STU, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Nám. slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Annual Report 2005
Head of Department:
Marián Tolnay, PhD, Associated Professor
++421 - 2 - 57296548
++421 - 2 - 52497810
Edita Hekelová, PhD., Prof.
Professor in: Production quality and technological systems safety.
Research topics: Total quality management, Human factor in quality management systems,
Quality increasing in of higher education institutions
Aleš Krsek, PhD., Prof.
Professor in: Manufacturing systems with industrial robots and manipulators.
Research topics: Geometric products specification (GPS), Automation of machinery production
Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Prof.
Professor in: Construction of manufacturing machines
Research topics: Technologies in machinery production- application of thin layers at cutting
tools, Automation of engineering activities
Jozef Zongor, PhD., Prof.
Professor in: Mechanical engineering technologies
Research topics: Technologies in machinery production, Expert systems for the choice of
machining technology, Space research
Associate Professors:
Vojtech Geleta, PhD., Assoc. Prof..
Associate Professor in: Mechanical engineering technologies
Research topics: Ultra-precision machining, Water jet machining, Design for manufacture
Igor Ščepka, PhD., Assoc. Prof.
Associate Professor in: Industrial economics
Research Topics: Strategic management, Improving quality of higher education
Marian Tolnay, PhD., Assoc. Prof.
Associate Professor in: Mechanical engineering technologies
Research topics: Strengthening surface layers of machine components, Industrial robots and
Senior lecturers: 6
Research workers: 5
PhD. students: 8
Technical staff: 4
Annual Report 2005
II.1 Teaching and Research Laboratories
- Laboratory for Automated Manufacturing Systems
- CNC Equipment and Robotics Laboratory
- Metal-Cutting Laboratory
- Measurement Laboratory
- Computer Laboratory
III.1 Undergraduate Study (Mechanical Production and Quality Management)
Name of subject
hours per week
lectures seminars
reader’s name
Technology II
Foundations of Management
Production Control and Logistic
Design of Technological Processes
Foundations of Dimensional Metrology
Integrated Systems of Control
Business Economics
Quality Management
Foundations of Design and Programming
of Manufacturing Production
Operation of Manufacturing Systems
V. Geleta,
J. Zongor
I. Ščepka
I. Součková
A. Pavlov
A. Krsek
E. Hekelová
I. Ščepka
E. Hekelová
M. Králik
M. Tolnay
III.2 Graduate Study (Automated Manufacturing Systems, Quality Management in Machinery
Name of subject
Dimensional Metrology
Manipulation and Transport Equipment
Machining Technology
CAx systems
Design for Manufacture
Progressive Technologies
Human Resources Management
Design and Operation
of Manufacturing Systems
Production Planning and Control
Discrete Systems Simulation
Terminal Project I
Terminal Project II
Theory of Machining
Industrial Robots Effectors
Technology of Automated Production
Automation of Machine Tools
Innovation Management
Reliability and Technical Diagnostic
Industrial and Service Robotic
QMS, Normalization, Certification and Accreditation
hours per week
lectures seminars
reader’s name
A. Krsek
M. Tolnay
J. Zongor
Š. Valčuha
V. Geleta
V. Geleta
E. Hekelová
M. Králik
I. Součková,
V. Jerz
A. Pavlov
M. Tolnay
J. Zongor
A. Krsek
J. Chaľ
A. Červeňan
E. Hekelová
R. Palenčár
Annual Report 2005
Automation of Production Process Planning
Progressive Technologies
Applied Database Systems
Logistics of Enterprises
Quality of Mechanical Processes
Total Quality Management
Production Management
Operation Analysis
Decision Models
Strategic Management
Project Management
M. Halaj
A. Pavlov
V. Geleta,
J. Zongor
E. Havlíčková
I. Součková
A. Krsek
E. Hekelová
I. Součková
V. Jerz
V. Jerz
I. Ščepka
I. Ščepka
Production Technologies and Manufacturing Systems
NC and CNC Programming of Machine Tools
Automation of Production Process Planning
Programming of Industrial Robots and Manipulators
Technology and Theory of Machining
Design and Operation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Tools, Mechanism and Systems of Machine Tools for Ultrasonic Hardening of Machined
Surfaces of Bearing Castings
Evaluation of Geometric Surfaces Parameters
Research of Diamond Films in Technological Applications
Metrology in Mechanical Engineering
Management of Machinery Enterprises
New Approaches in Production Control and Logistics an Possibilities of their Application
Total Quality Management and Role Human Factor Theory of Innovation
Management of Innovation, Problems of Innovation Activity in Slovakia
Organization Culture and Teamwork
Quality Increasing in Higher Education
Financial Management in Manufacturing Companies
6th Framework ManVis. Manufacturing Visions. Integrating Diverse Perspectives Info Pan –
European Foresight, project under EU 6 th Framework Program (A. Pavlov)
5th Framework MANTYS, Thematic Network on Manufacturing Technologies – MANTYS,
project under EU 5th Framework Program (Š. Valčuha)
An Innovative Methodology for Assessing and Training Interpersonal – Transferable Skills of
Career Starters: Development and Testing, project Leonardo da Vinci (E. Hekelová)
Key Students Competencies of Technical Fields of Study in National and European Context,
Grant VEGA 1/2533/05 (E.Hekelová)
Distance Learning in the Field of Effectiveness and Efficiency Improvement of TQM Methods,
KEGA 3/3113/05 (E.Hekelová)
Development of the new high temperature short time vertebrate blood pasteurization equipment
for the tsetse flies diet, IAEA, project International Atomic Energy Agency –12722 (I. Morávek)
Dimensional Metrology, Grant VEGA 1/1087/04 (A. Krsek)
Annual Report 2005
Research Facilities New Super Hard Films on Base Boride Titanium on Cutting Tools, VEGA
1138 (Š. Valčuha)
Information System about Conditions of Machining with WJM and Laser for Request of Integrity
Surface, VEGA 1088 (J. Zongor)
Selected Problems of Production Structures Simulation and Optimization, VTP KE 1200 (M.
