July 14 - Fulton County

JULY 14, 2008
The Fulton County Drainage Board met on the 14th of July 2008 at 9:00 A.M. D.S.T. in the
Conference Room of the Fulton County Office Building. Board Members present were
Chairman, Roger D. Rose; Vice Chairman, Richard A. Powell; and Board Member, Mark J.
Rodriguez. Also present were Don Towne, Fulton County Surveyor; Tom Chudzynski, Assistant
Surveyor; Jean Cloud, Drainage Board Secretary; Bruce A. Beehler; Cale & Elisabeth
Thompson; Raymond Rentschler; and Mike Early. It is duly noted that Drainage Board
Attorney, Greg Heller was absent.
Chairman, Roger Rose, called the meeting to order at 9:08 A.M. D.S.T.
Chairman, Roger Rose asked for any additions or corrections to the June 9, 2008 Drainage Board
minutes. Richard Powell stated he had a few minor grammar corrections, which does not change
the meaning of the minutes.
Bruce Beehler commented he feels before the Board approves the minutes there needs to be
some additions to the minutes in reference to the Joe Leasure Tile Hearing.
Bruce Beehler stated in order to prevent confusion; he had Ted Waggoner prepare a letter on
behalf of him stating the problems and a proposed fix to the problem. Bruce Beehler stated the
purpose of the letter was to state the statutory provisions within the law. Bruce Beehler stated
the letter was timely filed with the Surveyor’s office and feels at that time it should have been
key evidence as to the proceedings. Bruce stated in his opinion the letter would serve more or
less on behalf of him supporting the reconstruction of the tile. Bruce stated he did not see any
evidence that the letter was ever considered. Bruce Beehler asked the Drainage Board members
if they had received the letter and asked if they had read it before the meeting.
Chairman, Roger Rose, commented that the letter was distributed in the packet of information
they received before the hearing.
After further comments made by Bruce Beehler, he stated he did not see anything in the minutes
or at the meeting that the letter was considered, and he feels that is wrong. Bruce Beehler stated
he feels it is wrong the letter does not reflect in the minutes some place.
Chairman, Roger Rose, stated there is no reason why it couldn’t be included.
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, stated it is included in the minutes that the letter of
support was received, which is the normal proceedings for the hearing. Jean further stated the
letter was included in the packet that was given to the Drainage Board prior to the hearing, and
that information is what the Board used to come to a decision.
Bruce Beehler asked the Board, “Did you read the letter?”
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, stated that is the Board’s decision, they were provided
the information three (3) to five (5) days prior to the meeting. Jean further stated she provides
the information to the Board and the letter is in a folder.
JULY 14, 2008
Richard Powell stated what Jeanie is referring to is in the minutes that there were letters of
support and objection.
Bruce Beehler stated he sees no evidence that his letter was ever considered.
Chairman, Roger Rose, commented that the purpose of a hearing is to have everyone come
together in one spot and one time and put all the reasons for or against doing the proposal on the
table so that it may be discussed. Roger further stated it is a necessity that arguments in the
letter also be put on table for discussion. Roger stated that is the normal course of events. Roger
stated it is helpful to the Drainage Board members to have seen the letters, pro and con, prior to
the hearing.
Roger further stated the content of your letter was considered in the course of this whole process.
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, stated the letters are kept in a file with the hearing
proceedings and are public record.
Bruce Beehler asked for an explanation of why the volume of water was not considered.
Chairman, Roger Rose, stated the job of the Drainage Board is to weigh the arguments for doing
a project and against the cost of doing the project. Roger further stated the entire watershed has
to be looked at, and it is a subjective assessment in the end. Roger further stated they have to
determine the benefits of everyone in the watershed against the cost to everyone in the
watershed. Roger stated this information is weighed and a decision is made. Roger stated in this
case it was a split decision, that didn’t go with proceeding with the project.
