Intraspinal delivery of polyethylene glycol coated gold nanoparticles promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury F. Papastefanaki1, I. Jakovcevski2,3#, N. Poulia1#, Nevena Djogo2, F. Schulz4, T. Martinovic5, D. Ciric5, G. Loers2, T.Vossmeyer4, H. Weller4,6, M. Schachner7*, R. Matsas1* 1. Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, 127 Vassilissis Sofias Avenue, 11521 Athens, Greece 2. Zentrum für Molekulare Neurobiologie, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Universität Hamburg, Martinistrasse 52, 20246 Hamburg, Germany 3. Experimental Neurophysiology, University Hospital Cologne, Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 9, 50931 Köln, Germany; German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, LudwigErhard-Allee 2, 53175 Bonn, Germany (current address) 4. Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Hamburg, Grindelallee 117, 20146 Hamburg, Germany 5. Institute of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Višegradska 26, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 6. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 7. Center for Neuroscience, Shantou University Medical College, 22 Xin Ling Road, Shantou,Guandong 515041, People’s Republic of China 1 # These authors contributed equally to this work. * Correspondence should be addressed to: Rebecca Matsas, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, 127 Vassilissis Sofias Avenue, 11521 Athens, Greece Tel: +30-210-64-78-843; Fax: +30-210-64-78-833; e-mail: Melitta Schachner, Center for Neuroscience, Shantou University Medical College, 22 Xin Ling Road, Shantou, Guandong 515041, People’s Republic of China. Tel: + 86-7548890-0276; Fax: + 86-754-8890-0276; e-mail: 2 Supplementary Information Supplementary Methods Neurite outgrowth and cell death assays in primary cultures of cerebellar neurons Primary mouse cerebellar neurons were isolated from postnatal day 7 mouse cerebellum, according to a previously described protocol.1 For estimation of neurite outgrowth, cells were plated in poly-L-lysine (Sigma-Aldrich) coated 48-well plates at low density (25,000 cells/cm2) in culture medium (Neurobasal supplemented with B27, N2, Glutamax – all from Life Technologies – and KCl 25μM) containing PEG2000 (0.625% w/v) or PEG-AuNP-40 (0.04 nM) or PBS vehicle (each treatment in quintuplicate). After 24 hrs cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS and stained with Toluidine Blue/Methylene Blue1. Individual neurons that had extended neurites were captured under a camera-equipped inverted light microscope and the length of their neurites was measured using ImageJ. Only cells with neurites longer than twice their cell body diameter and not in contact with other cells were taken into account. At least 100 cells were measured for each condition. To determine the neuroprotective effect of PEG-AuNPs, a cell death assay was performed. Cerebellar neurons were seeded at 250,000 cells/cm2 in a 48-well-plate and cultured for 24 hours. Cells were then treated with PEG2000 (1 µM) or PEG-AuNP-40 (0.04 nM) and after a 20 min incubation time at 37°C cell death was induced by addition of 10 µM hydrogen peroxide. After a further 24-hour incubation at 37°C, live cells were stained with Neutral Red (0.02%) for 30 minutes, washed with Hank’s Balanced Salt 3 Solution without Phenol red, lysed with 200 µl lysis buffer [1% (v/v) CH3CHOOH, 50% (v/v) EtOH, 49% (v/v) distilled water] for 20 min at room temperature to release the incorporated dye and absorption was measured at 540 nm.2 Signals obtained from untreated cells were set to 100% survival and six wells were used for each condition. Behavioral assessment of motor function recovery Basso Mouse Scale (BMS) locomotor rating Hind limb locomotor function was assessed using the Basso Mouse Scale (BMS) rating.3,4 Locomotor performance of each animal was evaluated during free movement in an open field. All lesioned animals were observed for 4 min, at 3 days and then every 2 weeks after the operation. Scoring was done blindly by two independent observers. Single-frame motion analysis Foot-stepping angle. Motor recovery was further analyzed quantitatively using a numerical measure for plantar stepping evaluation, the foot-stepping angle.5 A left- and a right-side view of each animal during two consecutive walking trials on a wooden beam (1 m long, 4 cm wide) was captured before the operation and at various time points (3 days after the operation and every 2 weeks thereafter) with a digital video camera and the acquired frames were analyzed using Virtual Dub software (version 1.6.19; and ImageJ (version 1.48s; The footstepping angle is defined by a line parallel to the dorsal surface of the hind paw and the 4 horizontal