Form 2 (a) FORM 2a: SHELL SCHEME STAND SPECIFICATION All constructions, furniture and equipment that you order for your shell scheme stand should be marked at your drawing, see form 5. If you do not provide form 5 to AGOA FORUM 2009 Organizers before 3rd July, 2009, the official stand constructor has a right to build your stand the way it is in the illustrations below; Exhibitor: ______________________________________________________________________ ___ Hall: _____________________ Stand: ____________________ Invoicing Address: _____________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________ _____________________ Date: Form 2 (b) SHELL SCHEME STAND SPECIFICATION continued. If you have booked a shell scheme stand at this exhibition, please read all of this section. This information ONLY applies to shell scheme exhibitors. Here you can find details about what is included in your package plus information on furniture packages and additional fittings. Fill in and return the order forms in this section to order furniture or a fascia panel for your stand. You also find advice on designing your stand in order to give it the most impact. Package Your stand will be built using the modern day octanorm aluminum beams and uprights, and nonflammable panels made of hard board melamine. If you have booked a shell scheme package, when you arrive at your stand XXXXXXXXX, your stand will be built with shell walls, a fascia and name board. The shell scheme includes the following: • Exhibition floor space • Shell walls: H 250cm • 2-x spotlight per 9 SQM and socket outlet • Fascia board including company name: Helvetica 70 mm • Daily cleaning • 1 VIP cocktail reception pass • Contact details included in the Expo magazine. • Listing in the website Additional Services: Our contractors can build additional features to your shell scheme, see the catalogue and order forms can be found in Form 3 of this manual. Furniture packages The official contractor can also provide furniture for your stand. To assist our exhibitors with the organization of their stand, we have put together cost effective furniture packages, details and a booking form can be found in form 3. Carpet Available on order (Please see form 3). Electricity Your shell scheme stand includes two spotlights and one power socket. There is no further electricity provided for your stand, therefore, all requirements should be ordered through the official contractors. Adapters may be necessary to connect to British Standard sockets. You can bring these with you, or hire them from the official contractors. Stand Design When designing your stand you need to make the most of the stand you have, and there are a number of tried and tested ways to give your stand more impact: • Assess the likely traffic flow around your stand and establish points of interest that will make visitors stop in the aisles; • Make your stand open and inviting; • When a crowd develops at your stand, make sure visitors can see your products over the heads of others; • Ensure your message is clear and your company name is prominent so that visitors in other aisles are aware of your presence; • Ensure you have enough room to display your products and literature, and entertain and talk to clients on your stand; • Ensure there is somewhere to store items – cluttered and messy stands are uninviting. There are also some logistical issues to consider: • Your stand must be designed so it can be erected and dismantled within the time and space available; • We would also ask that stands be designed in a way that allows access for wheelchair users. Form 2 (c) You are able to dress your stand with your own display and posters. However, we ask that you do not use any nails, pins, screws, or cause any damage to the wall panels. We recommend using Velcro strips or double-sided scotch tape to affix materials. Construction Supports: Basic construction elements in Sols –systems for walls in anodized aluminum uprights and beams, H: 250cm. Cross-brace beam structure, with integrated electric rail with 1spot light per 3m2. All necessary cables for the spotlights. Walling: Wall panels in 4 mm hardboard, white melamine, H: 250cm Fascia: 1 standard lettering along open stand fronts, in Helvetica font, in colour, H: 70mm, mounted to the fascia board. 1 stand number, in colour of the frontal fascia board. Please complete and return the Fascia name form (form11) with your company name before July 15th 2009 All interior stand fittings must be contained within the shell stand structure, and must not exceed 2.43m in height. Building and dismantling of the stands, including all transport costs is included Stand maintenance If at any time on-site you experience any problems with your stand structure, please contact the Organisers Office as soon as possible and we will endeavor to rectify the situation immediately. Modular Stand and furniture package for shell scheme exhibitors