CV Bruce Jefferies 072009

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Résumé Bruce E Jefferies
1. Profession: Planning & Conservation Management Systems Specialist.
2. Nationality: New Zealand
3. Passport Number: EA174164
4. Membership Professional Societies
Vice Chair for New Zealand World Commission Protected Areas
Mountain Protected Areas Network IUCN-WCPA Mountains Biome
IUCN / UNESCO World Heritage Advisor
Contact Details
Bruce E Jefferies
185 Stone Street,
Otago - 9305
New Zealand
Phone ++64(0)34437454
Professional Objective
Make a positive contribution to biodiversity conservation endeavors by applying international best practice and
utilizing my professional competence and practical experience.
1972 Diploma Parks, Recreation & Tourism - Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand.
This course encompassed a wide range of subjects including: Recreation and Tourism, Ecology and Biology,
Engineering, Landscape Design, Legal and Compliance, PA Planning and Management.
1999 MSc. – University of Wales - International Centre for Protected Landscapes - Protected Landscape
My MSc degree was completed as a distance-learning student and was spread over 5 years. The course is aimed
primarily at practitioners and encourages a direct connection between work experience and the study programme.
The programme contains a progressive series of courses in which students are required to follow: (1)The Global
Agenda, Sustainability and Biodiversity, (2) Sustainable Tourism: Theory and Practice (3) Protected Area Systems and
the Protected Landscape Concept, (4) Integrating Conservation and Development Programmes, (5) Raising
Awareness: Environmental Education, Information and Interpretation, (6) Management Plans and Management
Systems, (7) Partnership, Participation and Collaborative Management , (8) Communication, Conflict Resolution and
Consensus Building. A research thesis is required. The title of my thesis was The Development and Application of
Biodiversity Conservation Approaches with Particular emphasis on Lessons from Papua New Guinea and the Lao Peoples Democratic
Republic (PDR).
Employment Record
2009 ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity – Author / Editor - Guidelines for Transboundary PA for ASEAN Countries
2008 (December) China – Yunnan Province. Retained by South West Forestry University to peer review the
Conservation Plan for Puer National Park.
2008 (August –September) Timor Leste UNDP - International Consultant for formulation of the project proposal on
PoWPA including: Detailed study of the 92 PoWPA activities
Stakeholders Consultation Workshop
Development of proposal for the identified PoWPA activities for funding from the UNDP/GEF for the
identified PoWPA activities based on all of the above inputs, consultations and recommendations.
2008 July and ongoing ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity – Resource expert for Transboundary Protected Areas
Workshop - Jakarta Indonesia
Retained to draft Guidelines for Transboundary PA for ASEAN Countries.
2007 (2 missions April 2007 and May – June): Indonesia - Komodo National Park and World Heritage Area
Site evaluation and prepare issues and options for eco-tourism development.
Preparation of Tourism Master Plans for two Visitor Amenities Areas.
2006 May TNC China Program National Park and Protected Area establishment in Yunnan Province. (Ongoing
activity with follow-up during 2008 and 2009).
2005 Asian Development Bank - Afghanistan
Protected Area Specialist TA-4541(AFG) - Natural Resources Management and Poverty Reduction Project.
This intervention was structured on two interlinked components; (i) the protected areas component (funded by the
GEF) had the goal of conserving global significant biodiversity; the second component was related to poverty
alleviation. The overall goal was to find ways of linking community development interventions to conservation goals
in the form of conservation stewardship agreements. The overall purpose of this project was to address the basic
needs of communities in buffer zones of protected areas by providing incentives that would help reduce poverty as
well as promote the conservation of global biodiversity in selected protected areas.
2004 - to 2007 Government of Thailand.
International Consultant, Biodiversity Management Planning and Monitoring Systems – Royal Government
of Thailand / DANIDA Sub-component - Joint Management of Protected Areas.
The scope of work included:
Technical backstopping for protected area and biodiversity management and monitoring.
Community based conservation
Workshop planning and facilitation
Formulate management zoning systems for target Protected Areas.
Ecosystem management in target PAs
Application of ecosystem management in forest complexes
Ecological surveys and baseline assessments
Biodiversity monitoring and selection of indicators for monitoring
Development of formalized PA management plans
2004 – November Bhutan –
Jigme Dorji National Park / Jhomolhari Trek assessment and report on options for trekking tourism and
facilities planning and development.
2004 17-22 October Pacific 2009 World Heritage Roundtable Workshop - Tongariro National Park, New Zealand –
Represented IUCN/WCPA at a workshop organized by UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre and New
Zealand’s Department of Conservation.
