9905763)
Kaly, P. W. (1999). Examining the effects of a ship-based adventure program on adolescent
self-esteem and ego-identity development. Dissertation Abstracts International, 60
(09), 4891B. (UMI No. 9945996)
Kane, A. L. (1988). Religious orientation, moral development and ego identity status.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 50 (04), 1663B. (UMI No. 8918036)
Kang, J. S. H. (2000). Identity formation status, spiritual well-being, and family functioning
type among college students in Korea. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61 (03),
1672B. (UMI No. 9964954)
Katebi, S. S. (1987). Sex differences in identity status among high school adolescents.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 48 (07), 1709A. (UMI No. 8722371)
Keegan, P. M. (1986). Relationships among ego identity status, moral development and future
time perspective in late adolescence. Dissertation Abstracts International, 47 (04),
1754B. (UMI No. 8615322)
Keller, B. D. (2006).Beond individual differences: The role of differentiation of self in
predicting the career exploration of college students. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 68 (01), 120B. (UMI No. 3248345)
Kemmerer, A. H. (1987). A study of ego, intellectual and identity development in
underachieving and high-achieving college freshmen. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 48 (07), 1710A. (UMI No. 8719298)
Ketting, G. (1997). Identity status following a cross-cultural move during adolescence: A
study of immigrants and children of missionaries. Dissertation Abstracts
International, Vol 57 (11) 7251B. (UMI No. 9712875)
Kim, J. (1991). College student's identity development and its relationship to gender, gender
role, and family interaction style. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (08),
4492B. (UMI No. 9201350)
Kinsler, P. J. (1972). Ego identity status and intimacy. Dissertation Abstracts International,
33 (08), 3946B. (UMI No. 7305136)
Kopp, A. M. (1984). The relationship of sex and ego identity status to friendship intensity in
college students (psychological sex, sex role behavior, masculinity-femininity).
Dissertation Abstracts International, 42 (02), 675B. (UMI No. 8411252)
Kramer, K. (1986). Identity of married and never-married women in their early 30’s: A
developmental perspective. Dissertation Abstracts International, 47 (11), 4690B.
(UMI No. 8618140)
Kurtonick, L. L. (1987). Ego-identity, academic achievement and sex-role attitudes in bright
female adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, 49 (06), 1410A. (UMI No.
Kyle, M. T. (2001). Identity and racial attitudes of White undergraduate college students.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 62 (09), 4275B. (UMI No. 3027859)
Laman, M. S. (1988). Autonomy and relatedness in young adult/parent relationships and
young adult career identity status. Dissertation Abstracts International, 48 (09)
2784B. (UMI No. 8726882)
Lancaster, B. P. (2006). Person-environment congruence and the identity development of
young adults: Converging two theories of career development. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 67 (05), 1649A. (UMI No. 3219169)
Lansing, S. W. (1993). A longitudinal comparison of conception of self and identity status in
first- and second-year female college students: A group x cohort repeated measures
design. Dissertation Abstracts International, 55 (02), 6112B. (UMI No. 9418190)
Leiper, R. N. (1981). The relationship of cognitive developmental structures to the formation
of ego identity in young men. Dissertation Abstracts International, 42 (10), 4243B.
(UMI No. NK53450)
Leman, M. S. (1987). Autonomy and relatedness in young adult/parent relationships and
young career identity status. Dissertation Abstracts International, 48 (09), 2784B.
(UMI No. 8726882)
Lidzy, S. D. (2002). Successful socialization of an organizational culture: A critical analysis
of the messages of student members of Southern Nazarene University . Dissertation
Abstracts International, 63 (02), 421A. (UMI No. 3042514)
Lipowsky, J. A. (1987). Ego identity status in gifted/academically talented high school
students: Relationship to sex and academic performance. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 49 (04), 1409B. (UMI No. 8809663)
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