THE 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICTAP-2014) 16-17 October 2014, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS GROUNDWATER FLOW EQUATION Muhammad Hamzah Syahruddin Geophysics, Physics Department, Hasanuddin University Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Makassar, Indonesia. e-mail : Abstract. Groundwater flow under surface, its usually slow moving, so that in laminer flow condition can find analisys using the Darcy’s law. The combination between Darcy law and continuity equation can find differential Laplace equation as general equation groundwater flow in sub surface. Based on Differential Laplace Equation is the equation that can be used to describe hydraulic head and velocity flow distribution in porous media as groundwater. In the modeling Laplace equation specific solution using the separation variable method (SVM). Therefore, distribution hydrolic head and distribution velovity flow modeling in porous media can showed using the SVM. Key word : groundwater velocity,hydraulic head, SVM INTRODUCTION In mathematics, a partial differential equation (PDE) is a differential equation that contains unknown multivariable functions and their partial derivatives. (This is in contrast to ordinary differential equations, which deal with functions of a single variable and their derivatives.) PDEs are used to formulate problems involving functions of several variables, and are either solved by hand, or used to create a relevant computer model. PDEs can be used to describe a wide variety of phenomena such as sound, heat, electrostatics, electrodynamics, fluid flow, elasticity, or quantum mechanics. This seemingly distinct physical phenomena can be formalised similarly in terms of PDEs. Just as ordinary differential equations often model one-dimensional dynamical systems, partial differential equations often model multidimensional systems. PDEs find their generalisation in stochastic partial differential equations Empirically flow rate of water in the soil has been formulated by Henri Darcy in 1856 From Darcy's law it can be seen the rate of water flow in porous media such as water infiltration in soil, rock, and others. The rate of water flow in porous media is proportional to the constant head permeability and hydraulic gradient. Darcy's law equation can be seen in the Wesley (2005) and Tod (1980). Large flow rate of water in porous media is determined by the permeability constant. Specifically, permeability refers to the ability of water to pass through materials such as silt, sand and clay. The rate is fastest with sand, the which drains Easily and does not retain moisture. Drainage is slower and retention is higher with clay, peat and silt. The structure and texture as well as other organic elements take part in raising the rate of soil permeability. Soil with high permeability increase the rate of water infiltration into the soil and thus, can reduce the rate of runoff. In this paper is also an example of modeling that was conducted to determine how the distribution of water pressure in the soil of the hydraulic head. And modeling were carried out to determine how the velocity distribution of water seepage into the ground to a homogeneous isotropic medium.. SEPARATION VARIABLE METHOD (SVM) Equation flow of water in the soil can be approximated using the Laplace differential equation (LDE). The equations is derived from Darcy's law equation and the law of conservation of mass or continuity principle. The derived of the Laplace differential equation Darcy's law and the principle of continuity can be seen in Syahruddin (2014). This paper will discuss specific solutions analytically from the groundwater flow equation is expressed in the Laplace differential equation (LDE). THE 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICTAP-2014) 16-17 October 2014, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia Specific solution of the LDE can be used analytically the separation of variables method (SVM). The LDE-specific solutions, obtained by applying a certain boundary condition on the observed geometry. Therefore, the analytic solution obtained from the application of certain boundary condition applies only to the boundary conditions and not valid for other boundary conditions .. Thus, any change in the boundary conditions, the analytical solution was changed (Kreyzig, 1980). Simple geometric shapes for review is rectangular shaped. Geometry terms have certain boundary conditions. This boundary condition, should be adapted to the physical conditions approach the real situation. Boundary condition used is the value of u (x, y) on the boundary of the terms. Boundary condition is known as the Dirichlet boundary condition. Geometry terms can be seen in Figure 1. is equal to X (x) function multiplied by Y (y) function. So that the Laplace differential equation can be written as, u ( x, y) X ( x).Y ( y) u xx u yy X "Y XY " .................