The Grobbel Family History The story of ten German emigrants, their ancestors in Westphalia, Prussia, and their many descendants in Michigan and elsewhere in the U.S.A. June 1999 Updated: July 2009 (Internet Download Version) Michael Vincent Grobbel 49997 Lexington Ave. East Shelby Township, MI 48317 (586) 726-0317 E-Mail: mike @ Web site: Table of Contents Section Page I Foreword 3 II Our German Roots The Earliest Recorded Grobbel Ancestors The Grobbel Origins – Intertwined with Church and Hof Paternal Ancestors of J. Heinrich Grobbel Descendants of J. Heinrich Grobbel Descendants of J. Ludwig Grobbel Descendants of J. Lorenz Grobbel Grobbel Emigrants to the U.S.A. Chart – Relationship of Grobbel Emigrants to the U.S.A. The Families of Franz Anton, John and Daniel Grobbel The Families of Emil and Joseph Grobbel The Family of Anton (1851-1926) Grobbel Peter Anton Grobbel – Roman Catholic Priest 4 4 7 7 8 10 12 12 12 17 18 20 Descendants of Franz Anton Grobbel Some of Their Stories Outline Descendant Tree (privatized) 23 27 Descendants of John Grobbel Some of Their Stories Outline Descendant Tree (privatized) 37 39 Other Families Related by Marriage Minick (Münich) Peters DeGrandchamp (DesGrandchamps) 44 45 47 Other Stories Warren Twp. & Center Line The Grobbel Family Farms 49 50 Relationship Chart 53 III IV V VI VII 2 Section I - Foreword The initial source for this document was the Rinke Family History, which was written about 1967, and updated in 1971, by Nina RINKE Ettinger, who was the daughter of Bert Arthur RINKE, who was the half-brother of Ferdinand GROBBEL16 . Information from the Rinke Family History was edited, cross-checked and compiled along with new, added information over the period of 1994 through the present by Michael Vincent GROBBEL19 , the great-great grandson of Franz Anton GROBBEL15. The new information was obtained from a variety of sources, including Johannes GROBBEL18 of Schmallenberg, Germany, John Leonard Schlaud of Grand Blanc, MI, St. Clement Parish Baptismal, Marriage and Funeral Records, gravestones in St. Clement Cemetery, newspaper obituaries, funeral holy cards, U.S. Census records and information from my aunts, uncles and cousins. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has helped me with this project. This document is still a “work in progress”. I would appreciate receiving any stories, anecdotes or other facts you may have about any GROBBEL descendants. Likewise, any missing or corrected data you can provide me would be welcomed. Within the narrative text, subscript numbers (1 ) refer to that person’s generation as shown preceding their name on the Outline Descendant Trees. All of the information shown in the Outline Descendant Trees has been entered into “Family Tree Maker”, which is a computer software genealogical database. My database currently contains information on over 5,900 individuals who are either descendants of Heinrich and Brigitte GROBBEL12 , spouses of their descendants, or relatives of these spouses. The size of the database file is 7.4 MB. This document was written using “Microsoft Word”. Copies of any of these electronic files can be obtained by contacting me at: Michael Vincent Grobbel 49997 Lexington Ave East Shelby Township, MI 48317 (586) 726-0317 E-mail: mike @ All of the information contained in this document, plus much more, can be found at my Grobbel Family Genealogy web site: 3 Section II - Our German Roots The Earliest Recorded Grobbel Ancestors Johannes Grobbel, of Schmallenberg, Germany has researched the Grobbel family genealogy in Germany and is the source for this information about the German-born Grobbel family members. Michael Harder, a co-worker of mine who is originally from Witten, Germany, assisted me with some of the translations of Johannes' information. The Grobbel Origins - Intertwined with Church and Hof In the year 1248, work began in the ancient German city of Cologne (Köln) on a magnificent Gothic cathedral (called the Dom) that would take over 600 years to complete. Two years later, construction began on a much more modest church in a village called Wormbach, which was located 60 miles to the east of Cologne in the area of Westphalia known as the Sauerland. In the early ninth century, the Bishops of Cologne had established a missionary outpost in Wormbach and as Christianity took hold over the years, the simpler structures were replaced by larger ones in 850 and again in 1000. Now in 1250, a much more substantial church would be built, one which would continue to serve the inhabitants of the village and surrounding countryside for at least the next 750 years. The Dom in Cologne, Germany According to Johannes Grobbel, a manuscript titled "Geschichte der Wormbacher Kirchengemeinde" (The History of Wormbach Parish) indicates that in 1398, an individual identified as "der schwarze Gobelen von Obringhusen" (the black Gobelen from Obringhausen) belonged to the Wormbach Parish. The Church of Saints Peter & Paul in Wormbach Obringhausen is a tiny settlement consisting of six farms, located about three-quarters of a mile east of Wormbach. The fact that he was the proprietor of one of the six farms (Hofs) in Obringhausen has been confirmed by examination of old assessment records that had been prepared by the Benedictine Monastery in nearby 4 Grafschaft, since the Church held title to most of the land in this area. The reference to "der schwarze" could mean that he had a dark facial complexion and/or black hair. The Wormbach Parish records during the period of 1398 through 1670 describe this family and their descendants by various surnames such as Gobelen, Groteboel, Groite Boill, Grotebeul and Grobbelen. Beginning in 1670, the family surname became consistently recorded in official documents as "Grobbel." The origins of the Grobbel surname come from two Low German (Plattdeutsch) words, Groite and Boill (which roughly translates as "major bump"), which were used to identify the family based on the description of their farm's location on the hillside overlooking the village. Of the six farms in Obringhausen, the Grobbel farm was the one that was farthest up the side of the slope overlooking the village. Over the centuries, the "Ursprünghof Grobbel" (literally, "origin farm Grobbel", which refers to the Grobbel family ancestral farm in Obringhausen, also called the Grobbel Hof) was usually inherited by the eldest surviving male of each successive generation, in accordance with the laws of primogeniture that were followed during those times. Sometimes a daughter would inherit a Hof because there was no surviving male child. Also, in some areas, the primogeniture laws would allow the Hof to go to the eldest child, regardless of their gender. So whenever a Hof went to a female, she became "choice" marriage material since it represented an opportunity for a nonoldest male to acquire a Hof of his own through marriage. Since the practice of the time was to "call" people by the name of the Hof they lived on (i.e., the name of their Hof was commonly used for their surname), this caused a complication for a male who acquired a Hof through marriage. He and his offspring would now be "called" by the name of the Hof, which was likely to be the same name as his wife's maiden name. For example, if Maria Müller inherited the Müller Hof and she married Johann Schmidt, his name would be written as "Johann Schmidt, gt. Müller and he would be spoken of as "Johann Müller". Their children would also be called Müller, and their surname would be written "Schmidt, gt. Müller" (gt. is the abbreviation for the German word "genannt", meaning "called"). This happened with the Grobbel Hof when it was inherited by a daughter, Elisabeth Grobbel, who married Jakob Böddecker in 1670. He became "Jakob Böddecker, gt. Grobbel", and was called "Jakob Grobbel". Of the six farms in Obringhausen, five had their houses clustered together and they would walk to their land on the outskirts, which is typical for most European agricultural villages. However, the Grobbel Hof was different in that the house was surrounded by their land and it was separated from the other five houses by a distance of about 1,600 feet (perhaps this could be why they were given a surname based on the location of their Hof). In 1729, a new house was built to replace an older structure, and in 1824, Johannes and Maria Walburga (Eickhoff) Grobbel enlarged it with an addition on the west side of the existing structure, making it one of the largest and nicest homes in the area. 5 The village of Obringhausen as seen from the southwest. In modern times, even with the more liberal inheritance laws, the Grobbel Hof was kept in the family. After World War II, the farm operations were focused on cattle breeding, but by the 1980's, this was no longer profitable, so the land and buildings were sold at auction. Fortunately, the house and outbuildings, along with a small portion of the land, was purchased by Johannes Grobbel's first cousin and her husband, who have meticulously restored the structure to its former glory. The Grobbel Hof in Obringhausen (2003 photo) Many more old and recent photos of the Grobbel Hof can be found at The “History of Wormbach Parish” has an entry that states: “Groteboel (Grobbel) heißt 1398 ‘der schwarze Gobelen von Obringhusen’ ” (Groteboel (Grobbel) 1398 called ‘the black Gobelen from Obringhusen’). Based on this, we will assign the surname Groteboel to “der schwarze” as well as to his son and grandson, about whom there are no known records (the dates with “Abt” are estimates; other surname spellings, plus all of the dates in parentheses are as noted from entries in the “History of Wormbach Parish”). Since all of the Grobbel emigrants to the U.S.A. were descendants of J. Heinrich GROBBEL12 , all ancestors and descendants will be referenced with respect to him. 6 Paternal Ancestors of J. Heinrich GROBBEL12 (1702-1762) Generation Name Birth 1 der schwarze Gobelen von Obringhausen (GROTEBOEL) (1398) 2 unk1 (GROTEBOEL) 3 unk2 (GROTEBOEL) 4 Hans GROTEBOLLE, the elder (1518,19) 5 Hans GROITE BOILL, the younger (1536) 6 Ebert GROTEBOELE (1563) 7 Matthias GROBBELEN (1602, 1613) 8 Becker GROBBELEN (1649) 9 Georgen GROTEBOEL (1670, 1684) 10 Jacobus GROBBELEN-BODECKER 11 Heinrich GROBBEL 12 J. Heinrich GROBBEL Marraige Death b: Abt 1370 m: Abt 1400 d: Unk b: Abt 1400 m: Abt 1430 d: Unk b: Abt 1430 m: Abt 1460 d: Unk b: Abt 1460 m: Abt 1490 d: Unk b: Abt 1490 m: Abt 1520 d: Unk b: Abt 1520 m: Abt 1550 d: Unk b: Abt 1560 m: Abt 1590 d: Unk b: Abt 1590 m: Abt 1615 d: After 1649 b: Abt 1615 m: Abt 1640 d: 03Mar1683/84* b: Abt 1640 m: 11Aug1670d: Unk b: 15May1671 m: Abt 1700 d: Abt 1700 b: 24May1702 m: 19Oct1733 d: 17Sep1762 *Double Dates = Julian (old)/Gregorian (new) calendars Descendants of J. Heinrich GROBBEL12 It was at the ancestral Grobbel family farm in Obringhausen, Westphalia, Germany that Joannes Henrich GROBBEL12 was born on 20 MAY 1702. Henrich eventually inherited the ancestral Grobbel family farm. In Wormbach, on 19 OCT 1733, he married Anna Brigitte SELMANN. Brigitte was born in nearby Kirchrarbach on 25 JUN 1715. They both died in Obringhausen, Henrich on 17 SEP 1762 and Brigitte on 17 DEC 1785. Eight of their children were: Joannes Matthias GROBBEL13 (b. 17 OCT 1734 in Obringhausen, d. Unk) Joannes Ludwig GROBBEL13 (b. 3 NOV 1737 and d. 13 DEC 1827, both in Obringhausen) Anton Hermann Lorenz GROBBEL13 (b. 26 MAR 1742 in Obringhausen and d. 19 NOV 1804 in Lenne, Westphalia). Joannes Rotgerus GROBBEL13 (b. abt. 1745 in Obringhausen and d. 10 FEB 1826) Johannes Theodor GROBBEL13 (b. 1 JUL 1747 in Obringhausen and d. 22 DEC 1815 in Schmallenberg, Westphalia) Joannes Nicholaus GROBBEL13 (b. 10 DEC 1749 in Obringhausen and d. Unk) Antonius GROBBEL13 (b. abt. 1753 in Obringhausen and d. 11 FEB 1823) Jacob Theodor GROBBEL13 (b. 6 APR 1757 in Obringhausen and d. Unk) Both Ludwig and Lorenz would have descendants who eventually emigrated to the United States. A family tree showing all of the known emigrant descendants of J. Heinrich GROBBEL12 is presented on Page 12. 7 Descendants of J. Ludwig GROBBEL13 J. Ludwig GROBBEL13 married Anna Elisabeth SCHÜTTE (b. 3 MAY 1742 and d. 3 NOV 1831 in Obringhausen, Westphalia) on 27 AUG 1777 in Wormbach. Ludwig inherited the ancestral Grobbel family farm upon his father’s death. Ludwig and Elisabeth had two sons that we know of: Joannes Everhard Martin GROBBEL14 (b. 11 OCT 1778 and d. 23 MAY 1851, both in Obringhausen, Westphalia) Johannes Röttger GROBBEL14 (b. 8 MAR 1781 in Obringhausen, Westphalia and d. 4 APR 1838 in Cobbenrode, Westphalia). Ludwig’s son, Everhard GROBBEL14 married Maria Walburga EICKHOFF (b. 16 SEP 1792 in Wormbach and d. 12 SEP 1869 in Obringhausen, Westphalia) on 22 NOV 1808 in Wormbach, Westphalia. Everhard inherited the ancestral Grobbel family farm. Everhard and Walburga had at least one child: Franz Joseph GROBBEL15 (b. 29 AUG 1814 and d. 22 JUN 1874, both in Obringhausen, Westphalia). Franz Joseph and Maria Walburga (Henrichs) Grobbel Everhard’s son, Joseph GROBBEL15 (b. 29 AUG 1814 and d. 22 JUN 1874, both in Obringhausen, Westphalia) married Maria Walburga Henrichs (b. 2 MAY 1819 in Felbecke, Westphalia and d. 13 NOV 1894 in Obringhausen, Westphalia) on 9 OCT 1845 in Wormbach, Westphalia. Joseph inherited the ancestral Grobbel family farm. Joseph and Walburga had fourteen children, four of whom are listed below and two of which (Emil and Joseph) would emigrate to the U.S.A. in 1879. Franz Anton GROBBEL16 (b.7 JUL 1844 and d. 1 NOV 1893, both in Obringhausen, Westphalia) who married Lisette Josepha SCHÜTTE on 22 SEP 1874 in Wormbach, Westphalia. As the firstborn male child, Franz inherited the ancestral Grobbel family farm from his father. Wilhelm Emil GROBBEL 16 (b.8 SEP 1852 in Obringhausen, Westphalia and d. 18 FEB 1939 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, U.S.A.) who was their seventh child. Maria Josepha Bertha GROBBEL16 (b. 7 FEB 1854 in Obringhausen, Westphalia and d. 14 SEP 1950 in Wormbach, Westphalia) who was their eighth child. 8 Franz Joseph GROBBEL 16 (b. 18 JAN 1856 in Obringhausen, Westphalia and d. 1923 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, U.S.A.) Joseph was their ninth child. More information about Emil, Joseph and their descendants can be found on Page 17. Ludwig’s other son, Röttger GROBBEL14 married Maria Catharina EICKHOFF, genannt SPOTT (b. 1793 in Kückelheim, Westphalia, d. unknown) on 28 NOV 1815 in Cobbenrode, Westphalia. Catharina Spott had inherited the Meister Hof farm in Cobbenrode from her maternal grandmother. Röttger moved there when he married Catharina, becoming noted as a "Bürger und Ackermann" (citizen and farmer). He and Catharina had seven children, three of whom (Anton, John and Daniel) would emigrate to the U.S.A. (Anton in 1849 and the other two in 1853): Joannes Francis Joseph GROBBEL15 (b. 19 NOV 1817 and d. 1 NOV 1867, both in Cobbenrode, Westphalia) who married Anna Maria Elisabeth HEBBECKER (b. 15 MAR 1826 in Hebbecke, Westphalia and d. 11 JAN 1905 in Cobbenrode, Westphalia) on 19 JUL 1849 in Cobbenrode, Westphalia. Franz Anton GROBBEL 15 (b. 4 NOV 1819 in Cobbenrode, Westphalia and d. 24 MAR 1900 in Warren Twp., Macomb Co., Michigan, U.S.A.) Johannes Caspar Anton GROBBEL15 (b. 22 AUG 1822 and d. 25 DEC 1886, both in Cobbenrode, Westphalia) who remained single and lived in the Meister Hof with his brother Francis and his wife. Caspar eventually inherited the Meister Hof after the death of his brother. Joannes (John) GROBBEL 15 (b. 21 OCT 1825 in Cobbenrode, Westphalia and d. 31 JAN 1870 in Hamtramck, Wayne Co., Michigan, U.S.A.) Josephina GROBBEL15 (b. 6 JUN 1828 in Cobbenrode, Westphalia and d. (unk) in the U.S.A., probably in Grand Rapids, Michigan. On 19 Nov 1850, she married Franz Heinrich SCHULTE, gt. Neuhäuser. Josephina's oldest child married and then emigrated with her new husband to Grand Rapids, Michigan about 1872. Josephina apparently followed her daughter to Grand Rapids sometime after 1872. Maria Anna GROBBEL15 (b. 1 FEB 1831 and d. 11 FEB 1832, both in Cobbenrode, Westphalia) Daniel GROBBEL 15 (b. 3 DEC 1836 in Cobbenrode, Westphalia and d. (unk) in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, U.S.A.) More information about Franz Anton, John, Daniel and their descendants can be found on Page 12. 9 Descendants of J. Lorenz GROBBEL13 Lorenz GROBBEL13 married Anna Maria NIEDERSTEN (b. 10 NOV 1748 and d. 20 JUN 1817 in Lenne) on 16 JUN 1766 in Lenne, Westphalia. Their home in Lenne is still in use today as a private residence. Lorenz and Anna Maria had at least two sons: Joannes Caspar GROBBEL14 (b. 3 APR 1769 and d. sometime before 1849, both in Lenne, Westphalia). Anton GROBBEL14 (b. 31 Oct 1773 in Lenne, Westphalia and d. 29 March 1807 in Milchenbach, Westphalia). Lorenz’s son, Caspar GROBBEL14 married Maria Elisabeth SCHLEIME (b. 9 MAR 1770 and d. 19 FEB 1849, both in Lenne, Westphalia) on 2 DEC 1793 in Lenne, Westphalia. Elizabeth inherited the Schleimen Hof in Lenne, which was where she and Caspar raised their large family. Caspar and Elisabeth had eleven children and descendants of two of their sons would later emigrate to the U.S.A.: Caspar Anton GROBBEL15 (b. 28 July 1806 in Lenne, Westphalia and d. unk). Joann Jacob Anton GROBBEL15 (b. about 1823 in Lenne, Westphalia and d. unk). Caspar and Elisabeth's older son, Caspar GROBBEL15 , married Maria Therese STRATMANN, who was born 28 Oct 1824 in Hachen, Westphalia. They had one known child: Anton Caspar GROBBEL16 (b. 02 Dec 1845 in Lenne, Westphalia and d. unk in Lenne). He married Maria Josefine Therese SCHMIDT, who was born 02 Jan 1855 in Huxel, Westphalia. They had three children, one of whom would become a Roman Catholic Priest and who was sent in 1904 to serve the faithful in Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A.: Anton Caspar GROBBEL 17 (b. about 1880 in Lenne, Westphalia and d. 09 Feb 1953 in Nebraska, U.S.A.). Vatican records indicate that his health failed and he returned to Germany where he spent many years at a sanitarium before returning to the United States. Caspar’s younger son, Anton GROBBEL15 married Anna Maria Elisabeth STILPER, who was born sometime between 1820 and 1830 in Hundesossen, Westphalia, which is near Lenne. Anton and Elisabeth were married on 14 Nov 1847 in Lenne, Westphalia and they had four children, one of whom emigrated to the U.S.A. around 1884: Anton GROBBEL 16 (b. 2 JUN 1851 in Lenne, Westphalia and d. 9 OCT in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, U.S.A.) More information about Anton GROBBEL 16 and his descendants can be found on Page 18. 