Disinfection By-Product (DBP) Formation All ground water in Florida contain some level of naturally occurring organic material (NOM). When disinfectants such as chlorine are added in amounts to produce a free chlorine residual, some of the organic material and the chlorine will react to from chemicals known as disinfection byproducts (DBPs). The general equation is shown below: NOM + Cl2 THMs + HAAs + Other DBP Compounds Natural water contains NOM in the form of humic and nonhumic substances. The precursors of DBP formation are generally naturally occurring organic substances, such as humic and fulvic acids. These acids belong to a family of compounds having similar structure and chemical properties and are formed during the decomposition of vegetation. These natural organic DBP precursors can be subdivided into a hydrophobic (i.e., water repellent) fraction of primarily humic material and a hydrophilic (i.e., water attractive) fraction of primarily fulvic material. The importance here is that humic material will be more reactive and tends to produce more disinfection by-products. TOC as a Surrogate for Natural Organic Material Concentrations in Source Water Because the concentrations of the different types of NOM in source water are not easily identified, it is necessary to use surrogate parameters. Although surrogate parameters have limitations, they are used because they may be measured more easily. The laboratory test used to identify the concentration of NOM is the Total Organic Carbon test (TOC). This is a test performed in a laboratory where all forms of carbon present in the water are digested. The amount of TOC in the water is a fair indicator of the problems to be expected with DBP formation if chlorine residual is present. Other laboratory tests to identify the significance of the makeup of the TOC and their significance is shown below: Different Makeup of NOM And Their Significance in Source Water NOM Species Description Significance TOC Total amount of all forms of Organic Carbon Present The TOC passing through a 0.45 micron filter is dissolved Good overall indicator of potential DBP problems Better indicator of the reactive portion of the TOC DOC 1 UV254 SUVA Used to identify light absorption of reactive humic components Ratio of UV254 to DOC Identifies the reactive potion of the DOC Best indicator of reactive portion of the TOC Water with SUVA between 5 and 7 will generally produce unacceptable levels of DBP’s. Waters with SUVA between 3 and 4 contain higher levels of Fulvic materials these compounds are not very removable with conventional coagulation processes. UV254 unlike other Carbon surrogate tests, is very easy to perform and does not requires only simple filtration with no digestion required. It can be read directly on a spectrophotometer. Thus UV254 is often used as a process control parameter to observe the efficiency of the treatment technique being employed to remove organic material. Some relative values UV254 is expected to be between 0.04 to 0.8 cm-1 for source waters and between 0.02-0.035 cm-1 for treated water. Trending of UV254 using actual water system data is always the preferred over using typical ranges when analyzing water system problems and will always provide superior results. The literature as shown below, consistently indicates that UV254 tracks TOC quite well under most all conditions. Florida Rural Water Association has equipment that can perform this analysis for water systems. A typical comparison is shown below for a surface water plant in Conneticut. Use of Disinfection Formation Potentials in Identifying DBP Production Some water systems also use DBP Formation Potentials (TOXFP or THMFP or HAAFP) and or take extra DBP samples at locations not required by regulatory agencies. The formation potential test identifies the ranges and degree of expected DBP problems. Some water systems use the test to simulate the actual water treatment and water distribution system to identify where the DBPs are being formed. It is always a good procedure to identify where DBP’s are being formed. Typically, about 50% of the DBP’s 2 will be produced in the water treatment plant itself and 50% in the distribution system. Knowing where these production areas are located, always leads to more productive DBP reduction strategies. Significance of TOC in Florida Groundwaters The figure below illustrates the ranges of organic compounds that are found in various types of Florida waters. Note that groundwater would generally be expected to contain from 0.1 C-mg/l to about 2.5 C-mg/l. However, groundwater sources in Florida often exhibit some surface connections. The TOC concentration in a swamp is expected to be 2 –3 magnitudes higher. Because the ground surface in Florida is swamp-like, the state receives a significant amount of rain and the Karst conditions that are present that allow water to travel in naturally occurring sinkholes and other conduits within the aquifer, the TOC concentrations in the Florida Aquifer where