References for Implant Options (2004) Straumann ITI Implant Implant Type Shoulder Lengths Surface Material Diameter II = 2-part 3.3 Narrow Neck: Always use implant with largest possible diameter SLA (sand-blasted, large grit, acid- etched) Indications: 1.single tooth restoration on upper lateral or lower lateral and central where minimum mesiodistal space is available (5-5.5mm) or where bone is of limited width 2. should only be used for indications involving minimal loading TPS (titanium plasma Narrow sprayed) solid screw (S) implant Neck (NN) 3.5 8,10,12,14 SLA titanium (NNI) Reduced Diameter: Alternative for placement in alveolar ridge of limited width (5-6mm) … always use implant with largest possible diameter Indications: 1. edentulous jaw: 4 implants connected w/ bar 2. partially dentate: for fixed, use with 4.1 and splint the superstructure Contraindication: Not for use as single tooth implant in posterior Reduced solid screw diameter (II 4.8 8,10,12,14 SLA titanium S) implant Reduced solid screw diameter (II 8 (insertion depth S) 9) implant Esthetic Plus 10 (depth 11) 12 (depth 13) TE implants combine cylindrical-shaped apical portion with tapered section in upper root area making them ideal for immediate or early implantation in extraction sites Bone wall thickness of at least 1mm on facial and lingual at time of placement TE implants are self-taping ITI TE solid screw (II TE) implant (N 4.8) N = neck 8,10,12,14 SLA titanium 4.1 Standard solid screw diameter (II 4.8 8,10,12,14 SLA titanium S) implant Standard solid screw diameter (II 6 (depth 7) S) 8 (depth 9) implant Esthetic Plus 10 (depth 11) 12 (depth 13) ITI TE solid screw (II N = neck 8,10,12,14 SLA titanium 4.8 8,10,12 TPS titanium SLA titanium TE) implant (N 4.8) One-part implant 4.8 Wide Diameter: Alternative for alveolar ridges ≥ 6.2mm Indications: 1. lower jaw: insertion depths 8,10mm 2. upper jaw: insertion depths 8,10,12,14mm Wide diameter solid 4.8 8,10,12,14 screw (II S) implant Wide diameter solid 6 (depth 7) screw (II S) implant 8 (depth 9) Esthetic Plus 10 (depth 11) 12 (depth 13) Wide Neck: Alternative for alveolar ridges ≥ 6.2mm, preferably in lateral region for reconstruction of molars Indications: 1. lower jaw: insertion depths 8,10mm 2. upper jaw: insertion depths 8,10,12mm 3. mesiodistal width of gap at bone level ≥ 9mm Wide Neck solid screw 6.5 8,10,12 (II S) implant (WNI) Wide Neck solid screw 6 (depth 7) (II S) implant (WNI) 8 (depth 9) Esthetic Plus 10 (depth 11) 12 (depth 13) SLA titanium Wide Neck ITI TE N = neck 10,12,14 SLA titanium 4.8 8 (depth 9) TPS titanium solid screw (II TE) implant (N 6.5) 3.5 Hollow cylinder 15º angled (II HC) Esthetic 10 (depth 11) Plus (must not use 12 (depth 13) angled abutment) Other: synOcta abutments, Orthosystem implants, Extraoral implants Nobel Biocare Implant Implant Type Shoulder Lengths Surface Material Narrow Platform 3.5 10,11.5,13,15 machined or titanium Diameter Branemark Mk III 3.3 (straight) 2.4 ext hex w/ TiUnite stargrip 0.5 thread 3.75 Regular Platform 4.1 7,8.5,10,11.5,13,15,18 2.7 ext hex w/ machined or TiUnite stargrip 0.6 thread 5 Branemark Mk IV Wide Platform 5 5.1 7,8.5,10,11,13,15 machined or 3.4 ext TiUnite hex w/ TiUnite only stargrip (tapered) 0.8 threads Replace Select 3.5 Straight Narrow Platform 1.5 collar 10,11.5,13,15 TiUnite or HA 1-stage 3 collar 13,15,18 TiUnite only Regular Platform 1.5 collar 10,11.5,13,15,18 TiUnite or HA 3 collar 13,15,18 TiUnite only 2-stage 4.3 2-stage 1-stage titanium 5 Wide Platform 1.5 collar 10,11.5,13,15 TiUnite or HA 1.5 collar 10,13,16 TiUnite or HA 2-stage only Replace Select 3.5 Narrow Platform Tapered 2-stage 4.3 1-stage 2 collar Regular Platform 1.5 collar 10,13,16 1-stage 2 collar 10,13 Wide Platform 1.5 collar 10,13,16 1-stage 2 collar 10,13 1-stage 2 collar 10,13 2-stage 5 2-stage 6 TiUnite or HA Other: CeraOne and GoldAdapt abutments for all type of implants 3i Implant (Implant Diameter Implant Type Shoulder MicroMiniplant 3.4 Innovations, Inc.) Osseotite 3.25 or 3.3 for Max lateral or Mand central 2.5 ext hex w/ certain connection 3.25 or Miniplant 4.1 3.75 or 4 Standard 4.1 5 Wide diameter 5 3.3 6 6 3/4 Osseotite XP 4/5 (expanded platform) 5/6 4.1 5 6 Osseotite TG (transgingival) 4.8 Lengths Surface Material Osseotite NT: Indications: 1. immediate loading 2. root proximity considerations 3. ridge concavities With spiral ice self-taping threads 3.25 Osseotite NT 4 (naturally tapered) 3.4 8.5,10,11.5,13,15 4.1 5 5 6 6 Other: Osseotite certain lock click internal connection; gingihue abutment Zimmer Implant (Centerpulse) Diameter 3.7 Implant Type Shoulder Lengths Surface Material Tapered 3.5 8,10,13,16 MTX textured titanium Screw-Vent (TSV) Implants 2.5 (2-stage) hex (if HA, only on 4.5 mid portion of 4.7 2.5 6 3.3 Screw-Vent Implants int int is 5.7 1mm 3 int hex machined 3.5 collar Self-taping 3.5 2.5 int hex 4.5 2.5 int hex 3.7 4.7 MTX) int hex 4.7 implant, hex 2.5 3.7 titanium or HA Advent Implants 4.5 (1-stage) 3 int hex 4.5 3 int hex rest w/ Other: Atlantis abutment, PureForm ceramics, Puros Allograft material Astra Implant Implant Type Shoulder Lengths Surface Microthread 3.5 8,9,11,13,15,17,19 Blasted Material Diameter Conical seal design 3.5 -straight 4 TiO2 (titanium 4 dioxide) Conical seal design 4.5 (but -tapered actually 3.5 Microthread: 3.5 int 4.5 at apex) 5 (but actually 4 at apex) Microthread: 4 int hex 9,11,13,15,17,19 roughen surface hex 5 w/ to titanium