Research and Realization of Virtual Factory in European Research and Manufacturing Area,
VTP 1014 (Š. Valčuha)
Application of Modern Simulations Programs in Subjects of New Study Programs “Production
Technologies”, KEGA 2411 (M. Tolnay)
Project of E – learning and Design Virtual Environment in the Field Virtual Enterprises Building
on Base Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, KEGA 0103 (Š. Valčuha)
New Methods of Education for Flexible Manufacturing Systems, grant KEGA 2041 (M. Tolnay)
Intelligent Robotic Systems in the Scientific and Pedagogical Process at the Middle European
Universities, project CEEPUS SK – 133 (M. Tolnay)
Development of mechanical engineering (design, technology and production management) as an
essential base for progress in the area of small and medium companies’ logistics - research,
preparation and implementation of joint programs of study CEEPUS II-PL-0033-01-0506 (M.
VI.1 Cooperation in Slovakia
VOLKSWAGEN Slovakia, Inc.
Institute for Standardization, Metrology and Testing SR
Konštrukta - Industry, Inc., Trenčín
MTF Faculty STU Trnava
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Slovak Institute of Metrology
Slovak Institute of Technical Standardization
TU Košice, Faculty of Economics
TU Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
ZU Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
TU Zvolen, Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology
VOJUS, Inc., Považská Bystrica
VUNAR, Inc. Nové Zámky
ZTS LR – NaJUS, Inc. Dubnica nad Váhom
ZTS VVÚ Košice, Inc.
VI.2. International Cooperation
Department of Management, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro
Forschungsinstitut für Europafragen, Wirtschaftsuniversität, Vienna, Austria
Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge, England
Institut für Fertigungstechnik, Austauschbau und Messtechnik, TU Vienna, Austria
Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Halle, Germany
Krakow University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Production Engineering
Institute, Poland
Oradea University, Romania
OvG University Magdeburg, Germany, Institute for Ergonomics, Manufacturing Systems and
Automation, Germany
TechSET, Vienna, Austria
University of Rouse, Department of Machine Engineering, Bulgaria
Annual Report 2005
Technik Akademie. Learning & Knowledge in Centrope
VI.3 International Scientific Programs
6th Framework ManVis. Manufacturing Visions. Integrating Diverse Perspectives Info Pan –
European Foresight, project under EU 6th Framework Program) (A. Pavlov)
5th Framework MANTYS. Thematic Network on Manufacturing Technologies – MANTYS,
project under EU 5th Framework Program (Š. Valčuha)
An Innovative Methodology for Assessing and Training Interpersonal – Transferable Skills of
Career Starters: Development and Testing, project Leonardo da Vinci (E. Hekelová)
Development of the new high temperature short time vertebrate blood pasteurization equipment
for the tsetse flies diet. IAEA, project International Atomic Energy Agency – 12722 (I. Morávek)
VI.4. Contracts
HZ No 4/05, Mill works (House of Technology). Principle investigator: I. Morávek.
HZ No 23/05, Study of Dynamical Characters for Manufacturing Line PL – 50 and Comparison
of Alternative Possible Layout and Parameters (AWECO Appliances Slovakia, k. s.). Principle
investigator: V. Jerz.
HZ No 53/05, Vibration Measurement of Long Drill during Machining on the CNC Milling
Machine. (Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanic, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Bratislava). Principle investigator: I. Morávek
HZ No 26/05, Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Principle investigator: Assoc. Prof. V.
