A lélegeztetett beteg gyermek ápolásának súlyponti kérdései
Marosvári Éva
Az elsősegélynyújtás iránti hajlandóság és motiváció
Siklós Attila
Az egészségügyi dolgozók felelősségi viszonyai és kártérítési kötelezettsége
Ágoston István
Egészségügyi dolgozók lelki egészségvédelme
Ápolók – attitűdök - roma betegek
Szakáll Zita
Semmelweis Ignác születésének 188. évfordulója alkalmából az egészségügyi miniszter
szakmai elismeréseket adományozott
A betegek és a szakmai gyakorlati képzésben részesülő hallgatók kapcsolata
Szabó Péterné
Hierarchia az ápolásban
Nádasdyné Fülep Nikoletta
Pivotal questions related to the nursing of ventilated paediatric patients
Marosvári É.
Aim: The aim of the study was to prove that heat and moisture exchange filters (HMEFs) used in the course of
ventilation result in fewer complications than the use of active humidification; and furthermore, that nasal intubation is
better in nursing terms and from the standpoint of the patient, because the incidence of unplanned extubation is lower,
and decubitus ulcers are also less common as a result.
Methods and sample: The study was performed in respect of ventilated paediatric patients treated at the
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department of the Heim Pál Children’s Hospital in Budapest between 01.01.2001
and 31.12.2004. During the period under review, the condition of 259 patients required machine ventilation.
Results: The use of the filters halved the number of positive bacteriological samples, but no significant difference was
detected with regard to the formation of tube blockages.
A comparison of care using nasally and orally inserted tubes showed that orally inserted tubes resulted in four times
as many sores as nasally inserted tubes. Unplanned extubation occurred twice as frequently with oral tubes as it did
with nasal tubes.
It transpired secondarily that the incidence of the examined complications was proportionately negligible in the
ventilated children treated by us.
Conclusions: The research proves unequivocally that the use of heat and moisture exchange filters is justified
as a means of preventing complications. Intubation results in fewer complications if the tubes are inserted
The tendency and motivation to perform first aid
Siklós A.
The author examines, in the course of college training, the tendency and motivation of students perform
first aid. The survey was performed on full-time nursing students (N = 40 persons) at the Healthcare
Faculty of the University of Szeged, using self-completion questionnaires containing open, partially open
and closed questions.
The results show that 28% of respondents are certain that they would be able to provide first aid if
necessary. Many of the students display a positive attitude towards the provision of first aid, but despite a
sound knowledge of first aid theory, they are handicapped - in their own opinion - by the uncertainty
arising from a lack of practical experience.
The author concludes that the theoretical first aid skills of nursing college students are good, but
real-life practice and experience are missing. Besides the fact that training does not focus on the
independent performance of tasks and making of decisions, another negative motivational factor
is the uncertainty arising from a fear of causing further harm.
The liability and indemnity of healthcare workers
Ágoston I.
In recent years, the health sector and healthcare workers are increasingly in the public eye, a fact which
contributes to the rising number of media reports about cases of ethical and professional misconduct and
lawsuits. In the author’s experience, not all healthcare workers are aware of the liability that they bear
when performing their duties, and the extent of their potential indemnity obligation. The article summarises
those main areas in which healthcare workers could be liable for any misconduct, covering all aspects
from ethical responsibility through culpability under criminal law, focusing particularly on the indemnity
obligation that can arise from their employment relationship.
Nurses – attitudes – Roma patients
Szakáll Z.
Modern nursing is not possible without the unprejudiced acceptance of the person requesting help. The
author aimed to reveal nurses’ attitudes towards Roma patients, as well as to examine the manner in
which Roma patients interact with nurses.
The survey was performed using self-completion questionnaires containing open, partially open and
closed questions, as well as interviews, at a clinic of the University of Szeged, with the involvement of
nurses and Roma patients from several departments.
The results of the research show that prejudiced attitudes can be observed in both groups, which need to
be changed.
In the course of socialisation people “culturally inherit” innumerable attitudes. In order for nurses
to care for patients in a manner that upholds human dignity, they need to overcome their
preconceptions and form new attitudes. This can only be achieved through the use of intercultural nursing teaching resources, including basic and further training that provides an insight
into Roma culture and customs.
The relationship between patients and students in practical training
Szabó P.
Practical training at healthcare service providers takes place to the predetermined, precisely defined
schedule and professional standards set out in the curriculum. The presence of students in healthcare
institutions is also regulated by the statutory provisions. The training has several aspects, many of which
also impact the patients. Students may only participate in patient care as long as they do not obstruct it,
but provide useful assistance. This is guaranteed by the fact that students who have hitherto only received
theoretical training perform their duties under supervision.
The author analyses the activities performed by nursing students undergoing practical vocational training
at a hospital. The study includes a questionnaire survey of the patients, in which, besides general
questions and those related to the hospital care they have received, offers patients the opportunity to
compare the activities of the students and fully qualified nurses at the given department.
The author examined the individual elements of the relationship between student and patient. The
processed data reinforced the conclusion that practical training has a positive impact on the given
department’s work, atmosphere and operation. The patients receive assistance and support as a result of
the practical training, and experience no significant drawbacks.
One important conclusion is that the role of the supervisor is genuinely important, both in
facilitating the training and in shaping the future of prospective healthcare workers.
The nursing hierarchy
Fülep N.
In line with developments in healthcare, the skills set and knowledge base of nurses is continuously
expanding, and the demands made on nursing staff are growing.
The reasons for the contradictions inherent in a nursing career can be traced back, on the one hand to
external social factors, and, on the other, to the blurred lines between competencies. The two main areas
are closely intertwined, and exert a defining influence on daily nursing practices.
Nursing education evolves in line with developments in nursing. However, in the opinion of some, for the
time being nurses are incapable of changing their social and professional status, despite their higher level
of academic training.
The author has conducted research in the existence, or lack, of a clearly defined hierarchy among nurses
working at the internal medicine departments of the Pándy Kálmán hospital in Gyula. Based on the
results, the articles concludes that there is a great deal of overlap between the various competencies.
According to the author, it is necessary to define competency levels. He quotes one of the respondents as
“The hierarchy needs to be clearly defined, because we are very overburdened at the moment. It is
wrong that our name badges don’t indicate the level of our nursing qualifications, when we have
put so much hard work and effort into attaining them. Just to display the word “Nurse” is