DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS EC 936: Development Policy Modelling: 2011-2012 Instructors: Jeffery Round and Mark Thomas Office hours: Thursday 11.00-12.00 (Social Sciences 1.137) Outline: The course will focus on the construction and use of computable partial and general equilibrium models for economic policy analysis, especially in the context of developing countries. The emphasis will be towards developing an understanding of the modelling techniques as well as considering some examples of their practical application. The course will begin with an introduction to understanding the macroeconomic accounts and statistical base for economic modelling including some insights into the problems of data assembly. This provides the necessary basis with which to consider a range of fixed price consistency models, mainly input-output models and similar multiplier models for the analysis of the distributional and structural impacts of policies. Most of the course will deal with multisectoral computable general equilibrium (CGE) models and their application to key areas in development policy. Assessment: There will be an examination at the start of summer term which will count for 80% of the course grade. The remaining 20% will be split between an in-class presentation and a homework exercise (due before 12 pm on February 29). Please note there will be no class on February 20 Topics: 1. Data, national accounts and Social Accounting Matrices 2. Input-output analysis and consistency models 3. Fixed price multiplier models and their applications in policy analysis 4. Computable general equilibrium models: structure, calibration, closure rules 5. Applications: models of trade and trade policy 6. Applications: poverty, income distribution and redistribution 7. Applications: structural change and economic reform 8. Applications: regional models and global models 9. Applications: environmental modelling 1 Topics and reading list (* indicates required reading): 1. National Accounts, Input-output Tables and Social Accounting Matrices *Reinert, K A and D W Roland-Holst (1997) ‘Social Accounting Matrices,’ in Francois and Reinert (eds) Chapter 4: 94-121. *Stone, R (1986) 'Nobel Memorial Lecture, 1984: The Accounts of Society', Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10: 5-28. Mankiw, N G (2010) Macroeconomics (seventh edition), Worth Publishers (Chapters 2 - 3). King, B B (1985) ‘What is a SAM?’ Chapter 1 in G Pyatt and J I Round (eds) Social Accounting Matrices: A Basis for Planning, World Bank, Washington DC, 1985. Keuning, S and W de Ruijter (1988) ‘Guidelines for the Construction of a Social Accounting Matrix,’ Review of Income and Wealth, Series 34 (1): 71-100. Pyatt, Graham (1999) ‘Some Relationships between T-Accounts, Input-Output Tables and Social Accounting Matrices,’ Economic Systems Research, 11 (4): 365-87 Thorbecke, E (1998) ‘Social Accounting Matrices and social accounting analysis,’in W Isard (et al) Methods of Interregional and Regional Analysis,Ashgate, Chapter 7: sections 7.17.3, pp. 281-99. 2. Limited information techniques and the SAM *Stone, R (1978) ‘Forward’ to G Pyatt, A Roe et al, Social Accounting for Development Planning, Cambridge University Press, pp. xvi-xxxi. *Round, J I (2003) ‘Constructing SAMs for Development Policy Analysis: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead,’ Economic Systems Research, 15 (2): 161-183 *Miller, R E and P D Blair (2009) Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions, Cambridge University Press (Chapter 7) Byron, R P (1978) 'The Estimation of Large Social Account Matrices', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 141 (3). (Read selectively) Robinson, S., A Cattaneo, A. & M El-Said (2001) ‘Updating and estimating a social accounting matrix using cross entropy methods,’ Economic Systems Research, 13: 47–64. 