HZ No 65/2005, Production 40 parts „Flange“ according to part no. 861147 (M&M, P&P Nové
Zámky). Principle investigator: I. Morávek
VI.5 Memberships in Domestic Organizations and Societies
E. Hekelová - Member of the Technological standard creating commission No. 72
Environmental Management
E. Hekelová - Member of the joint branch commission in the branch 39-76-9 Production quality
E. Hekelová – Chairman of the branch commission in the branch 5.2.57 Quality production
E. Hekelová - Member of an Accreditation Commission, Slovak Republic - working group
E. Hekelová - Chairperson of the control commission of the Slovak Association of Mechanical
E. Hekelová - Member of an Expert commission for developing the content of the study branch
Industrial engineering and production quality
E. Hekelová - Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU
E. Hekelová - Member of the Scientific Board of the College of Management, Trenčín, Slovak
E. Hekelová - Member of the Scientific Board of the science journal Management of industrial
A. Krsek - Member of the joint branch commission 23-07-9 Machinery Technologies and
A. Krsek - Member of testing commission of the SKSI– appointed by the Minister for
Environmental issues Slovak Republic
A. Krsek - Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU
A. Krsek - Member of TNK No. 77 Geometric Specifications of Products, Slovak Institute of
Technical Normalization, Bratislava
M. Tolnay – Member of the joint branch commission 23-07-9 Machinery technologies and
Annual Report 2005
M. Tolnay - Member of the joint branch commission 23-45-9 Safety of technical systems and
M. Tolnay - Slovak Association of Mechanical Engineers – president
M. Tolnay - Member of the Council of the Slovak Association of Scientific-technological
M. Tolnay - Member of an Accreditation Commission, Slovak Republic - working group
J. Zongor - Member of the Technological standard creating commission No. 29 Safety of
Machines and Ergonomic. Slovak Institute of Technical Normalization, Bratislava
VI.6 Memberships in International Organizations and Societies
M. Tolnay – member of the International Informatization Academy (UNESCO)
Š. Valčuha – representative of SR in CECIMO (Brussels)
VI.7 Foreign Visitors to the Department
Univ. Prof. Dr. P. H. Osanna, TU Vienna, Austria, 26.1.2005
Mgr. Adam Kmiecik, PhD., Politechnika Krakowska, Poland, 1.-31.3.2005, stay under program
CEEPUS SK-0133-04/05
Univ. Prof. Dr. P. H. Osanna, TU Vienna, Austria, 6.4.2005
Login Gondek, Politechnika Krakowska, Poland, 27.4.-3.5.2005, stay under program CEEPUS
Scientific community (50 persons), University Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, 6.6.2005,
pursuance of the praxis at the end of postgraduate study
Univ. Prof. Dr. P. H. Osanna, TU Vienna, Austria, 8.6.2005
Chavdar Kostadinov, Bulgaria, 15.5.-15.6.2005, stay under program CEEPUS SK-0133-04/05
Ing. Berkant Gloch, PhD., Bulgaria, 15.5.-15.6.2005, stay under program CEEPUS
Ing. Venelin Dicov, PhD., Bulgaria, 15.5.-15.6.2005, stay under program CEEPUS SK-013304/05
Prof. Ivica Veza, Chorvátsko, 25.6. – 7.7.2005, stay under program CEEPUS SK-0133-04/05
Univ. Prof. Dr. P. H. Osanna, TU Vienna, Austria, 28.9.2005
Univ. Prof. Dr. P. H. Osanna, TU Vienna, Austria, 21.11.2005
Prof. Janko Hodolič, TU Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, 12. - 22. 12. 2005, stay under
program CEEPUS SK-0133-04/05
Asoc. Prof. Dr. Ing. Miodrag Stevič, TU Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, 12. - 22. 12. 2005,
stay under program CEEPUS SK-0133-04/05
VI.8 Visits of Staff Members and Postgraduate Students to Foreign Institutions
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Bilbau, Espanola, 27.-28. 1. 2005. Workshop of proposal of
research project MANUNET
Ing. Adrián Guniš, PhD., Vienna, Austria, 18.1.2005, project INTERREG.