about 80% of the water systems in Florida obtain their water supply, are typically higher as shown in the table below: Variation in Source Water TOC Concentrations found in Florida The concentration of TOC in the various geographic regions in Florida can vary significantly as shown in the following table developed by the Florida Geological Survey Department. Concentrations of TOC C-mg/l in the Floridan Aquifer Water Management District Median 1st Quartile 4th Quartile NWFWMD SRWMD <1.0 2.0 <1 <1 3.2 6.2 3 SJRWMD SWFWMD SFWMD Statewide Ave. 3.3 16.8 1.9 2.2 1.5 10.4 0.5 <1.0 5.4 27.1 3.5 7.9 The location of a source water well is the strongest indicator of a TOC problem. This becomes more important when the wells are located near a surface influence such as a river, stream or even a geological depression. The major concern of drinking-water utilities is the potential of a source water to form disinfection by-products when chlorine is added as a disinfectant. Waters from different hydrologic zones, different locations and conditions have different potentials to form disinfection by-products. Utilities have long mixed water from different sources to balance the cumulative concentrations of regulated DPB’s. The figures below illustrate some of the issues with well geographic locations in FLorida. The figure on the left identifies areas in Florida where no confinement between upper and lower aquifers are present. Wells in these areas would be more likely to be influenced by surface conditions and exhibit higher levels of TOC. In the figure on the right, Karst conditions, that are present throughout the state, can allow some surface water to reach the drinking water aquifer. When this happens the blended source water will exhibit higher levels of TOC. Aquifer Confinement and Karst Conditions In Florida When TOC issues can be traced back to surface water influences, the well locations should be surveyed to identify possible sources of contamination. Often when a problem occurs, other parameters such as total coliform, color changes, and turbidity will also be present. It is extremely important when assessing a water system’s source water supply to determine the concentration of TOC from the individual wells that are being used. Wells located even a few feet away from one another, can have different concentrations of 4 TOC. In these instances water systems frequently mix less volumes of water from the well with higher concentration of TOC, when conditions allow them to do so. Besides TOC, bromide in source water will also react with chlorine and with ozone to for DBP’s. Higher and reactive concentrations of bromide compounds are more common with water systems that are located along the coasts of Florida because some brackish water will likely intrude into the coastal aquifer. Brackish intrusion can be identified by the water system’s reported secondary parameter for TDS. TDS values that approach or exceed 500 mg/l will generally identify a high likelihood of bromide influence. Brackish watercontains more bromide than fresh water and investigation of the source of a DBP problem should always include and analysis of the DBP quarterly or yearly laboratory results that are reported to DEP. Groundwater systems that are inland, would be expected to have TTHMs where Chloroform will be the predominant THM compound and systems that are near saltwater would be expected to have higher levels of Bromoform. Chlorine is the most common disinfectant in the United States, because it is effective, easy to use, and inexpensive. When chlorine is used for disinfection, it produces halogenated by-products. Specific compound classes, such as trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids, make up a majority of these halogenated by-products. Trihalomethanes have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals, and some haloacetic acids produce liver tumors in mice. Increased incidence of spontaneous abortions or stillbirths, or latent effects such as cancer, have been attributed to exposure to low concentrations of disinfection by-products (DBP). The table below, identifies the regulated parameters that make up DBPs. The Regulated Halogenated Organic byproducts Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs) Chloroform Bromodichloromethane Dibromochloromethane Bromoform Haloacetic Acids (HAA5s) Monochloroacetic acid Dichloroacetic acid Trichloroacetic acid Monobromoacetic acid Dibromoacetic acid 5 Strategies for DBP Reduction Removing the organic precursors is the best control strategy, but this method requires significant investment in treatment processes such as activated carbon or reverse osmosis systems. Other systems such as air stripping can remove select volatile compounds such as chloroform and bromoform but must be specifically designed to target these compounds, are expensive to install and are expensive to operate. Additionally, they will not remove Haloacetic Acids and thus target only 50% of a typical water system DBP problem. Disinfection