10 Lorenz's younger son, Anton GROBBEL14 married Anna Catharina STORCK (b. 13 Feb 1785, d. 17 Oct 1808, both in Milchenbach, Westphalia) on 16 April 1800 in Attendorn, Westphalia. They had three children: Ludwig Vinzens Laurenz GROBBEL15 (b. 8 Aug 1801, d. 30 Dec 1826, both in Milchenbach, Westphalia) Johann Jakob Franz GROBBEL15 (b. 15 Feb 1804, d. 23 Oct 1860, both in Milchenbach, Westphalia) Maria Catharina GROBBEL15 (b. 21 Nov 1806, d. 31 Oct 1838, both in Milchenbach, Westphalia) Anton and Catherine's son, Johann Jakob Franz GROBBEL15 married Maria Josefine RAMEIL (b. 5 Feb 1809 in Saalhausen, Westphalia, d. 20 March 1873 in Milchenbach, Westphalia) on 26 Jan 1832 in Lenne, Westphalia. They had nine children together, including Johan Caspar and Franz Anton: Johann Caspar GROBBEL16 (b. 8 Sept 1833, d. 9 Jan 1888, both in Milchenbach, Westphalia). Caspar married Elisabeth TRÖSTER (b. 26 Sept 1840, d. 15 Dec 1895, both in Milchenbach, Westphalia) on 27 Aug 1867 in Lenne, Westphalia. They had five children, including Peter Anton GROBBEL 17 (b. 12 June 1873 in Milchenbach, Westphalia and d. 16 April 1965 in Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A.). Peter was ordained a Roman Catholic Priest on 23 July 1905 in Freiburg, Switzerland and was immediately sent to eastern Nebraska where he served a number of parishes in different capacities for almost 60 years. Additional information about the life of Father Grobbel can be found on Page 19. Franz Anton GROBBEL 16 (b. 18 April 1836 in Milchenbach, Westphalia, d. 05 July 1899 in Calumet Twp., Houghton County, Michigan). Franz Anton emigrated to the U.S.A. sometime prior to his marriage to Maria HUBER (b. unknown date in Mendingen, Württemberg, Germany, d. unk in the U.S.A.), which occurred on 05 Aug 1869 at St. Joseph Parish, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan. Anton and Maria had at least three children: Anton GROBBEL17 (b. 04 Jul 1870 in Detroit), Anna GROBBEL17 (b. 12 Apr 1872 in Detroit) John Conrad GROBBEL17 (b. 13 Jun 1874 in Detroit). His death certificate indicated that Anton was survived by his wife and only one child. 11 Grobbel Emigrants to the U.S.A. The Families of Anton, John and Daniel GROBBEL15 The second half of the 1840s were a difficult period for those living in Westphalia and the rest of the German states. Significant population growth and the failures of harvests in 1846 and 1847 caused widespread famine and misery. Nationalist sentiment was on the rise and many people favored unification of the country, a more democratic government, and guarantees of human rights. Large popular assemblies and mass demonstrations took place during the the “March Revolution” of 1848. The demonstrators primarily demanded freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, arming of the people and a national German parliament. However, their revolutionary movement failed to achive its goals and many disappointed Germans soon began emigrating to countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia. It was against this backdrop that three great-grandsons of J. Heinrich GROBBEL12, Anton, John and Daniel GROBBEL15 , decided to emigrate to the U.S.A. Anton, John and Daniel were the sons of Röttger GROBBEL14 and Maria Catharine SPOTT. Anton was the first of the three brothers to emigrate. He sailed from the port of Bremen aboard the “Deutschland” and arrived in New York City on May 22, 1849. He soon made his way to Detroit, Michigan, which was the home of other recent emigrants from his native Sauerland region of Westphalia. 12 An entry in the "Business Directory" portion of the 1875 Macomb County Atlas lists Anton as "Anthony Grobbel" and indicates that he was born in Germany and gives 1849 as the date of settlement for his 80 acre farm in Section 17 of Warren Township, Macomb County, Michigan. Four years later, his 27 year old brother John, accompanied by his 16 year old brother Daniel, boarded the ship “Roger Stewart” in Antwerp, Belgium and sailed for New York City, arriving on May 30, 1853. Daniel settled in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan and John began clearing and farming 40 acres of his brother Anton’s land in Section 17 of Warren Township. During the Civil War, the increased demand for copper caused a mining boom in the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan. In 1865, Anton and John took their families and moved to Hancock, Houghton Co., MI. to work in the mines. Anton and John stayed in the UP for only about a year and then returned to their farms in Warren Township. Franz Anton GROBBEL15 , was the oldest of these three brothers. He was born on 4 NOV 1819 in Cobbenrode, Westphalia, Germany, and died on 24 MAR 1900 in Warren Twp., Macomb Co., MI. Anton married Elizabeth GÖBEL (spelled GOEBEL in English), who was born on 8 APR 1829 in Germany, emigrated to the U.S.A. in 1853, and died on 21 MAR 1917 in Warren Twp. Macomb Co., MI. Both are buried in the St. Clement Cemetery in Center Line, Macomb Co., MI. According to the Rinke Family History, Elizabeth came from a large family in Germany. Her family faced such difficult times that they sent Elizabeth to America with strangers when she was about 12 years old. The journey supposedly took about three months to complete. However, the 1910 U.S. Census records indicate Elizabeth GÖBEL emigrated to the U.S. in 1853, when she would have been 24 years old. St. Clement Parish Baptismal records indicate that a Francis GÖBEL was Catherine GROBBEL's Godfather, so apparently others in her family may also have come to Michigan. Elizabeth (Goebel) Grobbel The children of Anton and Elizabeth GROBBEL15 were all born in Warren Twp., Macomb Co., MI.: 1. Elizabeth GROBBEL16 b. 08 OCT 1856, m. Jacob SCHLAÜD, d. 25 SEP 1934 2. Elizabeth GROBBEL16 b. 2 SEP 1857, d. 2 SEP 1857 3. Mary Elizabeth “Mary Ann” GROBBEL16 b. 31 MAY 1859, m. Frank LANGE, d. abt. 1889 4. Catherine Mary GROBBEL16 b. 7 OCT 1860, m. Bernard SCHNÖBELE (Schnoblen) on 20 MAY 1884, d. abt. 26 JAN 1930 5. Marie Therese GROBBEL16 b. 16 FEB 1863, d. 29 MAY 1864 6. Anthony John Frank GROBBEL16 b. 30 OCT 1865, m. Mary MINICK, d. 12 MAR 1942 7. Bernard John GROBBEL16 b. 17 SEP 1867, m. Catherine OHLERT, d. 4 MAR 1954 8. Frances Mathilda GROBBEL16 b. 20 OCT 1869, m. Anthony MINICK, d. 1905 9. Joseph GROBBEL16 b. 8 MAY 1873, unm., d. 8 MAR 1954 The St. Clement Parish records are the source for most of the children in the above list, except for Elizabeth (b. 1856) and the name "Mary Ann", whose source is John Schlaud, of Grand Blanc, MI.. The Rinke Family History lists six children: Catherine, Elizabeth, Anthony, Bernard, Joseph 13 and Mary. It provides dates only for Anthony, Bernard and Joseph (it credits cousins, obituaries and gravestones as the sources). It also indicates marriages for Elizabeth (husband's last name Jasper) and Mary (husband's last name Jostock). However, the St. Clement Parish records indicate no baptism for an Elizabeth, only a burial on 02 SEP 1857 with the handwritten Latin phrase "aetatis (of age) aligust momentorum (lived for a moment?)". The St. Clement Parish records also indicate that an Elizabeth Grobbel married Jacob Schlaüt (sic) and are the source for the birth dates for all of the children shown above except Elizabeth (b. 1856). The 1860 U.S. Census adds to the confusion because it lists an Elizabeth (b.1857) and Mary (b. 1859) by name and birth year. My conclusions are that the St. Clement Parish and John Schlaud records provide more accurate documentation and that the Census information on Elizabeth's birth year may have been given in error. The 1880 U.S. Census records show Catherine, Anthony, Bernard, Frances and Joseph as living at home and gave their ages as of 01 JUN 1880. The 1900 U.S. Census indicated (6) living children at that time from a total of (9). The 1910 U.S. Census indicated that they had (5) living children from a total of (7). From this, one could conclude that the information from the 1900 U.S. Census indicating a total of (9) live births was correct if Mary Ann died between 1888 and 1900, and that the 1910 U.S. Census should have read (5) of (9) children living. John GROBBEL15 was born on 21 OCT 1825 in Cobbenrode, Westphalia, Germany, and died on 31 JAN 1870 in Hamtramck, Wayne Co., MI. at age 43, according to a 1963 copy of his death certificate. St. Clement Parish records indicate he was buried on 02 FEB 1870. On 28 JAN 1864 in St. Clement's church, he married Mary Anna WARNER. She was born on 08 MAR 1844 in Pennsylvania (perhaps Philadelphia); the Rinke Family History gives her birthdate as 08 MAR 1841, however the correct year was 1844 based on the St. Clement Parish Marriage records that give her ages as 19 and 27 years old at the time of her two marriages. Mary died on 11 JAN 1916 in Warren Twp. Macomb Co., MI. (the same day as the wedding of her granddaughter Catherine Ann GROBBEL17 to Peter BURG). Both John and Mary are buried in the St. Clement Cemetery in Center Line, Macomb Co., MI. John and Mary GROBBEL15 had four children: 1. Anna Victoria GROBBEL16 - b. 13 NOV 1864, m. William DEGRANDCHAMP, d. 20 MAR 1955 2. Ferdinand GROBBEL16 - b. 13 MAR 1866, m. Apollonia WIEGAND, d. 21 FEB 1919 3. John Anthony GROBBEL16 - b. 15 OCT 1867, m. Elizabeth ELLIOT, d. 10 MAR 1911 4. Josephine Magdalene GROBBEL16 - b. 1 AUG 1869, m. Frank LINTO, d. 15 MAR 1925 After Anna’s birth in Warren Twp., Macomb Co., MI, John moved his young family to Hancock, Houghton Co., MI so he could work in the copper mines. It was during this period that Ferdinand was born. Mary was desperately lonely and little Anna’s health was poor, so the family returned to their farm in Warren Twp., Macomb Co., MI, where John and Josephine were born. In January 1870, John was clearing his land of timber and hauling the cordwood into Detroit to be sold for fuel. At the intersection of Harper and St. Cyril, the wood extending out from his wagon became entangled with a hay wagon driven by a man named Engleman from Center Line, MI, 14 and John was killed in the resulting crash. [Item from the Detroit Free Press, Tues. Nov. 16, 1869: “Exhilarating - a walk out on the Gratiot road in the morning and meeting a hundred loads of wood and fifty tons of hay coming to market, gives a grand idea of the great city and its powers of consumption.”] Mary was left with four small children and a farm with only a small portion of the wooded acreage cleared. There was no way for her to earn a living, especially with four babies to care for. The only thing a woman in her situation could do was to marry again, which she did within a year. On 09 JUNE 1871, she married Joseph RINKE, a bachelor six years younger than herself. Although the marriage proved congenial, she felt that it had been wrong to load her troubles onto so young a man, and this bothered her all the rest of her life. Some time after she had married Joseph, she received a settlement from Mr. Engleman. Catherine “Kate” GROBBEL17 Burg thought that the amount she received was two thousand dollars, but Hugo RINKE insisted that it was only five hundred dollars. Either amount would have been a substantial sum at a time when wages were typically less than two dollars per week! Daniel GROBBEL15, who was the youngest of these three brothers, was born on 3 DEC 1836 in Cobbenrode, Westphalia, Germany. Daniel married Elisabeth TRINKAUS (also spelled TRINKHAUS and DRINKAUS) on 02 Sep 1862 at St. Joseph Parish, Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan. They had the following children, all born in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan and baptized at St. Joseph Parish: 1. Margaret Catherine "Maggie" GROBBEL16 - b. 13 JUN 1863, d. unknown 2. Phillip Richard GROBBEL16 - b. 15 JUL 1865, d. unknown 3. Elizabeth Josephine GROBBEL16 - b. 09 MAR 1867, d. unknown 4. George Daniel GROBBEL16 - b. 22 JUN 1870, d. unknown 5. Daniel Cornelius GROBBEL16 - b. 18 NOV 1871, d. unknown 6. Wilhelm S. "William" GROBBEL16 - b. 03 JAN 1874, d. 08 DEC 1899 in Cleveland, Ohio (he was crused to death in a railroad work accident) 7. Silvester GROBBEL16 - b. 10 MAY 1876, d. 02 JUL 1876 8. Elisabeth Cecilia GROBBEL16 - b. 08 JUL 1879, d. unknown 9. Clara GROBBEL16 - b. 03 NOV 1880, d. unknown 10. Phillip Franz GROBBEL16 - b. 31 JUL 1883, d. unknown 11. Rosalia Frances GROBBEL16 - b. 31 JUL 1883, d. unknown 12. Henry Raymond GROBBEL16 - b. 20 JUL 1885, d. unknown 13. Mathilda L. GROBBEL16 - b. 18 AUG 1888, d. unknown Two additional children are listed in the Rinke Family History: 14. Edward J. GROBBEL16 - b. unknown, d. unknown 15. John S. GROBBEL16 - b. unknown, d. unknown According to the Rinke Family History, after emigrating to the U.S.A., the elder Daniel operated a combination Grocery and Meat Market at 413 Chene St., in Detroit (not to be confused with "E.W. Grobbel Sons Inc.", a wholesale meat supplier that still operates today in Detroit's Eastern Market, which was founded by Daniel's first cousin once removed, W. Emil GROBBEL16 ). 15 According to Julia DeGrandchamp17 in the Rinke Family History, her great-uncle Daniel had a large family. She thought that there were twelve or thirteen children, and that he had a long life but mourned the fact that he had no grandchildren. If this is true, then it is likely that there are no living descendants of this branch of the Grobbel family. A Detroit Directory from the late 1890's listed the following six children living at the Chene St. address: 1. Dan C. Grobbel16 Jr. - a lawyer with offices in the Hammond Building and later the Buhl Building; he was a Detroit City Assessor and in 1928 he was the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners for the Detroit Water Department. His name is on the brass dedication plaques at the Detroit Water Board Building, the Detroit Springwells Water Treatment Plant and the Water Intake Screening Structure at the head of Belle Isle (Water Board information source: Mark Edward Grobbel19 ). 2. Elizabeth Grobbel16 - a school principal. 3. Maggie (?) Grobbel16 4. John S. Grobbel16 - a student in 1893. 5. William S. Grobbel16 - a bookkeeper for the Peter Koenig Coal Company; d. 08 DEC 1899 at age 25. 6. Edward J. Grobbel16 - a clerk. Also according to the Rinke Family History, two other Grobbels that might belong to the Daniel GROBBEL15 family are: 1. Anna Grobbel - m. Louis Rinke (son of Carl Rinke) 2. Gertrude Grobbel - m. a man named Rehms; according to descendants of Carl Rinke, she was Anna's sister. 16 The Families of Emil and Joseph GROBBEL16 About 25 years after Anton, John and Daniel GROBBEL15 left Germany for Michigan, their first cousins once removed, Emil and Joseph GROBBEL16 , followed their lead and came to the U.S.A. in 1879. Emil and Joseph were the great-great grandsons of J. Heinrich GROBBEL12 , and the sons of Joseph GROBBEL15 and Walburga HENRICHS of Obringhausen, Westphalia, Germany. Their brother Franz and sister Bertha also emigrated to the U.S.A., but eventually returned to Germany to rejoin their other brothers and sisters who remained behind. Bertha would also make two other trips to the U.S.A., but returned home each time. Franz was the firstborn of Joseph and Walburga Grobbel’s 14 children, while Bertha was eighth in the birth order. For the Rinke Family History in 1966, Miss Edith Grobbel stated that she, Emil and Joseph were related to Daniel GROBBEL15 , but that she had never heard of Dan’s brothers Anton and John (who lived out in the countryside of Warren Twp., unlike Dan who lived nearby in Detroit). Emil GROBBEL16 was born on 08 SEP 1852 in Obringhausen, Westphalia, Germany, and died on 18 FEB 1939, probably in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI. German genealogy records indicate that he was christened "Wilhelm Emil Grobbel", but he apparently perferred to be called Emil and used Wilhelm as his middle name. He was the seventh child of Joseph and Walburga Grobbel. He married Elizabeth CAMPEAU, who was born on 27 AUG 1862 and died in DEC 1955. She was the daughter of Sam and Mary Campeau. In 1883, Emil began operating a meat market stall in the old Cadillac Square Market at 1 Central Market in Detroit. Several moves later, his business is still operating today as a wholesale deli meat supplier in Detroit's Eastern Market under the name E.W. Grobbel & Sons, Inc. at 2500 Orleans St., near the corner of Adelaide Street. Their company identifies itself as "America's Oldest Corned Beef Specialist”. Elizabeth was remembered as a "tough, sharp matriarch of the clan" who "didn't miss a thing" and who "ruled the Grobbels". She and Emil had 7 children: 1. Edith Grobbel17 b. 1886, d. 1974 2. Bertha Grobbel17 b. 09 SEP 1888, m. William SCHULTE, d. 09 APR 1968 3. Florence Grobbel17 b. 1889, m. Morton CHARBENEAU, d. unknown 4. Irene Grobbel17 b. 28 MAY 1893, m. Daniel BEAUFAIT, d. 02 MAR 1969 5. Emil L. Grobbel17 b.16 JUL 1895, m. Margaret (unknown), d. 10 NOV 1985 6. Cyril Anthony Grobbel17 b.1897, m. Margaret F. FITZPATRICK, d. unknown 7. Leo Bernard Grobbel17 b.14 JAN 1902, m. Mary Margaret "Mae" JOHANNES, d. 31 MAY 1969 17 Keves and Grobbel Umbrella Shop at 84 Michigan Ave. in Detroit (painted from a circa 1899 photo). Joseph GROBBEL16 (b. 18 JAN 1856 in Obringhausen, Westphalia, Germany, d. 1923 in Detroit, Wayne Co. MI) was the ninth child of Joseph and Walburga Grobbel. He was an Upholsterer, who resided both on St. Joseph and Canfield Avenues in Detroit. His wife was Helen Lathen, who was born on 11 JAN 1861 in Bonn, Germany and died on 20 MAY 1940 in Detroit. Old Detroit business directories indicate that in 1887 he was an umbrella maker for the C. Lingeman Co. After 1891, he was doing business as "Keves & Grobbel". Joseph and Helen had six children: 1. Joseph Emil Grobbel17 , b. 21 MAR 1885, m. Elsie HOLLAND in 1914 2. Helen (Helene) Grobbel17, b. 03 June 1886, m. Bernard BICK on 18 June 1913 3. Anthony (Anton) Bernard Grobbel17, b. 12 APR 1890, m. Mary Anna PETRIK, d. 08 MAY 1940 4. Wilma (Willima) Grobbel17 , b. 28 SEP 1895 5. Alfreda (Elfriede) Grobbel17, b. 22 AUG 1898, m. Harold CORSON on 15 June 1922 6. Josephine Grobbel17, m. Luke LUCHETTI As of 1968, all of their children were still living, except for Wilma and Anthony. The Family of Anton GROBBEL16 Another Grobbel who was also a great-great grandson of J. Heinrich GROBBEL12 emigrated to the U.S.A. and eventually found his way to Detroit in 1884. Anton “Anthony” GROBBEL16 , the son of John Jacob Anton GROBBEL15 and Anna.Maria Elizabeth STILPER, was born on 2 JUN 1851, in Lenne, Westphalia, Germany, and died 9 OCT 1926 in Detroit, MI. He married Elizabeth SCHÄFER in Lancaster, New York. Elizabeth was born 11 OCT 1859 to Franz 18 SCHÄFER and Margarete SASSE in Lenne, Westphalia, Germany, and died on 27 JAN 1918 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI. Anthony and Elizabeth moved to Detroit in 1884 when their son Albert was 5 weeks old, and resided for many years on Meldrum Ave. Anthony worked as a grinder and polisher for the Detroit Edge Tool Co. As far as is known, Anthony had only two siblings, a brother named Frank and a sister who apparently died at a young age. Anthony and Elizabeth had seven children, and along the way, at least one of their children dropped a “b” from their last name. 1. Albert Anthony GROBEL17 , born on 20 August 1884 in Lancaster, NY; married Mary Anderson (born in Rosseau, Muskoka Co., Ontario, Canada to Alexander and Julia Anderson). Albert Grobel said in 1967 that he remembered going with his father, Anthony Grobbel, to visit Emil Grobbel at his Market. Emil and Anthony would try to thrash out their relationship, but always ended up resolving it to be “about 42nd cousins” (they were actually 3rd cousins). Albert and Mary had three children: Elva T. Grobel (b: 1918), Norman A. Grobel (b: 1921, unmarried) and Vera Ann Grobel (b: 1929). 