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Brussels, Belgium, 1. – 4. 2. 2005, under project MANTYS
Prof. Ing. Aleš Krsek, PhD., Vienna, Austria, project AUKOM
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Brussels, Belgium, 19. – 21.4.2005, project under EU 5th
Framework Program MANTYS
doc. Ing. Marián Tolnay, PhD., TU Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, 4.- 6. 4. 2005, visit under
cooperation between universities
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., TU Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, 4.- 6. 4. 2005, visit
under cooperation between universities
Ing. Angel Pavlov, PhD., TU Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, 4.- 6.4.2005, visit under
cooperation between universities
Annual Report 2005
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Brussels, Belgium, 2.-4.5.2005, under EU 5th Framework
Program MANTYS
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Gliwice, Wisla, Poland, 16.-19.5.2005 congress CIMCOMMENT´2005
Ing. Ľuboslava Hrubá, Gliwice, Wisla, Poland, 16.-19.5.2005 congress CIM - COMMENT´2005
Ing. Ján Šišlák, Gliwice, Wisla, Poland, 16.-19.5.2005 congress CIM -COMMENT´2005
Ing. Adrián Guniš, PhD., Vienna, Austria, 21.4.2005, project INTERREG
Ing. Marián Králik, PhD., Hallein, Salzburg, Austria, 28.4.2005, exhibition „Days of Machining
Ing. Adrián Guniš, PhD., Hallein, Salzburg, Austria, 28.4.2005, exhibition „Days of Machining
Ing. Andrej Červeňan, PhD., Hallein, Salzburg, Austria, 28.4.2005, exhibition „Days of
Machining Technology“
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Torino, Italy, 6.-9.6.2005, under EU 5th Framework Program
Ing. Marián Králik, PhD., Maribor, Slovenia, 10. – 20.5.2005, stay under program CEEPUS SK133
Prof. Ing. Aleš Krsek, PhD., TU Vienna, Austria, project COMET
Ing. Ivan Morávek, Vienna, Austria, 4. – 8.5.2005, meeting under project IAEA
Ing. Ivan Morávek, Vienna, Austria, 9. – 13.5.2005, International Conference International
Conference of sterile Insect Technique
doc. Ing. Marián Tolnay, PhD., Oradea, Romania, 25. – 28.5.2005, International Conference
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Oradea, Romania, 25. – 28.5.2005, International Conference
Ing. Angel Pavlov, PhD., Oradea, Romania, 25. – 28.5.2005, International Conference IMT
Ing. Adrián Guniš, PhD., Serbia and Montenegro, 29.5. – 3.6.2005, International Conference
Ing. Jozef Bajzek, Vienna, Austria, 19.5.2005, conference „New Trends of Machining“
Ing. Andrej Červeňan, PhD., Vienna, Austria, 19.5.2005, conference „New Trends of
Ing. Adrián Guniš, PhD., Vienna, Austria, 19.5.2005, conference „New Trends of Machining“
doc. Ing. Marián Tolnay, PhD., TU Russe, Bulgaria, 28.6. – 12.7.2005, stay under program
Prof. Ing. Aleš Krsek, PhD., TU Vienna, Austria, 22.6.2005
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Salerno, Italy, 30.7. – 5.8.2005, International Conference ICPR18
doc. Ing. Marián Tolnay, PhD., Salerno, Italy, 30.7. – 5.8.2005, International Conference ICPR18
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Hannover, Germany, 18. – 21.9.2005, workshop of researcher
under EU 5th Framework Program MANTYS
doc. Ing. Marián Tolnay, PhD., Hannover, Germany, 14.-17.9.2005, visitor of „The world of
machine tools“ EMO´2005:
Ing. Marian Králik, PhD., Hannover, Germany, 14.-17.9.2005, visitor of „The world of machine
tools“ EMO´2005:
Ing. Angel Pavlov, PhD., Hannover, Germany, 14.-17.9.2005, visitor of „The world of machine
tools“ EMO´2005:
Ing. Michal Bachratý, PhD., Hannover, Germany, 14.-17.9.2005, visitor of „The world of
machine tools“ EMO´2005:
Ing. Vladimír Jerz, PhD. Hannover, Germany, 14.-17.9.2005, visitor of „The world of machine
tools“ EMO´2005:
Prof. Ing. Aleš Krsek, PhD., Hanover, Germany, 14.-17.9.2005, visitor of „The world of
machine tools“ EMO´2005:
Annual Report 2005
Prof. Ing. Edita Hekelová, PhD., Antalya, Turkey, 25.9. – 1.10.2005, 9th International
Research/Expert Conference „Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated
Technology“ TMT 2005, under project LEONARDO DA VINCI
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Miláno, Italy, 24. – 27.7.2005, meeting under project
Ing. Angel Pavlov, PhD., Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, 3. – 8.9.2005, International
Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry
RaDMI 2005
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Paris, France, 29. – 31.8.2005, meeting under project
Ing. Angel Pavlov, PhD., Blend, Slovenia, 23. – 26.10.2005, valuation meeting and conference
of project 6.RP EÚ ManVis
Ing. Adrián Guniš, PhD., Blend, Slovenia, 23. – 26.10.2005, valuation meeting and conference
of project 6.RP EÚ ManVis
Prof. Ing. Aleš Krsek, PhD., Vienna, Austria, 19.10.2005, conference ICPK 2005
Prof. Ing. Štefan Valčuha, PhD., Budapest, Hungary, 10. – 12.11.2005, meeting under project
Prof. Ing. Aleš Krsek, PhD., TU Vienna, Austria, 2.11.2005
Prof. Ing. Aleš Krsek, PhD., TU Vienna, Austria, 7.12.2005
Ing. Ján Šišlák, Hannover, Germany, 14.-17.9.2005, visitor of „The world of machine tools“
Ing. Ľuboslava Hrubá, Hannover, Germany, 14.-17.9.2005, visitor of „The world of machine
tools“ EMO´2005
Ing. Daniel Somora, Hannover, Germany, 14.-17.9.2005, visitor of „The world of machine tools“
VII.2 Graduate Theses (Diploma works)
(Supervisor’s name in the brackets)
Study branch: Manufacturing Systems with Industrial Robots and Manipulators
[1] Dadík Michal: Manipulating with Products Pallets in a Technological Equipment to Feed PU
[2] Furka Jaroslav: Database and its Implementation for e-Learning in the Area of Ultraprecise
[3] Haris Richard: Design of a Conveyor in the Company OSRAM Slovakia.