line. The angle is measured with respect to the posterior aspect at the beginning of the stance phase. In uninjured mice, this phase is well defined and the angle is around 20°. After SCI and severe loss of locomotor abilities, the mice drag behind their hind limbs with dorsal paw surfaces facing the beam surface. The angle is increased to >150°. Values for the left and right extremities were averaged. Inclined ladder climbing test. Even without training, mice climb up rapidly an inclined ladder with rare explorative stops and never turn back to descend the ladder. This instinctive behavior is preserved even in severely disabled animals that climb, although slowly, up to the top of the ladder using their forelimbs. The inclined position (55°) of the ladder provides body weight support for disabled mice and thus aids climbing. The mice were placed at the bottom rungs of the ladder and climbing was video recorded from a position viewing the ventral aspect of the animals. The number of correct steps defined as correct placing of the hind paw and sustained position until the next forward move, over 36 rungs were counted. Intact animals typically stepped on every second rung, performing approximately 20 correct steps (averaged for the two extremities) to cross the 36-rung distance5. Tissue processing Tissue fixation and sectioning was performed as previously described.6-8 Mice were anaesthetized with a 16% w/v solution of sodium pentobarbital (Narcoren, Merial, Hallbergmoos, Germany, 5 μl g-1 body weight) and then transcardially perfused with fixative (4% w/v paraformaldehyde and 0.1% w/v CaCl2 in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, pH 5 7.4). Following perfusion, the spinal cords were left in situ for 2 hours at RT, after which they were dissected out and post-fixed overnight at 4°C in the same fixative. Tissue was then immersed in a 15% w/v sucrose solution in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, pH 7.4, for 2 days at 4°C, embedded in Tissue Tek (Sakura Finetek, Zoeterwoude, NL), and frozen by a 2 min immersion into 2-methyl-butane (isopentane) precooled to -80°C. Spinal cords of each group were randomized into two groups, one for transverse and one for sagittal sectioning. Serial 25 μm thick sections were cut in a cryostat and collected on SuperFrost Plus glass slides. Sampling of sections was always done in a standard sequence so that ten transverse or six parasagittal sections 250 μm apart were present on each slide. All sections of one slide from every mouse were devoted to each histological parameter checked. Electron microscopy Tissue was processed for electron microscopy as previously described9. Briefly, mice were anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and perfused transcardially with a mixture of 4% w/v paraformaldehyde and 2.5% v/v glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4). After overnight post-fixation in 4% w/v paraformaldehyde and 5% v/v glutaraldehyde in the same buffer at 4oC, from each spinal cord, 1 cm long segments were cut from the thoracic part at a distance of approximately 1 mm proximal and distal to the center of the lesion. Tissue samples were post-fixed in 1% w/v osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 7.4, for 1 h at room temperature, dehydrated and embedded in epon resin according to standard protocols.10 Using a random sampling 6 protocol11, ultrathin sections were prepared on a Leica Ultracut UCT microtome and stained with uranyl acetate-lead citrate. Electron micrographs were taken on a FEI Morgagni 268D transmission electron microscope. Immunohistochemistry Indirect immunofluorescence was performed as previously described.6-8 Sections were typically subjected to antigen retrieval in 10 mM sodium citrate solution, pH 9 (80°C, 30 min), followed by blocking of nonspecific sites and permeabilization with normal serum/0.2% v/v Triton X-100 in PBS, for 1 h at RT, before the application of the primary antibodies. For the detection of P0 myelin protein, sections were pre-treated for 5 min with ice-cold methanol followed by incubation with goat polyclonal anti-P0 (1:100, SantaCruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA) and rabbit anti-CASPR/paranodin (Contactin Growth Associated Protein, generous gift by Prof. D. Karagogeos). Rabbit anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (1:1,000; Dako Cytomation) or mouse antiGFAP (1:1,000; Sigma, St. Louis, MO) was used to detect astrocytes and visualize the glial scar while rabbit anti-fibronectin (FN, 1:100; Sigma) was used to demarcate the lesion epicenter. Goat anti-choline acetyltransferase antibody (ChAT) (1:100; Millipore, Hofheim, Germany) was used to identify motor neurons and their cholinergic boutons