Liquid Nitrogen. 3 litres collected in 5 litre dewar.this is to top up larger dewer of about 50 litres. Harmful ,causes burns. May cause severe burns through skin and eye contact.Causes cold burns,frost bite,possible effects on lungs,Hypothermia,Asphyxia.May bring on asthma attack in susceptible people.No risk phrases available. 765 5 INTENDED USE** Hazardous Substances Policy - Assessment CHEMICAL HAZARD AND RISK ASSESSMENT School of Biosciences Name of supervisor Dr.T.W.Young Assessor A.Wadeson Assessment Number* 1986 Date of Assessment 15/11/01 Signature Signature Notes A School COSHH form in Word is available on the School Server. Available from the Health and Safety Unit. Guidance on making an assessment is given in Making a Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment. Guidance is also available from Guidance on Completing the Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment Form. Use a continuation sheet to expand any section of this form in hard copy version. 1 LOCATION OF THE WORK ACTIVITY 2 PERSONS WHO MAY BE AT RISK List names where possible Dr.T.W.Young and all members of his research lab. 3 ACTIVITY ASSESSED 4 MATERIALS INVOLVED Collection and dispensing of liquid nitrogen in 5 litre dewar flask. NAME AMOUNT max/stored Liquid Nitrogen. 3 litres collected in 5 litre dewar.this is to top up larger dewer of about 50 litres. 5 Biosciences stores to ground floor tower lab G6. Attach copies of data sheet(s) HAZARD Harmful ,causes burns. RISK PHRASES May cause severe burns through skin and eye contact.Causes cold burns,frost bite,possible effects on lungs,Hypothermia,Asphyx ia.May bring on asthma attack in susceptible people.No risk phrases available. HAZDAT NO*** BIOSCIENCESNO*** 765 INTENDED USE** Give brief details and attach protocol/instructions Large Dewar of liquid nitrogen in G6A for long term,permanent storage of microorganisms topped up from 5 litre dewar. 5litre dewar used for collection of liquid nitrogen from Biosciences stores. 6 RISKS to HEALTH and SAFETY from INTENDED USE From personal exposure or hazardous reactions. Refer to OELs, flash points, etc., as appropriate. Are pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers especially at risk? Risk of severe cold burns (eyes and skin) on contact with liquid nitrogen. Risk of Asthma attack in susceptible subjects on exposure to cold nitrogen gas. Risk of nitrogen enrichment/oxygen deficiency with liquid nitrogen. Risk of Asphyxiation. 7 CONCLUSIONS ABOUT RISKS Is level of risk acceptable? Can risk be prevented or reduced by change of substance/procedure? Are control measures necessary? The risks above are significant and control measures in section 8 should be followed. ALSO SEE COSHH ASSESSMENT 1108 and the attached HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SCHEDULE 3.12/01. 8 CONTROL MEASURES Additional to Good Chemical Practice WHEN TRANSPORTING AND DISPENSING LIQUID NITROGEN, LEATHER OR AN APPROPRIATE GLOVE AND FACE AND EYE PROTECTION (FACE SHIELDS ARE AVAILABLE IN G7 BUT MUST BE RETURNED FOR AUTOCLAVE PERSONNEL IMMEDIATELY AFTER USE) MUST BE USED TO PROTECT THE SKIN AND EYES FROM POSSIBLE CONTACT WITH LIQUID NITOGEN .LIQUID NITROGEN SHOULD NOT BE TRANSPORTED IN THE LIFT UNLESS THE PRECAUTIONS IN THE HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SCHEDULE 3.12/01 ARE FOLLOWED,ALSO SEE BIOSCIENCES SAFETY BOOK .Liquid nitrogen should be used in a well ventilated room. Room G6A has an air intake fan which should be ON at all times. For liquid nitrogen use leather or a suitably appropriate glove-check integrity of gloves. For liquid nitrogen use Face and Eye shield.-check for damage before use. Check ventilation to room G6A is working. 9 INSTRUCTION/TRAINING Specify course(s) and/or special arrangements. Training in the handling of liquid gases. Details of the BARRIER system for transporting liquid nitrogen in lifts, is obtainable from stores.See note attached In E.Mail from Prof Chipman stating LIQUID NITROGEN MUST NOT BE TRANSPORTED IN THE LIFTS WITHOUT USING THE BARRIER SYSTEM PREVENTING ANYONE FROM TRAVELLING WITH IT. 10 MONITORING Performance of control measures, Personal exposure Health Surveillance 11 WASTE DISPOSAL PROCEDURE See School Server for Approved Procedure Document on specific Chemical Waste Disposal. Liquid nitrogen - vent to atmosphere in open air in a well ventilated safe location. Wear appropriate personal protective safety atire as previously detailed and observe detail in COSHH ASSESSMENT 1108 and the attached HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SCHEDULE 3.12/01. 12 REVIEW Enter the date or circumstances for review of assessment (maximum review interval 5 years) After 5years or if there are any changes to the attached Unicoshh sheet 765 or the attached HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SCHEDULE 3.12/01. 13 EMERGENCY ACTION TO CONTROL HAZARDS To stabilize situation eg spread absorbant on liquid spill; eliminate sources of ignition, etc. See attached Unicoshh sheet 765 for liquid nitrogen details and the attached HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SCHEDULE 3.12/01. TO PROTECT PERSONNEL Evacuation, protection for personnel involved in clean-up, Special First Aid LIQUID NITROGEN TREATMENT /INSTRUCTIONS DISPLAYED ON G6A DOOR. Also see attached Unicoshh sheet 765 for liquid nitrogen details and the attached HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SCHEDULE 3.12/01. Clean-up/decontamination TO RENDER SITE OF EMERGENCY SAFE See attached Unicoshh sheet 765 for liquid nitrogen details and the attached HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SCHEDULE 3.12/01. CONTACT Dr.T.W.Young PHONE 45437 10.10.00 * ** *** Prefix T is used for Teaching Assessment Number. Please include amount of chemicals used and how. Hazdat No is the UNICOSHH datasheet report number. Biosciences No is the Biosciences data sheet number. UNICOSHH IS A CHEMICAL DATABASE ON THE HEALTH AND SAFETY UNIT SERVER. BIOSCIENCES DATA SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE SCHOOL SAFETY OFFICE.