After further comments from Bruce Beehler, Chairman, Roger Rose, commented that one of
issues on this project was the Grassy Creek situation being in litigation. Roger further stated that
seemed to be a big issue or big stumbling block, or a problem allowing full benefits being
realized by the watershed. Roger further stated once this issue is resolved maybe this project can
be looked at again.
Bruce Beehler made further comments.
Jean further stated minutes are a summary of what happens at a meeting; they are not a verbatim
document. Jean further stated the minutes are more detailed than what needs to be done to
comply with State Board of Accounts.
Chairman, Roger Rose, commented in reference to the letter from Bruce Beehler, it is referenced
in the minutes. Roger further commented the letter is a part of the record.
Being no further discussion, Chairman, Roger Rose, entertained a motion to accept the June 9,
2008 minutes as corrected. Mark Rodriguez made a motion to accept the June 9, 2008 minutes
as corrected. Richard Powell seconded the motion. Motion carried three to zero.
JULY 14, 2008
CAUSE NO. 1-2000J
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated the landowner’s, Cale and Elisabeth Thompson,
home is presently approximately fifty (50) feet from the top of the bank of said drain. They want
to put an addition on the west side of the house. Don stated the addition would make the home
less than twenty-five (25) feet from the top of the bank of said drain in our right of way.
Richard Powell asked if the landowners would have room to add on to the home on the north or
the south of the home.
Mr. & Mrs. Thompson stated their well is to the south of the home and the septic is on the north
side of the home, so they would not be able to put an addition on either side.
Mr. & Mrs. Thompson stated they own the property on both sides of the said drain.
Mr. & Mrs. Thompson stated the home burnt in 2005 and the people that owned the property at
that time rebuilt the home in 2006. Mr. Thompson stated they purchased the property in April
There was further discussion.
Don further stated that Indiana Code 36-9-27-33.(e) states that the Drainage Board cannot allow
anything in the right of way less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Mr. & Mrs. Thompson stated they could turn the addition and extend the addition twenty (20)
feet, instead of their proposed twenty-four (24) feet.
There was further discussion on the issue.
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, commented that a site plan would need to be submitted to
assure the Drainage Board that the addition on the home is not less than twenty-five (25) feet
from the top of the bank on said drain.
Being no further discussion, Chairman, Roger Rose, entertained a motion to allow the
landowners, Cale and Elisabeth Thompson to add on to the west side of their home, but do not
build the addition closer than twenty-five (25) feet from the top of the bank on the said open
drain. Mark Rodriguez made a motion to allow the landowners, Cale and Elisabeth Thompson to
add on to the west side of their home, but do not build the addition closer than twenty-five (25)
feet from the top of the bank on the said open drain. Richard Powell seconded the motion.
Richard Powell encouraged the landowners to change the addition of their home to the twenty
(20) feet. Motion carried three to zero.
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, asked the landowners to bring in a site plan. Jean further
stated a letter would be drafted and mailed to the landowner and a copy given to the Plan
Commission stating that the Drainage Board has given approval of the encroachment.
JULY 14, 2008
CAUSE NO. 9-1999 #762
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated said drain is on maintenance and he has had a
request to clean out said drain. Mike Early and Raymond Rentschler have acreage on the low
end of said drain. Don stated the outlet for said drain is not very good, and on a big rain event it
actually goes up the arms on the landowners’ property.
Don further commented that the said drain goes through the Town of Fulton, and the kids have
dammed the drain under the bridge at State Road 25.
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated knowing this situation, he is proposing to clean out
downstream approximately fourteen hundred (1400) feet, which is eighteen hundred (1800) feet
past the culvert west of Fulton, near Ron Gundrum’s property. Don further stated the fourteen
hundred (1400) feet is not on maintenance, but cleaning that area would help the outlet.
Don further stated at the pipe at County Road 125 West, there is greater fall in the drain.
Don further stated a pipe on Mike Early’s property blew out during a big rain event, so we will
remove the pipe and leave it out.
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, asked Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, if his
proposal is to clean all of said drain.
Don responded the clean out would be from the beginning of the maintenance of said drain plus
fourteen (1400) feet downstream.
