May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter 2015 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL “He Reveals Himself in the Breaking of the Bread” What a powerful image Jesus uses in today’s Gospel! He speaks of Himself as the Vine and we are branches on the Vine! As long as we are united with Him in living faith and love, Christ lives in us and we in Christ. And His life in us bears fruit—the fruit of holiness. Not once, but six times in this passage, Jesus uses the word “remain”. If we remain in Him, He remains in us. And St. John in today’s Second Reading says, “Those who keep his commandments remain in him and he in them…” We thank all who have responded. We have reached a total of $53,638.33 toward our goal of $59,000! If you have not yet participated, please consider doing so today. Your gift makes a real difference in the lives of thousands of individuals and families who reside within our 12-county diocese. To learn more about the Annual Catholic Appeal, visit: and click “Giving” then “Annual Catholic Appeal”. Thank you to all who have been working so hard to help make our parish Carnival a success! God bless you for your generosity and your faith! We hope when all the bills are paid, our parish will receive a substantial benefit, thanks to your hard work! Is there someone you know--in your family, a neighbor or friend--whom you can encourage to come home? Someone may be waiting for the invitation to come and find peace. The Lord needs YOU to extend the invitation. NEXT weekend we observe Mother’s Day. If you wish to have your mother remembered in our Novena of Masses, please return her name on one of the special envelopes available at the Church exits as soon as possible. Thank you! NEXT weekend, after all the Masses, our annual Rose Sale to benefit Birthright of Delaware will be held. The donation for a single rose is $2; 3 for $5; 12 for $18 and 25 for $35. On Saturday, the young children of our parish will receive their First Holy Communion. Pray for them and their families! May they continue to grow in Christ. BINGO UPDATE!!! Bingo RETURNS to St. Helena’s Masci Hall THIS THURSDAY, May 7th! The Columbiettes are ordinary women reaching out to help those less fortunate and to address the religious needs of our Church and community & are committed to preserving family life and to work with their Brother Knights to promote faith and unity. For info, call Judy Wilbank, 792-0641 or chapter recruiter, Tony Ritter, 239-9222. WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU We are aware that the driveway between the Rectory and the Church is in need of replacement. When we receive more funds from the Capital Campaign, we will be able to accomplish this. We thank all who continue to make payments on the commitments to the Capital Campaign! Our Offertory Collection for the weekend of 4/19 was $6,957; for the weekend of 4/26 the collection was $5,300. Thank you for your support. If you or someone in your family are homebound or in the hospital and would like a visit please call the rectory: 764-0325 Ext. 108. Page 1 – 311 WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS YOUNG AT HEART Saturday, May 2 5:00pm(WK)Linda M. Fedena Sunday, May 3 7:00am(WR)People of the Parish 9:00am(SR) Leonard Zaroda 11:00am(SR) Dominick L. Giofre Monday, May 4 7:00am(WR) 9:00am(SR) Battista Turcol Tuesday, May 5 7:00am(WR)Harry Brake, 20th Anniversary 9:00am(SR) Anna Fedena Wednesday, May 6 7:00am(WR)Henry Hunter, Jr. 9:00am(SR) Adelaide C. Russell Thursday, May 7 7:00am(SR) 9:00am(WK)Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hudson Living Intention Friday, May 8 7:00am(Cap) 9:00am(SR) John J. Muldowney Saturday, May 9 9:00am(SR) Baptisto Mendes 5:00pm(SR)Amadeo Pasquini, 55th Anniversary Rosa Maria Pasquini, 15th Anniversary Sunday, May 10-Mother’s Day 7:00am(SR) Mother’s Day Novena 9:00am(WK)Jacinta and Andrew Hollinger Living Intention, 1st Wedding Anniversary 11:00am(KN)People of the Parish Our Bountiful Basket Raffle was a big success at our annual Carnival. Congratulations to all our raffle winners! Our appreciation to all who made the baskets and those who bought the tickets! On Monday, May 18, at 7pm, Ms. Hummy and her young staff, will be hosting a tea for all YAH Members and Guests. Thanks to the fabulous Ms. Hummy! Please call Carmela at 302-762-9057 for your reservation! BULLETIN INFO for 5/10 is due on 5/4 and for the 5/17bulletin the due date is: 5/11. Email your bulletin information request to: Questions? You may email or call: 764-0325 Ext. 106. THE NEXT 2nd Sunday Breakfast is May 10th Mother’s Day! Mark Your Calendar! Food service begins at 8am and continues until 12:45pm. Join family and friends for a delightful time! Need to reserve a table? Text your request to: (302) 598-8586, or email: PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY - meetings will be held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month between 7 & 9pm in the convent. Please enter through the side door closet to church. We begin with the Chaplet of Mercy and will make rosaries, knit and crochet. We provide the material for knitting and crocheting. Please join us and bring a friend. More info in located at the Main Entrance of church for those who are in need of a prayer shawl. