CURRICULUM VITAE December 2015 John Michael Christopher HUTCHINSON Nationality: British. Place of birth: Lambeth. Age: 52 Married with one son. WEB page: EDUCATION & EMPLOYMENT 1976-1981. Winchester College, Winchester. Awarded Exhibition, 1977; University Exhibition, 1981. 5 ‘A’-levels, 2 ‘S’-levels: Biology, Mathematics, Further Maths, Chemistry, History of Art. 1982-1985. New College, Oxford. First degree: Zoology, B.A. (Upper second). Major options; Behaviour, Ecology, Genetics, Entomology. 1985-1989. Department of Biology, University of York. Researching for D. Phil. on snail shell shape. Supervised by Prof. J.D. Currey, funded by SERC. 1990-1992. School of Mathematics, University of Bristol. Research Assistant with J.M. McNamara, funded by SERC. Theoretical modelling in behavioural ecology with particular reference to daily routines. 1992-1993. School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol. Temporary Lecturer. 1993-1995. Joint appointment in Schools of Biological Sciences and Mathematics, University of Bristol. Research Associate with I.C. Cuthill & J.M. McNamara, funded by NERC. Multiplayer stochastic dynamic games; skylark song-flight display strategies. 1996-1997. School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol. Departmental Demonstrator. 1998-1999. Joint appointment in Schools of Biological Sciences and Mathematics, University of Bristol. Research Associate with J.M. McNamara & I.C. Cuthill, funded by NERC. The function of daily routines: twinning theory with experiment. 1999-2000 School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol. Temporary Lecturer. 2000-2006 Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter 2007Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter FELLOWSHIPS Awarded Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship in 2000, but a longer-term job offer forced me to decline it. Senior Fellow, Collegium Pontes, 2007. TEACHING, ADMINISTRATIVE AND REFEREEING EXPERIENCE York: Demonstrating on a variety of courses, but particular experience in teaching statistics, numerical methods and computing to undergraduates and to the M.Sc. course on Biological Computation. Bristol: As Temporary Lecturer, I designed and delivered a lecture course on animal diversity, including practicals; other isolated lectures and practical classes to undergraduates; demonstrator on all first-year zoology practicals. Subsequently employed as Departmental Demonstrator, mainly designing and delivering (twice per year) a new second-year course in numerical biology (18 lectures, 5 practicals, assessment exercise and exam). Later lecturing responsibilities as Temporary Lecturer were mainly in behavioural ecology. I attended several one-day courses on teaching methods. First- and second-year undergraduate tutorials; supervising third-year projects and critical essays; assessment of postgraduate progress; several years’ experience helping to run the ethology field course on Lundy Island; examiner of Ph.D. Supervision of a graduate research assistant developing computer equipment and a field assistant working on the skylark project. Organiser of a departmental seminar series on ecology and behaviour (8 years). Berlin: Co-organiser of a two-day workshop for psychology students (LIFE programme) on the biological theory underpinning psychology and evolutionary psychology. Supervisor of postdoc, postgraduates, and Praktikant students. Organiser of internal and external seminars (6 years). Görlitz: Guest lecturer on Senckenberg Course in Taxonomy and Systematics, Dresden. Co-organiser of a course on molluscs for the M.Sc. “Biodiversity and Collection Management”. Formerly Consulting Editor for Animal Behaviour, on Advisory Board of Folia Malacologica. I have refereed articles for: Acta Oecologica, Adaptive Behavior, American Naturalist, Animal Behaviour, Basic and Applied Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Behaviour, Biologia, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Biology Letters, Cave and Karst Science, Ecologica Montenegrina, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Ethology, Evolution and Human Behavior, Folia Malacologica, Functional Ecology, Ibis, Interface, Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Avian Biology, Journal of Experimental Zoology B, Journal of Molluscan Studies, Journal of Morphology, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Journal of Zoology, Lethaia, Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, Malakoligische