My Class Journal

Journal for Diane Swaney
Monday (June 2, 2003)
1) What are your thoughts and feelings about the mathematics content, openended nature of the investigations, and the use of technology for learning?
The content that has been presented so far seems understandable. I feel a little
uncomfortable about having to prove the conclusions that I come to. I do know
that in my own teaching I need to leave a lot more items open-ended so that my
students can learn more through exploration rather than just being told
certain things. I do, however, feel a bit frustrated about not knowing the basics
of the macs.
2)* Describe any mathematical concepts that were unfamiliar to you today.
I need to know more about the basics that Dr. Wilson spoke of…like
constructing parallel lines, constructing midpoints and different things on GSP.
3)* How could geometry sketchpad be used to enhance your classroom
teaching of geometry?
I think it would be nice to use geometry sketchpad to let students do more
exploration of math problems rather and create their own learning.
The teacher educators will be updating those prompts daily themselves
4) Other insights and critical learning incidents.
I would rather see and learn in steps rather than listen for several hours, then
be expected to do it all and remember it all. I am more of a hands-on learner.
Tuesday (June 3, 2003)
1) What are your thoughts and feelings about the mathematics content, openended nature of the investigations, and the use of technology for learning?
I feel MUCH BETTER and a lot less frustrated about today’s events. I feel more
comfortable with the software and more comfortable with how to write up
investigations. I am still trying to overcome my fear of proving an investigation
“the wrong way” , not being thorough enough, or using the wrong terminology.
2)* Compare the use of compass and straight edge with the use of GSP?
I feel like it is easier sometimes to use a compass and straight edge rather than
GSP, but the GSP is definitely a lot more thorough and accurate. However, the
students will like the technology and they will think that it is cool that you can
move angles and points to investigate how things change when you move them.
True. I would like for students to maybe use them at the same time.
3)* In terms of learning, in response to question number 2, which one of the
following do you believe is more useful for you students learning geometric
concepts: paper and geometric instruments or GSP. Explain. Assume that you
are an expert on the use of GSP.
I think GSP facilitates more investigation because once you have figures set up,
you can move, animate, and see measurements change and “play” with them.
The teacher educators will be updating those prompts daily themselves
When you have drawn figures by hand you have to manipulate them by redrawing and ultimately it takes a lot less time to create your own learning with
GSP than it does if you are creating by hand.
4) *Have you explored using open-ended questions for your students in the
future using GSP? Explain why or why not?
I have explored it. Several of the items that I am going to create for use in my
classroom will be linked to GSP files so that they can do the exploration
themselves and then come up with their own conclusions.
Wednesday (June 4, 2003)
1) What are your thoughts and feelings about the mathematics content, openended nature of the investigations, and the use of technology for learning?
I am enjoying the mathematics content…sometimes I feel like it is a little over
my head or that it goes a little fast. However, I take notes and catch up later.
The technology is great. I love the way you can (or the lecturer) can manipulate
things on screen and do instant investigations when people have questions.
However, it looks like it would take a lot of practice to avoid any and all
problems with the technology as seen during some of our investigations. I do
think that it proves that it is o.k. to mess up, and that makes it a lot less
2)* What did you learn from the GSP approach to parabolas, ellipses and
I learned the geometric approach to why there are parabolas, ellipses, and
hyperbolas in the real world. I need these real world examples for when I teach
it algebraically to my students and I need to be able to show a different and
visual approach to why we should investigate algebraically.
3)* What do you think about the points that make up Euler’s line in terms of
your investigation using the GSP?
4) Other insights and critical learning incidents.
I really like my group and my teacher educators…but Big Sammy needs to talk
more. Walter seems nice and helpful, but I would rather call him Wally.
Thursday (June 5, 2003)
The teacher educators will be updating those prompts daily themselves
1) What are your thoughts and feelings about the mathematics content, openended nature of the investigations, and the use of technology for learning?
While the open-ended investigations took a while to get used to at the
beginning, I am beginning to get used to them. I think that I am a little too
dependended on “hints” that I get from more mathematically advanced, but at
least it helps me get it done!
2)* How has your view of the class changed over the week?
I think that I am getting a lot more used to the teaching methods that Dr.
Wilson employs and I can appreciate the fact that he is trying to juggle several
different tasks during this week. Now that I am beginning to be somewhat
proficient with the software, I am able to begin to think about how I can
incorporate it into lessons and write-ups that I will actually use in my
3)* insert personal question for your team here
I would like to thank Big Sammy for being so helpful today. It is very nice to
have his insight when I am working on the hard things that Dr. Wilson makes
us think about.
I would also like to know where Big Sammy is from originally.
4) Other insights and critical learning incidents.
I really liked using the graphing calculator and seeing all of the different uses
for that. I would like to see more cross-over between GSP and the graphing
The teacher educators will be updating those prompts daily themselves
Friday (June 6, 2003)
1) What are your thoughts and feelings about the mathematics content, openended nature of the investigations, and the use of technology for learning?
2)* insert today's general prompt here
3)* insert personal question for your team here
4) Other insights and critical learning incidents.
The teacher educators will be updating those prompts daily themselves
Sometime during the Summer…
1) What are your thoughts and feelings about the mathematics content, openended nature of the investigations, and the use of technology for learning?
2) Other insights and critical learning incidents.
After the site visit
1) What are your thoughts and feelings about the mathematics content, openended nature of the investigations, and the use of technology for learning?
2) Other insights and critical learning incidents.