2. Florence Johanna GROBBEL17 (b: 14 March 1886 in Detroit, MI, d: 20 February 1959), married Francis J. Muer, Sr. (b: 29 August 1886, d: 27 April 1939). 3. Mary GROBBEL17 (b: 27 June 1888 in Detroit, MI, d: 04 August 1950), married Andrew Kelly (b: 27 November 1885, d: 16 April 1961). 4. Leo Frank GROBBEL17 (b: 21 March 1890 in Detroit, MI, d: 09 April 1952), married Maude (unk), moved to St. Paul, MN. 5. Josephine GROBBEL17 (b: 10 August 1891 in Detroit, MI, d: 15 November 1957 from a heart attack in Detroit, MI), married Harvey J. Dumon (b: 09 January 1886, d: 1951 from cancer). They had two sons, James Dumon and Harvey "Bud" Dumon, who married Clair Stenger (d: 1961). (Their children are Jerry Dumon and Mary Jo Dumon. After the death of Clair, Harvey "Bud" Dumon married Joan Hayden in October 1962). The Rinke Family History noted that James, Harvey and the sons of Josephine Mary (GROBBEL16) Linto (daughter of John GROBBEL15): “look enough alike to be of the same family”. 6. Caroline GROBBEL17 (b: 18 March 1898 in Detroit, MI, d: 12 MAR 1919, unmarried) 7. Lillian GROBBEL17 (b: May 1902 in Detroit, MI) married Vincent G. Rogers (b: 28 December 1896, d: 13 December 1953) 19 Peter Anton GROBBEL17 - Roman Catholic Priest Peter Anton GROBBEL17 was born on 12 June 1873 in Milchenbach, Westphalia, Prussia (Germany). He was the son of Johan Caspar GROBBEL and Elisabeth TRÖSTER. From 1893 through 1905, he attended various colleges in Germany Italy and Switzerland in preparation for the priesthood. Father Grobbel was ordained a Roman Catholic Priest on 23 July 1905 in Freiburg, Switzerland. Upon arriving in the United States in November, 1905, he was assigned as Assistant Pastor of St. Michael's Parish in Spalding, Nebraska. This area of Nebraska had a large population of Catholic German emigrants and German-speaking priests were in short supply. Over the next two years, Rev. Grobbel also served parishes in West Point and Kearney, Nebraska as their Assistant Pastor. In 1907, ill health caused him to return briefly to his native country, and upon his return to the U.S. in November 1907, he was assigned as Assistant Pastor at St. Bridget's Parish in South Omaha, Nebraska. Rev. Peter A. Grobbel (1947 photo) In July 1908, Fr. Grobbel was named Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in St. Paul, Nebraska. A year and one-half later, on 10 Jan. 1910, he was named Pastor of St. Jane Frances de Chantal Parish in Randolph, Nebraska. In 1913, he was transferred to St. Anthony's Parish in St. Charles, Cuming County, Nebraska, where he served 24 years as Pastor until his retirement in 1937. A short biographical sketch of Father Grobbel appeared in the 1912 edition of A Compendium of History, Reminiscence and Biography of Nebraska: REVEREND PETER GROBBEL. Reverend Peter Grobbel, prominently known in St. Paul, Nebraska, has for the past two years (1908-1909) held the position of assistant pastor of the Roman Catholic Church of that city. Reverend Grobbel is a young man of fine education and high mental attainments, and by his earnest and faithful attention to duty has won for himself a lasting regard in the hearts of the people of his congregation. Peter Grobbel was born in the province of Westphalia, Germany, on June 12, 1873, and received his elementary education in the public schools of that country. Later he spent six years and a half in the French academy, afterwards, returning to Germany and spending an additional three years in college, then successfully passed the required state examination, and in the fall of 1896 was inscribed at the Rome University for Philosophy. During the 20 following year he was again inscribed in the faculty for philosophy at Freiburg, Switzerland. The years 1899 to 1901, inclusive, were spent in Bonn University, where he was inscribed in the faculty of theology. He next went to Rome and took up the study of theology and philosophy, then to the University of Freiburg, where in the fall of 1905 he completed his studies. In the latter year Reverend Grobbel came to America, his first location being at Spalding, Nebraska, beginning his work as assistant pastor of the Catholic Church. After a short time there he was transferred to West Point, Nebraska, remaining but a few months, then returned to Spaulding. From there he was sent to Kearney, but on account of failing health was obliged to give up work temporarily, and took a trip back to his old home in Germany for several months. Upon his return to Nebraska he spent some time in South Omaha, and in July, 1908, received his appointment as assistant pastor in St. Paul, which post he filled to the complete, satisfaction of the entire congregation. On January 10, 1910, by grace of authority, he was made the pastor of the Roman Catholic Church at Randolph, in Cedar County, Nebraska, removing to that city. Reverend Grobbel is a broadminded and liberal man, aiding in every way possible those who come to him for advice and help, and his success in his labors is due in a great measure to his zeal and conscientious devotion to duty. In addition to this he is thoroughly equipped with a splendid education in every branch of study, having at his command six different languages in which he is equally proficient. Five of the six languages he spoke would have been German, French, Italian, Latin and English, but there is no record of what his sixth language might have been. Father Grobbel served as the Assistant Pastor of St. Mary Parish in West Point for a short time around 1906. Seven years later, Father Grobbel returned to the West Point area, this time as the pastor of St. Anthony Parish in nearby St. Charles, Nebraska. On April 19, 1918 the local paper in West Point reported that three Catholic priests and one Lutheran minister "were not permitted to preach last Sunday," because they violated Nebraska's Sedition Law. "No alien enemy may act in the capacity of preacher...without having first filed an application in district court...The applicant must show when he came to this country, what places he has been, what steps taken toward completing naturalization and what contributions he has made toward winning the war." Fathers Grobbel, Roth, and Brasch and Pastor Mangelsdorf, not yet citizens, "appeared in court the next week. Each stated his sympathy to the American cause and stated they were in the process of becoming citizens. They were granted licenses to preach...Area residents who had not completed all necessary paperwork to become U.S. citizens fell into the category of possible enemy aliens." Many residents of this area were German emigrants and during World War One, they were treated with suspicion by the non-German residents, state lawmakers and even the local city councils. In July 1918, the City Council of West Point, Nebraska went so far as to pass a resolution forbidding citizens to hold "assemblages not in sympathy with the war" or to distribute literature "out of harmony with the war". 21 A local woman accused shortly thereafter of being unpatriotic "denied the charges and mentioned her husband had purchased Liberty Bonds and that she had donated to the Red Cross." A more recent history of West Point adds: "The case came to an end when the armistice was signed in November." In 1930, the 25th year of his priesthood, Fr. Grobbel returned to his birthplace of Milchenbach, Germany. His family, friends and hometown parish honored his 25th anniversary as a priest with a church ceremony and procession that wound its way from the church through the streets of Milchenbach. In retirement, Fr. Grobbel lived in Long Pine, Nebraska, with periods spent in Grand Island and Omaha. He died at the age of 91 on 16 April 1965 at a hospital in Omaha, NE. On Monday, 19 April 1965, Msgr. Nicholas Wegner, Director of Boys Town, Nebraska, offered the Requiem Mass for Fr. Grobbel at St. Cecilia's Cathedral in Omaha. Rev. Grobbel was interred in Block 7, Grave 11 of the Priest Circle at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, 4912 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Nebraska. 22 Section III - Descendants of Franz Anton GROBBEL 15 Some of Their Stories Children of Anton & Elizabeth GROBBEL 15 Elizabeth Marie GROBBEL 16 (b. 31 MAY 1859) was the second child of Anton and Elizabeth GROBBEL. She married Jacob SCHLAÜD on 20 NOV 1877 in St. Clement Church. Jacob SCHLAÜD (b. abt. 1847) was the son of Joseph Jacob SCHLAÜT and Catharine HÜPPERT. Jacob’s first wife was Catherine ROTARIUS, who died on 11 APR 1877, leaving Jacob with 3 young daughters, ages 1, 3 and 5 years-old. Elizabeth and Jacob had three children together. The Schlaüd farm was located on the south side of 11 Mile Road, just east of the railroad tracks. Catherine Mary GROBBEL 16 (b. 07 OCT 1860) was the third child of Anton and Elizabeth GROBBEL. She married Bernard SCHNOBLEN on 20 MAY 1884 in St. Clement Church. Bernard SCHNOBLEN (b. 24 MAR 1861), and his twin brother Andrew, were the sons of Anthony SCHNOBLEN and Margaret ROTARIUS. Their last name was variously spelled as “Schnöbelen” (1861) and “Schnobele” (1884) in the St. Clement Parish records, and eventually came to be spelled as “Schnoblen”. Anthony John Frank GROBBEL 16 (b. 30 OCT 1865, d. 12 MAR 1942) was the fifth child, and first son, of Anton and Elizabeth GROBBEL. He married Mary MINICK on 27 JUN 1894. Mary MINICK (b. 16 MAY 1869, d. 25 FEB 1942) was the daughter of John MINICK (b. 14 NOV 1834, d. 22 FEB 1905) and Mary Ann GANSEN (b. 08 APR 1839, d. 09 MAR 1908). Anthony was a Warren Township Highway Commissioner, as well as a farmer in Section 16 of Warren Twp. Bernard John GROBBEL 16 (b. 17 SEP 1867, d. 04 MAR 1954) was the sixth child of Anton and Elizabeth GROBBEL. He married Catherine OHLERT on 12 OCT 1897. Catherine OHLERT (b. 16 AUG 1877, d. 1919) was the daughter of Joseph OHLERT (b. abt. 1852 to Joseph OHLERT and Margaret GAYEN) and Susanna WIEGAND (b. 31 MAR 1854 to Frank and Barbara WIEGAND). Joseph and Susanna were married at St. Clement Church on 3 MAY 1875. “Ben” was a farmer and later (some time after 1900) became the sexton at St. Clement Church. Catherine died from complications and the flu, following the birth of Rose Ann. Frances Mathilda GROBBEL 16 (b. 20 OCT 1869, d. 15 NOV 1909) was the seventh child of Anton and Elizabeth GROBBEL. At St. Clement Church on 14 MAY 1895, she married Anthony J. MINICK (b. 27 SEP 1872, d. 1957), who was the younger brother of her sister-in-law, Mary (Minick) Grobbel. 23 Grandchildren of Franz Anton & Elizabeth GROBBEL 15 Clement Anthony GROBBEL 17, (b. 02 NOV 1895 in Warren Twp., Macomb Co., MI, d. 30 MAR 1977 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI) was the oldest child of Anthony GROBBEL16 and Mary MINICK. He married Marcella Leontine PETERS on 19 OCT 1921. Marcella PETERS (b. 31 MAR 1902, d. 10 FEB 1937) was the daughter of Henry A. PETERS (b. 10 MAR 1872 to Anthony PETERS and Margaret CAMPBELL, d. 13 OCT 1943) and Esther C. HAYES (b. 28 MAR 1875 , d. 03 JUL 1942). Clem and Marcella had eight children, all of whom were born in Center Line, Macomb Co., MI. Marcella died during childbirth in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI., and is buried in the St. Clement Cemetery in Center Line, MI. Clement is buried in the Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Detroit, MI.. Clem was 22 years old when the U.S. entered World War I. He was soon drafted into the Army and on 27 JUN 1918, he arrived at Camp Custer, near Battle Creek, MI. There he began training with Rifle Company I of the 339th Infantry Regiment of the National Army. The 339th became known as “Detroit’s Own Regiment”, since 75% of the enlisted men and officers were from the Detroit area (upon their return to the U.S. in 1919, they took to calling themselves the “Polar Bears”). On 14 JUL 1918, the 339th broke camp and boarded trains for New York City, from which they sailed for England on 22 JUL 1918. After another month of training with British weapons, the 5,500 men boarded troop transport ships on 22 AUG 1918 and sailed for Archangel, Russia, which they reached on 4 SEP 1918. The 339th was placed under British command and spread out along six different fronts surrounding Archangel. Their orders were to replace the existing French and British troops of the Allied Expeditionary Forces who were engaging the Bolsheviks (Communists), however there was never a clearly defined objective. Companies I, K, L and M were assigned to the Railroad Front, which was 100 miles to the south near the village of Obozerskaya. The conditions were miserable for the troops, the marshy terrain was flooded with standing water, and the first heavy snows came on 15 OCT 1918. On 11 NOV 1918, the World War in Europe ended with the Armistice, while in Russia, the fighting continued. By Nov. 18th, when the last of the 339th finally received their British-issued winter uniforms, temperatures were consistently below zero degrees Fahrenheit. That winter was very difficult for the poorly equipped members of the 339th. Their British commanders never ventured out into the field, thus they did not understand how inadequate both their weapons and winter gear were. There were regular engagements with the Bolo’s as they were called, but what resulted was basically a stalemate. Despite being ill-equipped and out manned, the 339th was able to inflict more casualties than they received in battle. However the bitter cold and sickness were also formidable enemies and more than 200 of their members were either killed in action or succumbed to illness and were buried in Russia. By April, an American General, W.P. Richardson, had arrived to visit the 339th out in the field and he observed first-hand their deplorable situation. His report set in motion the removal of the 339th, which began in June when they were replaced by British volunteers who continued the 24 holding action until the British leadership gave up and totally withdrew from Russia in October of 1919. The main elements of the 339th arrived back in Detroit on July 4, 1919 and were treated to a warm homecoming, complete with a parade and picnic on Belle Isle.1 Clem was never one to reminisce about his war-time experiences as a “Polar Bear”, so the written record and his medals will have to speak for him. On March 4, 1920, the United States Secretary of War issued General Orders No. 14, Section IX, which awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (medal no.1800) to: “Clement A. Grobbel (Army serial no. 2051645) corporal, Company I, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Emtsa, Russia, November 4, 1918. When attacked by a largely superior force, in order to deliver a more effective fire, Corpl. Grobbel voluntarily left his trench and took up a position on top of the railroad bank. Although exposed to heavy machine gun fire, he held his position and fired his Lewis gun until the enemy was repulsed. The conduct of this noncomissioned officer was an important factor in the successful defense of the position. Residence at enlistment: R.F.D. No. 2, Warren, Mich.” He was also awarded the French “Croix de Guerre” medal by the French military commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in North Russia, along with a certificate dated January 30, 1919. The Distinguished Service Cross is our nation’s second highest military award for valor, ranking just below the Medal of Honor. Out of the 5,500 U.S. Soldiers who fought in Russia during WWI, only 23 were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. Clem was discharged from the Army at Camp Custer on 17 JULY 1919 and given the sum of $314.35, which included a $60.00 bonus. His discharge papers indicated that he was “a millwright with an excellent character”. Shortly after returning home, Clem met Marcella Peters. Years later, he told his children that “she was my first and only girlfriend”. Two years later they married and started raising a family on Central Ave. in Center Line, MI. Clem enjoyed tinkering with mechanical things 2 and these talents were put to good use when he started his own cement business. During the late 1920’s, he laid many of the sidewalks in Center Line, as well as made cement blocks for use in building the many basements that he dug with a team of horses. His “cement factory” and equipment was located on a nearby lot on Dale Avenue (this lot is where he eventually built a new home for his growing family). The Depression was not kind to him and he had to sell his equipment to satisfy his creditors, and since his parents had provided their farm acreage as collateral for his loans, it had to be sold also. “Detroit’s Own Polar Bears - the American North Russian Expeditionary Forces 1918-1919”, S.J. & J.R. Bozich, Polar Bear Publishing, Frankenmuth, MI 2 excerpt from a letter he sent to his parents on 13 APR 1919 from Russia: “..... I bet “dad” was busier than the devil when he was making those things in the cellar “Ha” . I bet everything runs smooth and nice. I long to see it. It is so long since I tinker(ed) around a auto or gas engine, that I almost forgot how they look. I have been studying up some little I might do when I get back. Some wonderful ideas a fellow can think about some times before he goes to sleep......” 