Raymond Rentschler asked, When was the main arm was cleaned out on his property?”
Raymond stated if the block is taken out in the Town of Fulton and then out by the fertilizer
plant, skip that part and then go on east.
Don stated the entire ditch was shot and there are spots throughout the entire ditch that needs
cleaned. Don also stated that Doug Sampsel cleaned the entire ditch quite a while ago; do not
know the exact number of years.
Raymond Rentschler commented the arm to the south was not cleaned at that time. Raymond
commented south of Meridian Road was cleaned. Don commented that is another drain, which
is also set up on maintenance.
Raymond Rentschler stated he does not feel the area of ditch from Fulton to Meridian needs to
be cleaned, if it has only been a few years. Raymond stated the main problem is from Meridian
on east.
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated some of the areas does not look bad, then other
areas are bad.
JULY 14, 2008
Chairman, Roger Rose, asked, “Who is wanting the work done on this drain?”
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, responded, “Dave Zartman was the original landowner
requesting the clean out.”
Richard Powell asked if part of the drain was not on maintenance.
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, responded the drain is on maintenance, the only part of the
drain that is not on maintenance, is the fourteen hundred (1400) feet downstream.
After further discussion, Raymond Rentschler asked if the Town of Fulton is paying on the drain.
Don responded about half of the Town of Fulton is paying on Upper Mill Creek and the other
half of Fulton is paying on the Rentschler Open on the west side of town.
Raymond Rentschler commented he had no problem with the proposal, just get the dam out of
Fulton and if it wasn’t that bad from there on, then go out to the fertilizer plant and skip that and
go from Meridian on east, and that would save everyone money.
Don stated that would, but there are silt spots in between that needs cleaned out and will defeat
the purpose if you want a decent job.
Chairman, Roger Rose, asked if the dam at Fulton is the undersized pipe. Don responded “no,
that area has never been cleaned. Don stated the kids keep damming it up with the rip rap
underneath the bridge.
Raymond Rentschler commented he would like to see the work done with a dragline rather than
a backhoe, because the drain is deep.
Don asked Raymond if he was referring to the whole drain or just part of it. Raymond responded
“The whole drain, because it is deep.” Don commented it will cost a little more with a dragline
and will take a little longer to do the job. Don further stated there are two (2) or three (3)
contractors that would probably bid that would use a dragline.
Chairman, Roger Rose, asked if the extra fourteen hundred (1400) feet is to get a better outlet.
Don responded “yes”. Richard Powell asked, “Why is that not on maintenance?” Don
responded that is Mill Creek. Raymond Rentschler commented Upper Mill Creek was taken out
of the Mill Creek Conservancy and given to the county. Richard Powell commented that Mill
Creek Conservancy has a fund. Don stated they might pay to have that portion done. Raymond
Rentschler commented it was taken out of the conservancy because they would not take care of
the drain from Fulton on east.
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated he figured the cost to be approximately two dollars
($2.00) a foot for a total of approximately forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000.00). Don stated
there is money in the maintenance fund to do the project.
JULY 14, 2008
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, stated there is approximately seventy-four thousand
dollars ($74,000.00) in the maintenance fund. We will not be collecting on the said drain this
year, but will collect on it next year.
Mike Early commented that back in the 70’s when the conservancy started to clean the ditch in
Fulton, people went to Indianapolis and got the job stopped.
Mike Early commented if we cannot get a better outlet, we do not want the ditch cleaned.
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated the landowner’s are concerned that the ditch won’t
get cleaned out in Fulton.
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated a backhoe may have to be used in the Town of
Fulton, and we may have to haul the silt away from the bridge area in the Town of Fulton.
The Drainage Board gave the Surveyor their consensus to proceed with the project as presented.
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated the specs read if the estimate is over twenty-five
thousand dollars ($25,000.00) a bid bond and performance bond is required. Don stated the State
Statute requires a bid bond and performance bond for projects seventy-five thousand dollars
($75,000.00) or more. Don stated the Board set the requirement of a bid bond and performance
bond for projects twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) or more, basically for tile projects.
