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A List of all Supplementary files
16 files with a total size: 1MB
1. sup-Figure1.gif
GIF image file (.gif), 104KB
Figure 1 The sequence map of rice chromosome 4: cytogenetic map (Genetic and
EST markers), scale (bp), clone-contigs, G+C content, NotI sites, Genes (Gene
Models+/-), densities of retrotransposon and transposon, ESTs are indicated. G+C% was
carried out every 40 kb.
2. sup-Figure2.gif
GIF image file (.gif), 56KB
Figure 2 Fibre-FISHs of the pachytene chromosome 4. The BACs used as probes
wee derived from the end of the related contigs.
3. sup-Figure3.gif
GIF image file (.gif), 8KB
Figure 3 Distribution of repeated gene arrays on the rice chromosome4. Arrays
were identified using the BLASTP program with a threshold of the E<10-20, score>200,
match length > 66.7%, and similarity>90%. The histogram gives the number of clusters
on the chromosome 4 containing 2 to n similar gene units.
4. sup-Figure 4.gif
GIF image file (.gif), 28KB
Figure 4 The BAC-contig map of Contig 5 including the centromere. (A) Markers
associated with the map. (B) 10 tiled and completely sequenced Nipponbare BACs. (C)
Display of the original fingerprinted CUGI contig 95.
5. sup-Figure5.gif
GIF image file (.gif), 16KB
Figure 5 The sequence map of the rice chromosome 4 centromeric region:
cytogenetic map (Genetic and EST markers), scale (bp), clone-contigs, G+C content,
NotI sites, Genes (GeneModels+/-), densites of retrotransposon and transposon, ESTs
are indicated. G+C% was carried out every 40 kb.
6. sup-Figure6.gif
GIF image file (.gif), 144KB
Figure 6 BGI contigs match rice chromosome 4.
7. sup-Figure7.gif
GIF image file (.gif), 204KB
Figure 7 Comparative maps between five Arabidopsis chromosomes and rice
chromosome 4. Individual chromosomes are depicted as horizontal scale lines (At1g
represent the Arabidopsis chromosome1, and OSJN4 represent the Oryza sativa
japonica chromosome 4). Similar genes between rice chromosome 4 and Arabidoposis
are connected with coloured lines.
8. sup-Figure 8.gif
GIF image file (.gif), 48KB
Figure 8 Comparison of maize markers and rice chromosome 4. (a) The maize
markers which have significant homology to rice chromosome 4 are indicated by
coloured rectangles. (b) Maize markers are indicated by coloured lines from the inner
circle (rice chromosome 4) to the outer circles of maize chromosomes 1 to 10.
9. sup-Table1.xls
MS Excel spreadsheet document (.xls), 27KB
Table 1 A list of RFLP markers corresponding to the position on the chromosome 4
10. sup-Table 2.xls
MS Excel spreadsheet document (.xls), 69KB
Table 2 A list of STS/EST markers matched to rice chromosome 4
11. sup-Table 3.xls
MS Excel spreadsheet document (.xls), 18KB
Table 3 The status of rice chromosome 4 gaps between contigs
12. sup-Table 4.xls
MS Excel spreadsheet document (.xls), 25KB
Table 4 The status of Repetitive sequence on rice chromosome 4
13. sup-Table 5.xls
MS Excel spreadsheet document (.xls), 32KB
Table 5 The status of tRNA gene on the chromosome 4
14. sup-Table 6.doc
MS Word document (.doc), 24KB
Table 6 Structural comparisons of two subspecies over 2.3 Mb
15. sup-Table 7.xls
MS Excel spreadsheet document (.xls), 98KB
Table 7 A list of all sequenced clones of rice chromosome 4
16. sup-Table 8.xls
MS Excel spreadsheet document (.xls), 23KB
Table 8 A list of the indica Guangluai 4 (GLA4) clones in the 2.3-Mb of three
contiguous segments of the chromosome 4