I designed this unit as a way for ESL Learners to be able to take a look at American Culture and at the same time examine their own cultures in an objective light. This unit could also be easily used for Native
Speakers in Adult Basic Education.
Class Level: High Intermediate to Advanced
Length of class: One hour and thirty minutes (with a 10-15 minute break)
Number of Students: 10
Ages: Adults
Instructor: Beth Steinbach
Major Skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking and Grammar (an integrated approach)
Topic: American Culture
Improve fluency skills
Be able to write a short, 5 paragraph, compare and contrast essay
Be able to conduct a panel discussion on American Culture
Be introduced to focused journal writing
Develop critical thinking skills
Be introduced to communicative teaching methodology using Zone of Proximal
Development model
Introduction to Students of Unit Goals (10 minutes):
Ss will be told that they are a group of amateur, cultural anthropologist who has found a time capsule filled with American stuff. (e.g. magazines, pictures, tapes, and articles) The capsule is about 100 years old and a panel of expert, cultural anthropologist has asked you to uncover the cultural values encoded in this “stuff”. They have given you 8 days to finish this task. At the end of this task, the experts will meet with you to discuss your findings. The panel also wants a written report on your findings and how they differ from your own cultural values.
In order for Ss to be able to have a written report of their findings, they will have to keep a journal of their findings. At the end of each “discovery” Ss will need to write a short passage on what they found, how it is different from their cultural values and questions they would like to
2 ask the experts about this topic. They will also need to write down any strange or new words they come across.
Topic: Concept of Equality
Skills: Speaking, writing and vocabulary development
Objectives: o Ss to learn new vocabulary o Ss to learn about equality in American culture o Ss to be able to compare/contrast equality in Armenian and American Culture o Ss to be introduced to focused journal writing o Ss to develop a topic sentence for compare/contrast essay
Materials: Journal, Jigsaw puzzle, chalkboard, chalk (every lesson will include; journal, chalk board and chalk. If other materials I will state)
Warm-up/Review (10 minutes):
What does equality mean? T will write Ss responses on the board for a semantic map. If
Ss are having trouble then T will write down equal and introduce equality as the noun form of equal.
What do the referents they and these usually refer too? (I am looking here for Ss to answer: It refers to information that was given in the previous clause. They usually refer to people and these to things.)
Activity two (10 minutes): Pre-teach vocabulary
T will pre-teach the following vocabulary: self-evident, endowed, Creator, inalienable rights, Liberty, and pursuit. Ask Ss to write these vocabulary words and their meanings in their journal.
T will write each word on the board and elicit from the Ss the meanings if they know them. If not, T will ask questions like “Who made you?” (Armenia is a 99% Christian country and known to be very “faithful”) Hoping I get answers like God. That way we can come up with the synonyms together.
Activity three (10 minutes): Jigsaw
T will break up the class into two groups of five. Each person in the group will get a clause of the following part of the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident (1), that all men are created equal (2), that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights (3), that among these are life (4), liberty and the pursuit of happiness (5). (I took out the capitals in this passage to make it easier for Ss to put together)
Each Ss will then read aloud to their group what clause they have received. Since this is a difficult sentence, Ss are going to have to really depend on contextual clues from the text. This is one sentence; they can look for the clause with the capital and the one with
3 the period and be able to put together the beginning and end of the sentence. Then for the clauses in the middle they are going to have to look at the referents, they and these . T will then the groups to read the sentence the way the put it together. Each Ss will have to read their clause out loud. At the end, T will have pronunciation practice for any of the words that Ss had difficulties with. Next, T will write the whole sentence on the board for the Ss to see all together. T will ask Ss to copy sentence into their journals.
Break (10 Minutes)
Next T will ask Ss, as they take their break, what they think this sentence means as it relates to the issue of Equality in American culture. Remind them that they are cultural anthropologists trying to uncover the truths about American values.
