Lansing Board of Water and Light, Ingham County On February 14, 2006, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality entered into an Amendment to Consent Order, Order No. WMD 115-01-98 (Amendment) with Lansing Board of Water and Light (LBWL). The amendment was to adjust some time frames that, due to circumstances at the site, were unable to be met. The original consent order was to address contamination of the site emanating from the landfill. The original consent order required a payment of penalties, which was met, and required the LBWL to develop a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) to address the contamination from the landfill. During the investigation of the contamination from this landfill, other contaminants from sources other than the landfill were found to overlap with the contaminants from the landfill making it difficult to determine exactly which contaminants LBWL would agree to remediate. In the Amendment, LBWL has agreed to move forward and address the contamination by constructing and implementing a means to control the source of contamination emanating from the landfill. After the implementation of the source control has been in place for a period of time, it will be evaluated and, if successful in controlling contaminants from the landfill, LBWL will move forward to enter a RAP using the source control as the final remedy of the RAP. If the source control is not successful, LBWL will provide a new plan to address any contamination from the landfill that is still found emanating from the landfill after the source control is in place.