Safety data sheet MAX Power universal washing powder[1]

MAX Power universal washing powder
(in accordance to Regulation 1907/2006)
Printing date 07.08.2013
Revision: 07.08.2013
Identification of the substance/preparation and company/undertaking
Identification of the substance/preparation:MAX Power universal washing powder
Usage: washing powder for washing clothes
Identification of the manufacturer:
benaSONET, s.r.o.
Žatecká 16/8
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Company reg. no.: 27112560
Taxpayer reg. no.: CZ27112560
Tel.: +420 327 571 364
Fax.: + 420 327 571 364
Competent person responsible for the Safety Data Sheet
Ing. Vladimír Filip
Tel.: + 420 736 677 125
Emergency telephone
Toxicological info centre, Na Bojišti 1, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
+420 224 919 293, + 420 224 915 402 (nonstop), e-mail:
Hazard identification
The preparation is not dangerous.
The most serious adverse effects on the human health by using the product:
It can cause eye irritation.
The most serious adverse effects on the environment by using the product:
Possible incorrect use of the product: not notified
Other information: not known
Composition/information on ingredients
Information on hazard components according to the Directive 67/548/EEC:
Chemical name: Sodium Dodecylbenzensulfonate
Content in %: 1,0-3
Number CAS: 85117-50-6
Number ES (EINECS): 285-600-2
Hazard symbols: Xi Irritant
Risk phrases: R 36/38
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MAX Power universal washing powder
(in accordance to Regulation 1907/2006)
Printing date 07.08.2013
Revision: 07.08.2013
Chemical name: Laureth -7
Content in %: 1 - 2
Number CAS: 68002-97-1
Number ES (EINECS): 500-182-6
Hazard symbolsl: Xi Irritant
Risk phrases: R 36/38
Chemical name: Sodium Percarbonate
Content in %: 2 - 5
Number CAS: 15630-89-4
Number ES (EINECS): 239-707-6
Hazard symbols: Xn harmful
O oxidizing
Risk phrases: R 8-22-36/37/38
Chemical name: Sodium Carbonate
Content in %: 5-8
Number CAS: 497-19-8
Number ES ) EINECS): 207-838-8
Hazard symbols: Xi Irritant
Risk phrases: R 36
First-aid measures
General instructions:
In case of health problems or in case of doubts look for medical help.
No serious health problems are awaited in connection with use of the product.
Skin contact: Wash with water.
Eye contact: Wash with a stream of clean water for 15 minutes.
Ingestion: Wash immediately mouth with water, drink about half a liter of warm water and
induce vomiting.
If necessary, look for a physician and show him the preparative’s package.
Other information: More serious cases should be consulted with the Toxicology
information center.
Fire – fighting measures
Fire extinguishing measures:
Unsuitable extinguishing agents: adapt to material fire in surrounding
Special danger: - not known
Special protection aids for firemen: - usual protect component for firemen
Other information: - not notified
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MAX Power universal washing powder
(in accordance to Regulation 1907/2006)
Printing date 07.08.2013
Revision: 07.08.2013
Accidental release measures
Safety measures for protecting persons: protect contact with skin, clothing, and eyes,
Use components of person protection.
Safety measures for protecting the environment: Clean the contaminated space.
Recommended cleaning and defusing methods: not notified
Other information: - not notified
Instructions for handling and storage
Handling instructions: Do not eat, drink or smoke while working. Wash your hands with
warm water after work. Treat the skin with a suitable protective cream. Prevent contact with
eyes, skin and clothes.
Storage instructions: The product is stored in roofed , dry and cold storage areas. Stock
according to local/national regulations.
Exposure controls/personal protection
Technical measures: see section 7
Control parameters: - not available
Personal protection means:
Protection of breathing organs: Eye protection: - protect glasses
Hand protection: - protect gloves
Skin protection: - protect clothes
Other information: - not notified
Physical and chemical properties
State of matter : powder with granules
Colour: white with coloured granules
Smell (scent): After perfume
pH : less than 11,5 (1% solution)
Solubility (at ):
- in water: soluble
Other information: not notified
Stability and reactivity
Conditions under which the product is stable: The product is stable under normal
conditions. Other information: - not notified
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MAX Power universal washing powder
(in accordance to Regulation 1907/2006)
Printing date 07.08.2013
Revision: 07.08.2013
11. Toxicological information
Acute toxicity – not notified
Sub chronic - chronic toxicity: not notified
Toxicity for reproduction:
Experiences concerning people:
Tests performed on animals:
Other information:
12. Ecological information
Acute toxicity for aquatic organisms – not notified
Decomposability: The use surfactants are very well decomposable (in accordance to
Toxicity for other environments: not notified
Other information:
13. Disposal considerations
Methods for defusing the preparative: liquidate in accordance of valid rules
Methods for defusing contaminated packaging: wash out, contaminated liquid to liquidate
according of valid rules.
Other information: - not notified
14. Transport information
The preparation is not dangerous
Land transportation ADR/RID
Number UN:
Official name and description:
Safety markers (n.labels):
Danger identification number:
Package group:
Warning table:
Classification code:
Other information: - not notified
Regulatory information
Relevant information on dangerous substances according to the Directive1999/45/EC
Identification of the Substances/Preparation: MAX universal washing powder
The preparation is not dangerous.
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MAX Power universal washing powder
(in accordance to Regulation 1907/2006)
Printing date 07.08.2013
Revision: 07.08.2013
Other information
The safety list is elaborated in accordance to Regulation 648/2004 and Regulation
1907/2006. . Stated information reflects the current state of knowledge and experiences
with the product and they do not represent any guarantee with respect to its properties. The
consumer must adhere to all regulations with respect to safety, health protection and
environment protection.
The preparation is not dangerous.
The purpose of the safety data sheet is to describe the products in terms of their safety
requirements. The information contained is believed to be accurate. However, it is provide
solely for the customers consideration, investigation and verification.
Glossary of Risk Phrases:
Risk phrases: R 8 – Contact with flammable matter can cause fire
R 36 /37/38 - Irritating to eyes, airways and skin.
R 36 - Irritating to eyes
Note: Information and recommendation of this safety data sheets were arranged in
accordance with information that were provided to producer, our notes, on the basic of
tests performed by specialized institutions and in accordance results published in special
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