Activity four (20 minutes): Pre-writing activity, brainstorming
T will have “Meaning of sentence”, “Concept of Equality in American culture” and
“Concept of Equality in Armenian culture” on the board under sentence meaning
T will ask Ss what they think the sentence means and write their answers on the board.
T will ask Ss how do they think Americans value Equality and write their answers on the board under American culture.
T will ask Ss how do Armenians value Equality and write their answers on the board under Armenian culture.
T will then ask if Americans and Armenians value Equality the same way, or differently?
Depending on the answer T will ask Ss for discourse makers that compare or contrast.
(e.g. compare= like, similar to, just as, likewise, similarly) and also write those on the board.
Activity five (25 minutes): Journal writing
T will ask Ss to write a compare or contrast sentence (or however much they want to write) in their journals about Equality in American and Armenian culture.
T will write a model sentence on the board. (e.g. American culture is similar to Armenian culture because, they both believe in the Equality of all people.)
T will also ask Ss to write one question that they would like to ask the panel of experts about Equality. They need to be wh-questions, asking at some point, who, what, where, why or how)
T will write a model sentence on the board. (e.g. Do you think that all people have equal rights in America? If so, Why?)
Activity six (5 minutes): Homework assignment
T will hand Ss the following questions to go home and think about “At what age do you earn respect in Armenian Society?” “How do you know people have respect at this age?”
“Is it the same standard for men and women, why or why not?” T will tell Ss not to prepare anything, they are not allowed to write any sentences, but if they want to write down a couple of notes for discussion tomorrow that is ok. This is not a writing assignment, just a thinking assignment to prepare Ss for the discussion tomorrow.
Rationale: I picked to do a semantic map on Equality so that students can activate any background knowledge they have on this word and get other ideas from their classmates. I know
4 that there are a lot of vocabulary words to understand for one sentence, but I think the passage is important enough to take the time to learn these words. I choose group work for the jigsaw puzzle to have students talk to each other, but this is also a difficult passage and they can help each other out. This also creates a “collaborative” learning environment, where they do not have to depend on the teacher for all their answers. I did brainstorming to give them ideas for their compare/contrast essays. Journal writing is to write these ideas down so they have something to refer to when they write their compare and contrast essays. It also shows students how to provide steps to their students to achieve the goals of the class. (My rationale for journal writing will be the same for each section, so this is the only time I will write the rationale for it.)
Skills: Speaking, writing and reading
Objectives: o Ss to develop critical thinking skills o Ss to develop reading strategies o Ss to develop note-taking skills o Ss to see how a group can work together
Warm-up/Review ( 15 minutes):
T will ask Ss to read their sentences from their journals on equality. If they have more than one, just to pick one. (T can see if Ss understood the assignment and if anyone needs extra help)
T will ask Ss to discuss the age questions given at the end of the previous lesson and write Ss responses on the board.
Activity one (15 minutes): Previewing (Appendix One, Vogue Ads)
T will break the class up into two groups of five. Each group will get a series of ads. One person in each group has to be the designated note-taker and one the presenter.
T will ask Ss to answer the following questions: o What is the American attitude towards age? o How did you come to this conclusion? (e.g. There are so many ads on wrinkle cream, Americans must be worried about looking old)
Ss will have to work in their groups and with the ads to find the answers. At the end, one person from each group presents the answers. They have to remember that they are anthropologist seeking to see American culture through this “stuff”.
*Still building a picture file for this activity, but I picked man of the vogue ads because they will see some of the language that is used in the botox article, and I also think it provides a good lead-in for the botox article.
Activity two (5 minutes): Predicting (Appendix 2, Time Botox Article)
5 o T will show each of the Ss the picture in their reading and ask what do they think this article is about
Activity three (5 minutes): Scanning o T will write the following questions on the board: o How many Americans received the shots last year? o How much do botox shots costs? o Who is the director of plastic surgery at Maimonides Medical Center?