Don asked the Board if they wanted a bid bond and performance bond for an open ditch.
Richard Powell stated he feels it is an inconvenience to the bidders and it also costs them more.
After brief discussion, Chairman, Roger Rose, entertained a motion to proceed with the cleanout
of the Upper Mill Creek and the fourteen hundred (1400) feet downstream and waive the bid
bond and performance bond on this open ditch project. It was also discussed to send a letter to
Mill Creek Conservancy and ask if they would pay for the cleanout of the fourteen hundred feet
downstream, which is still in the conservancy. Richard Powell made a motion to proceed with
the cleanout of the Upper Mill Creek and the fourteen hundred (1400) feet downstream and
waive the bid bond and performance bond on this open ditch project and send a letter to the
conservancy. Mark Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried three to zero.
Chairman, Roger Rose, called a recess at 10:15 A.M. D.S.T.
Chairman, Roger Rose, called the meeting back to order at 10:30 A.M. D.S.T.
JULY 14, 2008
CAUSE NO. 5-1983 #577
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated a request was made to correct the benefited acres on
the Harris Lease property. Don further stated he discussed this with Dan Sailors and Dorothy
The correction should be made on the following parcel number:
Harris D. & Dorothy L. Lease
Benefited Acres Before – 13
Total Acres in parcel is 99.18 Acres
Corrected Benefited Acres – 31
Being no further discussion, Chairman, Roger Rose, entertained a motion to correct the
watershed benefited acres on said drain, Parcel Number 013-112002-00, Harris D. & Dorothy L.
Lease, to be changed from 13 benefited acres to 31 benefited acres. Mark Rodriguez made a
motion to correct the watershed benefited acres on said drain, Parcel Number 013-112002-00,
Harris D. & Dorothy L. Lease, to be changed from 13 benefited acres to 31 benefited acres.
Richard Powell seconded the motion. Motion carried three to zero.
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated the County Line Landfill is going to do an
expansion. Don further stated the landowners in the area received a letter, because they had to
go through IDEM because their plans are to fill in two (2) wetland areas and create a new
wetland on the south end of the landfill.
Don stated the plans are to change the entire drainage on the south end, and Don stated he has
requested copies of their calculations, but have not heard from them.
Don stated he has talked with a lady at J.F.New, and the engineer is from Shaw Environmental.
Don further stated that his concern is that they are getting rid of the detention in the west area
and put it at the south end of the property. Don further stated the letter states they are increasing
the detention area fifty percent (50%). Don further stated the landfill is being doubled. Don
further stated the existing southeast detention drains over along old 31 and on down to the ditch.
Don further explained at the south end there is a county tile, which is not on maintenance, then
drains off the corner of the property. Don stated their proposal is to take all the water and put it
into this corner, which Don stated is a big concern.
After further discussion, the Drainage Board stated if the Surveyor does not receive any
information from the engineering firm, a letter needs to be drafted and sent on behalf of the
Drainage Board expressing their concern and the need for calculations to be supplied to the
JULY 14, 2008
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated he had received drainage plans for the Woodlawn
Hospital expansion project. Don stated he talked with Roger and the plans have been sent to Jeff
Healy to review. Don stated Jeff would be here tomorrow and look at the project.
There was further discussion on this issue.
The following drain maintenance rates will be raised twenty-five percent (25%) per IC 36-9-2742.-C2.
Bailey, Lewis Etal Open
Baker, Ananias Open
Bryant & Stahl Tile
Foudray, Samuel Tile
Graham Arm #3 Tile
Gottschalk, William Tile
Jackson, John Tile
King, John Open
Leasure, Joseph Open
Leasure, Joseph Arm #1 Tile
Mikesell & Mahoney
Overmyer, B F Open
Wellington Severns Tile & Arms
Hizer, Angeline D.