[4] Hofer Andrej: Design of the Robot’s KUKA Gripper for VW Slovakia Paint Shop.
[5] Horecký Marek: Design of an e-Learning Model System for a Virtual Factory.
[6] Irša Matej: Monitoring of Oscillation in a Technology Configuration.
[7] Junas Martin: Generating the Module of Industrial Robots and Manipulators in a Structured
[8] Koreň Juraj: Database and its Implementation for e-Learning in the Area of Ultraprecise
[9] Kosnáčová Andrea: Design of a Hypothetical Model for Cutting Environments Classification.
[10] Královič Juraj: Applying CAE Technology to Design of a Robotized Workplace for Arc
[11] Kubrický Ivan: Cutting Tool Wear and Durability.
Annual Report 2005
[12] Kútik Tomáš: Supporting System for the Choice of Machine Tools System.
[13] Lauro Ľuboš: Applying CAE Technology to Design of a Robotized Cell for Conducting
Finishing Technology Operations.
[14] Maruška Daniel: Structured Database for Being Addressed Control of Transport Containers.
[15] Medňanský Miloš: Packaging Automation in the Company Chirana Stará Turá, Injekta.
[16] Mikuš Róbert: Simulation of Manufacturing Lines in the Company Nestlé Slovakia by means
of the Program Witness.
[17] Molnár Marek: Project of E-learning in Teaching the CNC Machines Programming.
[18] Oršula Roman: Design of a Modular Concept of a Mobile Robot´s Chassis.
[19] Popjak Ján: Development, Vision and Production Strategy in European Area.
[20] Repta Jaroslav: Automation of Technology Processes design.
[21] Slávik Juraj: Design of a Layout of Mould Casting Cells to Manufacture 1 300 T AL Castings. (V.Jerz)
[22] Štvrtecký Peter: Design of a Technology Process to manufacture a Component.
[23] Tužinský Daniel: Making of Integrated Manufacturing Systems in Modeling Environment
[24] Vaculová Katarína: Characteristics of a Surface Machined by High-Energy Liquid Beam.
Study branch: Management of Machinery Enterprises
[1] Bartošová Helena : Design of a Warehousing System for the company PASTPRKALT.
[2] Bekarslanov Peter: Employees’ Fluctuation in the Company RIEKER SHU, AG and its
Selected Subsidiaries in Slovakia.
[3] Bubán Tomáš: Project of the Company’s OTS Bratislava Organization Structure and
[4] Dorňák Kamil: Improving Firm’s Quality by means of Marketing Tools.
[5] Gálik Dalibor: The Influence of Input Materials on Products Quality in the Company SAM
[6] Hrajnoha Ivan: Logistics in Manufacturing Technologies.
[7] Hulla Peter: Statistical Quality Control in Production in the Company KAPPA Štúrovo.
[8] Kainová Monika: Application of Intranet in the IBM Subsidiary Management.
[9] Kelemenová Mária: Design of New Office Furniture in the Company VITAL.
[10] Martinkovičová Mária: Statistical Quality Control of Products Made from the Spring of
Formed Parts from Wire and Band in the Company PFS, Brezová pod Bradlom.
[11] Michalková Monika: Statistical Control of the Preciseness of Liquids Filling in the Company
AMT, Nové Mesto nad Váhom.
[12] Nôtová Lívia: Regional Technology Foresight.
[13] Oško Miroslav: Analysis and Optimization of Materials Flows in the Company KRAFT
FOODS Slovakia by Means of a Program System Witness.
[14] Paál Alexander: Financial Planning in the Company SES Tlmače.
[15] Palcutová Veronika: Design of an Effective Storing of Hydraulic Equipment Inventories in the
Company IKEMA.
[16] Paroš Ján: Statistical Regulation in the Company Železiarne Podbrezová.
[17] Plevová Jana: Financial Characteristics of the Company PALMA – TUMYS.
[18] Podmajerský Peter: The Relation between Interest Rates and the Size of Households’
[19] Pokrivčáková Miriam: Building the Quality Management system in the Firm according to
Standards STN EN ISO 9001:2001.
[20] Smolen Peter: Automating the Glass Fibre Transportation.
Annual Report 2005
[21] Szabóová Eva: Design of a System „Management by Objectives“ under Conditions of the
Company SHP Harmanec.
[22] Šimko Juraj: Design of a Firm’s Strategy in the Company SVORNOSŤ, Co Ltd.
[23] Štvrtecký Boris: Application of rational organizational structure in company NAFTASTROJ
with application process control principles.
[24] Šuleková Emília: Design of an Effective Storing of Spare Parts Inventories for High-pressure
[25] Zemesová Júlia: Applying Program System Witness to Production Cost Optimization in
a Manufacturing Enterprise.