Activity four ( 10 minutes): Extensive Reading with note taking o T will ask Ss to read the article and while they are reading to write down the main ideas of the article, but to remember that they only have 10 minutes, so they can not possible write everything down. If they come across any words they do not know, they should just make a quick mark by them and keep reading.
Activity five (10 minutes): Summary o T will ask Ss to verbally summarize the article. T will ask wh-questions to elicit the information from the Ss. (e.g. What question do they ask in the first paragraph, what does that mean?) o T will only answer vocabulary questions if it impeded every Ss understanding of the article.
Break (10 minutes):
Activity six (20 minutes): Journal writing o T will ask Ss if age is viewed differently in American and Armenian culture? If it is viewed differently T will write the contrast discourse markers on the board. (e.g. however, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, rather, different from, unlike) o Then T will write a model sentence on the board for Ss to look at. (e.g. Americans prize youth and beauty. However, Armenians prize old age and wisdom.) o T will also ask Ss to write one or more questions they have about age in America. T will write model sentence on the board. (e.g. Is it true that a company would rather hire a younger employee over someone with age and wisdom?) o T will remind Ss to write down any new vocabulary words they learned in their journals.
(none were presented in this lesson, but they may have learned some from their reading or from their classmates)
Rationale: I picked group work here so students can see how a group can work together, people can make different kinds of contributions to a group. Also, to get varied opinions on the ads. I hope these topics are interesting enough for students to really want to discuss them. I used predicting, scanning and extensive reading because I want students to develop top-down reading strategies and see that they do not need to understand every word that is written to understand a piece of writing. Verbal summary to help them prepare to write in their journals.
Skills: Listening, Predicting, Reading and Writing
Objectives: o Ss to build listening skills o Ss to build Reading and Writing strategies (i.e predicting) o Vocabulary Development
Materials: VCR or tape player
Warm-up (5-10 minutes) pre-listening activity: o T will ask Ss if they know who Bill Clinton is and write his name on the board. Then T will do the same for Monica Lewinsky and scandal and write all responses on the board.
If Ss have not heard of this scandal, T will start with the basics. President, Intern ect..to build background knowledge for the short video clip.
Activity One (2 minutes ) Listening to short video of Bill Clinton’s denial of a relationship with
Monica Lewinsky. (Tape is about 30 seconds, with very clear denial language in it. If no video is available, then I will play a tape recording): o T will ask Ss to listen for what Bill Clinton says he did not do. o After Ss listen to video, T will ask for answer to check for comprehension
Activity Two (5 minutes): (Appendix 3, Cloze exercise for video) o T will hand out a cloze exercise and have Ss listen to video again to fill in the missing information on the worksheet.
Activity Three (5 minutes): o T will ask Ss for the answers to the cloze exercise. T will ask for agreement from the Ss on the answers, if a dispute on the answers, T will play the video again for Ss.
Activity Four (10 minutes): Predicting
T will ask Ss:
A) If they think the President was telling the truth?
B) If he was not telling the truth, what do they think will happen next?
Activity Five (15 minutes): Pre-reading, pre-teaching vocabulary. o T will teach the following vocabulary to prepare Ss to read the article: impeachment, acquittal, testify, defendant, civil suit, right-wing conspiracy, immunity, perjury, House
Judiciary Committee, hearings, Republican, Senate, obstruction of justice, and prosecution. (I am not sure if this reading will be too difficult, but if it proves to be, I would modify the language to simpler terms.) o T will ask Ss to write these words and definitions in their journals they have been keeping.
7 o I am still not sure if I would teach this article without simplifying it. But I would teach these words as I did before, by writing on the board and helping Ss come up with synonyms, or giving them the synonyms.