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION I would like to thank all the TEENS and our one OLDSTER (Vaughn Whisker) who kept our Dining Room in tip-top shape. Our Carnival Committee is most appreciative. FIRST EUCHARIST REHEARSAL is this WEDNESDAY, May 6, at 6pm in church. All children should be there. This practice will take approximately one hour and a half. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP meets TONIGHT (Sunday) at 7pm in the Religious Education Office. Page 2 – 311 GET YOUR PHILLIES TICKETS - Join us on Thursday, 6/4, at 7pm. Through our special sale, we have great seats in Section 418 behind home plate! Tickets can be purchased for only $30 per seat, and $15 will be donated to our Parish Social Ministry for every ticket purchased! Our 2014 sale raised $2,000! Contact Jim Clark by Email: with your name, phone/email address and the number of tickets. PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Reach out with compassion to families in the parish and community: coordinators needed for Thanksgiving baskets and the Christmas Giving Tree. Experienced help is available. Call Dorothy at 764-0325 Ext. 104 if you can volunteer. WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, May 3 2nd Collection-Maintenance and Repair All Masses: Food Collection-Church 11:00am Child. Liturgy of the Word-Church 12:30pm Baptisms-Church 7:00pm Youth Group-Religious Ed Office Monday, May 4 5:30pm Youth Choir-Church Wednesday, May 6 6:00pm 1st Eucharist Practice-Church 7:00pm Social Ministry Mtg.-Religious Ed Thursday, May 7 5:30pm Bingo-Masci Hall 7:30pm Adult Choir-Church Knights of Columbus and the Columbiettes are teaming up to present the Theatrical Premiere of: “A Man for Others: The Life of Father Roberto Balducelli” on Saturday, May 9. Show times are 12pm, 3pm and 7pm. Location: Penn Cinema Riverfront, 401 S. Madison Street in Wilmington. Tickets are $10 at Proceeds will be going to various charities being supported by the Knights of Columbus and the Columbiettes. For more info or questions, contact Toni Ritter at: Women’s Wellness Weekend: sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph is a fun, relaxing way to meet new friends, learn new skills and enjoy St. Mary-by-the-Sea at eh Cape May beach! We offer a range of workshops from Yoga and Tai Chi to Weaving and Skin Wellness to Inner Harmony and the Power of Friendship. Our 11 workshops are created to balance and improve physical, emotional and spiritual health. Don’t miss out on your own psychedelic social Saturday night! There will be Wellness Weekends held June 5-7 and September 11-13. The cost for the weekend is $395 which includes room, meals, workshops and evening socials. An early registration price of $375 is available for both weekends and evenings socials. Email: or call: 1-800482-6510 for more information. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church is celebrating our 18th Anniversary of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. We invite you to join us in our Adoration Chapel at any time. If you would like to sign up for an hour once a week, please contact Linda Prince at 302-373-3405 or “I will praise You, Lord, in the assembly of Your people!” We proclaimed that several times today in the responsorial psalm. From among the assembly, God chooses some people to offer their praise as priests, deacons, religious sisters or religious brothers. Has He chosen you? What are you doing to find out? Call or write Fr. David Kelley, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302)573-3113 or Visit our website:! Find healing from the pain of abortion at the Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat June 5-7, 2015. This retreat is for men and women impacted by abortion. The response from the first two retreats was exceptional. More are finding freedom and healing from the pain of abortion. For more information about the retreat, please contact Nan Freeman at 302-528-8313 or go to Page 3 – 311 Good News Page 4 – 311