
O’Brien Clan
Chapter #9,
Articles of Association
This draft is a suggested Articles of Association and may be adapted to suit the needs of the
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Article 8
Article 9
Article 10
Name of Association
Aims and Objectives
Honorary Membership
Association Property
Articles of Association
The Association is a perpetual hereditary association of people bearing the same surname, or
having descended from an ancestor with that surname, or any of the variant spellings of the name
O’Brien (O'Brians, O'Bryen, Bryan, Bryen, Brian, Brien, Briens, Brine, Brion, MacBrien,
MacBryen, McBrian, McBrien, McBryen) and other fine families who are descended from our
progenitor, Brian Boru.. The association is a non-profit organization, open to any and all
individuals as set out in these Articles of Association, without regard to, race, color, creed,
religious affiliation, age or gender.
Article 1
The name of this association shall be the O’Brien Clan Association, Ireland Chapter #9, (Enter
Name), and shall include all surnames descended from our progenitor Brian Boru.
Article 2
The aim of the association is to promote and foster all the interests of the O’Brien Clan at home
in Ireland and overseas.
To promote and foster kinship, friendship and camaraderie amongst all of the name and their
To establish and maintain an Executive Secretary Office, as a central point for communications
for all members throughout Ireland.
To create communications amongst members by collecting, distributing, and publishing
information about all aspects of the association.
To research and maintain an archive of materials relating to the O’Brien Clan and their ancestors
for the use of association members, including conducting, promoting or assisting research work
into O’Brien Clan History.
To develop and maintain a library and database for the use of association members in tracing their
ancestry and family history.
To identify, mark, and preserve the historical and archaeological sites, treasures, and events
relating to the clan, including graves, castles, ancient sites and residences of ancestors.
To bring members together at periodic gatherings at the Ancestral Homelands in Ireland.
To publish An Annual Clan Journal, periodic newsletters, books, and other pertinent literature
and create communication with the public, industry and governments, to inform and educate the
same about the history, culture and traditions of the O’Brien Clan.
Article 3
The Officers of the Association are the Executive Committee and should be elected from the
Chairperson… The Chairperson shall be the presiding officer of the Executive Committee. In
the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside over the meeting.
Executive Secretary… The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for the keeping of
Association membership records, notifying the membership and recording minutes of all
meetings. The Executive Secretary’s office shall be the communication and coordination center
for the Association, shall prepare and present a summary of Association activities at the Annual
Treasurer… The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection, distribution and accounting of
the Association funds and shall prepare and present a full account summary at the Annual
Public Relations Officer… The P.R.O. shall prepare or assist in the preparation and distribution
of media notices and releases, as directed by the Executive Committee.
Association Historian… The Association Historian shall be responsible for the research and
preservation of the Association History.
Association Genealogist… The Association Genealogists shall be responsible for the creation
and maintenance of Family History records and assist members in tracing their ancestry.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the above Officers plus an additional 4 members
elected at Annual Meeting making a total of 11.
Article 4
In some cases a “Blood-Line” Chieftain will be available to serve as Chief of the Name. The
“Blood-Line” Chieftain for the O’Brien Clan is “The O'Brien N.N., Prince of Thomond, Chief of
the O'Brien Clan., the 18th Baron Inchiquin (Lord of Inchiquin, Sir Conor Myles John O'Brien),
10th Baronet of Leamaneh”, The majority of the Ireland Chapter #9 Association members will
elect a Chapter Chairperson. All registered members are invited to nominate persons for the
office of Chairperson. Only registered members may vote in election. Term of Office may be
one year or as with a number of Clans, three years.
Article 5
Membership in the Association shall be open to all individuals who agree to abide by the Articles
of Association
Their will be “NO” annual membership fees. Members with the O’Brien surname (or variations)
and descendents thereof, are already members by right of heritage.
Membership is defined as an individual member or as a husband and wife and all children under
the age of 18 years. Such a membership shall have one vote. Members “are” life members. Such
a membership shall have one vote. All members will have full rights and privileges.
All members of good standing may seek election to the Executive Committee.
Article 6
All meetings will be established by the Executive Committee.
All Executive Officers and Committee shall be elected at the Annual Meeting.
All registered members may seek nomination to Executive committee and nomination must reach
Executive secretary at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting to enable postal or proxy votes
to be requested. Only registered members may vote.
All nominations, motions, resolutions, referenda and/or other business to be acted upon, must be
submitted to the Executive secretary at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting, to be prepared
in an agenda. Any item of business submitted must include name and signature of a registered
Any proposed changes to the Articles of Association must be submitted for consideration and can
only be voted on at the Annual Meeting.
Executive Committee meetings may be held at other times at the direction of Executive
Article 7
All registered members are entitled to vote on all items of business brought before the annual
meeting and all matters submitted to the membership for vote by postal ballot.
Postal and proxy votes will be accepted if submitted in writing 14 days prior to meeting.
Voting for the Office of “Chairperson” will be by postal ballot of all registered members.
All motions, resolutions, referenda and/or other items of business properly submitted for the
agenda will require a simple majority vote to pass.
Voting may be by a show of hands or in the case of elections to Executive Committee by a secret
ballot at the direction of the Executive committee
Article 8
There are those individuals who by their actions, labors or deeds, contribute to the advancement
of the goals of the Clan or family name.
The Clan may acknowledge such persons by conferring upon them such honors as committee
deems fitting i.e. Meritorious Service Certificate.
Article 9
It is expressly agreed and understood that all Officers and members working for and assisting the
Association in achieving it’s goals and purposes, will make personal decisions and judgements
that may, in hindsight, be detrimental to the interests of the Association or individual members. It
is a specific condition of membership that no member at any time, or for any reason whatsoever,
shall hold any appointed or elected office of the Association, member of any committee, or
volunteer assisting the Association, liable for any good faith action taken, except where:
1. Such action involved the commitment of a crime.
2. Where such action was taken to expressly cause damage to the reputation or property
of the Association or its members.
3. Where an individual having custody of the property of the Association fails to deliver
such property when directed by the Executive Committee.
Article 10
All property, purchased, produced, or gifted shall be the property of the Association. In the event
the Association ceases to exist, all funds, property, and assets will be assigned, at the discretion of
the Executive committee, to the O’Brien Clan Association for the promotion and advancement of
goals of the said organization.
Signed by:
Approved by:
The O’Brien, Chief of the Clan