Activity Six (20 minutes): Reading exercise (Appendix 4 with questions, Lewinsky Scandal
Article) o T will ask Ss to read the article, “Lewinsky Scandal” and answer the attached 8 questions on the article. (10 minutes) o T will have Ss get in groups of 2 and go over their answers together (5 minutes) o Next T will have Ss read the answers they cam up with, as they are read, T will write the answers on the board. (The answers give a chronological order to what happen in the
Lewinsky scandal) (5 minutes) o T will ask Ss to hold onto the answers and bring them to class the next day for an activity.
Activity Seven (10 minutes): Break o T will ask Ss to think about what would happen if this scandal had taken place in
Activity Eight (10 minutes): Journal Writing o T will ask to Ss to write in their journal how this scandal would be different in Armenia? o T will write a model sentence on the board. (e.g. In America they tried to impeach the president for lying about an affair. But in Armenia that would never had happened because…. o Write wh-questions in their journals for the panel on the scandal
Activity Nine (3 minutes): Getting ready for discussion tomorrow o T will ask Ss for homework to think about what this tells you about how Americans feel about honesty. Is it important? Why do you think so? o What would have been an Armenian response to the scandal? o T will ask Ss to take notes on these questions, but not to write any dialogs and bring their notes in for class the next day.
I picked the “denial” video for listening because it has really clear language in it. I did a cloze exercise to help students understand the video. I choose the reading because it gives a good, quick summary of the scandal in chronological order.
Skills: Speaking and writing
Objectives: o For Ss to see how role-play can be used in the class
8 o For Ss to be able to put together an outline for compare/contrast essays o For Ss to see how their journal writing is used for their essays
Warm-up/Review (5-10 minutes): o T will ask Ss to discuss the answers to yesterday’s questions. How do Americans feel about honesty, how is that different than Armenia?
Activity One (20-30 minutes): Role-Play o T will tell Ss that they are going to work on a role-play exercise where they have to pretend that the Lewinsky scandal happened in Armenia. o T will ask them to pullout the worksheet they completed yesterday that has the chronological order of the scandal on it. o Next T will break the Ss up into two groups of five and hand-out role play cards that say;
President, Intern, House Judiciary Committee, Prosecutor and Intern’s friend. o T will ask Ss to come up with how Armenian would have reacted to the scandal using the events in chronological order. o After Ss have prepared role-play, T will have them come up to the front of the class and act out the role-play they have come up with.
Activity Two (10 minutes): Break
Activity Three (10 minutes): Pre-writing (Appendix 5, model essay) o T will hand out a 5-paragraph compare and contrast essay to each Ss. o T will give them a few minutes to preview the essay o T will write compare and contrast essay on the board. o T will ask Ss what do they notice about the essay? (i.e. How long is it? What does the first paragraph do? What does the last paragraph do? What is going on in the three paragraphs in the middle?) T will write answers on the board.
Activity Four (20 minutes): Outlining o From the information given in the previous exercise, T will put up a general outline form of a five-paragraph essay. (i.e. Intro, Supporting Paragraphs and Conclusion) o T will ask Ss to pull out their journals o T will ask Ss if they were going to write an essay on what they have written in their journals what kind of essay might they write. (i.e., compare and contrast about American and Armenian culture) T will write the topic on the board o T will ask what their sub-topics would be based on what information in their journals (i.e. equality, attitude towards age and concept of face.) and have Ss write these down in their out-lines. o Next T will ask what kind of information should go in an introduction paragraph to this topic? (i.e., What the essay is about, what is going to be discussed in the essay) Write answers on board o Next T will do the same for the conclusion. At this point, on the board would be the following information (if copy machines are available, I would just hand Ss a skeleton out-line and have them fill in the form):
9 o A) Topic: Differences and Similarities of American and Armenian Culture o B) Introduction:
What the essay is about
What you are going to talk about in the essay
How are you going to talk about it? o C) Support One: Equality o D) Support Two: Attitude Towards Age o E) Support Three: Concept of Face o F) Conclusion:
What was talked about in the essay
Activity Five (10 minutes): o Next T will ask Ss to take the sentence they like the most from each topic in their journal and write them under equality, attitude towards age and concept of face. o Ss now have a rough outline for their compare and contrast essays. Their supporting paragraphs have topic sentences. o T will let Ss know that there are two more subject areas to cover on culture and they will have the choice to pick the three they want to talk about, but for now they can put the outlines away.