1 25 Clem had been a volunteer fireman for the Village of Center Line, so he sought employment as a Policeman, beginning around 1931 . He was the first appointed Police Chief for the City of Center Line and served from 31 MAR 1936 through 27 MAY 1937, at which time he transferred to the Water Department as Superintendent. Following the death of Marcella, Clem hired a succession of housekeepers to look after his children while he was at work. One of these housekeepers was Lucille Kunath, who later married Charles L. Grobbel (Clem’s first cousin). On 01 JUN 1940, Clem married Roxanna J. KENNEDY Carney (b. 17 MAY 1894, d. 19 AUG 1980), who was the widow of Edward CARNEY (a member of the first Center Line City Council). Clem retired from the Center Line Water Department on 3 MAR 1956 (and was replaced by his son Vincent’s brother-in law, Ralph Hiller). He then began working for St. Clement’s Parish as a sexton/janitor for the church and school3. One of his duties was to ring the Angelus Bell in the steeple of the old St. Clement Church (1880-1967) at 6:00 a.m., Noon and again at 6:00 p.m. He retired again around 1974 and later died from complication of diabetes on 30 MAR 1977. His last words, spoken to his children at his bedside, were “take a lot of pictures of your children and love them”. Notes: ï‚· Clem Grobbel’s medals, uniform and some of his other WWI artifacts are on display at the “Michigan’s Own, Inc. Military and Space Museum”, which is located at 1250 Weiss St., Frankenmuth, MI 48734, phone (517)652-8005 or 652-3188. The museum also has a Website at ï‚· The families and friends of the “Polar Bears” hold a Memorial Service annually on Memorial Day Monday at 11:00 a.m. at the Polar Bear Monument in White Chapel Cemetery, Troy, Michigan. More information can be found on the Polar Bear Memorial Association’s web site at his uncle Bernard “Ben” Grobbel had been the sexton at St. Clement’s for many years in the early part of the 20th century, beginning some time between 1900 & 1910 (U.S. Census records list his occupation as “farmer” in 1900 and “sexton” in 1910) 3 26 Outline Descendant Tree – Franz Anton GROBBEL 15 The Outline Descendant Tree on the following pages lists Franz Anton GROBBEL 15 and three generations of his descendants (dates have been “privatized” for living individuals). The number to the left of a person’s name indicates the generation to which they belong. 16th generation individuals are listed in the order of their birth and all of their known descendants are listed out before the next-born 16th generation individual is listed. A “+” to the left of a name indicates either: ï‚· they are the spouse of the person listed immediately above them, or ï‚· they are the parent of the child/children listed immediately below, along with the person listed immediately above them. Other abbreviations are: ï‚· b: = born ï‚· d: = died ï‚· m: = married Interesting relationships to note: ï‚· a Grobbel brother and sister married a Minick brother and sister: ï‚· Anthony GROBBEL 16 + Mary MINICK ï‚· Frances GROBBEL 16 + Anthony MINICK ï‚· a pair of Grobbel second cousins married brothers from the Ruhlman family ï‚· Alvera GROBBEL 17 + Henry RUHLMAN (she was the granddaughter of Franz Anton GROBBEL 15) ï‚· Margaret GROBBEL 17 + Lawrence RUHLMAN (she was the granddaughter of John GROBBEL 15) 27 Descendants of Franz Anton Grobbel 15 Franz Anton "Anthony" GROBBEL b: 04 Nov 1819 d: 24 Mar 1900 ... +Elizabeth GÖBEL b: 08 Apr 1829 d: 21 Mar 1917 ......16 Elizabeth GROBBEL b: 12 Oct 1856 d: 25 Sep 1934 ............ +Jacob John SCHLAÜD b: 27 Dec 1845 m: 20 Nov 1877 d: 21 Nov 1928 .............. 17 Elizabeth Mary SCHLAUD b: 02 Nov 1878 d: 23 Nov 1960 .................... +Michael ROBINET b: 23 Feb 1866 m: 24 Nov 1899 d: 23 May 1938 ...................... 18 Verena Elizabeth ROBINET b: 13 Sep 1900 d: 22 Mar 1977 ............................ +Clarence MILLER b: 1897 m: 16 May 1934 d: 12 May 1983 ...................... 18 Edward John ROBINET b: 16 Jan 1902 d: 17 Jun 1978 ...................... 18 Leo Christeon ROBINET b: 23 Aug 1903 d: 24 Jul 1993 ...................... 18 William Anthony ROBINET b: 20 Apr 1905 d: 23 Feb 1908 ...................... 18 Vincent Jacob ROBINET b: 13 Mar 1907 d: 03 Mar 1908 ...................... 18 Bernard Michael ROBINET b: 16 Jan 1909 d: Unknown ............................ +Josephine Marie ARNELL b: 02 Feb 1918 m: 13 Sep 1939 d: 27 Feb 1996 ...................... 18 Norman George ROBINET b: 20 Dec 1910 d: 28 Oct 1986 ............................ +Myrtle Annebelle BADER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Doris Marie ROBINET b: 30 Sep 1912 d: 30 Nov 1955 ............................ +Raymond August LOBSTEIN b: 28 Mar 1910 m: 08 May 1937 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Agnes Rita ROBINET b: 03 Jun 1914 d: 26 Jun 1997 ............................ +Lawrence August TALLIEU b: 09 Apr 1913 m: 18 Feb 1939 d: 11 Jun 1976 ...................... 18 Carl Henry ROBINET b: 24 Jun 1916 d: 21 Mar 1983 ............................ +Pauline Catherine WENDLING b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Paul Louis ROBINET b: 01 Apr 1919 d: 03 Aug 1985 ............................ +Catherine Bertha REYNOLDS b: 29 Aug 1924 m: 27 Jul 1948 d: 19 Dec 1997 ...................... 18 Louis Lawrence ROBINET b: Private ...................... 18 Alta Marteana ROBINET b: 30 Nov 1922 d: 23 Mar 1923 .............. 17 Catherine Mary SCHLAUD b: 15 Mar 1880 d: 21 Mar 1880 .............. 17 Anthony Francis SCHLAUD b: 16 Jun 1881 d: 27 Mar 1949 .................... +Clementine Mary ROBINET b: 28 Jan 1887 m: 26 Jun 1907 d: 09 Jan 1978 ...................... 18 Leonard Jacob SCHLAUD b: 17 Apr 1908 d: 11 Sep 1998 ............................ +Florence Agnes HALPIN b: 02 Nov 1910 m: 22 Feb 1933 d: 31 Aug 1980 ...................... *2nd Wife of Leonard Jacob SCHLAUD: ............................ +Laura Beatrice PENNY b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Florence Elizabeth SCHLAUD b: 25 Mar 1910 d: 07 Jan 1975 ............................ +Robert John EDER b: 17 Aug 1905 m: 16 Nov 1938 d: 07 Jan 1987 ...................... 18 Beatrice Marie SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Norman Joseph KINCH b: 21 Apr 1912 m: Private d: 14 Feb 1991 ...................... 18 Mildred May SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Robert Emmett SWEENEY b: 14 Apr 1910 m: Private d: 12 Jun 1987 ...................... 18 Marion Agnes SCHLAUD b: 04 Sep 1914 d: 19 Sep 2005 ............................ +William Martin FITZGERALD b: 03 Jun 1914 m: 18 Jun 1938 d: 02 Nov 1996 ...................... 18 Frances Loretta SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Lawrence STATWICK b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Husband of Frances Loretta SCHLAUD: ............................ +Walter Mason ROBERTSON b: 19 Mar 1914 m: Private d: 22 Sep 1963 ...................... 18 Kenneth George SCHLAUD b: 30 Jun 1922 d: 24 Sep 1994 ............................ +June Agatha NIEBAUER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Rosemarie Dolores SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Wayne Elliot Joseph JOHNSON b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Josephine SCHLAUD b: 18 Mar 1883 d: 16 Aug 1883 .............. 17 Bernard "Ben" SCHLAUD b: 10 Jul 1884 d: 25 Apr 1966 .................... +Martha C. SWOISH b: 03 Mar 1891 m: 10 May 1911 d: 05 Mar 1977 ...................... 18 Clarence George SCHLAUD b: 05 Sep 1912 d: 24 Jun 1984 ............................ +Dorothy Marie DENNIS b: 04 Apr 1915 m: 03 Sep 1937 d: 15 Jan 1998 ...................... 18 Peter Bernard SCHLAUD b: 20 Aug 1914 d: 19 Feb 1999 ............................ +Stella Pauline YOUNG b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Helen Elizabeth SCHLAUD b: Private 28 ............................ +Edwin HOFFMAN b: 31 Mar 1912 m: Private d: 11 Apr 1993 ...................... 18 Frederick Leo SCHLAUD b: 19 Sep 1918 d: 22 Oct 1993 ............................ +Cecilia BARTKOWIAK b: 20 Nov 1919 m: 16 Feb 1946 d: 24 Aug 1998 ...................... 18 Dwayne Edward SCHLAUD b: 14 Nov 1921 d: 14 Jun 1934 ...................... 18 Gertrude Floretta SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Anthony DONATO b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Theresa Marie SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Frederick F. DETAVERNIER, Jr. b: 07 Aug 1924 m: Private d: 05 Sep 1993 ...................... 18 Martha Louise SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +George Patrick NOLAN b: 13 Aug 1929 m: Private d: 12 Sep 1997 ...................... 18 Barbara Jean SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Ned Lawrence WALTON b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Susan M. SCHLAUD b: 28 Mar 1886 d: 08 Nov 1931 .................... +Louis J. PARSCH b: 18 Feb 1880 m: Aug 1908 d: 14 Feb 1946 ...................... 18 Mildred PARSCH b: Private ...................... 18 Roland PARSCH b: Private ...................... 18 Vincent A. PARSCH b: 07 May 1909 d: 09 Nov 1997 ............................ +Margaret W. CASTLETON b: 05 Sep 1905 m: 31 Aug 1935 d: 27 May 1974 ...................... 18 Marie Elizabeth PARSCH b: Private ............................ +Frederick Walter JONES b: 04 Aug 1909 m: Private d: Unknown ...................... *2nd Husband of Marie Elizabeth PARSCH: ............................ +Walter GAYNOR b: Unknown m: Private d: Unknown ...................... 18 Aloys Peter PARSCH b: 09 Dec 1914 d: 06 Sep 1985 ............................ +Mary Helen HAMLIN b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Josephine Teresa PARSCH b: 05 Nov 1916 d: 09 Dec 1938 ...................... 18 Gerald Edward PARSCH b: Private ............................ +Mary ZARADNY b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Margaret PARSCH b: 15 May 1920 d: 15 May 1920 ...................... 18 Roderick Louis PARSCH b: 07 Jan 1922 d: 19 Feb 1990 ............................ +Shirley Jane GREEN b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Rosemary PARSCH b: 23 Dec 1924 d: 23 Dec 1924 .............. 17 John Jacob SCHLAUD b: 26 Dec 1887 d: 25 Jul 1975 .................... +Ina May PIERSON b: 05 Oct 1891 m: 04 Jun 1913 d: 28 Dec 1979 ...................... 18 Viola Grace SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Russell Edward HUNTER b: 10 Dec 1918 m: Private d: 08 Aug 1972 ...................... *2nd Husband of Viola Grace SCHLAUD: ............................ +John CRAWFORD b: Private m: Private ...................... *3rd Husband of Viola Grace SCHLAUD: ............................ +[1] Ernest "Bud" EDWARDS b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Harold Joseph SCHLAUD b: 03 Jun 1916 d: 10 Jul 1996 ............................ +Rosemary KREINER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Margaret Elizabeth SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +George MARAK b: 11 Jul 1914 m: Private d: 22 Apr 1993 ...................... 18 George Louis SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Pauline Joyce RHODE b: 07 Oct 1929 m: Private d: 19 Sep 1993 ...................... *2nd Wife of George Louis SCHLAUD: ............................ +Marjie Mae QUADE b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Martha SCHLAUD b: 10 Jun 1923 d: 10 Jun 1923 ...................... 18 Catharine Marie SCHLAUD b: 23 Jul 1924 d: 12 Apr 1988 ............................ +Leonard BOROWIAK b: Unknown m: 14 Sep 1963 d: 20 Jan 1968 ...................... *2nd Husband of Catharine Marie SCHLAUD: ............................ +[1] Ernest "Bud" EDWARDS b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Dwight Edward SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Margaret Theresa NELLENBACH b: 11 Mar 1928 m: Private d: 14 Dec 1989 ...................... 18 Arthur Paul SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Rosemary Helen NELLENBACH b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Norman Aloyous SCHLAUD b: 06 Dec 1930 d: 02 Mar 1992 ............................ +Rosemary Virginia MCCARTNEY b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Lucille Mary SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Melvin Wayne SMART b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 LaVerne John SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Genevieve Ann NELLENBACH b: Private m: Private 29 ...................... 18 Gerald Edward SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Marlene Irene SMITH b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Henry Paul SCHLAUD b: 07 Feb 1890 d: 07 Feb 1977 .................... +Leona Clara SWOISH b: 20 Jul 1898 m: 02 May 1917 d: 09 Apr 1970 ...................... 18 Louis Henry SCHLAUD b: 16 Mar 1918 d: 23 Aug 1978 ............................ +Arla Lucia KITCHENMASTER b: 26 Jan 1921 m: 23 Dec 1941 d: 25 Feb 1994 ...................... 18 Leo George SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Velma Jean DUNLAP b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Vincent James SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Norma Jeanne BYERS b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 John SCHLAUD b: 04 Nov 1925 d: 04 Nov 1925 ...................... 18 Alvera Elizabeth SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Gerald Peter HOUCK b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Bernard Anthony SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Ellen Frances Mary NOLAN b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Francis Thomas SCHLAUD b: 09 Oct 1933 d: 17 Oct 1963 ............................ +Rita Florence NOLAN b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Joseph Frank SCHLAUD b: 27 Dec 1891 d: 08 Dec 1931 .................... +Florence Albeatrice PIERSON b: 22 Aug 1895 m: 05 May 1915 d: 09 Apr 1987 ...................... 18 Andrew Joseph SCHLAUD b: 02 Mar 1916 d: 13 Dec 1996 ............................ +Evelyn B. JOHNSON b: 13 Sep 1923 m: 06 Apr 1946 d: 25 Oct 1979 ...................... 18 Ruth E. SCHLAUD b: 10 Jan 1918 d: 24 Sep 1981 ............................ +Wayne BURCH b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Celia Rose SCHLAUD b: 13 Jan 1919 d: 23 Jan 1919 ...................... 18 Alice Louise SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Jay A. MOYER b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Husband of Alice Louise SCHLAUD: ............................ +Sylvester LENARTOWICZ b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Hilda SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +George K. WALLACE b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Husband of Hilda SCHLAUD: ............................ +Walter D. RIPPY b: 23 Nov 1929 m: Private d: 02 Nov 1993 ...................... 18 James Henry SCHLAUD b: 15 Jul 1925 d: 13 Aug 2005 ............................ +Erika PFARR b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Joseph SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Marcia Louise WALTMIRE b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Edward John SCHLAUD b: 01 Mar 1894 d: 23 Oct 1984 .................... +Catherine LANGE b: 11 Oct 1895 m: 20 Oct 1915 d: 20 Feb 1920 ...................... 18 Dorothy Loretta SCHLAUD b: 01 Aug 1916 d: 05 Dec 2007 ............................ +Myron Leo ROWLEY b: 08 Aug 1911 m: 13 Aug 1936 d: 18 Mar 1993 ...................... 18 Ernest SCHLAUD b: 27 May 1918 d: 09 Apr 1945 ...................... 18 Mary Elizabeth SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +George Edward BRUMAN b: 14 Jun 1914 m: Private d: 14 Nov 1966 ...................... *2nd Husband of Mary Elizabeth SCHLAUD: ............................ +Clarence MAYBERRY b: 03 Jan 1904 m: Private d: Unknown .............. *2nd Wife of Edward John SCHLAUD: .................... +Marie Bell HAVERS b: 25 Feb 1909 m: 09 Sep 1925 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Christina SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Clarence John HENSEL b: 02 Apr 1927 m: Private d: Dec 1990 ...................... *2nd Husband of Christina SCHLAUD: ............................ +Floyd Albert NORTH b: Private m: Private ...................... *3rd Husband of Christina SCHLAUD: ............................ +Frank J. VAN ATTA b: 29 Sep 1912 m: Private d: 02 Apr 1991 ...................... 