1 A Systematic Approach in Bridging Genes to Cognitive Function Jovan A. Nedeljkovic Abstract— During the past two centuries, the study of memory, learning and cognition in general has been central to three disciplines: first philosophy, then psychology and now biology. With emergence of high-throughput technologies for analyzing biomolecules, and impressive accumulation of non-systemized knowledge it is becoming possible for the first time in history to systematically probe molecular biology basis of cognition. By examining postsynaptic changes, biology might in recent time revolutionize the way we perceive ourselves. Index Terms— cognition, receptors, synapse, systems biology cognitive function. Results of this divergence were impressive. Biologists have accumulated mass amounts of knowledge (data) in all these areas of research. Different brain structures have been associated with different cognitive function, LTP and LTD (for definitions see section III of this paper) were related to learning, genes are being mapped to cognitive function, etc. In spite of all these data no unifying scheme or molecular hypothesis was provided that would link genes to cognition. The purpose of this paper is to propose the strategy for systematic study of human cognitive function. We will also show all the beauty and power of the proposed strategy by applying it to the study of synapses. I. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE of cognitive function in humans is very old. In 19th century, scientists started to consider how much of cognitive function is based on heredity and how much is the product of interactions with the environment. Galton (1865), in his two article series [1], posed a question whether “nature or nurture” is prevalent in cognitive function. Since then philosophy, psychology and biology examined relationship between genes environment and cognitive function. Most of the work done by psychologists was “holistic” in nature. They considered humans as the black box and performed various experiments [2], [3] trying to comprehend human cognition. Most of the studies revolved around Galton’s statement. That is why adopted children and twins were used in the studies [3]. Dominant problem in those experiments was isolation of variables and establishing causeeffect mapping. Usually the best they could do was to say that two variables were correlated (they change with one another). Having all this in mind psychologists did have considerable success in providing us with some models of human memory [2] and learning [3], two most important cognitive functions, but have largely failed to deal with impairments of cognitive function, namely mental diseases. Biologists on the other hand were more used to reductionist thinking in solving problems. Biologists have plunged into anatomical and physiological study of nervous system. Biology has diverged into numerous directions trying to cope with the problem of cognition [3]. It has studied anatomy of the brain in hope to determine which parts of the brain are responsible for which cognitive function. It has studied single neurons and its networks hoping to determine where and how does the learning occur. It has studied effects of single genes on human S TUDY II. SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO BIOLOGY OF COGNITION We propose to use Systems Biology approach, as outlined by [4], [5], in order to systematically approach biological study of cognition. Our objective is the same as in the single gene approaches. We want to link cognition all the way back to genes. What we realize though is that we cannot go directly from genes to phenotype (cognitive function). As stated in [4], the main problem in predicting system level functionality directly from genes is that most of the biological interactions are highly non-linear. It is possible to obtain good cause-effect relationship between certain individual genes and cognitive function, but when we want to integrate these responses to multiple gene cause-effect relationship we cannot simply add them up. Thus we suggest to systematically integrate numerous data from previous studies in bottom-up fashion. Systematic approach to cognitive function of humans would integrate previous knowledge in the following manner: genome transcriptome protome organelles synapse cell circuits of cells brain cognition. The task in front of us is far from easy and the goal seems out of the reach, mostly due to a) inadequate technologies for high throughput acquisition of data and its storage (especially at higher levels of biological hierarchy) and to the lesser extent due to b) inherent cellular heterogeneity in brain [6]. Nevertheless, even if the systematic understanding of higher levels of biological hierarchy does prove to be extremely difficult, we would gain a significant insight into biological 2 Fig 1. Model of the synapse, which can be found in most of the physiology texts. Signaling proteins are seen to be floating in cytostol and interaction between components are not specified. N and A represent respectively NMDA and AMPA receptor while M is mGluR. Adapted from [12]. basis of cognition by just managing to systematically and comprehensively probe a neuron (especially in hippocampus). Since first four levels of integration are common to all biological problems and thus well studied (or being studied) [4], [5] it seems natural to start linking cognition to biology at the synapse level. This is a good idea not only because a synapse is next on our list of hierarchies but also since it has been soundly hypothesized that synapses play crucial role in learning and memory [7], [8]. III. NOTE ON SYNAPSES AND LEARNING Learning is perhaps the single most important mechanism in nervous system since it provides primary means of qualitative change in the overall function of the system [9]. The modern era on the study of the biology of learning at the cellular level began with the discovery of long-term-potentiation (LTP) and long-term-depression (LTD). LTP is the process whereby brief high frequency stimulation of a neural pathway can induce long lasting increases in the synaptic response [9]. Conversely, LTD refers to a long lasting decrease or weakening of synaptic strength excited by sustained, low frequency stimulation [9]. These long lasting changes in the synaptic function are hypothesized to provide, at least in part, the cellular basis of learning and memory [8]. Perhaps the best-studied forms of synaptic plasticity are N-methyl-D-asparate (NMDA) receptor-dependent LTP and LTD. Over the years, great efforts have been placed on studying mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. In hippocampus, NMDA receptors have been shown to be critical for LTP. NMDA receptors depend both on presynaptic and postsynaptic activity [9]. Presynaptic activity is required since the NMDA channel will not open unless excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate (released when presynaptic neuron is active) is bound to the receptor. Postsynaptic activity is required because the postsynaptic membrane potential must be sufficiently excited to cause magnesium ions (Mg+) to move out of the opening of the NMDA receptor channel, which they would otherwise block. Once the NMDA receptor channel opens calcium ions (Ca++) are allowed to enter the postsynaptic neuron. Influx of calcium ions causes a series causes a series of not well-understood reactions resulting in the efficacy of the primary excitatory input receptors, the AMPA (D-2-amino-3hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid) receptors [9]. It has become obvious that for proper understanding of LTP induction these postsynaptic reactions were to be deciphered. In the last ten years considerable progress was made in identifying proteins and enzymes involved in this postsynaptic signaling. Some of these proteins, such as, among others, PSD95, PSD-93, and mGluR, were correlated to LTP. Consult [10] for the full names of proteins. Function of these proteins and their interconnectivity were mostly unknown. The best model biology managed to produce (still found in many textbooks) is displayed in figure 1. IV. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF A SYNAPSE From previous sections it follows that synapses are indeed a good starting point towards systematic understanding of cognition. NMDA receptors seem to have quite an important role in postsynaptic processing of information and learning. Also postsynaptic receptors and proteins are probably among the most studied objects in neurophysiology. Having all this in mind systematic study of synapses should be started by examining NMDA receptors. In order to systematically study NMDA receptors Ideker’s integrated strategy [5] for systematic study of metabolic networks was applied. First all the genes, proteins and small molecules involved were defined and initial model of the molecular interactions on the basis of previous genetic and biochemical research was established [11]. Second, biological pathways were perturbed using some environmental, but mainly genetic perturbations. For each perturbation, technologies for high-throughput analysis of proteins, genes, and their interactions (such as mass spectrometry, highefficiency protein separation, 2D gel electrophosesis) [11] were used to obtain the quantitative measure of the state of the system. Third, this data was integrated with the existing model. Fourth, new hypothesis was made and the above steps were used to test the model. After numerous iterations the model displayed on figure 2 was obtained. What is immediately obvious by looking at the model is that many of the downstream signaling molecules involved in NMDA receptor signaling are actually physically coupled to it through variety of protein-protein interactions [11]. This is contrary to the previous model (more precisely belief) that these molecules are separate components floating in cytosol. Careful analysis of this model and data reveal a lot of interesting results about synapse and its plasticity: 1. NMDA receptor is in the same physical complex with mGluR (previously shown on figure 1 as separate), PSD-95, GKAP, Shank, and Homer [12]. 3 Fig 3. Network connectivity of NMDA receptor complex proteins. The circle indicates the location of NMDA receptor subunits. Individual proteins are represented once. Adapted from [14]. Fig 2. Assembly of proteins found in the NMDA receptor complex. Molecules found in the systematic analysis of the complex are depicted as well as the interactions between them. Adapted from [11]. 2. Postsynaptic D-2-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors, which mediate fast synaptic transmission and are thought to comprise the expression of LTP, are found to be distinct to the regulatory complex between NMDA receptor and mGluRs [12] 3. Modular organization became apperant. Proteins of similar function are grouped together [12]. A-Kinase Anchoring protein (AKAP) plays crucial role in signaling between modules [12]. 4. There exist multiple signaling pathways between proteins. The characterization of these multiple signaling pathways in NMDA receptor complex provides a model in which signaling complex (by directing signals to different output pathways) can orchestrate the ensemble of changes that reflect neural plasticity (such as AMPA receptor phoshorylation, trafficking, cytoskeletal changes, translation activation, etc.) [12]. 