is essential to inactivate microbial contaminants and DEP requires systems to maintain a free chlorine residual of 0.2 mg/l at all points in the distribution system. Thus balancing disinfection needs and DBPs formation is the challenge faced by operators and that typically require strategies that can achieve simultaneous compliance . alteration to the physical and/or chemical processes utilized for potable water treatment. These common DBP reduction techniques are identified below: Commonly used DBP Reduction Techniques Eliminating Sources of Surface Water into Production Wells Removing the Organic Precursor Material Reducing the Chlorine Dose Changing the Point(s) of Chlorine Application Ensuring the WTP processes are absent of organic growth (ie. Ion Exchange and Activated Carbon Systems) Reducing the Chlorine Detention Time Reducing the Chlorine Residual Ensuring Water Tank Turnover Reducing Water Distribution System Water Age Flushing water in slow moving areas and at dead-ends Removing sediment that creates chlorine demand Removing biofilm that converts inorganic to organic materials Note that all of these methods of reducing DBP production are activities that must be proactively implemented by the water plant operator. How successful these techniques may be are directly proportional to the level commitment to the DBP reduction plan and follow up tracking of the affects of changes that actually occur. Chlorine Residual and production of Disinfection Byproducts Of all the methods available to an operator, reduction in chlorine residual carried in the water distribution system is the best method for reducing DBPs. The figure below shows the result of raising the amount of free chlorine residual and its affect on the production of DBP’s. 6 In the above example chlorine dose at the water treatment plant was increased from 2.25 mg/l to about 3 mg/l. The effect as can be seen is remarkable. The HAA5 which are formed faster near the point of application jumped about 60% and the TTHMs jumped about 25%. Longer contact with the organic material with these higher levels of chlorine will raise the TTHMs even further as the water passes through the water distribution system, with the TTHM increase eventually overtaking the HAA5 increase. Water Age Considerations in the Production of DBP’s Water age is the least most identified variable but one of the largest influencers of DBP production. The figures below illustrate the problems with water age. Figures Illustrating Increases in TTHM Production due to the Influence of Water Age and Typical Water Ages found in Water Distribution Systems In the first figure, the water age has increased in increments in hours over a 48 hour period. The TTHMs for this water system have increased by 2 ½ times. In the second figure water ages are given for typical water systems based on large, medium and small. In every instance the water age for these systems exceeds 48 hours. 7 Water age is controlled by selective flushing in areas such as dead-end pipelines where the water sits for these extended periods. Both looping of water system dead-end lines and selective flushing will reduce water age and subsequent DBP production. Excessive water age encourages the growth of bacteria in the pipelines which convert both organic and inorganic materials to readily available organic byproducts that can react with free chlorine. When setting up flushing strategies, the biggest mistake made by water system operators is flushing at a rate that scours pipelines. Flushing should always be performed at velocities in the pipeline that are below 2.5 feet per second. Raising pipeline velocities above this rate will stir organic sediment making it available for reaction with free chlorine. It is often forgotten that DBP’s are measured in parts per billion and chlorine residual is measured in parts per million. It takes a very little amount of organic material to be stirred up to cause a significant problem. Sampling for DBP’s should never be undertaken directly after flushing is performed. Most water systems have found that a one week waiting period after the flushing was completed to be sufficient to reduce the affects. Since pipeline velocities are often unknown, it is wise to flush by pipe volumes and not by velocity estimates. This is simply done by calculating the amount of water moving from the hydrant in GPM times the minutes that the pipeline is flushed. Remember, it is only necessary to flush stagnant water out of the dead-end mains. This is typically accomplished by watching the chlorine residual rise to a target value during the flushgin process. Another issue with water age is the fact that HAA5’s will break down with longer detention times and therefore the problems with these generally occur closer to the WTP or in the center of the water distribution system. Trending relationships between HAA5’s and TTHMs quarterly or even yearly, that show large increases and variations in the ratio where HAA5’s are increasing and