Abhandlungen, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Naturwissenschaften, North-Western Journal of Zoology, Palaeontology, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, Physiological Entomology, PLoSONE, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Science, Soil Organisms, Theoretical Population Biology. I have also refereed grant applications for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (UK) and the National Science Foundation (USA). PUBLICATIONS (Abstracts and pdfs at HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1989. Control of gastropod shell shape; the role of the preceding whorl. Journal of Theoretical Biology 140:431–444. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1990. Stabilising selection in Weldon’s snails: a reappraisal. Heredity 64:113–120. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1990. Control of gastropod shell form via apertural growth rates. Journal of Morphology 206:259–264. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1990. Ellipses and ellipsis. Nature 348:683–684. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., J.M. MCNAMARA & I.C. CUTHILL, 1993. Song, sexual selection, starvation and strategic handicaps. Animal Behaviour 45:1153–1177. HOUSTON, A.I., MCNAMARA, J.M. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1993. General results concerning the trade-off between gaining energy and avoiding predation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London B 341:375–397. DUSSART, G.B.J. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1993. A comparison of methods of shell description, applied to schistosome vector species in the genera Bulinus and Biomphalaria. Journal of Medical and Applied Malacology 5:149–150. NOSZÁLY, G., SZEKÉLY, T. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1995. Brood survival of Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus in alkaline grasslands and drained fish ponds. Ornis Hungarica 5:15–21. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1996. Evolution in fluctuating environments: a game with kin. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11:230–232. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., MCNAMARA, J.M., HOUSTON, A.I. & VOLLRATH, F. 1997. Dyar’s Rule and the Investment Principle: the consequences of a size-dependent feeding rate when growth is discontinuous. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London B 352:113–138. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1997. The algorithmic beauty of seashells [Book review]. Journal of Conchology 36: 83–85. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1998. Factors influencing the surface fauna of blue holes on South Andros, Bahamas. Cave and Karst Science 25:83–91. [Reprinted 1999 in Bahamas Journal of Science 6:29–43] HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1999. Bet-hedging when targets may disappear: optimal mate-seeking or preycatching trajectories and the stability of leks and herds. Journal of Theoretical Biology 196:33–49. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1999. Animal groups in three dimensions [Book review]. Ethology 105:459–462. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 1999. But which morphospace to use? [Book review of Theoretical Morphology, G.R. McGhee]. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14:414. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2000. Sampling and statistical methods for behavioral ecologists [Book review]. Journal of Fish Biology 56:233–234. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. & MCNAMARA, J.M. 2000. Ways to test stochastic-dynamic-programming models empirically. Animal Behaviour 59:665–676. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2000. Three into two doesn’t go; bird eggs, snail shells, and plant roots. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 70:161–187. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2000. More on the meanderings of mangabeys; how to test whether bounded walks are random. Functional Ecology 14:267–271. REISE, H., HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., FORSYTH, R.G. & FORSYTH, T. 2000. The ecology and rapid spread of the terrestrial slug Boettgerilla pallens in Europe with reference to its recent discovery in North America. Veliger 43:313–318. FORSYTH, R.G., HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., & REISE, H. 2001. Aegopinella nitidula (Draparnaud, 1805) (Gastropoda: Zonitidae) in British Columbia—first confirmed North American record. American Malacological Bulletin 16:65–69. REISE, H. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2001. Morphological variation in terrestrial slug Deroceras turcicum (Simroth, 1894), and a northern extension of its range in Central Europe. Folia Malacologica 9:63–71. KING, J.M.B. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2001. Site fidelity and recurrence of some migrant bird species in The Gambia. Ringing and Migration 20:292–302. REISE, H. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2002. Penis-biting slugs: wild claims and confusions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17:163. REISE, H., BENKE, M. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2002. A sinistral specimen of the terrestrial slug Arion lusitanicus (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae). Malakologische Abhandlungen des Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden 20:247–252. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2002. Cycles of Contingency [book review]. Quarterly Review of Biology. 77:177. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2002. Two explanations of the dawn chorus compared: how monotonically changing light levels favour a short break from singing. Animal Behaviour 64:527–539. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. & HALUPKA, K. 2004. Mate choice when males are in patches: optimal strategies and good rules of thumb. Journal of Theoretical Biology 231:129–151. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2005. Is more choice always desirable? Evidence and arguments from leks, food selection, and environmental enrichment. Biological Reviews 80:73–92. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. & GIGERENZER, G. 2005. Simple heuristics and rules of thumb: where psychologists and behavioural biologists might meet. Behavioural Processes. 69:97–124. [A shortened version appears as Chapter 3 “Rules of thumb in animals and humans” pp. 46–64 in G. GIGERENZER 2008. Rationality for mortals: how people cope with uncertainty. New York: Oxford University Press. Another shortened version appears as Chapter 5 pp. 108–133 in G. GIGERENZER, R. HERTWIG & T. PACHUR (Eds) 2011. Heuristics: the foundations of adaptive behavior. New York: Oxford University Press.] HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. & GIGERENZER, G. 2005. Connecting behavioural biologists and psychologists: clarifying distinctions and suggestions for further work. Behavioural Processes. 69:159–163. REISE, H., HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., FORSYTH, R.G. & FORSYTH, T.J. 2005. First records of the terrestrial slug Deroceras turcicum (Simroth, 1894) in Poland. Folia Malacologica 13:177–179. REISE, H., HUTCHINSON, J.M.C & ROBINSON, D.G. 2006. Two introduced pest slugs: Tandonia budapestensis new to the Americas, and Deroceras panormitanum new to the Eastern USA. Veliger 48:110–115. WILKE, A., HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., TODD, P.M. & KRUGER, D.J. 2006. Is risk taking used as a cue in mate choice? Evolutionary Psychology 4:367–393. REISE, H., VISSER, S. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2007. Mating behaviour in the terrestrial slug Deroceras gorgonium: is extreme morphology associated with extreme behaviour? Animal Biology 57:197–215. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. & WASER, P.M. 2007. Use, misuse and extensions of “ideal gas” models of animal encounter. Biological Reviews 82:335–359. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. & GRIFFITH, S.C. 2008. Extra-pair paternity in the Skylark Alauda arvensis. Ibis 150:90–97. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., WILKE, A. & TODD, P.M. 2008. Patch leaving in humans: can a generalist adapt its rules to dispersal of items across patches? Animal Behaviour 75:1331–1349. WILKE A., HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., TODD, P.M. & CZIENSKOWSKI, U. 2009. Fishing for the right words: decision rules for human foraging behavior in internal search tasks. Cognitive Science 33:497–529. REISE, H. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2009. An earlier record of the slug Selenochlamys ysbryda Rowson & Symondson, from Brecon, UK. Journal of Conchology 40:103. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C & REISE, H. 2009. Mating behaviour clarifies the taxonomy of slug species defined by genital anatomy: the Deroceras rodnae complex in the Sächsische Schweiz and elsewhere. Mollusca 27:183–200. REISE, H., HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., SCHUNACK, S. & SCHLITT, B. 2011. Deroceras panormitanum and congeners from Malta and Sicily, with a redescription of the widespread pest slug as Deroceras invadens n. sp. Folia Malacologica 19: 201–233. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., FANSELOW, C., & TODD, P.M. 2012. Car parking as a game between simple heuristics. Pp. 454–484 (Chapter 18) in TODD, P.M., GIGERENZER, G., and THE ABC RESEARCH GROUP (Eds), Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world. New York: Oxford University Press. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C, STEPHENS, D.W., BATESON, M., COUZIN, I., DUKAS,R., GIRALDEAU, L.-A., HILLS, T.T., MÉRY, F. & WINTERHALDER, B. 2012. Searching for fundamentals and commonalities of search. Pp. 47–65 (Chapter 4) in TODD, P.M., HILLS, T.T. & ROBBINS, T.W. (Eds), Cognitive search: evolution, algorithms, and the brain. Strüngmann Forum Reports Vol. 9. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. DREIJERS, E., REISE, H. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2013. Mating of the slugs Arion lusitanicus auct. non Mabille and A. rufus (L.): different genitalia and mating behaviours are incomplete barriers to interspecific sperm exchange. Journal of Molluscan Studies 79: 51–63. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. & REISE, H. 2013. A persisting population of an introduced slug, Milax nigricans, in Dunkirk, France. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 89: 35–38. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., REISE, H. & ROBINSON, D.G. 2014. A biography of an invasive terrestrial slug: the spread, distribution and habitat of Deroceras invadens. Neobiota 23: 17–64. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. & REISE, H. 2014. Buchbesprechung [Review of “Rowson et al. 2014. Slugs of Britain and Ireland”]. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 92:67–69. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C & REISE, H. 2015. Mating in Ariunculus sselii, an arionid slug without a spermatophore. Journal of Molluscan Studies 81: 247–258. LUDWIG, A., REISE, H. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2015. Die Nacktschneckenfauna in Gärten der Stadt Görlitz (Sachsen, Deutschland). Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz 23:43–57. HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. & REISE, H. 2015. An invasion from Germany; Deroceras invadens (Pulmonata, Agriolimacidae) and other synanthropic slugs in the southwest corner of Poland. Folia Malacologica 23: 301–307. CONFERENCES & SYMPOSIA ATTENDED (* indicates a presentation). 1986 9th International Malacological Congress. Edinburgh. 1989 Slugs and Snails in World Agriculture. Guildford. ** 1989 10th International Malacological Congress. Tübingen. 1989 The Evolutionary Biology of Parasitism. London 1990 3rd International Conference of Behavioural Ecology. Uppsala. 1991 Evolutionary Patterns and Processes. Cardiff. 1991 Winter A.S.A.B. Meeting, Learning and Behaviour. London * 1992 4th International Behavioural Ecology Congress. Princeton. ** 1992 11th International Malacological Congress. Sienna. 1992 Shape and Form in Plants and Fungi. Edinburgh. 1992 Royal Society Discussion Meeting: Evolution and Design of Signalling Systems. London * 1993 13th International Ethological Congress. Torremolinos. 1993 Summer A.S.A.B. Conference: Behaviour Meets Physiology. Bristol. 1994 E.G.I. Ornithological Conference. Oxford. * 1994 Summer A.S.A.B. Conference: The Evolution of Signals. Bern. * 1994 5th International Behavioral Ecology Conference. Nottingham. 1995 E.G.I. Ornithological Conference. Oxford. 1995 Summer A.S.A.B. Conference: Behavioural Mechanism and Function. Leiden. * 1995 12th International Malacological Congress. Vigo. 1996 Summer A.S.A.B. Conference: Individual Behaviour and Population Processes. Norwich. 1997 E.G.I. Ornithological Conference. Oxford * 1997 15th International Ethological Conference. Vienna. 1997 Winter A.S.A.B. Conference: Behaviour and Conservation. London. ** 1998 Statistics workshop for behavioural ecologists. Budapest. (Invited speaker) * 1998 The Mathematical Biology of Pattern and Process. Bath. ** 1998 13th International Malacological Congress. Washington. * 2000 8th International Behavioral Ecology Congress. Zürich. 