5. Perhaps the most surprising aspect of this analysis was the diversity and number of signal transduction proteins found in these complexes. Protomic studies indicate a high degree of complexity with 185 proteins in these complexes [13]. Fifty-one of these proteins were identified to be involved with synaptic plasticity (i.e. LTP and LTD), 46 of them were related to major psychiatric disorders and 39 of them to behavior [13]. This result confirms belief that synapses are related to cognitive function. Further insights in the functioning of synapse can be obtained by studying the overall structure of NMDA receptor complex and its topology. We can represent molecule connectivity in the NMDA receptor complex in the form of a graph or a network [14] (see figure 3). At first look this graph looks confusing and it is hard to imagine it can help. Everything looks connected to everything else. However we can use knowledge of networks that was developed in non-biological (more precisely mathematical) settings [15] in order to deduce something from this representation. The analyses of this graph reveal that proteins in NMDA complex are connected in the network that includes occasional long-range connections and a small number of highly connected nodes (called hubs), which is know in mathematics as a free-scale network [15] (see fig4). Furthermore it has been documented [15] that this architecture is characteristic of all metabolic networks in eukaryotes, implying that principle of underlying protein interactions was evolutionary conserved. The most dominant feature (in characterizing the properties) of scale-free networks is their small world property (see fig.4) [14]. Though these networks span a huge number of proteins (in biological systems) each two of them are connected through a small number of mediators. This property is quantified using network diameter (average of the shortest path between all pairs of nodes in a network) [14]. NMDA receptor complex exhibited the diameter of 3.26, meaning that in general only two mediators separate any two proteins in the complex. This implies that NMDA complex is highly interconnected structure, which suggests that changes in one protein could easily change the function of many other proteins. This tight interconnection of proteins also indicates a number of multiple paths between them, providing the whole complex with the Fig 4. a) A scale-free network has a few nodes with higher numbers of connections (hubs, indicated with darker nodes). b) Probability that any given 4 node in the scale-free network has k connections follows the power law. Adapted from [6]. remarkable robustness with respect to its overall function [14]. The above two sentences may seem contradictory to one another but Grant [14] uses a simple analogy to the automobile to demonstrate that these statements can cohabit. In the car analogy the loss of any component of the car can affect the system, but most of the pieces are accessories with little role to the overall function. These properties might provide more evidence why single gene approach to cognitive function was not very successful. In addition to the above methodologies Grant et al, [14] have systematically knocked out node by node (i.e. molecule by molecule) from NMDA complex and observed the network diameter and overall function. In this way they have tested the biological significance of network topology on synaptic plasticity and cognitive function. Results were not surprising. Hub nodes proved to be essential for a function of the network. V. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK As demonstrated in a previous section the results of applying system biology methodologies to the study of NMDA complex, and synapse in general, are outstanding. A comprehensive model of postsynaptic signaling complex was obtained. This model was more realistic and in agreement with experimental data, unlike model introduced in section II of this paper. Here instead of iterating what was already said, we would like to stress out a potentially huge benefit of this systematic approach to cognition, which was just briefly touched in previous section. Systematic study of NMDA receptor complex identified 185 proteins [13] in this complex and most importantly grouped them into those that affect synaptic plasticity. (51 of them), those that are related to major psychiatric disorder (46 of them) and those that are involved with behavior (39 proteins). These results strongly suggest that these complexes and more generally synapses are not exclusively related to LTP and LTD, but as well as with behavior and major psychiatric disorders. Physiology and biology with all their sub disciplines have had a very limited success in dealing with neuropathologies and major psychiatric disorders. Pharmacology has tried so far to deal with these issues by targeting single molecules in our body. It is by now obvious that this approach has serious limitations. With our systematic knowledge of these protein complexes we can choose single molecule targets in a smarter manner (possibly concentrate on network hubs) or target group of molecules that are indicated in the network to have strong influence on a particular function. If we were able to target proper groups of molecules it would be a major scientific breakthrough. Hence by applying systematic approach towards understanding of synapse we gained multiple insights from different perspectives on the function of the synapse. Though the results in the above discussion are quite remarkable this is just the first step towards linking molecular biology to cognitive function. There is yet a lot of work to be done on both synaptic level of organization as well as on higher levels of hierarchy. On the level of NMDA receptor complex we can try to incorporate all the new molecules, primarily enzymes (that are now showing up in the postsynaptic signaling complex), into our growing NMDA signaling model. Major challenge though is trying to understand nonlinear dynamics that are prevalent in these complexes. This is job for mathematicians and some work is already being done [16]. On the level of synapses other receptors should be studied in similar systematic manner. Till recently little work has been done on systematic understanding of higher levels of hierarchy. Recently a group of world-renowned scientists have been formed with the idea to study brain molecular anatomy. They are trying to make an all-inclusive mapping of mainly genes and proteins to different types of cells in the brain [17]. 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