Sample Program Specific Summary Statement


Health Resources and Services Administration



Objective Review Committee Final Summary Statement

Score: XX

Application Number: XXXXXX

Application Name:

State: TX City:

Criterion 1: Need


The applicant organization provides a thorough overview regarding the need for additional training for pediatric pulmonary providers in the care of high risk infants, and demonstrates keen understanding of health and related issues for the target population.

The applicant organization provides a thorough rationale regarding the need for more pediatric pulmonary providers who work with the MCH population due to higher disease burden.

The applicant organization clearly describes a critical review of the training needs, in particular for the Public Health Service in Regions I-IV, and identifies gaps that need to be addressed.


The application does not clearly document critical needs at the national, regional, and local level.

The need justification does not provide detailed information regarding the need for pediatric pulmonary training in neonatal care.

The application does not clearly describe specific information on the state's needs in the pediatric pulmonary field.

Criterion 2: Response


The applicant organization clearly documents a well-planned training in all areas with a focus on separate populations, specific recruiting activities and selection processes.

The applicant organization's clearly demonstrates their ability to keep track of past trainees.

The applicant organization's curriculum is well-detailed on the pediatric pulmonary care of



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The application does not clearly detail teaching and evaluating leadership skills for the trainee program.

The application does not clearly describe continuing education, consultation and technical assistance plans regarding delivery, targeted populations, and length.

The application does not clearly define the tracking process for trainees.

The application does not clearly describe strategies and plans for collaborations with other

States/Universities in the applicant’s defined region.

Criterion 3: Evaluative Measures


The applicant organization details a strong evaluation process for the medium term trainees' program.

The applicant organization provides clear evidence that trainees will have opportunities to engage in pediatric pulmonary policy development, implementation, and evaluation since the faculty is actively engaged in this area.

The applicant organization clearly demonstrates trainees will have the opportunity to collaborate with State Title V agencies, and other MCH or MCH-related programs, as well as research with faculty.


The application does not clearly describe how tracking former trainees will be conducted to complete the required performance measurement process.

The application does not sufficiently describe tracking of long-term trainees to determine whether they demonstrate field leadership and engage in work related to MCH populations.

The application does not provide detail for evaluating field leadership of former trainees.

Criterion 4: Impact


The applicant organization clearly describes a plan to share and disseminate materials with other grantees and key stakeholders.

The applicant organization clearly demonstrates the ability to attract and retain trainees at the national level; and as a result, the dissemination of their experiences is magnified.

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The applicant organization presents a clear connection to other programs within their own institution and others .


The application does not provide sufficient information regarding their dissemination plan to share materials, training approaches, research findings, and successes with MCHB-funded programs and the broader MCH network, other than indicating that faculty and graduate students are expected to disseminate results from projects.

The application does not provide sufficient information about a plan for strengthening the MCH network through connections of program faculty, staff, trainees, and alumni with the broader MCH network, other than attendance at MCH pediatric pulmonary training program meeting and encouragement to participate in professional association's subgroups.

The application does not clearly describe how materials will be disseminated to the broader network of MCH and MCH related entities.

Criterion 5: Resources/Capabilities


The applicant organization clearly documents collaborations which are broad and varied inside the university and the state.

The applicant organization clearly describes multiple, varied sites for clinical work exposing trainees to a wide variety of diverse families.

The applicant organization clearly demonstrates all the necessary resources and capabilities to carry out the MCH training curriculum.


The application does not clearly describe the effectiveness of the recruitment plan of racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse faculty.

The application does not sufficiently describe its efforts to teach and mentor students, work in collaboration with key partners, and serve as leaders in the field of pediatric pulmonary health.

The application does not clearly describe the effectiveness of the recruitment plan of racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse faculty.

Criterion 6: Support Requested


The applicant organization's Principal Investigator (PI) will devote substantial time, 70 percent, to this project.

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The applicant organization clearly describes the personnel dedicated to this project to ensure the project's goals and objectives will be accomplished.

The applicant organization's university provides significant in-kind contribution ($128,114) to support faculty salaries to teach MCH pediatric pulmonary health-related courses and serve on trainee committees.


The application does not clearly describe budgetary items in association with project activities.

The budget does not sufficiently describe the rationale of the fringe benefits for graduate assistants.

The application does not clearly summarize budget totals for each partner program.

The application does not clearly detail the $4,000.00 under materials and supplies; additionally the

Criterion 7: Specific Program Criteria


The application thoroughly describes how the PPC training program will address the needs of underserved and hardest to reach population through…

The application thoroughly describes how the training program will provide training and coordinate activities with 3 states beyond their own through….


The application lacks detail about the extent to which the program plans to collaborate/link with other PPC programs and other MCHB-supported training programs.

The application lacks adequate written assurance of program’s willingness and ability to participate in the collaborative efforts of the collective regional strategy.

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