Homework: To think about if it is easy to change jobs in Armenia if you do not like your job.
Do people change careers easily? Is it easy to get more education to change your job? Ss should write notes, but not dialogs.
Rationale: I choose role-play so students can see how they can use it in the classroom and hopefully to have some fun. Also to bring to life the differences or similarities in the cultural response to this kind of scandal. I choose giving students a model for compare/contrast essay so they can see what they are going to write and recognize the text type, or rhetorical style. I used the out-lining, so they can see a pre-writing activity and how to build on previous activities so the final essay does not seem so daunting. Also this will allow them to organize what is in their journals and prepare them to write their essays.
“Americans regard education as the means by which the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by which every desirable end is to be achieved.”-George S. Counts (American
Ways book)
Skills: Speaking, Reading, and Writing
10 o Ss to develop critical thinking skills o Ss to have to negotiate with each other for meaning of text o Ss to see relation between the concept of destiny with American values on equality
Warm-Up (10 minutes): Discussion to yesterday’s homework o T will ask Ss to discuss questions
Activity One (10 minutes): Previewing (Appendix 6, newspaper ads, *I am still building stuff for this file, but this is what I have at the moment) o T will handout to half of the class advertisements on school programs and half will get ads for jobs. o T will ask Ss to preview the ads and ask themselves if it is easy to change jobs or careers in America. Circle any evidence they find to support their argument.
Activity Two (10 minutes): Information Gap/Group Work o T will split Ss up into pairs. One person will have the education ads and one will have the job ads and they will have to negotiate with each other as what their findings were. o Each Ss should take notes on what their findings were. o Then each group will tell the class what they found. (e.g. I found it was easy to change jobs because you can do a degree at night from your computer.) o T will ask Ss if what they found ties into anything else they learned in this unit? (e.g. I want Ss to be able to tie this back to the piece from the Declaration of Independence, right to pursue life, liberty and happiness.
Activity Three (10 minutes): Short reading (Appendix 7, Ba Nguyen, adapted from American
Articles) o T will ask Ss to read the short passage on Ba Nguyen. o T will ask Ss to answer how he was able to change his life?
Activity Four (5 minutes): Pre-Writing: Brainstorming o T will America and Armenia on the board and ask the Ss how can you change your life, your job if you are not happy? (e.g. you can go back to school in America) o T will write Answers on the board
Activity Five (20 minutes): Journal Writing o T will ask Ss if changing your life is the same in both countries? If they are alike, T will write discourse markers that mark similarities on the board. o T will write a model sentence. (e.g. Armenia is like America because if you do not like your job you can go back to school.)
Rationale: I used previewing for students to develop critical thinking skills. I used information gap so students have to negotiate with each other for meaning and support their arguments by what they found. This will help them with their arguments in their essays. I used this short reading to put the concepts together, so they can see if their hypothesis were correct and hopefully they can tie this back to the concept of equality.
Skills: Speaking, Reading and writing
Objectives: o Ss to develop reading strategies o Ss to build vocabulary o Ss to develop critical thinking and to see the organization of the short piece they are reading.
Warm-Up (5-10 minutes): Predicting (*I have a picture at home of me with my co-workers at an old job that I think would be good for this. I use to work in a cube farm, and dress was very casual) o T will hold up a picture of people dressed in “business casual” attire in the workplace and ask the Ss; o What are the people doing? o What are the people wearing? o Is that what you wear when you work in business? o Do you think that everyone dresses like that at work?