in the ventral horns of the lumbar spinal cord and mouse anti-vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT) (1:1,000; Synaptic Systems, Goettingen, Germany) was used to detect the perisomatic densities of GABAergic synapses on the cell bodies of the motor neurons, as identified by their size and location. Rabbit anti-ionized binding calcium adapter 7 molecule 1 (Iba-1) (1:1,500; Wako Chemicals, Richmond, VA) stained microglial cells. Rabbit polyclonal anti-neurofilament 200 (NF-200, 1:500, Sigma) was used to detect neuronal axons while rat monoclonal anti-serotonin (5-HT, 1:50, Chemicon) was used to identify serotonergic (5-hydroxytryptamine positive, 5-HT+) fibers and rabbit antityrosine hydroxylase (TH) (1:800; Chemicon) to identify catecholaminergic fibers. The appropriate secondary antibodies conjugated to Alexa-Fluor photostable fluorescent dyes (all from Molecular Probes) were used for visualization. Cell nuclei were labeled with TO-PRO-3 and DAPI. Prolong Gold antifade curing mountant (Molecular Probes) was used for mounting. Specimens were viewed under Leica TCS SP and Leica TCS-SP5II confocal microscopes. Motor neuron number, soma size and quantification of perisomatic terminals Estimations of motor neuron numbers, soma areas and perisomatic terminals were performed as described previously.5 Transverse sections of the spinal cord were serially cut over a distance of 500 μm caudal to the caudal edge of the lesion site and were stained for ChAT or VGAT. As ChAT immunoreactivity may decline in the cell soma after injury, cell bodies of motor neurons we counted for large cellular profiles present in the ventral horns of the spinal cord decorated with ChAT+ perisomatic synaptic puncta and with varying degrees of, or no detectable, ChAT positivity in their cell somata (see Fig. 5). In sections not labeled for ChAT, motor neurons were identified by their clustered localization in the ventral horns of the spinal cord, the size of their somata in combination with their large and hollow nuclei (unstained profiles) surrounded by VGAT+ immunoreactive puncta. Longitudinal sections were also stained for ChAT to 8 measure motor neuron soma areas and perisomatic ChAT+ immunoreactive puncta. Stacks of 1 μm-thick images were obtained on a Leica TCS SP confocal microscope using a 40x objective and digital resolution of 1024 x 1024 pixels. Four adjacent stacks (frame size, 250 x 250 μm) were obtained consecutively in a rostro-caudal direction so that motor neurons located both close and remote (over a distance of 1,000 μm) to the lesion site were sampled. One image per cell at the level of the largest cell body crosssectional area was used to measure soma area, perimeter, and number of perisomatic terminals. Areas and perimeters were measured using ImageJ. Linear density was calculated as number of perisomatic terminals per length unit of the cell perimeter. Quantification of axonal sparing/regrowth Parasagittal spinal cord sections immunostained for NF, TH, 5-HT were used to analyze total fiber sparing/regrowth in the lesion site (NF), monaminergic (TH) and serotonergic (5-HT) axons in the lumbar spinal cord. NF+ fibers crossing an arbitrarily selected border perpendicularly spanning the lesion site and TH+ or 5-HT+ axons projecting beyond an arbitrarily selected border 250 μm caudally to the lesion site were counted in every 10th parasagittal serial section from the spinal cord and averaged per section per mouse. Image processing and quantification of fluorescence intensity For evaluation of expression levels of cell type-specific markers such as Iba-1, GFAP and P0, fluorescence intensity was measured as pixel intensity on single channel stacks of 9 confocal images, acquired under the same settings. In particular, the laser power was set to the lowest level that would be adequate for high signal/noise ratio acquisition and would not bleach the specimen. Gain and offset were set to constant levels optimized so as to avoid over- and under-exposure acquisition. Each series in the confocal stack was averaged 3 times and the step size was 1 μm while image resolution was 1024 x1024 pixels. Optimization of acquisition settings was done using additional control sections not included in the quantification to avoid endangering the experimental specimens with fading. For quantification of P0 immunoreactivity, 6 sections were sampled per mouse and in each section 4 fields were randomly selected within the area of interest and scanned by a blinded experienced observer. Image processing for quantification of fluorescence intensity was performed using the ImageJ software, after selecting the region of interest on single channel stacks using the free-hand selection tool and setting the threshold