3. Input-output analysis and consistency models *Miller, R E and P D Blair (2009) Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions, Cambridge University Press (Chapter 2) *Parikh A and D Bailey (1990) Techniques of Economic Analysis with Applications, Harvester-Wheatsheaf (Chapter 7). *Robinson S (1989) ‘Multisectoral Models,’ chapter 18 in Chenery and Srinivasan (Eds) Handbook of Development Economics, Vol II, North Holland. (Sections 1,2 and 3) 2 4. Fixed price multiplier models and applications in policy analysis *Pyatt, G and J I Round (1979) ‘Accounting and Fixed Price Multipliers in a SAM Framework.’ Economic Journal, 89: 850-873. *Round, J I (2003) ‘Social Accounting Matrices and SAM-based Multiplier Analysis’ Chapter 14 in F Bourguignon and L A Pereira da Silva (eds), Techniques and Tools for Evaluating the Poverty Impact of Economic Policies, World Bank and OUP: 301-324 [on-line at] *Breisinger C, M Thomas, and J. Thurlow (2010), Social Accounting Matrices and Multiplier Analysis: an introduction with exercises, IFPRI [on-line at] Hayden, C and J I Round (1982) ‘Developments in Social Accounting Methods as applied to the analysis of income distribution and employment issues,’ World Development, 17: 1173-1201. Defourny, J and E Thorbecke (1984) ‘Structural Path Analysis and Multiplier Decomposition within a Social Accounting Matrix,’ Economic Journal, 94: 111-136. Thorbecke, E (1998) ‘Social Accounting Matrices and social accounting analysis’, in W Isard (et al) Methods of Interregional and Regional Analysis,Ashgate, Chapter 7: section 7.4, pp. 300-16. Thorbecke E and Hong-Sang Jung (1996) ‘A multiplier decomposition method to analyse poverty alleviation,’ Journal of Development Economics, 48:2, 279-300. Pyatt, G and J I Round (2006) ‘Multiplier Effects and the Reduction of Poverty,’ Chapter 12 in de Janvry and Kanbur, Poverty, Inequality and Development: Essays in Honor of Erik Thorbecke, Springer, pp. 233-60. 5. Computable general equilibrium models: structure, functional form and closure rules *Burfisher M E, Introduction to Computable General Equilibrium Models, Cambridge University Press (Chapters 1-2) *Parikh A and D Bailey (1990) Techniques of Economic Analysis with Applications, Harvester-Wheatsheaf (Chapter 8). *Robinson S. (2006) ‘Macro Models and Multipliers: Leontief, Stone, Keynes, and CGE Models,’ Chapter 11 in de Janvry and Kanbur, Poverty, Inequality and Development: Essays in Honor of Erik Thorbecke, Springer, pp. 205-32 Shoven J B and J. Whalley (1995) Applying General Equilibrium, Cambridge University Press, Chapters 4-5 Devarajan S, D S Go, J D Lewis, S Robinson and P Sinko (1997) ‘Simple General Equilibrium Modelling,’ in Francois and Reinert (eds) Chapter 6, pp. 156-185. Gunning, J W and M Keyzer (1995) ‘Applied General Equilibrium Models for Policy Analysis,’ in H B Chenery and T R Srinivasan (eds) Handbook of Development Economics, Vol 3A., North Holland Decaluwé, B., A. Martens and M. Monette (1988) ‘Macroclosures in Open Economy CGE Models: A numerical Reappraisal,’ International Journal of Development Planning Literature, 3(2): 69-90. 3 6. Applications: models of trade and trade policy *Winters A (2004) ‘Trade liberalization and economic performance: an overview,’ The Economic Journal, 114(493): F4-F21 *Cockburn J, E Corong, B Decaluwé, I Fofana and V Robichaud (2010) ‘The Growth and Poverty Impacts of Trade Liberalization in Senegal,’ International Journal of Microsimulation, 3(1): 109-113. *Hertel, T and M Tsigas (1997) ‘Structure of GTAP,’ Chapter 2 in T W Hertel (ed), Global Trade Analysis: Modeling and Applications, Cambridge University Press, pp. 13-73. On-line at *Anderson, K and W Martin (2005) ‘Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda,’ The World Economy, 28 (9): 1301-1347. Bittencourt, M V L, D Larson, D Kraybill (2010) ‘Regional Short-run effects of trade liberalization in Brazil,’ Economic Systems Research, 22 (1): 65-85 Davies, R, J Rattso, and T Torvik (1994) 'Short-run consequences of trade liberalisation: a computable general equilibrium model of Zimbabwe', Journal of Policy Modelling, 20(3): 305-333. Tarp, F, D Roland-Holst, J Rand (2002) ‘Trade and Income