Aspectual posture verb constructions in Dutch Maarten Lemmens Université Lille 3, France UMR 8528 SILEX du CNRS Abstract This paper discusses the auxiliated posture verb construction in Dutch (liggen/zitten/staan + te+ V) used with progressive, durative or habitual value. Our analysis, based on an extensive corpus of authentic examples, confirms Kuteva’s (1999) observation that the precondition for such grammaticalization is the use of cardinal posture verbs as default verbs for locating entities in space. At the same time, the analysis reveals clear experientially based patterns in the type of verb that occurs in the auxiliated CPV-construction. The data suggest that the construction has not yet fully grammaticalised to a mere progressive, but has retained a link with the postural (or by extension, the locational) source. This sheds light on some clear semantic differences with another common progressive construction in Dutch, aan het V zijn ‘be at the V-INF’. Keywords: Dutch, grammaticalization, auxiliation, progressive aspect, durative aspect, posture verbs, stance verbs, stative verbs, location verbs © Maarten Lemmens, June 2004 OUTLINE OF THE ARTICLE 1. Introduction: progressive constructions in Dutch 2. From POSTURAL via LOCATIONAL to ASPECTUAL 3. A short overview of Dutch CPV usage 3.1 Prototypes, variation and canonical postures 3.2 Image schematic extensions 3.2.1 Staan 3.2.2 Liggen 3.2.3 Zitten 4. An empirical analysis of postural progressives 4.1 The corpus 4.2 General distribution of the CPV+te+infinitive construction 4.3 Collocates of the CPV+te+infinitive construction 4.4 Durative and locative semantics of the POS-progressive 4.4.1 Durative modifiers 4.4.2 Locational modifiers Conclusion Notes References Tables Graphs Figures