Activity One (10 minutes): Pre-reading, vocabulary development o T will pre-teach the following vocabulary: human resources executives, broad-range, grappling, corporate culture, dress down days, casual attire, deem, taboo, productivity, tardiness, absenteeism, flirtatious behavior, harassment, discrimination. o T will ask Ss to write down the vocabulary words in their journals
Activity Two: (5 minutes): Pre-viewing article “Surveys: National Workplace Survey” (Appendix
8) o T will ask Ss to glance at the article and say what the article is about. o T will ask Ss to make two columns on a piece of paper, one titled “Pro” and one “Con”
Activity Three (15 minutes) While reading activity: o T will ask Ss to read the article and while they are reading write in the “Pro” column good things about casual dress, and in “Con” write bad things about causal dress in the workplace.
Activity Four (5 minutes): Comprehension Check o T will ask Ss to list the things they found in the article for both columns, as Ss say answers, T will write them on the board.
Activity Five (15 minutes): Debate o T will ask how many people think the casual dress is good in the workplace? How many think causal dress is not good? Then break Ss up into two groups based on their answer.
12 o Each group will be asked to develop an argument for or aginst. o One team will go first and the second team has to answer the others teams comments with a counter-response. (e.g. I don’t think you should wear causal clothes at work because you are not as professional. Response: But, people who wear causal clothes are more productive.)
Activity Six (10 minutes): Break
Activity Seven: (20 minutes): Journal Writing o Ss write in their journals if casual dress is allowed in business in Armenia and is that like or dislike America? o T will write model Sentence on the board and ask Ss for the discourse markers again. o T will ask Ss to also pull out their outlines and add Concept of Destiny and Fate, and
Attitude towards Formality. o T will have Ss also write their topic sentences under those topics o T will have Ss pick three topics that they want to write more about out of the topics covered and ask them to mark those.
Rationale: I used predicting because with the picture so students can develop hypothesis and then find out later if they are true. I also think it will be amusing for them to see how casual
Americans are (I already know that Armenia is a very formal society). I choose this reading so they can see how pro’s and con’s are put together. Also how they can categorize this information to prepare for writing. I choose debate to hopefully have students interested enough to want to speak in English. Since the classroom is one of the only places they will have practice with speaking.
Skills: Speaking, writing, listening and reading
Objectives: o Ss to put together questions for the panel o Ss to have practice saying their questions o Ss to develop more questions for panel o Ss to have review of wh-questions
Warm-up/Review (5 minutes): o T will ask Ss what are wh-questions and what kind of information do they elicit and how are they formed? (e.g. who, what, why, when, where and how. Formed by wh+aux.+subj+verb or wh+be+subj) o T will write this information on the board
Activity One (5 minutes): Topic Picking o T will put the five topics on the board, equality, age, honesty, destiny and formality, and ask Ss to pick the one they are most interested in. (Hopefully two Ss pick each subject, otherwise T will have to intervene) The topic area that they pick will be the topic questions that they ask the panel tomorrow.
Activity Two (20 minutes): Question Development o T will ask Ss to open their journals to the topic area they picked and pullout their whquestions o Next T will have Ss get in groups of two, depending on the topic they picked. o Ss will read the questions they have to the other person in their group at the same time checking for any errors. o Then, T will have Ss make sure they do not have any duplicate questions o T will have Ss come up with more questions; they should have at least six questions total.
Activity Three (20 minutes): Mock-Interview and Brainstorming o T will have Ss sit in a semi-circle and T will sit in the center o Ss will ask T with questions they have prepared, while Ss are asking questions T will ask them how they could ask another question if they wanted more information? o T will write the ideas for follow-up questions on the board
Activity Four (10 minutes): Question Development o T will ask Ss to get back in their pairs and write together their final 6 questions they will ask the panel tomorrow. o T will ask Ss to also copy from the board and follow-up questions they could possibly ask o T will also ask Ss to listen tomorrow to see how the T’s answers were different from the panel’s answers.
