National Honor Society – Senior Biography for Free Press

National Honor Society – Senior Biography for Free Press
Return this biography and a senior picture to Mrs. Satterlee by the end of the day on the first Friday of
December. If you do not have a senior picture by this time, you will need to submit one to the Free Press
directly once one becomes available. Remember that this biography will be printed in the town paper. It should
go without saying that you need to write in complete sentences. Please tell the community enough about
yourself via #3 and #4 shown below that the FPP is able to clearly explain how you represent the meaning of
National Honor Society: freedom, truth, knowledge, character, scholarship, leadership, and service.
1. Name _____________________________
2. Parents ___________________________________________________________
(Print this in the way you wish for it to appear in both the paper and at the induction ceremony.)
3. Activities (school and community) ___________________________________________________
4. Plans for future __________________________________________________________________
5. If you are unable to provide a picture at the time that this biography is
due, how can the Free Press contact you if you fail to delivery
it in the near future to their office uptown?