Interrelation between morphological and functional features of the

Connections between morphological and functional features of the constitution
of 17-18-year-old girls
Appak G. A., senior lecturer, Chair of preventive medicine and health care of NSU of
E. N. Komissarova, Doctor of Biological Science, Professor, Chair of human
anatomy SPbGPMU,
Sazonova L.A., Candidate of Biological Science, Associate professor, Chair of
physiology and sports medicine of VLGAFK
Fundamental aspects of the constitution help to clarify the internal relations
between partial constitutions and functional condition of the organism (Nikityuk B.
A. 2000). Aim of the research is to identify the relationship between morphological
and functional features of the constitution of 17-18-year-old girls. The study was
performed with the use of modern morphological somatometric survey of
R.N.Dorohov (1989), clinical and physiological traits (heart rate, blood pressure,
pulse pressure, vital capacity (VC). Mean arterial pressure was calculated, as well as
Robinson index, Kerdo index (IK), an index of the functional state (IFS) and the
endurance factor (EF). Mathematical and statistical processing of the results was
performed using software Microsoft Excel and STATGRAPHICS plus for Windows.
In the studied group of girls the following major somatotypes were reaveled MaS, MeS MiS. Analysis of the data shows that among 17-18-year-old girls MeS
type was the most frequent (52.8%), with MaS type following next (24,3%) and MiS
type less frequent (21.0%). Discriminant analysis allowed to predict the subjects
belonging to the three non-overlapping groups of somatotype morphological and
functional characteristics (P ≤ 0,001). Factor analysis and canonical correlation
analysis revealed correlation of IGMR (index of harmonious morphological
development) with functional parameters of cardiovascular system. In girls of the
MaS type canonical correlation revealed a fairly strong and significant correlation
between IGMR, IK, fat component, energy potential and the IFS (rc = 0.67, P ≤
0,001). Students of MeS type have quite strong association between IGMR, IK, and
muscular components, coefficient of endurance of the cardiovascular system, IFS (rc
= 0.83, P ≤ 0,002). The first canonical factor of MiS type girls (rc = 0.93, P ≤ 0,001)
indicated a strong relationship between IGMR, IK, hemodynamics and IFS of
cardiovascular system. Systematic approach to the study of the constitution is that
each system is investigated with regard to the internal relations between its
constituent elements and external relations with other systems and objects. In this
regard, multiple regression analysis allowed to build a model of the relationships of
morphological and functional features in 17-18-year-old girls.
Regression model for the MaS type girls = 0.494 + 0.896* ind.Kaupa +
0.05*stamina factor SSS + 0.02*muscle mass +0.01*fat mass - 0.05 *
Hemodynamics - 0.03 * ind.Kerdo [ind.Kaup (r = 0,5); stamina factor (r = 0, 48), the
energy potential (r = 0,38); ind.Kerdo (r = 0,3)].
Regression model for the MeS type girls = 0.258 + 0.474*ind.Kaup+
0.02*muscle mass + 0.01*fat mass + 0.01 * Hemodynamics - 0.06 factor of
efficiency and circulatory [ind.Kaup (r = 0,254); muscle mass (r = 0,3);
hemodynamics (r = 0,44); stamina factor SSS (r = 0,34); energy potential (r = 0,4 )
ind.Kerdo (r = 0,3); factor econom. circulation (r = 0,4)].
Regression model for the MiS type girls = 0.2 + 0.7*ind.Kaup + 0.02*muscle
mass + 0.02*hemodynamics + 0.01*ind.Kerdo + 0.02*Hemodynamics +
0.02*stamina factor SSS - 0.05*fat mass [ind.Kaup (r = 0,2); muscle mass (r = 0,3);
hemodynamics (r = -0,244); stamina factor SSS (r = 0,236); energy potential (r = 0,254); ind.Kerdo (r = 0,42)].
One of the main problems of human biology is the study of the variability of
traits belonging to different body systems and intersystem connections in the general
structure of the constitution.
The resulting level of correlation explains why aerobic capacity is preferable for
the MeS type girls and MiC type, stress adaptation mechanisms differ primarily in the
representatives of MaS type. Good adaptation mechanisms are typical for girls of
MeS and MiS types. In girls of MiS type there is an increase of persons with
predominance of sympathetic tone, and in girls with MaS type - eytoniya on the
cardiovascular system. A.I.Fedorov (2008 ) found that individuals with eutonic type
of vegetative tonus had virtually no correlation between the indicators , and this in
turn characterizes the relatively low level of functional stress on the system and the
endocrine regulation of autonomic processes of adaptation .
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