(2) Equation 2 can be separated variables respectively to the variables x and y variables. The results of the separation of each of the variables x and y variables obtained two equations differensia ordinary. The results of separation of variables x and y can be seen in equation 3. X "X 0 Y " Y 0 ..................(3) The solution of equation (3) obtained by each of the functions X (x) and the function Y (y). The function X (x) and the function Y (y) is obtained by applying the boundary conditions as in Figure 1 .. When the function X (x) and the function Y (y) is substituted into equation (2) the obtained solution is unique Laplace differential equations. Solution Laplace differential equations, can be seen in equation (4) 2 sin nx sin ny 1 0 sin nx f ( x)dx sinh n n 1 u ( x, y ) ..............(4) Equation (4) represent the potential distribution at coordinates (x, y) in the medium. Equation (4) can be used to calculate the pressure distribution in the medium. The pressure distribution in the medium can be determined by the equation, 2 sin nx sin ny 1 P( x, y ) g sin nx f ( x)dx 0 sinh n n1 Figure 1 Medium seepage of water ...................(5) To resolve such Dirichlet cases in Figure 1 would require a two-dimensional differential equations nLaplace. Two-dimensional Laplace differential equation is shown in equation 1. 2u 2u 0 x 2 y 2 ................(1) By applying the method of separation of variables, the variables x and y can be separated. The trick is, the solution of differential equations of Laplace, at first considered that u (x, y) can be separated into, u (x, y) From equation (4) can be easily derived with respect to x and y variable. Derivative of equation (4) of the variable x as a potential gradient, which is the flow lines in the medium. The derivative with respect to x variable obtained equation (6) is, u 2 cos(n x) sinh( n y ) 1 cos(n ) x n 1 sinh(n ) ................(6) Equation (6) represent the potential gradient at coordinates (x, y) in the medium. Equation (6) can be THE 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICTAP-2014) 16-17 October 2014, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia used to calculate the distribution of the rate of water seepage in the medium. Distribution rate of water seepage in the medium can be determined by Substituting equation (6) into equation Darcy's law. Results substituting equation (6) into the Darcy law is, 2 cos nx sinh ny 1 cos n v ( x, y ) K sinh n n 1 TABLE 1. Results of Calculation (x,y) 0,1 , 0,5 0,2 , 0,5 0,3 , 0,5 0,4 . 0,5 0,5 . 0,5 0,6 , 0,5 0,7, 0,5 0,8, 0,5 0,9 , 0,5 u 0,08159 0,15275 0,20634 0,23906 0,25 0,23906 0,20634 0,15275 0,08159 ............... (7) Calculation of potential and potential gradient in equation (4) and (5) be easily done with a computer program. The calculation is done using the programming languages (C ++). The results of the calculations are presented in Table 1. du/dx 0,77914 0,63217 0,4344 0,21874 0 -0,21874 -0,4344 -0,63217 -0,77914 du/dy 0,29924 0,54494 0,71267 0,80546 0,83462 0,80546 0,71267 0,54494 0,29924 RESULTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Seepage of water in the soil can be approximated by the Laplace differential equation. One of the solutions that can be used to solve analytically, Laplace differential equations, is the method of separation of variables. Analytic solutions, Laplace differential equations, is a specific solution because it depends on the boundary conditions used. If the boundary conditions change then the solution of Laplace equation change as well. Potential obtained from the Laplace differential equations solution can be used to describe the distribution of water pressure in the soil. While the derivative of potential as hydraulic head gradient can be used to obtain the distribution of the flow rate of water in the soil. A potential gradient flow lines of water from high pressure to low pressure. We express our gratitude to the leader Hasanuddin university for permission and financial assistance to us in order to present and presentation of papers at the ICTAP 2014Denpasar Bali Indonesia . REFERENCES Kreyzig, E. (1980) : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 667-668. Syahruddin, M.H., (2014) : Persamaan Aliran air dalam Tanah, Prosiding SFN Bali. Tood, D.K. (1980) : Groudwater Hydrology, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York. Wesley, D.L., 2005: Mekanika Tanah. Badan Penerbit Pekerjaan Umum, Jakarta