18 William Louis SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Mae Adell THOMPSON b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 John Jacob SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Jean Alberta POTTER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Cecelia SCHLAUD b: Private ...................... 18 Thomas Edward SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Genevieve Helen COLLER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Elizabeth Marie SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Bernard Ray POWERS b: Private m: Private 30 ...................... 18 Eugene Fredrick SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Alyce Mary DALECKI b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Diantha Louise SCHLAUD b: Private ............................ +Gerald Francis SKWIRSK b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Grace Magdalene SCHLAUD b: 28 Mar 1896 d: 15 Apr 1983 .................... +Clarence William JENKINSON b: 17 Dec 1893 m: 05 May 1915 d: 18 May 1969 ...................... 18 Alvera Leona JENKINSON b: 11 Apr 1916 d: 16 Dec 1992 ............................ +Fred WYZGOSKI b: 25 Mar 1907 m: 28 Sep 1939 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Bernita Elizabeth JENKINSON b: Private ............................ +Kenneth CARROLL b: 27 Jan 1912 m: Private d: 09 Dec 1977 ...................... 18 Patrick Clarence JENKINSON b: 18 Sep 1918 d: 15 Apr 1995 ............................ +Kathryn Elizabeth STOTTLEMYER b: 03 Jun 1918 m: 12 Apr 1937 d: 22 Jan 1992 ...................... *2nd Wife of Patrick Clarence JENKINSON: ............................ +Florence JENKINSON b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Arthur Jacob JENKINSON b: Private ............................ +Angeline Katherine PASTOTNIK b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Thomas William JENKINSON b: Private ............................ +Regina Hope BUCK b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Dolores Ann JENKINSON b: 15 May 1926 d: 21 Apr 1987 ............................ +Charles VAN DECAR b: 08 Mar 1922 m: 28 Jun 1947 d: 15 Aug 1989 ...................... 18 Gerald JENKINSON b: Private ............................ +Alice HOHMS b: Private m: Private .............. 17 George SCHLAUD b: 06 Mar 1899 d: 03 Sep 1915 .............. 17 Loretta Elizabeth SCHLAUD b: 12 Jan 1902 d: 14 Jun 1978 .................... +Lawrence F. LANGE b: 14 Jun 1899 m: 04 May 1921 d: 11 May 1962 ...................... 18 Alta Marie LANGE b: Private ............................ +Robert Randolph AMSTUTZ, Sr. b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Anthony Lawrence LANGE b: Private ............................ +Nellie Mae DEW b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Leo Herman LANGE b: Private ............................ +Vilet BRINKER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Margaret LANGE b: Private ............................ +Carl H. WALKER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Patricia LANGE b: Private ............................ +Clifton G. ADLER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Richard James LANGE b: 15 Apr 1925 d: 03 Dec 1986 ............................ +Agnes Elizabeth KACZMARZYK b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 William John LANGE b: Private ............................ +Madelene BLONDE b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Wife of William John LANGE: ............................ +Loretta Cecelia ROACH b: 18 Nov 1920 m: Private d: 14 Oct 1971 ......16 Elizabeth GROBBEL b: 02 Sep 1857 d: 02 Sep 1857 ......16 Marie Elizabeth "Mary Ann" GROBBEL b: 31 May 1859 d: Abt. 1889 ............ +Frank LANGE b: 14 Nov 1850 m: Bef. 1882 d: 05 Sep 1927 .............. 17 Louise LANGE b: 28 Jan 1882 d: 04 Jun 1948 .................... +Albert Joseph JASPER b: 15 Mar 1873 m: 10 Jan 1905 d: 11 Feb 1945 ...................... 18 Leo Joseph LANG b: Private ............................ +DORIS b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Elizabeth LANGE b: 15 Sep 1883 d: 13 Dec 1962 .................... +Anthony PARSCH b: 23 Jul 1876 d: Dead .............. 17 Frank John LANG b: 24 Jan 1885 d: 29 Mar 1973 .................... +Edith Alma DEGROFF b: 19 May 1886 m: 02 Sep 1909 d: 01 Mar 1975 ...................... 18 Nella Edith LANG b: Private ............................ +Henry Hiram STRATTON b: 18 Jan 1907 m: Private d: Unknown ...................... *2nd Husband of Nella Edith LANG: ............................ +Clarence Edgar MCMULLEN b: 12 Nov 1903 m: Private d: 10 Jan 1994 ...................... 18 Howard Lester LANG b: 10 Oct 1913 d: 09 Mar 1978 ............................ +Arlene Burnetta SEIB b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Clementine LANGE b: 09 Mar 1888 d: 27 Jan 1981 .................... +John BRINKER b: 17 Jun 1888 d: 24 Nov 1952 ...................... 18 Walter Charles BRINKER b: 21 Oct 1912 d: 03 Jul 1990 ............................ +Gertrude SCHROTZBERGER b: Private m: Private 31 ...................... 18 Harold Arthur BRINKER b: Private ............................ +Iola M. ROWOLDT b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Veronica E. BRINKER b: Private ............................ +Edwin L. BOETTCHER b: 08 Aug 1920 m: Private d: 04 Apr 1989 ...................... 18 Ray Henry BRINKER b: Private ............................ +Jean WATERMAN b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Ralph Herman BRINKER b: Private ............................ +Helen MELINA b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Mary Ann LANGE b: 08 Nov 1888 d: 13 Oct 1930 .................... +Frank KNOCHE b: 28 Jul 1881 m: 17 Feb 1909 d: 12 Nov 1973 ...................... 18 Henry Earnest KNOCHE b: 21 Jul 1909 d: 05 Nov 1983 ............................ +Mary Lou RUHLMAN b: 17 Sep 1921 m: 14 Jul 1945 d: 05 Aug 1993 ...................... 18 Agnes Louise KNOCHE b: Private ............................ +Melvin Joseph MARSHALL b: 23 Feb 1909 m: Private d: 18 Jan 1979 ...................... 18 Margery Catherine KNOCHE b: Private ............................ +Frank Joseph BRUMAN b: 04 Feb 1910 m: Private d: Unknown ...................... 18 Arthur KNOCHE b: Private ...................... 18 baby KNOCHE b: 04 Jul 1919 d: 04 Jul 1919 ...................... 18 Louis John KNOCHE b: 10 Aug 1921 d: 18 Feb 1945 ......16 Catherine Mary GROBBEL b: 07 Oct 1860 d: Unknown ............ +Bernard SNOBLEN b: 24 Mar 1861 m: 20 May 1884 d: Unknown .............. 17 Anthony Frank SNOBLEN b: 20 May 1885 d: 21 May 1962 .................... +Anna Josephine SWOISH b: 03 Feb 1886 m: 28 Jun 1911 d: 17 Oct 1976 ...................... 18 Bernard George "Ben" SNOBLEN b: 27 Jul 1912 d: 28 Jan 1978 ............................ +Mildred Ann KUCKUCKI b: 08 Mar 1908 m: 12 Nov 1949 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Viola Margaret SNOBLEN b: 22 Aug 1915 d: 27 Mar 1979 ............................ +Lawrence Felix YOUNG b: 17 Aug 1912 m: 27 Sep 1941 d: 20 Oct 1991 ...................... 18 Raymond Anthony SNOBLEN b: 15 Aug 1918 d: 26 Oct 1997 ............................ +Margaret Elaine VROMAN b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Gerald Edwin SNOBLEN b: 15 Feb 1922 d: 14 Sep 1985 ............................ +Elaine Margaret FORD b: 11 Aug 1922 m: 20 Jul 1946 d: 26 Oct 1986 ...................... 18 Louis Joseph SNOBLEN b: Private ............................ +Virginia Rose KLAUS b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Elizabeth Agnes SNOBLEN b: 01 Apr 1887 d: 04 Jun 1920 .................... +DUPREE b: Unknown m: Unknown d: Unknown .............. 17 Louise Elizabeth SNOBLEN b: 11 Aug 1888 d: 24 Nov 1929 .................... +George DELLIES b: Unknown d: Unknown ...................... 18 Mary DELLIES b: Private ...................... 18 Margaret DELLIES b: Private ...................... 18 Frances DELLIES b: Private ...................... 18 Rose Ann DELLIES b: Private ...................... 18 Richard DELLIES b: Private ...................... 18 Elizabeth "Betty" DELLIES b: Private .............. 17 Margaret SCHNOBLEN b: 06 Feb 1890 d: 15 Mar 1978 .................... +Anthony SCHIMMEL b: Unknown m: 13 Sep 1914 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Thomas SCHIMMEL b: Private ...................... 18 Francis SCHIMMEL b: Private ...................... 18 Louis SCHIMMEL b: Private ...................... 18 Vincent SCHIMMEL b: 20 Dec 1917 d: 07 Sep 2000 ............................ +Marie Catherine DEGRANDCHAMP b: 15 Nov 1915 m: 18 Nov 1943 d: 02 Feb 1965 ...................... 18 Rita SCHIMMEL b: Private ...................... 18 Amelia SCHIMMEL b: Private ...................... 18 Ann Marie SCHIMMEL b: Private .............. 17 Ann SNOBLEN b: 09 Jan 1899 d: 28 Jan 1972 .................... +Peter SWOISH b: Abt. 1894 d: Dead ...................... 18 Virginia SWOISH b: Private ...................... 18 James SWOISH b: Private ...................... 18 Marion SWOISH b: Private ...................... 18 Alvin SWOISH b: Private ...................... 18 Patricia SWOISH b: Private ...................... 18 Robert SWOISH b: Private ...................... 18 Carolyn SWOISH b: Private 32 ...................... 18 Kathy SWOISH b: Private .............. 17 Rosella "Rose" SNOBLEN b: 26 Aug 1902 d: Unknown .................... +Loyola "Jake" RIVARD b: Unknown m: 1924 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Robert RIVARD b: Private ...................... 18 Evelyn RIVARD b: Private ...................... 18 Eugene RIVARD b: Private ...................... 18 Harold RIVARD b: Private ...................... 18 Kenneth RIVARD b: Private ...................... 18 Lorraine RIVARD b: Private ...................... 18 Mary RIVARD b: Private ......16 Marie Therese GROBBEL b: 16 Feb 1863 d: 29 May 1864 ......16 Anthony John Frank GROBBEL b: 30 Oct 1865 d: 12 Mar 1942 ............ +Mary MINICK b: 16 May 1869 m: 27 Jun 1894 d: 25 Feb 1942 .............. 17 Clement Anthony GROBBEL b: 02 Nov 1895 d: 30 Mar 1977 .................... +Marcella Leontine PETERS b: 31 Mar 1902 m: 19 Oct 1921 d: 10 Feb 1937 ...................... 18 Vincent Anthony GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Virginia Carrie HILLER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Alton C. "Oz" GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Donna M. KINGERY b: 06 Sep 1934 m: Private d: 26 Sep 2001 ...................... 18 Robert Clement GROBBEL b: 23 Aug 1926 d: 12 Oct 2000 ............................ +Rita Ann "Mary" HOBBS b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Wife of Robert Clement GROBBEL: ............................ +Judith Catherine "Judy McCoy" SHORTT b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Leontine Mary "Lee" GROBBEL b: 13 May 1928 d: 15 Nov 1996 ............................ +Jim Lee SLAGLE b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Mary Ellen GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Julio Henry "Shorty" MOSCONE b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Monica Claire GROBBEL b: 25 May 1932 d: 06 Nov 2005 ............................ +Victor Ralph BURCAR b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Mark Allen GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Mary Ethlyn HOLZMAN b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Wife of Mark Allen GROBBEL: ............................ +Ronnie KINTZ b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Sylvester J. GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Bernadine M. HOLEWINSKI b: Private m: Private .............. *2nd Wife of Clement Anthony GROBBEL: .................... +Roxanna J. KENNEDY b: 17 May 1894 m: 01 Jun 1940 d: 19 Aug 1980 .............. 17 Leo GROBBEL b: 28 Feb 1898 d: 19 Apr 1962 .............. 17 Edward J. GROBBEL b: 08 Apr 1900 d: 31 Jan 1982 .............. 17 Helen Marie "Marie" GROBBEL b: 19 Aug 1905 d: 29 Sep 1934 .................... +Francis X. "Frank" KRAFT b: 12 Jun 1904 m: 20 Jun 1928 d: 23 Feb 1994 ...................... 18 Catherine Therese KRAFT b: Private ............................ +John Wellington CARTWRIGHT b: 01 Aug 1925 m: Private d: 02 Aug 1995 ...................... 18 Valery Francis KRAFT b: Private ............................ +Marylin BELCHER b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Agnes Gertrude GROBBEL b: 31 May 1911 d: 19 Apr 1990 .................... +John Randolph "Jack" BENTLEY b: 16 Sep 1910 m: 16 Aug 1933 d: 19 Jan 1980 ...................... 18 Thomas BENTLEY b: Private ...................... 18 John BENTLEY b: Private ...................... 18 James BENTLEY b: Private ...................... 18 Mary Frances "Sis" BENTLEY b: Private ............................ +Ronald Earl HAMILTON b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Catherine Ann BENTLEY b: Private ............................ +Larry Park COLE b: 26 Jul 1940 m: Private d: 09 Jan 1991 ......16 Bernard John GROBBEL b: 17 Sep 1867 d: 04 Mar 1954 ............ +Catherine Anna OHLERT b: 16 Aug 1877 m: 12 Oct 1897 d: 1919 .............. 17 Alvera GROBBEL b: 25 Sep 1898 d: 29 Jul 1992 .................... +Henry RUHLMAN b: 14 Sep 1893 d: 17 Feb 1960 ...................... 18 Joan RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Arthur Earl LOBSTEIN b: 18 Dec 1914 m: Private d: 20 Aug 1964 ...................... *2nd Husband of Joan RUHLMAN: ............................ +Linwood HAGEMEISTER b: Private m: Private 33 ...................... 18 Anthony RUHLMAN b: 27 Jan 1924 d: 08 Sep 1989 ............................ +Alvera KALTZ b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Robert RUHLMAN b: 30 Jan 1926 d: 31 May 1989 ............................ +Patricia HORTON b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Lucille RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Edward John SCHANK b: 18 Jul 1922 m: Private d: 20 Aug 1964 ...................... 18 Irene RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Joseph VOHS b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Catherine RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Clare KREINER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Thomas RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Leona PRZEKOP b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Mary RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Jack BENTZ b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Joseph "Pat" RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Joanne Frances MURRAY b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Dolores RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +John "Seth" GRIFFIN b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Gertrude "Butch" RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Vernon STEELE b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Monica RUHLMAN b: 03 Nov 1941 d: 31 Mar 1942 .............. 17 Viola GROBBEL b: 03 Mar 1901 d: 18 May 1911 .............. 17 Frederick "Fritz" GROBBEL b: 1903 d: Unknown .................... +Viola SASS b: Unknown d: 10 Nov 1966 ...................... 18 Elaine GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Leonard RAUCHFLEISH b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Martina E. GROBBEL b: 1905 d: 05 Nov 1997 .................... +Anthony VOHS b: Unknown m: Unknown d: 1984 ...................... 18 Virginia VOHS b: Private ............................ +Otto SCHARF b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Evelyn VOHS b: Private ............................ +JOHNSON b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Arlene VOHS b: Private ............................ +Thomas THARRETT b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Anthony VOHS b: Private ............................ +Rosemary LANGLEY b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Thomas VOHS b: Private ...................... 18 Bernard VOHS b: Private ...................... 18 Norman VOHS b: Private ............................ +Marilyn HAZEN b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Joseph E. GROBBEL b: 25 Dec 1907 d: 31 Jan 1974 .................... +Virginia G. YEAGER b: 11 Mar 1917 m: Unknown d: 19 Apr 2003 ...................... 18 Joann C. GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +James D. HOLDEMAN b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Susan M. GROBBEL b: 25 May 1910 d: 02 Dec 2004 .................... +Charles LAZOEN b: Unknown d: Unknown .............. 17 Charles Lambert GROBBEL b: 30 Aug 1911 d: 18 Apr 1971 .................... +Lucille Magdeline KUNATH b: 10 Jul 1919 m: 22 Oct 1940 d: 29 Sep 2003 .............. 17 Gertrude GROBBEL b: Private .................... +George PLOEGER b: Unknown m: Private d: Unknown .............. 17 George GROBBEL b: 10 Sep 1914 d: 18 Apr 1972 .................... +Frances EDWARDS b: 11 Jun 1911 m: 22 Feb 1941 d: 08 Jan 1994 ...................... 18 David George GROBBEL b: 20 Dec 1941 d: 28 Jun 1971 ............................ +Sharon CHAMPINE b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Earl Thomas GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Diann Lynn RINKE b: 15 Jul 1945 m: Private d: 11 Mar 1995 ...................... *2nd Wife of Earl Thomas GROBBEL: ............................ +Kathleen Mavourneen "Kitty" CANNON b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Bernard GROBBEL b: 25 Mar 1945 d: 25 Mar 1945 ...................... 18 Joyce Marie GROBBEL b: Private ...................... 18 Ralph Edward GROBBEL b: Private ...................... 18 Douglas Charles GROBBEL b: 05 Jul 1948 d: 09 Nov 1997 34 .............. 17 Thomas F. GROBBEL b: 18 May 1916 d: 14 Dec 1983 .................... +Winifred Grace O'MALLEY b: 07 Mar 1918 m: 15 May 1945 d: 19 Jul 2006 ...................... 18 Mary Susan "Susan" GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +James PAZZI b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Husband of Mary Susan "Susan" GROBBEL: ............................ +William SETZKE b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Sheila Ann GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Patrick James SPERTI b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Rose Ann "Pansy" GROBBEL b: 18 Jan 1919 d: 02 May 2006 .................... +Johnny CAVACECE b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Catherine Ann CAVACECE b: Private ...................... 18 Patricia CAVACECE b: Private ............................ +unknown MASON b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Dorothy CAVACECE b: Private ............................ +Hank PAWLECKI b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 JoAnne CAVACECE b: Private ............................ +Robert OWENS b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 John CAVACECE b: Private ............................ +Bonnie TAYLOR b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Monica CAVACECE b: Private ............................ +unknown FELICIANO b: Private m: Private ......16 Frances Mathilda GROBBEL b: 20 Oct 1869 d: 15 Nov 1909 ............ +Anthony J. MINICK b: 27 Sep 1872 m: 14 May 1895 d: Jul 1957 .............. 17 Cresczentia Elizabeth "Grace" MINICK b: 11 Mar 1897 d: 07 Oct 1987 .................... +Fredrick William "Guy" HEATH b: 06 Nov 1894 m: Dec 1916 d: 05 Jul 1973 ...................... 18 Frederick Guy HEATH b: Private ............................ +Lillian L. GRAHAM b: 1909 m: Private d: Unknown ...................... 18 Monica Jean HEATH b: 05 Nov 1921 d: 30 Jan 2002 ............................ +Earl STODDARD b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Husband of Monica Jean HEATH: ............................ +Duane HOVATTER b: 1924 d: 1990 ...................... 18 Anthony Craig HEATH b: Private ............................ +Eppie MILLER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Norval John HEATH b: Abt. 15 Jul 1926 d: Abt. Sep 1926 ...................... 18 Ronald Carl HEATH b: 06 Jan 1929 d: 12 Aug 2002 ............................ +Jean Frances HOVATTER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Mary Margaret HEATH b: Private ............................ +Thomas Peter SCHUTZ b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 William Edward HEATH b: 23 Feb 1933 d: 15 Feb 2001 ............................ +Marion Louise CLARK b: 1934 d: 02 Nov 2008 ...................... 18 Holly Grace HEATH b: Abt. 08 Mar 1936 d: 20 Feb 1992 ............................ +Claude Stewart SMITH b: Private m: Private .............. 17 (infant daughter) MINICK b: Abt. 09 Jul 1900 d: Unknown .............. 17 Monica Gertrude "Mona" MINICK b: 18 Dec 1901 d: 30 Oct 2003 .................... +Archibald Harold "Archie" REED b: 12 Apr 1895 m: 13 Nov 1922 d: Nov 1951 ...................... 18 Betty Jane REED b: Private ............................ +Lawrence "Larry" KARNER b: 1925 m: Private d: 1991 ...................... *2nd Husband of Betty Jane REED: ............................ +Nickolus DEZINNO b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Carol Frances "Fran" REED b: Private ............................ +Richard "Ken" SAVAGE b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Husband of Carol Frances "Fran" REED: ............................ +Thomas LAKOS b: 22 May 1923 m: Private d: 13 Jul 1987 ...................... *3rd Husband of Carol Frances "Fran" REED: ............................ +Bud SUSTERKA b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Archie Harold REED b: Private ...................... 18 Monica Gertrude REED b: Private ............................ +Wallace SIMONSON b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Jerusha May "Judy" REED b: Private ............................ +Nolan SAWATZKI b: 21 Jun 1932 m: Private d: 30 Jul 2000 ...................... 18 Robert Lee REED b: Private ............................ +Hazel Arlene BACON b: 02 Dec 1934 m: Private d: 21 Mar 1959 35 ...................... *2nd Wife of Robert Lee REED: ............................ +Carole SAMMONS b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Cresczentia Ann REED b: Private ............................ +Harold BRUTKIEWICZ b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Husband of Cresczentia Ann REED: ............................ +Donald GOODSELL b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Charles Anthony "Tony" REED b: Private ............................ +Connie Jean TOUCHTONE b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Thomas Warren REED b: Private ............................ +Gertrude Marianne "Trudy" SCHMIDT b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Quentin Joseph "Kenny" MINICK b: 15 Feb 1903 d: 03 Dec 1981 .................... +Beatrice L. NUGENT b: 29 Jul 1903 m: 12 Feb 1930 d: 02 Nov 1993 ...................... 18 John Q. MINICK b: Private ...................... 18 Mary Frances MINICK b: Private ............................ +Ronald KLOSKA b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Michael Anthony MINICK b: Private ............................ +Joan C. SULGA b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Thomas R. MINICK b: Private ............................ +Polly UNK b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Margaret Ann MINICK b: Private ............................ +Ronald ABBOTT b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Aloysius Peter "Ollie" MINICK b: 25 Jul 1905 d: 01 Jul 1987 .................... +Thelma L. HOUGHTON b: Unknown m: 06 Jun 1929 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Larry Dean MINICK b: Private ............................ +Carol Joan COMILLERI b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Marilyn MINICK b: Private ............................ +David COLLIER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Robert A. MINICK b: 1932 d: 1992 ............................ +Marilyn UNK b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Ormund John "Ormie" MINICK b: 01 Sep 1906 d: 12 Mar 1985 .................... +Eleanor ELKA b: 08 Dec 1905 m: 18 Sep 1926 d: 18 Apr 1988 ...................... 18 Merlyn MINICK b: Private ............................ +Audrey AYERS b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Dale MINICK b: 03 Dec 1934 d: 31 Oct 2002 ............................ +Kathy UNKNOWN b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Harvey William "Dutch" MINICK b: 19 Nov 1908 d: 11 Jul 1989 .................... +Gertrude STORCK b: 09 Feb 1909 m: 17 May 1930 d: 21 Mar 1978 ...................... 18 Gwenn Frances MINICK b: Private ............................ +Donald Alfred SCHRADER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Gary Thomas MINICK b: Private ............................ +Yvonne Imelda HOFFMAN b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 William Joseph MINICK b: 26 Jul 1940 d: 04 Aug 1940 ...................... 18 David James MINICK b: 02 Sep 1941 d: 04 Aug 2002 ............................ +Marilyn Ann HUBER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Timothy William MINICK b: Private ............................ +Christine Louise LARRIMER b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Wife of Timothy William MINICK: ............................ +Pamela Anne HUBBARD b: Private m: Private ......16 Joseph Francis GROBBEL b: 08 May 1873 d: 08 Mar 1954 36 Section IV - Descendants of John GROBBEL 15 Some of Their Stories Children of John & Mary Ann GROBBEL 15 Anna Victoria GROBBEL 16 (b. 13 NOV 1864, d. 20 MAR 1955) was the first child of John and Mary GROBBEL 15. She married William Peter DeGRANDCHAMP (DesGrandchamps) on 10 JUL 1883 in St. Clement Church. He was born 8 NOV 1857 to Peter DeGrandchamp and Rosalie DUFLOT (Dufloo) and died on 29 NOV 1920. William was a farmer, first on the 47 acre family farm in Center Line, which was located on the east side of Sherwood in Section 28 of Warren Twp.; then later (some time after 1895) at a large farm on Van Dyke in the area of Seven Mile Road and Outer Drive. Their first home, a large brick house, was destroyed by fire, and was replaced by a smaller brick house. Their seven children were all born in Center Line, Macomb Co., MI. Ferdinand GROBBEL 16 (b. 13 MAR 1866, d. 21 FEB 1919) was the eldest son of John and Mary GROBBEL 15. He married Apollonia WIEGAND in 1887 at St. Clement Church. She was the daughter of Frank Wiegand and Barbara Wiegand. Barbara shared Frank’s last name, however they were not closely related. Frank was born 6 MAR 1828 in Kassel, Hessen, Germany and died 24 SEP 1875 in Center Line. Barbara was born 15 JUN 1832 in Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany (about 100 miles to the south of Kassel) and died 30 APR 1905 in Center Line. The family name is variously spelled as Wigant or Wigand in the St. Clement Parish records. Ferdinand took over the management of the family farm from his step-father, Joseph Rinke, and by 1895, the Warren Twp. map shows that the farm was in his name. Ferdinand and Apollonia had thirteen children, all of them born in Warren Twp., MI. Around 10:00 a.m. on the morning of 17 SEP 1913, Ferdinand’s 15 year-old son, Raymond (also known as Jim), was cutting firewood with a gasoline-powered saw. Frances, his 21 year-old sister, was helping him with the chore. Suddenly, something on the saw broke loose and hit her. Knocked towards the moving saw blade, it caught her clothing and pulled her into it’s path. She was severely cut by the blade down the side of her body. The doctor was called and he arrived by 1:00 p.m., but the situation was hopeless, since vital veins and arteries had been severed. She died the following day at 10:00 p.m. A few months later, Jim lost his right hand when his glove got caught in the machinery while cutting corn stalks for silage. Ferdinand was Supervisor of Warren Twp. from 1903 until his death in 1919. He died from pneumonia and the shock and grief caused by the sudden deaths of his son, Frank, daughter-inlaw Mary, and four of their five children. They all died within days of each other in January 1919, victims of the Spanish Influenza Epidemic that swept the entire country at the end of World War One. 37 John Anthony GROBBEL 16 was born on 15 OCT 1867, and died 10 MAR 1911 from cancer. On 8 MAY 1894, he married Elizabeth Mary ELLIOTT, who was born 17 APR 1873 to Joseph ELLIOTT and Catherine KALTZ. Elizabeth died on 22 MAR 1947 from a cerebral hemorrhage. Both John and Elizabeth died in Center Line and are buried in St. Clement Cemetery. The 1910 U.S.Census listed his occupation as “laborer-odd jobs”. John and Elizabeth had two children, Bert, who was born in Detroit, and Mildred, who was born in Center Line. After John’s death, Elizabeth married August (Gus) MILLER (b. 24 JUN 1880, d. 28 AUG 1951), who was the proprietor of Gus Miller’s Tavern next to St. Clement Church in Center Line. Elizabeth and Gus had two children, Edwin and Marion. Edwin MILLER was born on 2 FEB 1915 and died on 18 MAY 1950. He married Rita BURG, who was the daughter of Jacob BURG and Elizabeth BERGER 4 (their other children were Clement and twins, Jacob and James BURG). Edwin and Rita had three children, Robert, Elizabeth and Edwin MILLER. After Edwin’s death, Rita married Russell JOHNSTON and they resided on Central Ave. in Center Line. Marion MILLER married Melvin SCHOENHERR (b. 9 MAY 1911, d. 6 JUL 1955) and they had three children, Ilene, Melvin and David. Josephine Magdalene GROBBEL 16 (b. 1 AUG 1869, d. 15 MAR 1925) was the youngest child of John and Mary GROBBEL 15 . She married Frank (Franz) LINTO about 1886, and they had 8 children, all who were born in Detroit. Frank LINTO was born 18 DEC 1851 in Reiste, Westphalia, Germany and died on 8 JUN 1912. He was the son of a shoemaker, Franz Adam LINTO (b. 28 MAY 1808 and d. 3 NOV 1861 in Reiste) and Anna Maria Christine SIEWERT (b. 11 JUN 1816 and d. 17 DEC 1855 in Reiste). Franz Adam’s parents were Hermann LINTO and Maria Elisabeth MÜLLER. Anna Maria Christine was the daughter of Hermann SIEWERT and Elisabeth KORTE. Frank LINTO’s name first appeared in Detroit directories in 1881 when he was living in a boarding house at 480 Gratiot owned by Joseph LINTO (evidently his uncle). As he moved, subsequent directories show him living on River Rd., Beaubien, St. Aubin, and eventually Hurlburt Ave. with his wife. Frank started working as a shoemaker, like his father, but from 1895 to 1900 he ran a Grocery Store (first in partnership with his brother-in-law as “Frank Linto & Bert Rinke Grocers” and later as “Frank Linto Groceries”). From 1900 until his death, he ran a saloon. Jacob BURG was the son of Matthias Burg and Anna ROTARIUS. Jacob’s first cousin, Peter BURG, married Catherine “Kate” GROBBEL 5 . Jacob Burg was kicked by a mule and died from the injuries. Elizabeth BERGER was the daughter of Charles and Mary Berger. Jacob and Elizabeth had four children: Clement, Rita, and twins, Jacob and James. 4 38 Outline Descendant Tree - John GROBBEL 15 The following Outline Descendant Tree lists John GROBBEL 15 and three generations of his descendants (dates have been “privatized” for living individuals). The number to the left of a person’s name indicates the generation to which they belong. 16th generation individuals are listed in the order of their birth and all of their known descendants are listed out before the nextborn 16th generation individual is listed. A “+” to the left of a name indicates either: ï‚· they are the spouse of the person listed immediately above them, or ï‚· they are the parent of the child/children listed immediately below, along with the person listed immediately above them. Other abbreviations are: ï‚· b: = born ï‚· d: = died ï‚· m: = married Interesting relationships to note: ï‚· a pair of Grobbel second cousins married each other: ï‚· Patricia SCHOENHERR 18 + Donald VANDERBROOK 18 ï‚· she was the great-granddaughter of John GROBBEL 15 and granddaughter of Ferdinand GROBBEL 16. ï‚· he was the great-grandson of John GROBBEL 15 and grandson of John GROBBEL 16. ï‚· a pair of Grobbel second cousins married brothers from the Ruhlman family ï‚· Margaret GROBBEL 17 + Lawrence RUHLMAN (she was the granddaughter of John GROBBEL 15) ï‚· Alvera GROBBEL 19 + Henry RUHLMAN (she was the granddaughter of Franz Anton GROBBEL 15) Descendants of John Grobbel 15 John GROBBEL b: 21 Oct 1825 d: 31 Jan 1870 ... +Mary Ann WARNER b: 08 Mar 1844 m: 28 Jan 1864 d: 11 Jan 1916 ......16 Anna Victoria GROBBEL b: 13 Nov 1864 d: 20 Mar 1955 ............ +William Peter DEGRANDCHAMP b: 08 Nov 1857 m: 10 Jul 1883 .............. 17 Clarence Lawrence DEGRANDCHAMP b: 08 Jan 1885 .................... +Elizabeth SMITH b: 21 Aug 1891 m: 12 Nov 1913 ...................... 18 Marie Catherine DEGRANDCHAMP b: 15 Nov 1915 ............................ +Vincent SCHIMMEL b: 20 Dec 1917 m: 18 Nov 1943 ...................... 18 James Michael DEGRANDCHAMP b: 05 Oct 1919 39 d: 29 Nov 1920 d: 1974 d: Unknown d: 02 Feb 1965 d: 07 Sep 2000 d: 13 Aug 1943 ...................... 18 Joan Barbara DEGRANDCHAMP b: 11 Jun 1926 d: 28 May 2001 ............................ +Charles S. CALENGOR b: 25 Nov 1925 m: 27 Aug 1949 d: 1991 ...................... 18 Ann Elizabeth DEGRANDCHAMP b: Private ............................ +Robert JENKS b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Zeno DEGRANDCHAMP b: 17 May 1887 d: 13 Jan 1921 .................... +Cecilia OHLERT b: 17 Jan 1892 m: 29 Oct 1912 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Irene "Sister Mary Zeno, O.P." DEGRANDCHAMP b: 14 Dec 1913 d: 12 Jul 1970 ...................... 18 unk DEGRANDCHAMP b: Abt. May 1915 d: Abt. Nov 1915 ...................... 18 Vincent DEGRANDCHAMP b: Private ............................ +Beatrice CLAEYS b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 David DEGRANDCHAMP b: Private ............................ +Jeannette RINKE b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Julia Margaret DEGRANDCHAMP b: 20 Jun 1889 d: Unknown .................... +Edward WOLF b: 16 Sep 1883 m: 24 Jun 1913 d: Oct 1970 ...................... 18 Raymond Peter WOLF b: Private ............................ +Viola LANGGOOD b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Jeannette WOLF b: Private ............................ +Joseph SCHULTES b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Marion WOLF b: Private ............................ +Edward SCHUTZ b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Irene WOLF b: Private ............................ +Garland HARTSIG b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Anne WOLF b: Private ............................ +Louis RIMOLDI b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Sylvester WOLF b: Private ............................ +Mildred ASH b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Emmanuel DEGRANDCHAMP b: 01 Oct 1891 d: 14 Aug 1893 .............. 17 Irene Mary DEGRANDCHAMP b: 19 Feb 1894 d: Unknown .................... +Alfred BIELMAN b: 09 Jul 1893 m: 01 Dec 1917 d: 13 Jan 1965 ...................... 18 Roy R. BIELMAN b: Private ............................ +Margaret PAUL b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Virginia C. BIELMAN b: Private ............................ +Alfred L. RATCLIFF b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Ruth J. BIELMAN b: Private ............................ +Donald H. MCPHERSON b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Jean A. BIELMAN b: Private ...................... 18 Patricia Ann BIELMAN b: Private .............. 17 Joseph Edward DEGRANDCHAMP b: 02 Aug 1896 d: Unknown .............. 17 Clement DEGRANDCHAMP b: Unknown d: Unknown .................... +Louise BLANKE b: Unknown d: Unknown ...................... 18 Donald DEGRANDCHAMP b: Private ...................... 18 William DEGRANDCHAMP b: Private ...................... 18 Richard DEGRANDCHAMP b: Private ...................... 18 Thomas DEGRANDCHAMP b: Private ...................... 18 Rita DEGRANDCHAMP b: Abt. 1934 d: 26 Nov 1960 ............................ +Harold GABLE b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Emmanuel "Sam DeGrandchamp" DEGRANDCHAMP b: Unknown d: Unknown ......16 Ferdinand GROBBEL b: 13 Mar 1866 d: 21 Feb 1919 ............ +Apollonia Magdalene Helen WIEGAND b: 24 Aug 1867 m: 27 Apr 1887 d: 15 Feb 1939 .............. 17 Francis Joseph "Frank" GROBBEL b: 18 Nov 1888 d: 09 Jan 1919 .................... +Mary VOHS b: Unknown d: 09 Jan 1919 ...................... 18 Henrietta GROBBEL b: 1913 d: Jan 1919 ...................... 18 Celestine GROBBEL b: 1914 d: Jan 1919 ...................... 18 Viola GROBBEL b: 1915 d: Jan 1919 ...................... 18 Marion GROBBEL b: 07 Aug 1916 d: Aug 1963 ............................ +Cyril SMITH b: 14 Sep 1914 d: 06 Feb 1974 ...................... 18 Delores GROBBEL b: Abt. 1918 d: Jan 1919 .............. 17 Mary Barbara "Mae Grobbel" GROBBEL b: 06 Sep 1890 d: 12 Mar 1972 .................... +Edward William JENUWINE b: 21 Aug 1889 m: 12 Jun 1917 d: 07 Jan 1985 ...................... 18 Margaret JENUWINE b: 09 Apr 1918 d: 30 Apr 1946 ...................... 18 Edward JENUWINE b: 29 May 1919 d: 29 May 1919 ...................... 18 Virginia JENUWINE b: 13 Apr 1920 d: 12 Mar 1922 40 ...................... 18 Gertrude JENUWINE b: Private ............................ +Joseph SPEED b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Lucille JENUWINE b: 30 Apr 1923 d: 05 Mar 1955 ...................... 18 Elizabeth JENUWINE b: Private ............................ +Michael SARZYNSKI b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Marian JENUWINE b: 26 Dec 1926 d: 30 Mar 1927 ...................... 18 Marion JENUWINE b: Private ............................ +Alvin CHARTRAND b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Frances GROBBEL b: 17 Jul 1892 d: 18 Sep 1913 .............. 17 Catherine Ann "Kate" GROBBEL b: 19 Apr 1894 d: 30 Dec 1974 .................... +Peter BURG b: 09 Sep 1891 m: 11 Jan 1916 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Marie A. BURG b: 07 Nov 1916 d: 02 Apr 1982 ...................... 18 Irene C. BURG b: 08 Jun 1918 d: 16 Aug 1921 ...................... 18 Regina M. BURG b: 22 Jun 1922 d: 26 Feb 1924 ...................... 18 Harriet C. BURG b: Private ............................ +Arnold Lawrence POLLIS b: 10 Aug 1915 m: Private d: 13 Jun 1988 .............. 17 Margaret GROBBEL b: 19 Feb 1896 d: 10 Jan 1970 .................... +Lawrence RUHLMAN b: 21 Jan 1892 m: Unknown d: 23 Jun 1968 ...................... 18 Raymond John RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Rosemary BESTE b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Mary Lou RUHLMAN b: 17 Sep 1921 d: 05 Aug 1993 ............................ +Henry Earnest KNOCHE b: 21 Jul 1909 m: 14 Jul 1945 d: 05 Nov 1983 ...................... 18 Edwin Thomas RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Virginia REICHENBACH b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Margaret Catherine RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Stanley Peter ANDRZEJEWSKI b: 02 Sep 1918 m: Private d: 13 Dec 1982 ...................... 18 Cecilia RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Stanley Charles THEISEN b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Leo Joseph RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Josephine KOHLER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 David Christopher RUHLMAN b: Private ............................ +Marie WARNER b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Sophie GROBBEL b: 19 Feb 1896 d: 17 Jul 1904 .............. 17 Raymond Frank "Jim" GROBBEL b: 30 Jun 1898 d: 29 Feb 1988 .................... +Florence Anna KUTCHEY b: 22 Apr 1906 d: Aft. Mar 1988 ...................... 18 Lucille Catherine GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Edwin CARTER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Anna Mae GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Donald G. JARDINE b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Leona Jane GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Frank VAN MAELE, Jr. b: 05 Apr 1930 m: Private d: 31 Aug 1979 ...................... 18 James Michael GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Shirley AUSTIN b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Jeannette Mary GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +David GIETZEN b: 08 Sep 1937 m: Private d: 17 Jul 1990 ...................... 18 Richard GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Marlene SCHOENHERR b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Gerald GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Lynne RISTEA b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 William Joseph GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Jill Marie KARGULA b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Kenneth Harold GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Sandra CHAPP b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Dennis Eugene GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Barbara KULMAN b: Private m: Private ...................... *2nd Wife of Dennis Eugene GROBBEL: ............................ +Sharon ANSHAW b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Irene GROBBEL b: 03 Apr 1900 d: 08 Feb 1941 .................... +Edward A. SCHOENHERR b: 11 Feb 1898 d: 16 Nov 1968 ...................... 18 James SCHOENHERR b: Private ............................ +Florence GREGO b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 John "Jack" SCHOENHERR b: Private 41 ............................ +Betty WILSON b: 20 Jul 1921 m: Private d: 28 Feb 1986 ...................... 18 Norman "Bud" SCHOENHERR b: Private ............................ +Majorie MICKELWRIGHT b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Robert J. SCHOENHERR b: Private ............................ +Rita KAISER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Edward W. "Bill" SCHOENHERR b: Private ............................ +Shirley BREDOW b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Miriam "Honey" SCHOENHERR b: Private ............................ +Russel WILSON b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Thomas F. SCHOENHERR b: Private ............................ +Mary Lou FOGARTY b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 [2] Patricia SCHOENHERR b: Private ............................ +[1] Donald R. VANDERBROOK b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Arlene SCHOENHERR b: 21 May 1933 d: 30 Apr 1934 ...................... 18 Richard SCHOENHERR b: Private ............................ +Judith WOODS b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Roger J. SCHOENHERR b: Private ............................ +Patricia MARKOVITCH b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Peter Dennis SCHOENHERR b: Private ............................ +Natalie CURLEY b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Gerald SCHOENHERR b: 08 Feb 1941 d: 08 Feb 1941 .............. 17 Aloysius GROBBEL b: 03 May 1902 d: 15 Aug 1971 .................... +Marie Louise BRODICH b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 John Dennis GROBBEL b: 06 Jan 1933 d: 28 May 1983 ............................ +Shirley Kathleen JENUWINE b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Ferdinand J. GROBBEL b: 08 Jan 1904 d: Unknown .................... +Eleanor A. SASS b: 06 Oct 1906 d: 13 Jan 1999 ...................... 18 Ferdinand F. GROBBEL b: 14 Jan 1928 d: 07 Jul 2008 ............................ +Delores EISEMAN b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Sylvia Anna GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Norbert KALTZ b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 LaVerne Marion GROBBEL b: 24 Nov 1930 d: 16 Dec 1999 ............................ +Chester "Pete" BERES b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Mervin R. GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Marta WENDELL b: 02 Mar 1935 m: Private d: 18 Oct 1969 ...................... *2nd Wife of Mervin R. GROBBEL: ............................ +Rose Pauley WILLS b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Marlene GROBBEL b: 05 Jun 1936 d: 04 Dec 1936 ...................... 18 Gilbert A. GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Jeanne JURGES b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Ilene M. GROBBEL b: Private .............. 17 Cecilia Susan GROBBEL b: 13 Oct 1905 d: Unknown .................... +Nelson Theodore ZOTT b: 16 Aug 1903 m: 21 Oct 1925 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Dolores Theresa ZOTT b: 17 Aug 1926 d: 21 Aug 1926 ...................... 18 Thomas Joseph ZOTT b: Private ............................ +Theresa WIZA b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Cornelius Anthony ZOTT b: 09 Oct 1929 d: 24 Feb 1977 ............................ +Betty Jo WAINSCOTT b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Marilyn Ann ZOTT b: Private ............................ +Gilbert John SAVOY b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Robert Francis ZOTT b: Private ............................ +Pauline BAYUS b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Kathryn Ann "Toots" ZOTT b: Private ............................ +David LAPINSKY b: Private m: Private .............. 17 unnamed infant2 GROBBEL b: 13 Apr 1907 d: 13 Apr 1907 .............. 17 Leona "Sister Thomas Aquinas O.P." GROBBEL b: 30 May 1908 d: Abt. 1996 .............. 17 John GROBBEL b: 21 Mar 1911 d: 24 Nov 1982 .................... +Mary DELAMELIEUR b: 07 Nov 1912 d: 02 Nov 1990 ...................... 18 Donald GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Winifred NORTH b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 George L. GROBBEL b: 06 Feb 1935 d: 21 Dec 2007 ............................ +Mary A. MANOR b: Private m: Private 42 ...................... 18 John Alphonse GROBBEL b: 15 Apr 1936 d: 30 Jul 1992 ............................ +Sharon KISTLER b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Judith "Judie" GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +William J. HUDSON b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Robert Charles GROBBEL b: 27 Jun 1943 d: 13 Aug 1967 ......16 John Anthony GROBBEL b: 06 Oct 1867 d: 10 Mar 1911 ............ +Elizabeth Mary ELLIOTT b: 17 Apr 1873 m: 08 May 1894 d: 22 Mar 1947 .............. 17 unnamed infant1 GROBBEL b: 09 Sep 1896 d: 09 Sep 1896 .............. 17 Bert Joseph GROBBEL b: 15 Oct 1897 d: 1978 .................... +Dorothy Catherine MILLER b: 26 Aug 1906 d: 09 Mar 1993 ...................... 18 William GROBBEL b: 28 Aug 1925 d: 06 Jan 2005 ............................ +Edna POWERS b: 17 Sep 1928 m: 21 Aug 1948 d: 30 Apr 1997 ...................... 18 Lucille GROBBEL b: Private ............................ +Clarence SINKOWSKI b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Mildred A. GROBBEL b: 22 Jun 1906 d: Unknown .................... +Julius VANDERBROOK b: 26 Jun 1901 d: 27 May 1956 ...................... 18 Clement H. VANDERBROOK b: Private ............................ +Betty PINCHERO b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Evelyn I. VANDERBROOK b: Private ............................ +Gerald RABIDEAU b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Elmer VANDERBROOK b: 14 Nov 1929 d: 02 May 1942 ...................... 18 [1] Donald R. VANDERBROOK b: Private ............................ +[2] Patricia SCHOENHERR b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Mary Ann VANDERBROOK b: Private ......16 Josephine Magdalene GROBBEL b: 01 Aug 1869 d: 15 Mar 1925 ............ +Franz "Frank" LINTO b: 18 Dec 1851 m: Abt. 1886 d: 08 Jun 1912 .............. 17 Frank Aloys LINTO b: 22 Jan 1890 d: 1955 .................... +Alice FOLEY b: 1889 m: Unknown d: 1952 .............. 17 Senena LINTO b: 25 Jul 1891 d: Unknown .................... +Edward COURTWRIGHT b: Unknown m: 14 May 1919 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Warner COURTWRIGHT b: Private .............. 17 Leo Joseph LINTO b: 21 Jun 1893 d: 05 Jun 1949 .................... +Sarah Anne Maude BRICKLE b: 13 Dec 1898 m: Abt. 1914 d: 28 May 1937 ...................... 18 Frank Wilbur LINTO b: Private ............................ +Mary M. MACDOUGALL b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Dorothy Catherine LINTO b: Private ...................... 18 Leon Arthur LINTO b: Private ............................ +Marjorie Ann MACFARLINE b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Richard Dwaine LINTO b: Private .............. 17 Estelle Anna "Stella" LINTO b: 22 Jun 1895 d: Unknown .................... +Archie Vaughn GRAHAM b: 15 Aug 1891 d: Unknown ...................... 18 Vaughn Francis GRAHAM b: Private ............................ +Margaret Rose MAYERNIK b: Private m: Private .............. 17 Ernest Ferdinand LINTO b: 30 Oct 1897 d: 1949 .............. 17 Ervin LINTO b: 1900 d: 1940 .............. 17 Anthony LINTO b: Sep 1902 d: Unknown .............. 17 Sylvester LINTO b: Unknown d: Unknown .................... +Cyrilla UNK b: Private m: Private ...................... 18 Mary LINTO b: Private ...................... 18 William LINTO b: Private ...................... 18 Ronald LINTO b: Unknown d: Unknown 43 Section V - Other Families Related by Marriage Minick (Münich) John MINICK was born on 14 NOV 1834 in Koblenz, Germany, and died 22 FEB 1905 in Warren Twp., MI. The family name was consistently spelled “Münich” in the St. Clement Parish records until the 1890’s, when it became “Minnick” or “Minick”. John farmed a 40 acre parcel of land located on the south side of Thirteen Mile Road, approximately one-quarter mile west of Mound Road, in Section 8 of Warren Twp. He was married to Mary Ann GANSEN (b. 8 APR 1839, d. 9 MAR 1908). According to John’s grandaughter, Mona Minick REED, Mary Ann sold 30 acres of land to Henry Ford that became part of his Fairlane Estate. John and Mary had 8 children, however 4 of them died shortly after birth. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mary Minick (b: 16 May 1869, d: 25 February 1942) +Anthony John Frank Grobbel (b: 30 October 1865, m: 27 June 1894, d: 12 March 1942) Nicholas Minick (b: 29 July 1871, d: 29 July 1871) Anthony J. Minick (b: 27 September 1872, d: 1957) +Frances Mathilda Grobbel (b: 20 October 1869, m: 14 May 1895, d: 1909) Gertrude Minick (b: 29 September 1874) +Peter J. Youngblood (b: 02 Feb 1873, m: 25 May 1897, d: 11 Sep 1944) daughter: Eleanor Youngblood (unm., served as a Nurse in WWII) Anna Catharine Minick (b: 15 January 1877, d: Unknown) +Will Springer Catharine Minick (b: 07 March 1879, d: 07 March 1879) John Minick (b: 15 June 1880, d: 15 June 1880) Peter Joseph Minick (b: 05 January 1883, d: 05 January 1883) Within the span of a year, Mary and Anthony MINICK married respectively, Anthony GROBBEL and his sister, Frances. Their descendants are listed in the Franz Anton Grobbel Outline Descendant Tree, beginning on Page 28. St. Clement Parish records indicate Anthony MINICK’s date of birth as September 27th, however the family always celebrated it on September 26th. 44 Peters (also Pitre or Pieters) Antoine “Anthony” Peters and his wife, the former Margaret Campbell, owned a farm that was located on the east side of Van Dyke Road, one-half mile north of Eight Mile Road, in Section 34 of Warren Twp., MI. The 1859 map of Warren Twp. shows him as the owner of a 20 acre property that was just north of a similar parcel that owned by “L. Cambell” (Margaret’s father?). By 1875, both properties had been combined under Anthony’s ownership, and a small parcel on the south had been split off, leaving him with 30 acres. Anthony was also a bricklayer and he worked on the construction of St. Clement Church in 1880-81. According to the 1880 U.S. Census, Anthony and Margaret were both born in Michigan, as were both of his parents. Both of Margaret’s parents were born in Ireland. The Census records also indicate that Anthony and his daughter, Isabella, could neither read nor write. Descendants of Anthony Peters - Outline Descendent Tree 1 Anthony Peters b: Abt 1831 d: 11 June 1897 . +Margaret Campbell b: Abt 1836 d: Unknown ........... 2 Margaret Peters b: Abt 1856 ............... +John DeGrandchamp b: Abt 1846 m: 15 February 1876 (see the PeterDeGrandchamp Outline Descendant Tree, beginning on Page 47, for their descendants) ........... 2 Isabella Peters b: 01 September 1859 ............... +Michael Ryan b: 03 January 1857 m: 12 January 1881 ........... 2 Francis Alex Peters b: 03 June 1861 ........... 2 Agnes Roseanne Peters b: 11 January 1863 ........... 2 Mary Veronica Peters b: 04 April 1865 ........... 2 Alexander Peters b: 22 February 1867 ........... 2 Henry A. Peters b: 10 March 1872 d: 13 October 1943 ............... +Esther C. Hayes b: 28 March 1875 m: Abt 1899 d: 03 July 1942 ......................... 3 Bernice Peters b: 28 September 1900 d: 07 May 1961 ............................. +James Rivard m: Abt 1921 .......................................4 Elizabeth B. Rivard b: 26 October 1921 d: 19 August 1973 ........................................... +William Strye .......................................4 Margaret Rivard ........................................... +James Schmidt .......................................4 Mary Ann Rivard b: 06 August 1924 d: 22 December 1964 ........................................... +Bailey .......................................4 Bernadine P. Rivard b: 27 August 1926 d: 17 December 1975 ........................................... +Radtke .......................................4 Sally Rivard b: 24 November 1929 d: 01 December 1964 ........................................... +Lee Smith b: 28 November 1927 d: 28 March 1984 .......................................4 James Rivard ......................... *2nd Husband of Bernice Peters: ............................. +Arthur F. Geisler b: 06 June 1895 m: Abt 1930 d: 03 January 1975 .......................................4 Joseph Geisler .......................................4 Dee-Dee Geisler 45 .......................................4 Gloria Geisler .......................................4 Sharon Geisler .......................................4 Kathleen Geisler .......................................4 Aimee Geisler .......................................4 Henry Geisler .......................................4 Clement Geisler ......................... 