2004 (September-October) Management Planning Specialist - UNDP/GEF MAL/99/G32
MTR Conservation & Sustainable Use of Tropical Peat Swamp Forests & Associated Wetland Ecosystems
2003 November / December. Department of National Parks and Plant Conservation/ Kasetsart University,
Research and draft World Heritage nomination for a cluster of 5 Protected Areas in N/E Thailand.
October 2003 UNESCO Consultant –
Sarawak Resource Person Case Study Presenter – ASEAN Regional Workshop for UNF World Heritage
Biodiversity Sites.
2001 September to 2003 January Sarawak (Malaysia)
Protected Area Management and Planning Specialist DANIDA 14 month consultancy Support to Wildlife
Master Plan Implementation Project
March 1996 – October 2000 World Bank / GEF Project 4.5 years Lao PDR,
CTA / Conservation Management Specialist Adviser, Global Environment Facility – World Bank - National
Biodiversity Conservation Areas Programme.
Coordination of the Protected Area component of the Forest Management and Conservation Programme,
including reporting and financial planning, identification of personnel and effective management and
direction to ensure that they discharged duties and responsibilities in accordance with acceptable standards.
1993 - 1996 Papua New Guinea
Chief Technical Adviser United Nations Development Programme, Global Environment Facility (GEF) - National
Conservation and Resource Management Programme.
1991 - 1993 April Papua New Guinea
Conservation Management Specialist, New Zealand Ministry of Forestry/World Bank/UNDP. Technical Support
Project: National Forest & Conservation Action Plan.
1989 – 1991 Regional Conservator and Manager, New Zealand Department of Conservation, East Coast Region.
Policy and planning, operations, finance, personnel/support, and liaison / communication. Advising on the
development and review of national policy procedures and corporate planning activities.
1989 May-August Philippines, Consultant, International Conservation Union (IUCN) Protected Areas Section of
Forestry Master Plan Study for the Government of the Philippines.
1989 April-May New Zealand, Consultant, New Zealand Department of Conservation. Responsible for the
development of business planning systems for the Head Office of the Department of Conservation.
1986 – 1989 Nepal, Project Manager / Chief Technical Adviser, Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the
United Nations, National Parks & Protected Areas Management Project.
1979 -1986 New Zealand, Park Superintendent, New Zealand Department of Lands & Survey.
Responsible for conservation management within the Central North Island Region (Tongariro National Park, Lake
Taupo Reserve Complex, and Tokaanu Thermal Park).
1977– 1979 Nepal, Project Manager, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New Zealand Bilateral Aid Programme, Sagarmatha
(Mt Everest) National Park.
1971 Oct.-1972 March New Zealand, Deputy Leader, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, New
Zealand Antarctic Research Programme.
1970– 1977 New Zealand, District Senior Ranger, Department of Lands & Survey, New Zealand National Park
Service. Responsible for management and operational activities for the western sector of Tongariro National Park.
1966 – 1969 New Zealand, Ranger, Department of Lands & Survey & Tongariro National Park Board.
Visitor Safety Services Manager (including director of professional ski patrol), natural resource inventories,
conservation education and visitor services programme.
Key Qualifications and
I have worked as both an advisor / consultant and practitioner specializing in: Protected Area Management Planning,
Training and Capacity Building, PA Project design and assessment, Project management, Biodiversity monitoring and
evaluation systems, World Heritage Site Appraisal,
My knowledge in these areas encompasses an extensive range of conservation planning, management and monitoring
/ evaluation systems and training experience. This experience has been gained in New Zealand, where I was in the
New Zealand National Park Service for 25 years, Pacific Island countries, in particular Papua New Guinea, and in
South and East Asia (Nepal, Bhutan, Philippines, Lao PDR and Malaysia (Sarawak), Thailand, China (Yunnan
Province) and Timor Leste.
A key contribution that I am able to offer stems from the fact that my work experience and achievements are the
result of a combination of “hands on” involvement in all aspects of my chosen profession. I have a particular interest in
all aspects of conservation and am an active trekker, skier and fisher.
My experience includes most aspects of management including that of as practitioner working at, or close to, field
and operational levels, and a well established base in the policy, legal and planning aspects of the profession. In
addition, my experience includes:
An understanding of criteria and processes used to formulate and implement projects under various
international conventions e.g. the CBD Program of Work on Protected Areas, Global Environment
Facility (GEF), and World Heritage Convention.
Ways to forge linkages between global biodiversity conservation imperatives and community livelihood
and development.
Developing, training and implementation of management planning systems;
Establishment of monitoring indicators, verifiable measures and methods;
A good understanding of the expectations of donors;
Development of national / community capacity and institutions;
Policy and legal formulation;
Development of tourism guidelines;
Training / human resource development.
English (Mother Tongue) Excellent speaking, reading, and writing; Nepali, Speaking fair; Melanesian Pidgin,
Speaking Poor.