Werner, Sarah Tile
Cause No. 2-1984
Cause No. 3-1984
Cause No. 28-1967
Cause No. 2-1969
Cause No. 9-1983
Cause No. 32-1967
Cause No. 9-1967
Cause No. 2-1972
Cause No. 34-1968
Cause No.6-1983
Cause No. 54-1966
Cause No. 2-1983
Cause No. 16-1966
Cause No. 2-1988
Cause No. 2-1991
Chairman, Roger Rose, entertained a motion to raise the fore-mentioned drains by twenty-five
percent (25%) as allowed by IC 36-9-27-42.-C2. Richard Powell made a motion to raise the
fore-mentioned drains by twenty-five percent (25%) as allowed by IC 36-9-27-42.-C2. The
twenty-five percent (25%) will be effective on drains being assessed in 2008 and the other drains
not being billed in 2008 will be effective in the future. Mark Rodriguez seconded the motion.
Motion carried three to zero.
CAUSE NO. 23-1968 #690
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, stated the Surveyor’s estimate is $18,500.00 and the
completion date for the project is December 1, 2008. There are four (4) bidders and Jean further
stated Loehmer Ag Products is a new bidder.
JULY 14, 2008
The Drainage Board determined that proper notice has been given to bid on this drain.
According to the Plans and Specifications set forth by the Surveyor, the following bids were
opened and read aloud:
Howe Excavating
Kirk Ingram
Widner & Sons Excavating
Loehmer Ag Products
Being no further discussion, Chairman, Roger Rose, entertained a motion to award the work on
the Allen & Coplen Tile to Widner & Sons Excavating for their low bid of eighteen thousand
fifty dollars ($18,050.00). Richard Powell made a motion to award the work on the Allen &
Coplen Tile, Cause No. 23-1968, #690 in Rochester Township; to Widner and Sons Excavating
for their low bid of eighteen thousand fifty dollars ($18,050.00). Mark Rodriguez seconded the
motion. Motion carried three to zero.
CAUSE NO. 6-2007 #798
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, stated the Surveyor’s estimate is $9,000.00 and the
completion date for the project is December 1, 2008. There are four (4) bidders on the project.
The Drainage Board determined that proper notice has been given to bid on this drain.
According to the Plans and Specifications set forth by the Surveyor, the following bids were
opened and read aloud:
Howe Excavating
Kirk Ingram
Widner & Sons Excavating
Loehmer Ag Products
$ 9,196.85
$ 9,722.50
$ 9,768.10
Being no further discussion, Chairman, Roger Rose, entertained a motion to award the work on
the Henry Guise Arm #1 Tile to Howe Excavating for his low bid of nine thousand one hundred
ninety-six dollars and eighty-five cents ($9,196.85). Richard Powell made a motion to award the
work on the Henry Guise Arm #1 Tile, Cause No. 6-2007, #798 in Aubbeenaubee Township; to
Howe Excavating for his low bid of nine thousand one hundred ninety-six dollars and eighty-five
cents ($9,196.85). Mark Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried three to zero.
JULY 14, 2008
CAUSE NO. 3-1969 #581
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, stated a letter and a Hold Harmless Agreement has been
sent to Wheeler, Jr. and Beverly Conley on the right of way on said drain.
CAUSE NO. 10-1967 #612
Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated Crosby Excavating, Inc. replaced the tile under
State Road 14 on said drain for a cost of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). Don commented that
the State Highway would reimburse us for the work done. Drainage Board Secretary, Jean
Cloud, stated she would send the State Highway an invoice for the reimbursement.
Don explained to the Board that since Crosby Excavating is doing the sewer project at Akron,
the State Highway could not do the replacement of the tile.
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, reminded Roger Rose and Richard Powell of the Joint
Board Meeting with Miami County on said drain will be held on Tuesday, July 22 at 9 AM.
Vice Chairman, Richard Powell, asked if O-Henry has any of the projects done or started. Don
responded he had not talked with Henry Smith. Chairman, Roger Rose, commented that there
would be potential benefit if he completed the projects because the cost would be less instead of
re-bidding the projects. Richard Powell stated there should be a time table set for the projects.
