Nicholas and Anna Ricco Ethics Award Competition Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism Frank W. Mayborn Graduate Institute of Journalism The University of North Texas is pleased to announce the Nicholas and Anna Ricco Ethics Award. This monetary award, made possible by Nicholas and Anna Ricco and the Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism, promotes discussion and debate concerning ethics specific to a students’ avocation. The goal of the award competition is to establish a basis for intellectual conversations across the institution with the intent of achieving higher levels of comprehension of ethics over time. A $1,000 award will be given annually to the leading undergraduate or graduate student proponent of ethical behavior and concepts from the 13 colleges and schools on the UNT campus. Selection Process: This award recognizes students who have a deep understanding of ethical behavior required by their discipline both in school and in the realities of daily activities. Eligibility: To be eligible for consideration, an applicant must meet the following criteria: Meets minimum entrance and continuing academic performance standards of the Mayborn School of Journalism and the Frank W. Mayborn Graduate Institute of Journalism at the time of the award Undergraduate or graduate major in the Mayborn School of Journalism or the Frank W. Mayborn Graduate Institute of Journalism Enrolled full time. Part time enrollment is allowed if student is nearing completion of the degree and does not need full time enrollment. Requirements: The student will identify an ethical dilemma faced by professionals in news or strategic communications. S/he must submit a narrative of no more than two typed pages using AP style, highlighting what the applicant believes to be the epitome of ethical behavior in their focus of study. The student must then complete a minimum of 8-page research paper, accompanied by supporting materials, to show a thorough understanding of the ethical decision making process in that area of journalism. The student must: Identify a real, complex and interesting ethical dilemma that professionals in news or strategic communications face Find at least two specific case studies that demonstrate the dilemma Include, at least in part, information, reporting and content from traditional media Compare coverage of the cases including facts and challenges faced by the news or strategic communications professionals Present a clear and thorough explanation and analysis of the process the professional went through and the outcomes Include multi-media in the presentation, such as video, stills, other visuals, handouts, headlines, web pages, audio, social media, or materials that will show, compare and demonstrate the case Present research and findings to a panel of at least three faculty of the Mayborn School of Journalism and the Frank W. Mayborn Graduate Institute of Journalism during a designated time Students will be judged on the thoroughness of their research and presentation, use of visuals and other materials, the clarity of the cases used, comparisons of content, and clarity of the explanation of the tough ethical calls faced by the news and/or strategic professionals. The panel will select one winner and two alternates. Deadlines: Sept. 1 Oct. 1 Feb. 1 Mar. 1 Apr. 12 Apr. 13 Mayborn School of Journalism announces competition and criteria Students submit two page narrative about their research topic Presentation completed research to SOJ panel Winner’s name sent to Office of the Provost Winners announced and recognized at UNT Honors Day. Winning entry made available to university community, and considered for further development and possible submission for publication