Rationale: This lesson is all about getting students prepared for the panel, to give their confidence in the questions they ask. So when they go to the panel discussion they can concentrate on listening to what is said instead of worrying about if their questions are ok, what if someone asks the same question ect.
Skills: Listening, speaking and writing
Objectives: o Ss to put to use all the knowledge they have form this unit o Ss to practice note taking o Ss to see how their stages of work have come together o Ss gain an understanding of the cultural differences in America
T will have assembled a group of “cultural experts”. Hopefully about 3 or 4 other Americans with different cultural backgrounds, ethnicity and gender.
Warm-up (10 minutes): o T will have the volunteers introduce themselves and say a little about where they are from in America and what they do for work, ect.. o T will have the Ss introduce themselves and say what they do.
Activity one (50 minutes): Discussion and note taking o T will ask the Ss to ask the experts what questions they have prepared for the panel. o T will ask Ss to keep notes on the main points discussed. Ss can use this information for their essays if they like.
Rationale: To have students use their knowledge and to get a to see if what they have been reading about is really true for all Americans and how if could be different. To have an opportunity to hear other native speakers.
- Concludes with in-class writing of their essays, with instruction on introductory and conclusion paragraphs. Ss will be asked to include information from the interview into their essays as well as any appropriate vocabulary words they learned through the unit. This will be their first draft, and then I would take them through the writing process of peer-editing, revising, teacher conference, 2 nd draft ect.
I am still developing this unit. I picked it because I think it is something that I can really build on for years. I am not sure about my timing on any of these lessons, or if the reading is too difficult or too much or if I am trying to cover too much in a short time. I guess the best way to figure out some of this, is too teach it and see what happens!
Add on Unit:
In this section students use the internet to discover “volunteerism” in the United States and abroad. This is a web-scavenger hunt on the Peace Corps Web-site and the local United Way
Web-Site. I designed the Scavenger Hunt for the Peace Corps web-site, but the Scavenger Hunt for the United Way web-site came from another teacher, as did the Journal writing topic.
First person to complete the scavenger hunt gets a special prize!
Directions: Go to the following web page: www.peacecorps.gov
1) What is Peace Corps?
2) What are Peace Corps 3 goals (mission)?
3) Who are some notable volunteers? Pick three different volunteers, from three different fields. (business, arts, politics ect..)
4) What do volunteers do?
5) Where do volunteers go? Do they go to your country? (If they do not go to your country, pick another country you are interested in) a.
Country name __________________
6) What kind of projects do they do in that country?
7) How many volunteers serve in that country?
8) What is it like to be a volunteer? Go to "in their own words", select a Region or Country and click on the select button. (If no stories come up, pick a new country)
9) Open a word document, and cut and paste the story you choose. Type your name on the top on the page and print the word document.
10) Read the story and summarize in your own words what it about. We will share these stories with the class.
11) Who is qualified to be a volunteer?
12) Find the photo gallery and look at the pictures. Describe the most interesting picture you found.
1) Log onto www.uwkc.org
2) Go to quick links and click on volunteer
3) Click on search volunteer opportunities a.
Click on your interests b.
Click on social group c.
Click on what times you can volunteer d.
Click on what skills you have e.
Find three volunteer opportunities that you may be interested in and provide the following information about them.
1) Name of volunteer position: a.
What volunteer agency supports it: b.
Description of position: c.
Why are you interested in this position?
2) Name of volunteer position: a.
What volunteer agency supports it: b.
Description of position: c.
Why are you interested in this position?
3) Name of volunteer position: a.
What volunteer agency supports it: b.
Description of position: c.
Why are you interested in this position?
How does volunteerism in your country compare with volunteerism in the US? What volunteer organizations are present in your community back home? Did you do any volunteer work in your country? Please explain. If you had the time, what type of volunteer work would you like to do here in your local community?