International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Sopron

Meeting Announcement: IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, 2009
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) at the
Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
we are delighted to announce that the 11th Scientific Assembly of IAGA will be held
from August 23-30, 2009 in Sopron, Hungary.
For more information, please access the conference web site at
Looking forward to seeing You in Sopron,
Laszlo Szarka, Chair of LOC
Gabriella Satori, Co-chair
Viktor Wesztergom, Co-chair
Bertalan Zieger, Co-chair
Preliminary Scientific Programme (approved symposia)
Division I Internal Magnetic Fields
I01. Planetary Dynamos: theory, models, observation and experiment
I02. Geomagnetic jerks: observations and theory
I03. Magnetospheric processes and their consequenses for MT response Functions
I04. Continental Lithospheric formation and deformation
I05. Near surface and environmental studies using electromagnetic induction
I06. Deep mantle structure imaged by electromagnetic observations using long-period MT, cables
and satellites
I07. Crustal tectonic processes constrained by electromagnetic observations
I08. EM modelling and inversions
I09. EM studies in the ocean
I10. Kinematics and geodynamics: global and regional inferences from paleomagnetic data
I11. Magneto-cyclostratigraphy as a tool for high-resolution time frames
I12. Developments in magnetic anisotropy
I13. Paleointensity Results, methodological advances and open issues
I14. Paleomagnetic, geomagnetic and rock-magnetic procedures: Field tests, instrumentation,
I15. Paleo-geomagnetic data and geodynamo models
I16. Rock magnetism: Theory, experiments and observations
I17. Environmental magnetism and biomagnetism
I18. Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism of anomaly source rocks
I19. Open poster session
Division II Aeronomic Phenomena
II01. Electromagnetic coupling related to lightning-induced phenomena from the troposphere to the
II02. New findings concerning the polar summer mesosphere lower thermosphere/ionosphere
region including the role of dusty plasmas
II03. Long-term changes in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere and ionosphere
II04. Solar and lower atmosphere forcing of the middle atmosphere-ionosphere system
II05. Energetic particle precipitation into the atmosphere: sources and consequences
II06. Equatorial atmosphere-ionosphere interactive processes: vertical and latitudinal coupling and
magnetospheric forcing
II07. Forcing of the middle and high latitude thermosphere from above and below
II08. Remote sensing of the plasmasphere, and coupling to the ionosphere
Division III Magnetospheric Phenomena
III01. Magnetopaus and sheath processes
III02. Substorm dynamics
III03. Magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions and auroral processes
III04. Perspectives from global models and synoptic observations: analysis techniques and data
III05. Causes and evolution of plasma sheet pressure distribution Sources and sinks of the plasma
III06. Techniques and instrumentation in space plasma physics
III07. Wave and particle dynamics in the ring current and radiation belts: Geomagnetic storms
III08. Other magnetospheric worlds, planetary ionospheres and thermospheres
III09. Conjugate and inter-hemispheric studies: IPY/IHY results
III10. ULF waves
III11. Reporter^(1)s review
Division IV Solar Wind and Interplanetary Field
IV01. New solar and interplanetary results
IV02. From micro- to macro-scales in the heliosphere and magnetospheres
IV03. IHY and universal processes
IV05. Neutral-plasma interactions for planets, moons, asteroids, and comets
IV06. Interplanetary radio emissions
IV07. Reporter reviews
Division V Geomagnetic Observatories, Surveys and Analyses
V01. Connecting space and ground-based magnetic data for scientific benefit
V02. Geomagnetic observatory practice, instrumentation and network
V03. Geomagnetic jerks and rapid core field variations
V04. Application, history and evolution of geomagnetic indices
V05. Improved modelling of the lithospheric magnetic field
V06. Tectonic interpretation of satellite, air-borne, ground and marine geomagnetic data
V07. Results from the decade of geopotential research and future prospects
V08. Reporter reviews
Inter-Divisional Commission on Developing Countries
DC01. Vertical couplings of low latitude middle atmosphere
DC02. Deep mantle structure imaged by electromagnetic observations using long-period MT,
cables, and satellites
DC03. Low latitude ionosphere-thermosphere system in quiet and magnetically disturbed periods
Inter-Divisional Commission on History
H01. von Humboldt's legacy after 150 years
H02. History of geomagnetic observations, observatories, & indices