ORDERED STRUCTURES ON PLANETS AND SATELLITES AND MECHANISM OF THEIR ORIGIN. Yu.V. Barkin, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow, barkin@inbox.ru/Fax:+07-095-9328841 Abstract. It is shown, that in a distribution of formations on planets and satellites of terrestrial group it is rather clearly the phenomena of netting (grid) and alignment proves. When, the centers of formations are situated along parallels and meridians or along inclined parallel straight lines (on the plane “longitude – latitude”) in this or that system of coordinates connected to a celestial body. Generally, these systems of coordinates are inclined with respect to an axis of planet rotation. This phenomenon already was discussed earlier [1] - [3], and in the given work some new illustrations of the ordered distribution of formations of planets and satellites are given. The presence of similar law in distribution of formations of a celestial body testifies for the benefit of their internal origins, and activity of endogenous processes, their rhythms and orderliness are dictated by gravitational influences of external celestial bodies. 1. Introduction. “Planetary distribution of the geological structures of the Earth, Moon, Venus, Mars and some satellites is ordered… It can be called as grid-phenomenon (or net-phenomenon), or phenomenon of the cellular structure in the positions of the geological formations. Its sense is very simple. In accordance with this law the centers of the different geological formations of the celestial body: volcanoes, hot spots, eruptive centres, triple junctions of the plates, some craters, mountains and others formations are located closely to the nodes of the original grid formed by the selected parallels and meridians of the special planetary reference system. In general case this reference systems is inclined with respect to the planet (satellite) equator.” [1]. As the basic mechanism controlling a ordering in redistribution of various formations of celestial bodies the mechanism of the forced relative swing and displacements of the basic shells of a planet (satellite) along the certain primary radial directions and the mechanism of excitation of elastic waves in the top layers of a mantle (and their superposition) is suggested. The specified mechanism [3], its reality and effectiveness last years have obtained wide confirmations in geodynamics, a space geodesy, geophysics, gravimetry, at research of planets and satellites. 2 Grid-phenomenon. Grid-phenomenon of the geological, geographical, geophysical and others structures and formations in first was discovered for the Earth and widely observe on many solar system bodies. New regularities of the ordered position and of the motion of the lithosphere plates, of the ordered hot spot positions, triple junction positions and of the many others formations and structures, including anomalies of the different physical fields of the Earth, were established and studied with respect two fundamental inclined reference system of the Earth [1] – [3]. An elegant grid of ordered positions of triple junctions of the Earth’s plates is illustrated in special inclined reference system (Principal Lithosphere Reference System of the Earth - PLRS) (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Triple junctions ordered positions on the Earth. A special projecton of the Earth. Red line is inclined equator of the Earth (equator of PLRS). The boundaries of lithosphere plates are presented. The formation mechanism of the cells of the parallels and meridians with grid system of the geological formations at its nodes is connected with translational relative displacements of the Earth shells [3]. On my geodynamical model grids of celestial body formations are the usual geodynamical consequences of the radial relative displacements and oscillations of the body shells. Relative shell displacements are caused by the gravitational attraction of external celestial body. In turn the mechanism of the swing and relative displacements of the shells of celestial body actuates another - the wave mechanism of deformations of all layers of the top shell (mantle), including superficial. As a result of effects of superposition of deformations of superficial layers (and their evolution in geology history) also occurs formation of the specified grid structure (cells structures). The similar structure was discovered even on the Sun, i.e. mentioned mechanism of formation of the ordered systems of formations is universal, has a celestial-mechanical nature and its action is shown on all planets, satellites and stars [3]. 3 Axography method. For analysis of pnenomenon of alighment and grid phenomenon the special computer methods have been developed [2]. This methods with the help of special criteria of alignment allow to specify the primary radial-directed axes with respect to which the phenomenon of ordered latitude and longitude distribution of the centers of formations is shown most clearly. On Fig. 2 poles of similar axes are marked by red color. We connect the specified axes to radial directions of primary relative displacement of the core and the deformable mantle. In the case of the Earth numerous displays of alignments of its various formations have been discovered and studied: hot spots, triple junctions of lithosphere plates, volcanoes and many others geological structures [1] - [3]. Some illustrations on application of the specified methods of the analysis of alignment and the ordered structures of other bodies of solar system below are resulted. Fig.2. The phenomenon of latitude ordering in an distribution of hot spots with respect to polar axis of Principal Geodynamical Reference System [3] (a pole of Tar desert - a pole of Brazil). 4 Mercury. here. The presence of similar structures on Pluto testifies for the benefit of existence (in the past and probably in present) of the effective mechanism of the swing, oscillations and relative displacements of its shells (core, mantle and others shells) first of all under action of gravitational influence of satellite Charon. Fig. 5. Asymmetry of hemispheres of Pluto surface. The grid phenomenon, phenomena of alignment and antipodal positions in redistribution of Pluto formations. Space Hubble telescope image. 7 Enceladus. Fig. 3. Ordered positions of centers of Mercury formations: mons, dorsums, albedo features, big craters and oth. along active parallels and meridians of planet on the plane “latitude-longitude” on the data [4]. 5 Io. On satellite Io the grid phenomenon and alignment in distribution of various formations, first of all volcanoes is extremely clearly shown. Fig. 5. Meridional and grid ordering of the hyzers (желтые звездочки) and "tiger stripes" positions on Enceladus in Southern pole regio. http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov. The partial suport of RFBR grants N 08-02-00367, N 07-02-91212 and Spanish grant AYA 2007-67546 is acknowledged. References Fig. 4. The phenomenon of alignment of volcanoes of Io. On a coordinate plane "longitude - latitude" volcanoes (they are marked by daggers [5]) mainly are situated along a system of straight parallel lines. Figures above a map mark continuations of the appropriate lines on all surface of Io. 6 Pluto. By figures on Fig. 5 are marked antipodal areas with contrast brightness’s on Pluto. An inclined belt (big circle) of dark areas of Titan surface also is presented [1] Barkin, Yu.V. (2000) Formations grids of the planets and satellites. Abstracts of papers of 32-th Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology (Russia, Moscow, 9-11 October, 2000). pp. 7-8. [2] Ferrandez, M. G.; Barkin, Yu.V.; Ferrandiz, J.M. (2002) Ordered positions of formation centers of the earth-like planets and moons. In: Earth-like planets and moons. Proceedings of the 36th ESLAB Symposium, 3 - 8 June 2002, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Eds.: B. Foing, B. Battrick. ESA SP-514, Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-824-7, October 2002, pp. 129 – 135. [3] Barkin Yu.V. (2002) An explanation of endogenous activity of planets and satellites and its cyclisity. Isvestia sekcii nauk o Zemle Rossiiskoi akademii ectestvennykh nauk. Vyp. 9, М., VINITI, pp. 45-97.In Russian. [4] Internet Data of USA Geological Surveys and Atlas planets of Earth. Data of USA Geological Surveys. [5] Lopes-Gautier R. et al. (1999) Active volcanism on Io: global distribution and variations in activity. Icarus 140, 243-264.