Growth in Vietnam: Estimates from a New Social Accounting Matrix,’ Economic Systems Research, 14 (2): 157-184 7. Applications: income distribution and redistribution *Savard, L (2005) ‘Poverty and Inequality Analysis in a CGE Framework: a Comparative Analysis of the Representative Agent and Microsimulation Approaches’, Development Policy Review, 23(3): 311-331. *Robinson, S and H Lofgren (2005) ‘Macro Models and Poverty Analysis: Theoretical Tensions and Empirical Practice’, Development Policy Review, 23(3): 267-283. *Chia, N-C, S M Wahba and J Whalley (1992) ‘A General Equilibrium-Based Social Policy Model for Cote d'Ivoire,’ Poverty and Social Policy Series, Paper No 2, World Bank, Washington D C. (pdf file available) Chia, N-C, S M Wahba and J Whalley (1994) ‘Assessing Poverty-reducing Programmes: a General Equilibrium Approach,’ Journal of African Economies, 3(2): 309-338. Bourguignon, F, M Bussolo and J Cockburn (2010) ‘Macro-micro analytics: background, motivation, advantages and remaining challenges’, International Journal of Microsimulation, 3(1): 1-7. [] Lofgren, H, S Robinson and M El-Said (2003) ‘Poverty and Inequality Analysis in a General Equilibrium Framework: The Representative Household Approach’, Chapter 15 in F Bourguignon and L A Pereira da Silva (editors) Techniques and Tools for Evaluating the Poverty Impact of Economic Policies, World Bank and OUP. (pdf file available) Bourguignon, F, A-S Robilliard and S Robinson (2002) ‘Representative vs real households in the macro-economic modelling of inequality’, International Food Policy Research Institute . [] 4 8. Applications: structural adjustment and economic reform *Channing A, A Garcia, F Tarp, J Thurlow (2010) ‘Poverty Reduction and Economic Structure: Comparative Path Analysis for Mozambique and Vietnam,’ World Institute for Development Economics Research Working Paper No. 2010/122. *Savard, L (2010) ‘Scaling Up Infrastructure Spending in the Philippines: A CGE Top-Down Bottom-Up Microsimulation Approach,’ International Journal of Microsimulation, 3(1): 43-59. *De Maio L, F Stewart, S van der Hoeven (1999) ‘Computable General Equilibrium Models, Adjustment and the Poor in Africa,’ World Development, 27(3), 453-475. Sahn, D E, P A Dorosh, and S D Younger (1996) ‘Exchange rate, fiscal, and agricultural policies in Africa: does adjustment hurt the poor?’ World Development, 24(4): 719-748. Roland-Holst, D and F Tarp (2006), ‘Globalization, Economic Reform, and Structural Price Transmission: SAM Decomposition Techniques with an Empirical Application to Vietnam,’ Chapter 14 in de Janvry and Kanbur, Poverty, Inequality and Development: Essays in Honor of Erik Thorbecke, Springer: 287-307. De Souza JB, F Filho, C dos Santos and S Lima (2010) ‘Tax Reform, Income Distribution and Poverty in Brazil: an Applied General Equilibrium Analysis,’ International Journal of Microsimulation, 3(1): 114-117. 8. Applications: environmental modelling *Xie, J and S. Saltzman (2000) ‘Environmental Policy Analysis: an environmental computable general-equilibrium approach for developing countries,’ Journal of Policy Modeling, 22 (4): 453-489. *Bergman, L (2005) ‘CGE Modeling of Environmental Policy and Resource Management,’ Chapter 24 in Handbook of Environmental Economics , vol 3, North Holland, pp. 12731306. *Devarajan, S (2000), ‘Can Computable Genral-Equilibrium Models shed light on the environmental problems of developing countries?’ in P. Dasgupta and K G Maler (eds), The Environment and Emerging Development Issues, Oxford University Press. Li, J (2005), ‘Is There a Trade-Off Between Trade Liberalization and Environmental Quality? A CGE Assessment on Thailand,’ Journal of Environment and Development, 14 (2): 252-277. Miller, R E and P D Blair (2009) Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions, Cambridge University Press (Chapters 9, 10) Perroni C. and R.Wigle (1997) 'Environmental policy modeling,' in T. Hertel (ed.), Global Trade Analysis: modeling and applications. Cambridge University Press, pp. 305-320. 5