Vice Chairman, Richard Powell, asked if the letter was sent concerning Grassy Creek. Drainage
Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, responded she had not gotten the letter drafted as of today, but she
had sent e-mail to Dave Arnold, Cass County Commissioner, and she has not heard back from
Vice Chairman, Richard Powell, asked about the Walsh-O’Brien drain that the banks slide in
after the excessive rains and had to be redone. Rich asked if we could get grant money for
flooding problem. Fulton County Surveyor, Don Towne, stated he had met with FEMA and they
said there was no money available for those types of situations.
JULY 14, 2008
Chairman, Roger Rose, brought up the issue on setting policy for “Special Meetings” to
accommodate the public on urgent requests. Roger stated the concern is having too many special
meetings. Roger stated on the other hand we need to try and accommodate within reason.
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, commented the Rochester City BZA meeting is the last
Wednesday of the month, and she feels if they are going to request approval, they need to be
aware of our meeting date, which is the second Monday of the month. Jean feels they need to
work with us. Roger commented there is a two week period between their meeting and our
meeting. Jean commented they would know prior to their meeting, because they only have their
meeting if a variance is needed.
Vice President, Richard Powell, commented that we must be flexible.
Chairman, Roger Rose, commented the issue is that the exception does not get out of hand, and
at some point they need to learn how we operate.
Mark Rodriguez commented that the Commissioners also get into this same situation, and Mark
commented he does not want to be doing two (2) Drainage Board Meetings a month.
Chairman, Roger Rose, commented if it is unnecessary, it is an inconvenience for everybody.
Drainage Board Secretary, Jean Cloud, stated in order to have a “Special Meeting, the meeting
must be advertised two (2) business days prior to the meeting date.
After further discussion, Chairman, Roger Rose, stated there must be courtesy on both sides.
Being no further business to come before the Drainage Board, Chairman, Roger Rose,
entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:40 A.M. local time. Mark Rodriguez made a
motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:40 A.M. local time. Richard Powell seconded the motion.
Motion carried three to zero.
Ingram Excavating
Elijah Miller Arm
$ 1,500.00
Lewis Bailey (Myers & Ball-#505
Peter Busenburg Open #523
David B. Clevenger #525
J. Costello Open #527
Dukes, UE Main & Arm #1&#2-#533
Shideler Spray, Inc.
Shideler Spray, Inc.
Heltzel Construction
Shideler Spray, Inc.
Jesse Rude
JULY 14, 2008
Heltzel Construction
Shideler Spray, Inc.
Ulerick and Brunlett Ditching
Shideler Spray, Inc.
Ingram Excavating
Shideler Spray, Inc.
Ingram Excavating
Crosby Excavating, Inc.
Ingram Excavating
Ingram Excavating
Ingram Excavating
Shideler Spray, Inc.
Ingram Excavating
Ingram Excavating
Shideler Spray, Inc.
Ingram Excavating
AA Gast Arm #3 Tile & Open - #542
John King Open #567
Joseph Leasure Tile #577
Cliff McGee Open #581
Mikesell Mahoney Arm #2 - #584
JE Overmyer(Wentzel & Duke Open)#600
JE Overmyer Open #600
Isaac Sears Tile #612
William Shine Tile #616
Steinke Wilson Open #649
Robbins & Walters Open #670
Chauncey Overmyer #686
Bair & Partridge #692
Bryant Leininger #708
Guise Overmyer #726
Durkes & Orr Tile & Open #791
Board Members
Replace Board Members
Rochester Telephone Co., Inc.
Staples Business Advantage
$ 122.00
$ 61.00
$ 662.50
$ 20.16
$ 245.01
Jean E. Cloud, Drainage Board Secretary
$ 337.98
$ 259.20
$ 416.50
$ 603.68
$ 475.00
$ 429.60
$ 420.00
$ 548.64
$ 2,960.00
$ 520.00
$ 440.45
$ 900.00
$ 1,225.00
$ 168.30
$ 520.00
JULY 14, 2008