VII.3 Bachelor works
Study branch: Mechanical Production and Management
(Supervisor’s name in the brackets)
[1] Abramovič Richard: Classification and Description of Construction Grippers of Industrial
[2] Albert Roman: Design of a Human Resources Database Generating.
[3] Bednár Tomáš: Classification and Description of Industrial Robots and Manipulators.
[4] Bojnáková Rut: New Market at the Slovakia’s Capital Market.
[5] Bublavá Beáta: Material Flows Optimization Possibilities.
[6] Czuczor Gregor: Analysis of Financial Alternatives in Enterprises.
[7] Dobrovodský Radovan: Industrial Application of UH Radiation.
[8] Drobný Michal: Different Directions of Machinery Production Development.
[9] Fiľarská Katarína: Determining the Number of Employees in a Manufacturing Enterprise.
[10] Hičák Štefan: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises – Analysis of the Sector, Financing
[11] Kaláber Juraj: Possibilities of Automatic Monitoring the Terminal Tasks and their Scoring.
[12] Katrenčík Tibor: Possibilities of Applying Witness System in Teaching.
[13] Kubal Peter: Scanning Systems for Coordinate Measurement Machines.
[14] Lučenič Martin: Possibilities to Use Intranet as One of the Management Tools in a Firm.
[15] Paľko Tomáš: Application input - output place for automated warehousing system.
[16] Petráš Michal: Automation of Technology Processes Design.
[17] Ritomský Peter: Analysis of Current Situation in Internet Using from the Point of Vies of Small
Enterprises Operations.
[18] Straková Janka: Analysis of Production Control Systems in a Machinery Enterprise.
[19] Szabová Andrea: Reliability of Machines and Equipment in Manufacturing Systems. (V.Jerz)
[20] Žifčák Michal: Analysis of Enterprises´ Environment, Evaluation of Firms´ Objectives.
[21] Žilka Peter: Quality Control of Selected Car Components.
Bachratý, M.: Member of the State exam commission at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Annual Report 2005
Geleta, V.: Member of the state exam commission, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and
Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Hekelová, E., Krsek, A., Zongor, J., Tolnay, M.: Members and chairpersons for PhD.
dissertations, habilitation and inauguration commissions
Hekelová, E.: Chairman of Commission of Quality Management System of Education at the
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU Bratislava
Hekelová, E.: Chairperson/member of the states exam commission at the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering STU Bratislava, Materials and Technology Faculty STU Trnava, College of
Management Trenčín, DF TU
Hekelová, E.: Member of Academic Senate of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU
Hekelová, E.: Deputy Chairman of the Commission for the Quality Management System of
Education Appointed by the STU Rector
Hekelová, E.: Member of the Council of guarantees of the Engineering study at the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering, STU
Jerz, V.: Member of the State exam commission at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU
Králik, M.: Member of the State exam commission at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
STU and Materials and Technology Faculty STU Trnava
Krsek, A.: Chairperson/member of the states exam commission at the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering STU Bratislava, Materials and Technology Faculty STU Trnava
Pavlov, A.: Member of the State exam commission at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
STU, Bratislava
Ščepka, I.: Member/chairman of the State exam commission at the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering and Faculty of Materials - technology of STU, Slovak republic
Tolnay, M.: Member of the State exam commission at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
STU, chairman of the State exam commission at TU Košice and on the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering ŽU Žilina
Valčuha, Š.: Member of the State exam commission at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
STU, Bratislava
Zongor, J.: Member of the Commission for PhD. Dissertations VUT Brno, Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering, Czech Republic
Zongor, J.: Member/chairman of the State exam Commission at the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering STU, Bratislava
Annual Report 2005
[1] Bachratý, M.: Cutting environs selection by using a new approach to marking. In.: 9.
International Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 738-740, ISBN 80227-2314-2
[2] Durakbasa, M. N., Osanna, H., Afjehi-Sadat, A., Samarawickrama, D., Krsek, A.: Application
of Sophisticated Production Metrology and Nanometrology for Quality Control in BioEngineering. In.: Measurement Science Review – Journal of the Institute of Measurement
Science SAS, Volume 5, 2005, s. 1-10, ISSN 1335-8871
[3] Feik, M., Tolnay, M.: Transformation of Education System with Accent on High Education. In:
Ten Years of Slovak republic,, Matica slovenská, Martin, 2004, s.379- 388, ISBN 80-7090763-0
[4] Fidler, B., Fidler, M: Capability Maturity Model version 1.1, use for successful manufacturing
systems acquisition. In.: 9. International Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava
2005, s. 651-658, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
[5] Geleta, V., Melicher, I., Káll, M.: Dynamic Jet Control in WJ scope. In.: 9. International
Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 749-752, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
[6] Grančič, B., Mikula, M., Hrubá, Ľ., Gregor, M., Štefečka, M., Csuba, A., Dobročka, E.,
Plecenik, A., Kúš, P.: The influence of deposition parameters on TiB2 thin films prepared by
DC magnetron sputtering. In.: Vacuum 80, 2005, s. 174-177
[7] Guniš, A., Somora, D., Valčuha, Š.: Information System for small and medium enterprises. In.:
Annals of the University of Oradea, Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering,
CD-ROM edition, volume IV (XIV), 2005, s. 867-870, ISSN 1583-0691
[8] Hekelová, E., Fortuny-Santos, J.: Quality management systems’ efficiency from the point of
view of human side. In: New Trends in Quality Management, Trnava 2005, ISBN 80-2272230-8
[9] Hekelová, E., Kundrátová, M., Nemčeková, M.: TQM in education – what can institution of
higher education do to prepare graduates able to intensify innovation and quality improvement
activities. In: 9th International Research/Expert Conference TMT 2005 “Trends in the
Develpoment of Machinery and Associated Technology”, Antalya, Turecko 2005, s. 365,
ISBN 9958-617-28-5
[10] Hekelová, E., Paulová, I.: Application methods of myself-valuation for educational process on
the Slovak University of Technology. QUALITY, Volume VIII, No. 4, 2005, s.17, ISSN 13359231
[11] Hekelová, E., Paulová, I.: Quality Management System in Education. In.: 9. International
Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 659-663, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
[12] Hekelová, E.: Activation of New Study Programs on the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
STU in Bratislava. In: Quality of Production, Herľany 2005, ISBN 80-8073-338-4
[13] Hrubá, Ľ., Valčuha, Š., Grančič, B., Mikula, M., Kúš, P.: Evolution of magnetron-sputtered
TiB2. In.: Annals of the University of Oradea, Fascicle of Management and Technological
Engineering, CD-ROM edition, volume IV (XIV), 2005, s. 687-691, ISSN 1583-0691
[14] Hrubá, Ľ., Valčuha, Š., Grančič, B., Mikula, M., Kúš, P.: Properties of the thin TiB2 coatings
prepared by DC magnetron sputtering. In.: CD Worldwide congress on materials and
manufacturing engineering and technology. Gliwice 2005, ISBN 83-89728-125
[15] Hrubá, Ľ., Valčuha, Š.: Development of titanium diboride coatings deposited by DC magnetron
sputtering. In.: Mašinostrojenje, Respublikanskij mežvedomstvennyj sbornik naučnych trudov,
Vypusk 21. BNTU, Minsk 2005, s. 176-179, ISBN 985-479-323-0 (T.2), ISBN 985-479-324-9
[16] Jerz, V.: Discrete Systems Simulation in the Teaching Process on the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering of Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. In.: 8. Conference Witness 2005.
VTÚ Brno 2005, s. 3-9, ISBN 80-214-2948-8
[17] Jerz, V.: Simulation – integral part of optimisation consecutions. In.: 9. International
Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 776-778, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
Annual Report 2005
[18] Kafetsios, K., Vouzas, F., Kufidu, S., Zammuner, V., Hekelová, E.: Identifying
Starters´Interpersonal Skills Needs: A Multidisciplinary Comparative Study in Six European
Countries. Published (ECER conference)
[19] Káll, M., Geleta, V., Bernát, F.: Methods of influencing of the waterjet. In.: 9. International
Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 779-786, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
[20] Králik, M.: E – learning Project of Programming the CNC Machine Tools. In.: Proceedings of
international conference “Meeting of Institutes and Departments
machine Tools and
Robotic”, University of Technology Liberec 2005, ISBN 80-7083-970-8
[21] Králik, M.: Manufacturing Systems Design with Emphasize on Visualization of Solutions. In.:
9. International Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 790-794, ISBN
[22] Králik, M.: New Approaches in Teaching CNC Machines Programming. In.: 9. International
Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 787-789, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
[23] Králik, M.: On Activities of Centre for Technological Quality Transfer. In.: 9. International
Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 681-685, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
[24] Králik, M.: Centre for Technological Quality Transfer. In.: SPEKTRUM. 7/2004/2005.
Volume XI. Publisher: STU, ISSN 1336 – 2593. s.11-12
[25] Králik, M.: Slovak – Austria Cooperation. In.: SPEKTRUM. 4/2005/2006. Volume XII.
Publisher: STU, ISSN 1336 – 2593. s.19-20
[26] Krsek A.: Coordinate measurement of flatness. In: International Conference Technology 2005
[27] Krsek, A.: Special Control Chart. In.: III. International Congress of Precision Machining ICPM
2005. Austria, TU Vienna 2005
[28] Morávek, I., Lach, J., Čiampor, F., Takáč, P.: Development of the new high temperature short
time vertebrate blood pasteurization equipment for the tsetse flies diet. In.: Second Research
Co-ordination Meeting on “Improved and harmonized quality control for expanded tsetse
production, sterilization and field application. Vienna, Austria, 4-8 May 2005.
[29] Morávek, I., Lach, J., Čiampor, F., Takáč, P.: Development of the new high temperature short
time vertebrate blood pasteurization equipment for the tsetse flies diet. In.: 9. International
Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 795-803, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
[30] Morávek, I., Lach, J., Čiampor, F., Takáč, P.: Development of the new high temperature short
time vertebrate blood pasteurization equipment for the tsetse flies diet. In.: FAO/IAEA
International Conference on Area Wide Control of Insect Pests. May 2005, Vienna, Austria, p.