TTHM’s are decreasing indicate that that water age has been reduced. Typically, in an instance like this the chlorine residual maintained by the system has risen above the target level and can be reduced. Setting of Activity and Performance Measures for DBP Reduction In providing technical assistance it is extremely important that actual operating data be collected. Often preconceived notions about the cause of a DBP problem are the biggest obstacle in their solution. One must also be careful when providing assistance to ensure that activity actions are not confused with performance measurement. Activity measures are the types of proactive actions that are thought to have a high likelihood of reducing the production of DBP. These are implemented at the front end of technical assistance work. To achieve success however, it is necessary to collect information about the success of the recommendations and plot them to ensure success. 8 Performance information that is often used in assessing success includes the following: Performance Indicators Used in Tracking the Success of DBP Reduction Activity Strategies Tracking Chlorine Dose Tracking chlorine residual decay Tracking Water Temperature Tracking Water pH Tracking Chlorine Reaction Time in the Water Distribution System Comparing Laboratory DBP Results As can be observed, exotic and expensive testing is typically not required to track the performance of activities implemented by the operator. The parameters describes above are relatively easy to collect. Disinfection Byproducts Maximum Contaminant Levels DBP Limits and their most common causes for alternative oxidants besides chlorine are shown in the following slide. Troubleshooting DBP Problems This purpose of the guidelines are to identify the “Best Management Practices” (BMPs) that available to help FRWA staff troubleshoot and resolve common signatures that dictated effective actions. These guidelines will be periodically updated as new methods and effective troubleshooting procedures are developed. 9 Troubleshooting Guide #1 DBP - Source Water Changes Observation/Metric Probable Cause Check 1. DBP Significant Excursion and increase in TOC in Source Water following Wet Weather. 1. Heavy Rainfall causing flooding and intrusion into the source water 2. Source Water turnover is lengthened because of moisture conditions. 3. Surface water is intruding into groundwater supply. 1. Storage levels for flow changes. 2. Temperature changes that cause water stratification mixing, 3. For high seasonal temperatures causing upwelling of organic materials TOC or UV254 PH or Alkalinity Flow Rates Temperature Turbidity, Cl demand and Color Changes 2. DBP Significant Excursion and some increase in TOC in Source Water following Dry Weather event Bromide Concentration TOC or UV254 PH, Alkalinity and TDS Temperature Flow Rate/ Detention Times Turbidity 3. DBP Significant Excursion after Source Water Supply Changes incorporated. TOC or UV254 Increase in H2S and/or Iron Color, pH and Temperature 1. Brackish water Intrusion. 2. Ground Water quality changes due to aquifer water level decline 1. Source water supplies have different levels of TOC. 2. Likely cause is change in production wells that have higher levels of inorganics that exert higher chlorine demands. Remedy 1. Observe water quality changes such as color, increased chlorine demand or higher incoming TOC. 2. Perform more frequent chlorine residual monitoring 3. Ensure good water movement in system 4. initiate flushing to remove organics. 1. Check Bromide levels in 1. Check Chlorine Residual Source Water in coastal system. Decay and target Residuals 2. Perform water quality 2. Identify temperature, checks, i.e. temperature, pH, alkalinity and pH changes for turbidity, reducing inorganic possible adjustment of storage agents and for TOC or UV254 tank cycles. increases. 3. Increase flushing to ensure better water movement especially in stagnant areas of the water system. 1. Determine water quality from each source water points. 1. adjust chlorine dose at the well site 2. Move to other wells or maximize their use. 10 Troubleshooting Guide #2 Observation/Metric DBP – Process Upsets in Water Treatment Plant Check Remedy 1. DBP Significant Excursion is 1. Coagulant or Flocculation noticed following changes in equipment malfunction. 2. Coagulant and/or pH not Coagulation Practices at a Surface Water Plant. adjusted for source water conditions. 3. Feed pump failure or PH and/or Alkalinity operation at improper rates Coagulant Dose 4. Flow rate has significantly Polymer Dose changed resulting in Alkalinity, TDS Flow Rate changes to water quality held in storage. 5. There has been a change in coagulant or coagulant aid. 1. Equipment maintenance records, calibrations and settings. 2. Feed equipment, coagulant dose applied and pH trends. 3. Changes in alkalinity or higher levels of TDS in source water. 4. Check for changes in coagulant or coagulant aid 1. Repair and recalibrate feed equipment as needed. 