3 Marcella Leontine Peters b: 31 March 1902 d: 10 February 1937 ............................. +Clement Anthony Grobbel b: 02 Nov 1895 m: 19 Oct 1921 d: 30 Mar 1977 (see the Franz Anton Grobbel Outline Descendant Tree, beginning on Page 28, for their descendants) ......................... 3 Hamilton A. Peters b: 12 October 1904 d: 08 January 1975 ............................. +Toots Gerds b: Unknown d: Abt 1950 .......................................4 Richard Peters .......................................4 unk1 Peters .......................................4 unk2 Peters ......................... *2nd Wife of Hamilton A. Peters: ............................. +Gertrude Rotarius ......................... 3 Hank Peters b: 08 June 1906 d: 08 February 1995 ............................. +Virginia P. Henk b: Abt 1911 d: 16 August 1989 .......................................4 Conrad H. Peters .......................................4 Mary Lou Peters ........................................... +Edward Swartz ......................... 3 Earl Peters b: Abt 1908 d: Abt 1990 ............................. +Marie unk ......................... 3 Bernard Peters b: Aft 1910 d: Unknown ......................... 3 Rose Peters b: Aft 1910 d: Unknown ......................... 3 Sylvester Peters b: Aft 1910 d: Unknown ......................... 3 Margaret Peters b: 27 February 1915 d: Unknown ............................. +Joseph Leveque b: 29 August 1907 d: 30 August 1977 .......................................4 Thomas James Leveque b: 31 May 1939 d: 23 March 1968 .......................................4 Particia Leveque .......................................4 David Leveque .......................................4 Kathy Leveque .......................................4 Allan Leveque ......................... 3 Russel Peters b: 08 June 1916 d: February 1949 ............................. +Grace Scotczke .......................................4 unk .......................................4 unk .......................................4 unk .......................................4 unk .......................................4 unk ........... 2 John Peters b: Abt December 1875 d: 06 October 1877 46 DeGrandchamp (DesGrandchamps) Peter DeGrandchamp (also spelled DesGrandchamps) and his wife, the former Rosalie Duflot, owned a 70 acre farm which was located on the east side of Sherwood Road, one-quarter mile south of Ten Mile Road, in Section 28 of Warren Twp., MI. The 1859 Macomb Co. maps do not show any DeGrandchamps owning property in the county, however Peter and Rosalie were members of St. Clement Parish by the time their son, William Peter, was baptised on 6 DEC 1857. By 1875, Peter owned not only the 70 acre farm on Sherwood, but also another 40 acres in Section 28 on the east side of what would become Mound Road. Descendants of Peter DeGrandchamp - Outline Descendent Tree 1 Peter DeGrandchamp b: Abt 1806 d: 11 January 1890 +Rosalie Duflot b: Abt 1821 d: 02 April 1883 ........... 2 John DeGrandchamp b: Abt 1846 ............... +Margaret Peters b: Abt 1856 m: 15 February 1876 ......................... 3 Peter Joseph DeGrandchamp b: 30 May 1877 d: 15 July 1878 ......................... 3 Clara Margaret DeGrandchamp b: 13 August 1878 ............................. +Alexander Schmidt b: Abt 1866 m: 21 September 1896 ......................... 3 Lillian Roseann DeGrandchamp b: 28 November 1879 ......................... 3 Edmund Anthony DeGrandchamp b: 24 Mar 1881 d: 04 Nov 1881 ......................... 3 Maria O. DeGrandchamp b: 20 January 1886 ......................... 3 Henry Elmer DeGrandchamp b: 20 May 1887 ......................... 3 Lester Michael DeGrandchamp b: 05 August 1888 ......................... 3 Francis Joseph DeGrandchamp b: 10 March 1890 ......................... 3 Therese Magdalene DeGrandchamp b: 23 July 1891 ......................... 3 Anna Mabel DeGrandchamp b: 07 September 1893 ......................... 3 Barbara Therese DeGrandchamp b: 22 Jan 1895 d: 09 April 1895 ......................... 3 Mary Magdalene DeGrandchamp b: 24 February 1897 ........... 2 Bartholomew DeGrandchamp b: Abt 1849 ............... +Barbara Warner b: Abt 1852 m: 14 May 1872 ......................... 3 William Bartholomew DeGrandchamp b: 09 April 1873 ............................. +Mary Dye b: Abt 1875 m: 07 May 1895 ......................... 3 John Bartholomew DeGrandchamp b: 29 August 1874 ......................... 3 Mary DeGrandchamp b: Abt 1876 ............................. +Frederick Dye b: Abt 1874 m: 25 June 1895 ......................... 3 Joseph John DeGrandchamp b: 16 March 1878 ......................... 3 Ferdinand Aloysius DeGrandchamp b: 04 July 1880 ......................... 3 Edward Joseph DeGrandchamp b: 26 July 1882 ......................... 3 Andrew Vincent DeGrandchamp b: 01 March 1889 ......................... 3 Elizabeth DeGrandchamp b: 01 July 1891 ......................... 3 Walter Paul DeGrandchamp b: 27 September 1893 ......................... 3 Caroline Magdeline DeGrandchamp b: 06 February 1887 ........... 2 Celestine Mary Louise DeGrandchamp b: Abt 1850 d: 05 October 1869 ............... +Francis Kaltz b: Abt 1843 m: 24 November 1868 47 ........... 2 Henry DeGrandchamp b: Abt 1856 ............... +Gertrude Margaret Berger b: Abt 1861 m: 29 April 1879 ......................... 3 Mary Louise DeGrandchamp b: 10 June 1882 ......................... 3 Gertrude Anna DeGrandchamp b: 21 October 1886 ........... 2 William Peter DeGrandchamp b: 08 Nov 1857 d: 29 Nov 1920 ............... +Anna Victoria Grobbel b: 13 Nov 1864 m: 10 July 1883 d: 20 March 1955 (see the John Grobbel Outline Descendant Tree, beginning on page Page 39, for their descendantss) ........... 2 Marie Rosalie DeGrandchamp b: 25 March 1860 d: 13 July 1861 48 Section VI - Other Stories A Brief History of Warren Twp. & Center Line, Macomb Co., MI The township that was to become Warren Twp. was legally organized on 11 MAR 1837 as Hickory Twp. Its name was changed to Aba Twp. on 2 APR 1838, and finally to Warren Twp. on 25 MAR 1839. Growth finally came to this area in the 1830’s because the readily accessible land along the Detroit River, Lake St. Clair and the Clinton River had pretty much all been cleared and settled. The early pioneers were mostly farmers from New England, along with French, German, Belgian and Irish emigrants. The first of them began arriving in the township in 1832, and they set to work felling trees and draining the swampy land. Prior to then, the only travelers through these parts had been the Indians, who had beaten a primitive trail along the higher ridges through the marshy lowlands. Eventually, this trail became the main road used by the early settlers on their way between Detroit and the settlement of Utica. Today, the southerly portion of this trail is known as Sherwood Avenue. Previously, it was called Center Line Road, because it was the center of three Indian trails that went from the Fort at Detroit towards other trading posts to the north. One trail followed the rivers northeast to Port Huron. Another was the Saginaw trail, which headed northwest and ended at the Straits of Mackinac. The third trail was called the “center line” by the French since it headed to the north and was centered between the other two. Farms lined the roads and eventually a store and a saloon made their appearance at the corner of Center Line (Sherwood) Road and Ten Mile Road. This crossroads came to be known as Kunrod’s Corner, in honor of the proprietor of the saloon. By 1853, the local Catholic families were tiring of the weekly trek to downtown Detroit for Sunday Mass and a missionary church was established near the Corner. Several years later, when a six acre parcel on Van Dyke Road, a half-mile to the east, was donated for a new church building, it not only drew more farmers to the area, it transformed a crossroads into a community called Center Line that continued to develop around the new St. Clement’s Church. In the early 1920’s, Center Line was a rather isolated community of less than 2,000 people whose homes and business places were built around St. Clement Church. This began to change with the construction of street car tracks alongside Van Dyke, that began in Detroit and turned around one block north of Ten Mile Road. Walking north one block from the new street car turnaround, the first building you would encounter was Gus Miller’s Tavern. Next came Buechel’s General Store and a little further on was the Church. Across Church Street (Engleman St.) was an old frame store that was Rinke’ Hardware, and then you would come to Wilke’s Butcher Shop and Drug Store. With improved transportation, and the convenience of church and stores, Center Line attracted people from the city as well as retiring farmers, eventually incorporated as a village in 1925, and as a city in 1936. A few miles to the northwest, near the intersection of present-day Mound and Chicago Roads, a similar community also developed. As the first settlers cleared their land of trees, they provided 49 steady work for the nearby sawmills that were located on 12 and 14 Mile roads. By 1859, the crossroads had a Post Office and was indentified on maps as “Warren P.O.”, and later as “Beebe’s Corner”, after John L. Beebe, who operated the plank road that led to Detroit. A strap railroad, one of the first of its kind in Michigan, was built from Detroit to Utica just to the west of the old “center line”. Beebe’s Corner was serviced by a railway depot named “Oakwood Station”, which was located about one-half mile to the southeast on Davy Ave. (Chicago Rd.). Other depots included “Spinnings Station”, three-quarters of a mile to the north at 14 Mile Road, and “Warren Station”, three and one-quarter miles to the south at Kunrod’s Corner. In 1893, the community voted to incorporate as the Village of Warren. In 1957, all of Warren Township, except for the one and one-quarter square miles of Center Line in its midst, became the City of Warren. The Grobbel Family Farms In Warren Twp., Macomb Co., MI The 1859 Wall Map of St. Clair and Macomb Cos., MI (left) shows "A. Grovel" (Anton GROBBEL 15) as owning an 80 acre farm on the westerly half of the south-east quarter of Section 17 in Warren Twp. This 80 acre parcel was 1/4 mile wide (east to west) & 1/2 mile deep (north to south) and was fronted along the north side of 11 Mile Road. The southeast corner of the property was 1/4 mile west of the intersection of 11 Mile Road and State Road (the present-day Mound Road). Anton farmed the westerly 40 acres of this parcel while his younger brother John GROBBEL farmed the easterly half until his untimely death in 1870. The 1875 Atlas Map of Macomb Co., MI (right) shows the westerly 40 acres of that same 80 acre parcel in Section 17 of Warren Twp. as owned by "A. Grobbel" (Franz Anton GROBBEL 15) and the other half owned by "Jos. Rinka" (Joseph Rinke, who married Mary WARNER Grobbel, widow of John GROBBEL 15). 50 The photo above shows the Franz Anton Grobbel farmhouse on 11 Mile Road, circa 1885-1887. Left to right are his son Ben, wife Elizabeth, Franz Anton, (unknown) and son Anthony. The 1895 Atlas Map of Macomb Co., MI (right) shows the westerly 40 acre parcel as owned by "A. Gobble" (Franz Anton GROBBEL 15) and the easterly 40 acre piece as owned by "Fred. Gobble" (Ferdinand GROBBEL 16, the eldest son of John & Mary Grobbel). Some time after Anton's death in 1900, the westerly 40 acre parcel was sold to Ferdinand. This map also shows another 26 acre parcel owned by "A. Gobble" (Anthony GROBBEL 16, the son of Anton & Elizabeth Grobbel) that was located at the southwest corner of Section 16 in Warren Twp. The 26 acre parcel was located at the northeast corner of the intersection of 11 Mile Road and the present-day Mound Road, with frontage along both roads. Anthony and his wife Mary MINNICK Grobbel had lived in Warren Village until 1905 when they moved to the farmhouse on their farm in Section 16. According to their son Edward, Anthony operated a saloon/pool hall at the corner of Mound and Chicago Roads prior to moving onto the farm. Anthony and 51 Mary's children attended a one-room schoolhouse in Section 9 from 1905 until about 1911, when they began attending St. Clement School in Center Line. The 1895 map shows the location of the school as being on the east side of Mound Rd. on the property of William Halmich. During the early 1920's, Anthony Grobbel was also a Roads Commissioner for Warren Township. The Feb. 2, 1922 minutes of the Macomb County Road Commission indicate that they approved payment of a bill for $10.50 that had been submitted by Anthony. Anthony and Mary were in the process of building a new home in Center Line (Lot 145, which is today 8166 Dale Ave.), when their farmhouse in Section 16 burned down on Sunday, May 16, 1926. While they were away working on the new house, the refrigerator on their back porch shorted out and flames quickly engulfed the old farmhouse. The family heard the fire department siren and saw the smoke off in the distance so they rushed home only to discover that they had lost everything except their barn. They had to live with relatives until July when they completed enough of the house to enable them to move in. Anthony and Mary eventually lost their farm land to their creditors during the Depression. The land was later sold to the U.S. Government for inclusion in the Detroit Tank Arsenal property just prior to the start of World War II. According to the Rinke Family History, the farm in Section 17 remained in Grobbel family ownership for 100 years until 1963, when Raymond (Jim) GROBBEL 17, grandson of John GROBBEL 15, sold it and moved to another farm near Richmond, Macomb Co., MI. The farmland was then subdivided into lots for single family dwellings, however, the farmhouse remained standing well into the 1980’s. The only remaining evidence of the Grobbel farms is a street named “Grobbel Drive” in the subdivision that was carved out of the old farm. 52 Common (or Canon) Law Relationship Chart 5 You may have been at a family reunion or gathering and heard someone trying to figure out how two of the participants were related. It may have been obvious that they were cousins, but were they third or fourth cousins, and how far (and why) were they removed from each other? What they were attempting to describe is how closely they were related, without having to name all of the ancestors between each of them and their Common Progenitor (the CP is the most recent ancestor both persons share). This method is referred to as determining their common (or canon) law relationship, which can be easily done with the aid of a relationship chart such as the following: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 CP S GS GGS 2GGS 3GGS 4GGS 5GGS CP B C 1C GS GGS 2GGS GN GGN 2GGN = = = = = = = = = = 1 S B N GN GGN 2GGN 3GGN 4GGN 2 GS N 1C 1C 1R 1C 2R 1C 3R 1C 4R 1C 5R 3 GGS GN 1C 1R 2C 2C 1R 2C 2R 2C 3R 2C 4R 4 2GGS GGN 1C 2R 2C 1R 3C 3C 1R 3C 2R 3C 3R 5 3GGS 2GGN 1C 3R 2C 2R 3C 1R 4C 4C 1R 4C 2R 6 4GGS 3GGN 1C 4R 2C 3R 3C 2R 4C 1R 5C 5C 1R 7 5GGS 4GGN 1C 5R 2C 4R 3C 3R 4C 2R 5C 1R 6C Common Progenitor S = Son or Daughter Brother or Sister N = Nephew or Niece Cousin R = Times Removed First Cousin 3C 2R = Third Cousins twice removed Grandson or Granddaughter Great Grandson or Great Granddaughter 2nd Great Grandson or 2nd Great Granddaughter Grandnephew or Grandniece Great Grandnephew or Great Grandniece 2nd Great Grandnephew or 2nd Great Grandniece The cells in the top two rows and left two columns are bolded to indicate that they refer to the Common Progenitor (CP) and his/her descendants. The persons referred to in these bolded cells are the direct descendants of the CP. The other cells (non-bold) in the chart are used to determine the relationship between two descendants of the CP. For example, Mark Tharret and Michael V. Grobbel once both worked in the same engineering department at General Motors. They knew they were related, but couldn’t easily describe how close their relationship was. 5 from the New and Improved How Book for Genealogists, Eighth Edition, 1986, The Everton Publishers, Logan, Utah 53 From the Franz Anton Grobbel Descendant Chart, they uncovered that they shared the same great-great-grandfather (Franz Anton Grobbel 15). With the information about their common ancestor and his descendants, they used the Common Law Relationship Chart to figure out what kind of cousins they are. Down the left side of the Relationship Chart, Anton Grobbel 15 (the CP or Common Progenitor) was 0, Anthony Grobbel 16 was 1, Clement Grobbel 17 was 2, Vincent Grobbel 18 was 3 and Michael Grobbel 19 was 4. Across the top, Anton Grobbel 15 (CP) was 0, Bernard Grobbel 16 was 1, Martina Grobbel 17 was 2, Arlene Vohs 18 was 3 and Mark Tharret 19 was 4. The cell at the intersection of Row 4 and Column 4 is labelled “3C”, which indicates that Mark Tharret and Michael Grobbel are third cousins. To determine the degree of “cousinhood” without a relationship chart, simply count the number of generations between you and the Common Progenitor, and then subtract one. Since Mark and Michael are each from the 19th generation and their CP is 15th generation, ((19 - 15) 1) = 3, indicating that they are third cousins. The part about being “removed” is to show the difference (if any) in the number of generations between the two persons and the CP. So if one person counts back five generations to the CP, while the other counts back four generations, the difference is one generation, resulting in the determination that they are “once removed”. In these cases, the smallest degree of “cousinhood” is used, so that these two people are third cousins once removed, not fourth cousins once removed. The relationship between Mark Tharret 19 and Phillip Grobbel 20 (son of Michael) is that of third cousins once removed. 54