Postdoctoral Position in Evolutionary Genomics in - GRIB

Postdoctoral Position in Evolutionary Genomics in Barcelona
A postdoctoral position is available in the group of Mar Albà at the Pompeu
Fabra University (UPF)/Institut of Medical Research (IMIM), Barcelona, Spain.
The group is located in the premises of the recently established Barcelona
Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), which hosts nearly 1,200 researchers working in
different areas related to molecular biology, bioinformatics, evolution and
medicine. For more details on the group please visit our web page
Current projects in the lab focus on understanding the evolutionary processes
that lead to gene functional innovations in eukaryotic genomes, including the
birth of new genes, analysis of duplicated genes and the impact of repetitive
sequences in the formation of new protein domains. Project details for the
successful candidate are flexible. Applicants should have a background in
comparative genomics, molecular evolution and programming. At least two
publications as first author are advisable.
Funding is initially available for a period of two years. Gross salary is in the
range 26,000-29,000 euros depending on experience. Deadline for applications is
12th december. The ideal starting data is between January and April 2011, and no
later than July 2011.
Interested candidates please send a short CV, statement of research interests
and the names of two references to Mar Albà (
Selected recent publications of the group:
Mularoni, L., Ledda, A., Toll-Riera, M., Albà, M.M. (2010) Natural selection
drives the accumulation of amino acid tandem repeats in human proteins. Genome
Research, 20: 745-754.
Farré, D., Albà, M.M. (2010) Heterogeneous patterns of gene expression
diversification in mammalian gene duplicates. Molecular Biology and Evolution,
Salichs, E., Ledda, A., Mularoni, L., Albà, M.M., de la Luna, S. (2009) Genomewide analysis of histidine repeats reveals their role in the localization of
human proteins to the nuclear speckles compartment. Plos Genetics, 5: e1000397.
Toll-Riera, M., Bosch, N., Bellora, N., Castelo, R., Armengol,Ll., Estivill, X.,
Albà, M.M. (2009) Origin of primate orphan genes: a comparative genomics
approach. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26:603-612.
M.Mar Albà
ICREA Research Professor
Evolutionary Genomics Group
Pompeu Fabra University/
Institut of Medical Research
Dr. Aiguader 80, Barcelona 08003, Spain