2. Identify alkalinity and pH changes for possible adjustment (high pH will adversely affect coagulation.) 3. Run enhanced coagulation jar tests and reset chemical addition. 1. DBP Significant Excursion is 1. Changes in dosing at a plant noticed following changes in location is producing higher Chlorination Practices. levels of DBPs. 2. Chlorine dose is too high for conditions. Total and Free Chlorine Residuals Temp, pH, Turbidity and TOC or UV254 1. Prechlorination has been 1. Prechlorination is causing initiated to control tastes or premature DBP reactions. odors higher levels of H2S or iron. 1. Check Bromide levels in Source Water. 2. Perform water quality checks, i.e. temperature, pH, turbidity, reducing inorganic agents and for TOC or UV254 increases. 1. Plot chlorine demand curve and reset dosage to achieve desired residual. 2. Adjust chlorine dose based on pH. 1. Check Chlorination Trends for both Dose and Residual 2. Determine DBP formation potential by running a disinfection jar test. 3. Change prechlorination to well location only. 1. Move point of chlorine application from blended system to poor quality well. 2. provide only stoichemtric dose (0.64 mg/l and 2.0 mg/l for Iron & H2S at prechlorinated well Free Chlorine Dose/Residual Probable Cause 11 Troubleshooting Guide #2 Observation 1. DBP Significant Excursion noticed with Changes in Chlorine Residual in plant processes with no chlorine dose increases Free Chlorine Residual pH TOC or UV254, Turbidity Flow Rate Detention Times in Basins 1. DBP Significant Excursion noticed combined with upset in Sedimentation Basin. Sludge Blanket Depth Clarifier Effluent Turbidity Flow Rate Weir Conditions for Short Circuiting Velocity Currents DBP - Process Upsets in Water Treatment Plant (continued) Probable Cause 1. Source water quality has changed. 2. Plant flow has significantly changed, decreasing detention detention times through plant facilities. 3. pH has changed resulting in more reactive disinfectant. Check 1. Determine source water quality. 2. Check for equipment failures, chlorine feed calibration and for improper chlorine feed rates. 3. Chlorine feed rates are not being flow paced. Remedy 1. Decrease chlorine feed to establish necessary in-plant residuals 2. Repair and/or recalibrate equipment. 3. Calibrate chlorine monitoring equipment, including hand held test equipment. 1. Excess sludge build up in settling basin causing resolublization of organics. 2. Carry over of organic solids has occurred and is combining with chlorine forming DBPs. 3. Higher flow has decreased the amount of organics removed in the sedimentation tank, 1. Check current sludge blanket levels and previous records to determine if carryover has occurred. 2. Check hydraulic loading rates to clarifier to determine if short circuiting has occurred 3. Check weirs for solids carryover. 1. Lower sludge blanket levels in the sedimentation tank. 2. Clean weirs as needed. 3. Ensure that baffles are in place and properly set. 12 Troubleshooting Guide #2 DBP - Process Upsets in Water Treatment Plant (continued) Observation 1. DBP Significant Excursion noticed with Filter Performance problem. Filter Effluent Turbidity Chlorine Residual in Filters Filter Turbidity Spikes following backwash Filter Loading rates and duration Length of Filter Runs GAC EBCT and TOC removal efficiency 1. DBP are higher coming out of Clearwell. Chlorine Dose, Flow Rate Detention Time in Clearwell. Continuous Plant (not batch) operation. TOC or UV254 or Turbidity increases out of clearwell. 1 DBP are higher following Maintenance activities. Residual Chlorine Levels at select points in distribution system Probable Cause 1. There has been a turbidity or colloidal breakthrough associated with longer filter run(s) or backwash return.. 2. High chlorine residual was retained in filters for an extended period. 3. Filters were significantly overloaded by higher flow rates. 4. GAC filter adsorptive capacity is exhausted. 1. There are dead zones in the clearwell. 2. There is excessive sediment in clearwell. 3. Chlorine Residual levels are too high 1. Flow patterns or retention times have been disrupted 2. Sediment has been retransported into treatment processes. Check 1. Check length of filters runs, turbidity and head loss at backwash. 2. Check Coagulation and Flocculation Process. 3. Check Sedimentation operation. 4. Check for hydraulic filter overloading 5. A filter has been taken offline causing others to run at too high a rate or media is damaged and needs replacement. 6. Chlorine is being added ahead of GAC filter 1. Check hydraulic detention time in clearwell. 2. Check maintenance records for last sediment removal. Remedy 1. Verify proper backwash and headloss operation, adjust Backwash Cycle as needed. 2. Make prefilter process control adjustments as required. 3. Replace media 2. Check Chlorine Residual Levels. 2. Review Flushing Records 1. Chlorine Levels 2. Eliminate stirred sediment 3. Re-establish proper equipment operation. 1. Reduce storage volume. 