2000 Winter A.S.A.B. Conference: Sexual Conflict. London. * 2001 Summer School on Bounded Rationality. Berlin. (Invited speaker) ** 2001 14th International Malacological Congress. Vienna. 2001 Winter A.S.A.B. Conference: Life History Strategies and Behaviour. London * 2002 Modelling in Behavioural Ecology. Debrecen. (Invited speaker) * 2002 Summer School on Bounded Rationality. Berlin. (Invited speaker) 2002 Winter A.S.A.B. Conference: Information gathering. London * 2003 Workshop on Limits of Rationality. Berlin (Invited speaker) * 2003 4th European Ornithologist’s Union Conference. Chemnitz. ** 2004 Evolution 2004. Fort Collins. * 2004 10th International Behavioral Ecology Congress. Jyväskalä. 2005 Royal Society Discussion Meeting: Sexual Conflict: A New Paradigm? London. * 2005 Summer A.S.A.B. Conference: Behavioural Interactions—Visions of the Future. Lancaster. * 2006 11th International Behavioral Ecology Congress. Tours. * 2006 Animal Behavior Society Annual Conference. Snowbird. * 2007 Invasive Molluscs. Cambridge. *** 2007 16th International Malacological Congress. Antwerp. * 2007 Summer A.S.A.B Conference: Sex, Shopping and Sharing. Newcastle ** 2009 Annual meeting of Polish Malacological Society. Poznan. 2011 Ernst Strüngmann Forum on Cognitive Search: Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain. Frankfurt. 2011 MAD (Modelling Animal Decisions) Workshop. Wells. *** 2011 6th Congress of European Malacological Societies. Vitoria Gasteiz. 2011 Winter A.S.A.B. Conference: Why do animals mate with the “wrong” partner. London. * 2012 Molluscan Life Histories, Portsmouth. 2012 Winter A.S.A.B. Conference: Cognition in the wild. London. 2013 Winter A.S.A.B. Conference: The evolution of behavioural mechanisms. London. * 2014 Spring meeting of Deutsche Malakozoologische Gesellschaft. Meissen. * 2014 7th Congress of European Malacological Societies. Cambridge. * 2014 Autumn meeting of Deutsche Malakozoologische Gesellschaft, Kahla . SKILLS Full ‘A’ permit to ring all species of birds in Britain, with endorsements to ring pulli, use mist nets, supervise helpers, etc. This qualification requires several years of regular supervised experience. Keen natural historian, familiar with insect and mollusc collection, identification and preservation. My research has involved a fair proficiency in several areas of mathematics, including statistics, geometry and numerical analysis. It also fully utilises my interest in computing (experience with C, several dialects of BASIC, assembly languages, UNIX, VMS, HTML, UNIRAS graphics, AXUM, QGIS, and various statistical packages, e.g. R, SPSS, MINITAB, EXCEL; I have attended courses on FORTRAN and GENSTAT). Experience with stochastic dynamic programming, genetic algorithms, fast fourier analysis. Practised in the use of scanning electron microscope and Instron mechanical tester; also of lathes and milling machines; familiar with developing and printing film; construction of electronic circuits. Full U.K. driving licence since 1981. Languages: German (adequate for 1-to-1 conversation); 4-years’ evening classes in Spanish; schoolboy French. INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES: Natural history and conservation. A long-term interest in the ecology of terrestrial molluscs (member of the Conchological Society since 1980). A less fanatical interest in spotting birds, with a twitcher’s delight in rare plants. Several insect taxa have interested me. Regular “amateur” bird ringing. Contributor to various recording schemes in the British Isles; surveys in the Alps and Spain. Formerly on management committee of a local nature reserve; practical experience of management techniques with the Conservation Volunteers; member of local and national conservation societies. Caving & Expeditions. Caving experience in Britain, Spain and Ireland. Competent in single-rope techniques. I helped to organise two caving expeditions to the mountains of northern Spain (Treasurer, Scientific officer), and participated in another two. Participated in International Blue Holes Expedition. Nowadays just an “armchair caver”! Second-hand bookshops. Walking; experience in Rockies, Andes, Alps, Scotland, Carpathians, and Picos de Europa. Volleyball and badminton. Wikipedia editing. ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Privat, Dr J.M.C. Hutchinson, Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz, Am Museum 1, 02826 Görlitz, GERMANY Tel. 0049-03581-47605410 Fax. 0049-3581-47605499 E-mail: [please delete the # character: it’s there to deter SPAM]