at a value that was kept constant throughout, by a blind observer. Measurements were performed on each single image of the confocal stack and then added up and normalized to the corresponding area. The measurements from the 4 randomly selected fields (for Iba-1 and GFAP) were averaged per section and the results from 6 sections were averaged per mouse. For P0 all fields with internodes were processed and measurements were added up per section and averaged per mouse. The results from all mice of a group were averaged per group. Stereological analysis 10 Iba-1+ microglia were counted on an Axioscope microscope (Zeiss) equipped with a motorized stage and Neurolucida software-controlled computer system (MicroBrightField, Williston, Vermont, USA) using the optical dissector method as described.9 Longitudinal spinal cord sections including the lesion site and approximately 2 mm-long segments rostral and caudal to the lesion center were used for counting. The sections were observed under low-power magnification (10x objective) with a 365/420 nm excitation/emission filter set (01, Zeiss, blue fluorescence). Nuclear counterstaining allowed for delineation of the spinal cord area. The numerical density of Iba-1-immunoreactive cells was estimated by counting the nuclei of immunolabeled cells within systematically randomly spaced optical dissectors. The parameters for this analysis were guard space depth 2 μm, base and height of the dissector 3600 μm2 and 10 μm, respectively, distance between the optical dissectors 60 μm, using the objective Plan-Neofluar 40x/0.75. Spinal cord areas 250 μm rostral and 250 μm caudal to the lesion center were evaluated in 6 sections, each 250 μm apart. The counts were performed by one observer in a blinded fashion. Statistical analysis Statistical analysis of motor behavior was performed using two-way ANOVA for repeated measures with factors ‘treatment’ and ‘time’ followed by Holm-Sidak post hoc test. Two-tailed Student’s t-test was used for comparison of the immunohistochemical data at the end point of the experiment, where data from two groups were analyzed. Oneway ANOVA with Holm-Sidak post hoc was used for the in vitro experiments. P value 11 for significance was set to 0.05. All presented values are expressed as means ± standard error of means (SEM). 12 Supplementary Figure Legends Supplementary Figure 1| Comparison between PEG on AuNPs and free PEG, in vivo. a, b, Representative transmission electron microscopy images of PEG-AuNP-14 and PEG-AuNP-40 in vitro, respectively. Scale bar, 100 nm in a, 500 nm in b. c, Representation of body weight reduction calculated for the four experimental groups of mice. Mice of the PEG-AuNP-40 (n=6) and PEG (n=4) groups recover their weight more efficiently than the PBS (n=5) and PEG-AuNP-14 (n=6) groups. Statistically significant differences against the PBS group are indicated by asterisks of the corresponding color. d, Locomotion rating in the open-field according to the Basso Mouse Scale, before injury, early after injury (3 days) and then up to 6 weeks after injury with 2-week intervals. A significant improvement of the PEG-AuNP-40 group is noted versus other groups at 4 weeks. e, Foot-stepping angle results, as produced by single-frame motion analysis on beam walking. No significant difference between groups was seen. f, Graph representing the number of correct steps performed on the inclined ladder. The trend in favor of PEG-AuNP-40 is significant at 6 weeks post injury as compared to the PBS control and the PEG group. A lower level of significance was observed for the PEGAuNP-14 group versus the PEG and control groups. Values represent means ± SEM. *, p≤0.05, **, p≤0.01 and ***, p≤0.001, by two-way ANOVA for repeated measures, with Holm-Sidak post hoc test. For d, e, f the number of mice per group was the same as in c. * is used for comparison of the PEG-AuNP-40 group (red) or the PEG-AuNP-14 group (orange) with the PBS control group and # for comparison with the PEG group; ¤ shows comparison of the PEG-AuNP-40 group with the PEG-AuNP-14 group. 13 Supplementary References 1. Loers, G, Chen, S, Grumet, M, and Schachner, M (2005). Signal transduction pathways implicated in neural recognition molecule L1 triggered neuroprotection and neuritogenesis. J Neurochem 92: 1463-1476. 2. Repetto, G, del Peso, A, and Zurita, JL (2008). Neutral red uptake assay for the estimation of cell viability/cytotoxicity. Nature protocols 3: 1125-1131. 3. Basso, DM, Fisher, LC, Anderson, AJ, Jakeman, LB, McTigue, DM, and Popovich, PG (2006). Basso Mouse Scale for locomotion detects differences in recovery after spinal cord injury in five common mouse strains. J Neurotrauma 23: 635-659. 4. 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