2. Clean sediment from clearwell 3. Adjust Chlorinator dose 13 Troubleshooting Guide #3 DBP - Water Distribution System Contributors Observation Probable Cause Check Remedy 1. DBP Significant Excursion occurs in Distribution System at select points 1. Water age is excessive allowing reaction between free chlorine and TOC. 1. Determine water age in water distribution system. 1. Initiate corrective flushing program. 2. Install automatic flush valves 1. Biogrowth in distribution system is concentrating organic materials that are reacting with free chlorine. 1. Check for chorine residual. 2. Determine Free Chlorine potion of total chlorine (> 80%) 3. Perform HPC. 1. Increase flushing frequencies. 2. Superchlorination may be needed followed by change to chloramines as disinfectant.. 1.Biogrowth in distribution system is concentrating organic materials that are reacting with free chlorine producing DBPs. 2. Pipelines are experiencing tuberculation. 3. System valves are closed increasing water age in some isolated pipelines. 1. Check for chorine residual. 2. Determine Free Chlorine potion of total chlorine (> 80%) 3. Perform system pressure test. 1. Increase flushing frequencies. 2. Superchlorination may be needed followed by change to chloramines as disinfectant. 3. Ensure that all system valves are open. 4. May need to pig lines to restore hydraulic efficiency. Free/Combined CL Residual Temperature Storage Tank Fluctuations 1. DBP Significant Excursion are occurring in Distribution System following long period of Extended Hot Weather. Free/Combined CL Residual Water Temperature Storage Tank Fluctuations 1. DBP Significant Excursion occur in isolated areas of Low Flow or in Areas with Dead End Pipelines. Free/Combined CL Residual System Pressure Analysis Water Age Calculations 14 Troubleshooting Guide #3 DBP - Water Distribution System Contributors (continued) Observation Probable Cause Check Remedy 1. DBP Significant Excursion occur in isolated areas of Near Water Storage Tanks. 1. Sediment accumulations in water storage tank is concentrating organic material and reacting with free chlorine producing DBPs. 2. Stratification and turnover of stagnant water in tank has occurred. 3. Changes in tank levels have occurred because of hydraulic demands. 1. Flow patterns have been disrupted and/or sediment transported. 2. Excess chlorine has entered water system following repair or startup. 1. Check maintenance records for last sediment removal. 2. check tank temperatures for water stratification. 3. Perform tank fill and turnover calculations. 1. Ensure that tank is properly filling and emptying and that no stratification is occurring; tank levels should be changing daily with at least 2/3 of tank water changing over. 1.Check maintenance records for last water main repairs or new main startup. 2. Check t o ensure that system valves are in open position. 1. Re-institute flushing in affected areas. Free/Combined CL Residual HPC Water Age Calculations Water Tank Temperatures. Water Tank Levels Tank Fill and Turnover Calculations. 1. DBP Significant Excursion occur after Maintenance, Repair or Start Up of Distribution Pipelines. Free/Combined CL Residual Flushing Frequency and Locations. 15 References: To be added at a later date. 16 Table of Contents Disinfection By-Product (DBP) Formation .............................................................................................. 1 Significance of TOC in Florida Groundwaters ......................................................................................... 3 Variation in Source Water TOC Concentrations found in Florida ........................................................... 3 Strategies for DBP Reduction ................................................................................................................... 6 Chlorine Residual and production of Disinfection Byproducts ................................................................ 6 Water Age Considerations in the Production of DBP’s ........................................................................... 7 Setting of Activity and Performance Measures for DBP Reduction ........................................................ 8 Disinfection Byproducts Maximum Contaminant Levels ........................................................................ 9 Troubleshooting DBP Problems ............................................................................................................... 9 Troubleshooting Guide #1 DBP - Source Water Changes .................................................................. 10 Troubleshooting Guide #2 DBP – Process Upsets in Water Treatment Plant ..................................... 11 Troubleshooting Guide #2 DBP - Process Upsets in Water Treatment Plant (continued) .............. 12 Troubleshooting Guide #3 DBP - Water Distribution System Contributors ....................................... 14 Troubleshooting Guide #3 DBP - Water Distribution System Contributors (continued) ................... 15 17