b.d. 0974 immortality…. eternity…. suicide

B.D. 0974
June 21, 1939
The question of immortality…. the concept of Eternity…. cannot be
comprehended by man, because he can understand nothing beyond
earthly concepts. Neither can man be given a spiritual explanation that
is adequate to their understanding. Only on entering the Light spheres
an explanation to same extent can be given. Even then it remains a
mystery because the Everlasting Divinity can never be comprehended.
This has to be said in order to understand the following: In times of
great spiritual need people are inclined to believe that they can put an
end to their lives at will, and with that, an end to their existence.
Because they believe they exist only for a certain time, they feel that
they are so justified and able to shorten their existence. They do not
understand the concepts of immortality, endless time and eternity. It
cannot be proven to them that their existence will never end, and it is
more tolerable to believe that it will end same day. Those people are
from time to time uneasy about the thoughts of the end of this age, but
they would rather dwell on these thoughts than to think about life after
death. They see everything on this Earth as perishable and will not
therefore believe in an imperishable "Self". So it is impossible to
explain the concept "Eternal" to them.
The thought that something that is close to them shall never have an
end bothers them and arouses a feeling of responsibility in them. They
will look upon life quite differently when they reckon with a continual
existence. (June 22) So those who consciously deny life after death
will not be averse to making an end of their earthly life. They do not
think of the consequences if their understanding is wrong. What they
destroy is only the exterior form, but not life itself. Life must continue
without interruption, because it cannot be destroyed, neither on Earth
nor in the beyond. It is in the true sense of the Word of Eternal
duration. To bring an end to it is not possible because the Creator
HIMSELF has created that being and whatever is Divine in its primal
substance cannot perish.
And so the Creator has in HIS Wisdom ordained that there is no time
limit for the being to reach his state of perfection. In Eternity he can
strive upwards, be continually active, and give as he receives for the
everlasting Divinity is inexhaustible.
The concept of "Eternity" is so little understood by man, neither can
immortality be explained to him because on Earth there is nothing that
is imperishable. The immortality of the soul cannot be proved but has
to be believed in. Also, man cannot fathom the concept "Eternity"
with his intellect, such an attempt can never be successful, because it
cannot be proved neither is there any earthly comparison. Man will
only accept as Truth that which has conclusive evidence. So, again
there remains only faith. Man must believe what cannot be proven,
and the immortality of the being through all Eternity transcends all