271, IAEA-CN-131/179P.
[31] Morávek, I., Bihary, P., Sliva, F., Štrba, M., Vidlička, L., Kozánek, M.: Automated Method for
Egg Collection and New Pupae Separation Device for Medfly Mass Production. In.:
FAO/IAEA International Conference on Area Wide Control of Insect Pests. May 2005,
Vienna, Austria, p. 133, IAEA-CN-131/60P.
[32] Pavlov, A., Guniš, A., Geleta, V.: Integrating perspectives into Pan-European Foresight
(ManVis). In.: 9. International Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s.
808-812, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
[33] Pavlov, A., Tolnay, M.: State of Equilibrium and Technological Principles Control of Discrete
Manufacturing System. In.: Annals of the University of Oradea, Fascicle of Management and
Technological Engineering, CD-ROM edition, volume IV (XIV), 2005, s. 492-495, ISSN
[34] Pavlov, A.: Technological model of control of the automated manufacturing system and state
of equilibrium. In.: 5th International Conference „Research and development in Mechanical
Industry“ RaDMI 2005, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia & Montenegro 2005, s. 238-240
[35] Pulc E., Švec P., Krsek A., Gondár E.: Testing Equipment for Bearing Facilities of Metallic
and Nonmetallic Materials. In: Journal “Mechanical Engineering”, 12/2005, s.62
[36] Ščepka, I.: Multi-Dimensional Process Model for Management. In.: 9. International
Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 732-736, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
[37] Šišlák, J., Valčuha, Š.: Model of small and medium enterprises within the virtual enterprise.
In.: 7th international conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Glivice 2005, s. 254257, ISBN 83-915011-3-2
Annual Report 2005
[38] Somora, D., Šišlák, J., Tolnay, M., Valčuha, Š.: Model of Cooperation Among Small and
Medium Enterprises within Virtual Enterprise. In.: 18th International Conference on
Production Research. University of Salerno – Fisciano Campus – Italy. 2005
[39] Somora, D., Šišlák, J., Valčuha, Š.: PLM – Tool for Small and Middle Enterprises (2). In.:
AT&P Journal 7/2005, s. 89-91, ISSN 1335-2237
[40] Somora, D., Šišlák, J., Valčuha, Š.: PLM – Tool for Small and Middle Enterprises (1). In.:
AT&P Journal 6/2005, s. 55-57, ISSN 1335-2237
[41] Součková, I.: Possibilities for enterprise in Slovak Republic – illustrative research. In.: 9.
International Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 704-708, ISBN 80227-2314-2
[42] Tolnay, M., Králik, M.: Simulation process of ultrasonic surface hardening. In.:
Mašinostrojenje, Respublikanskij mežvedomstvennyj sbornik naučnych trudov, Vypusk 21.
BNTU, Minsk 2005, s. 378-381, ISBN 985-479-322-2 (T.1), ISBN 985-479-324-9
[43] Tolnay, M., Magdolen, Ľ., Jaššo, P.: Modeling and Analyses of Telescopic Covers in Machine
Tools. In.: 9. International Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 830834, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
[44] Tolnay, M., Magdolen, Ľ., Jaššo, P.: Static, Dynamic and Strength Analysis of Telescopic
Covers in Machine Tools. In.: In.: Proceedings of international conference “Meeting of
Institutes and Departments of Machine Tools and Robotic”, University of Technology Liberec
2005, ISBN 80-7083-970-8
[45] Tolnay, M., Šunderlík, R.: Application of the LEGO Robotics model environment in the
teaching process for the field of study automated production systems. In.: 9. International
Conference Mechanical Engineering 2005, Bratislava 2005, s. 835-845, ISBN 80-227-2314-2
[46] Tolnay, M., Valčuha, Š., Hajduk, M., Mrázik, P., Guniš, A.: Structured Database of the
Manipulation Transportation Facilities for Virtual Enterprise. In.: 18th International
Conference on Production Research ICPR 18, University of Salerno – Fisciano Campus – Italy
[47] Tolnay, M.: Current Trends of Education in the Slovak Republic in the Context of Integrated
Europe. In.: International Journal „Total Quality Management & Excellence“, Vol. XXXIII,
No.1-2, 2005, Proceeding from International Convention on Quality 2005, YUSQ – Quality
and Standardization of Serbia & Montenegro, Belgrade 2005, s. 285-289, ISSN 1452-0680
[48] Tolnay, M.: Integrated Slovak Science and European Research Space. In.: Third International
Working Conference „Total Quality Management – Advanced and Intelligent Approaches,
Belgrade 2005, s. 137-140
[49] Tolnay, M.: Slovak Science and European Research Space. In.: Annals of the University of
Oradea, Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering, CD-ROM edition, volume
IV (XIV), 2005, s. 953-958, ISSN 1583-0691