Attachment XX AGREEMENT BETWEEN SOUTHWEST POWER POOL, INC. AND SPP MEMBER RESPONSIBILITY ENTITIES (TOP, GOP, LSE) RELATING TO IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTEGRATED MARKETPLACE Whitepaper from CBASC 3. 4. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT 3.1 MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT. Attachment A to the Membership Agreement sets forth a division of responsibilities in accordance with the NERC functional model. This Agreement is intended to be a specific delineation of functions between SPP Balancing Authority (SPP BA) and the SPP Member who are NERC Registered Entities. All conflicts between Attachment A and this Agreement are to be resolved in favor of this Agreement. 3.2 SPP BA is responsible for the actions and processes outlined in this agreement. It is acknowledged that there are specific Balancing Authority tasks that the SPP Balancing Authority cannot perform without specific of actions of SPP Members who are also NERC Registered Entities. These actions relate specifically to area tie line metering and frequency devices owned and maintained by SPP Members having tie lines with Balancing Authorities adjacent to the SPP Balancing Authority. Those specific responsibilities are listed below. (Note: tie lines and meter responsibilities between SPP TOP that are internal to the Integrated Marketplace are specified in the Integrated Marketplace Protocols and are not discusses in this agreement) 3.2.1 Each TOP shall provide all Tie Line flows with Adjacent Balancing Authority Areas to the SPP Balancing Authority for inclusion in the SPP BAA ACE calculation in a manner and frequency mutually agreed. (Reference BAL-005 R12) 3.2.2 Each TOP share a tie with an adjacent BA shall ensure Tie Line MW metering is telemetered to both the SPP BAA control centers and the control center for the adjacent BA and that it emanates from a common, agreed-upon source using common primary metering equipment. TOPs shall ensure that megawatt-hour data is tele-metered or reported at the end of each hour. (Reference BAL-005 R12.1) 3.2.3 Each TOP shall ensure the power flow and that are utilized for calculating the SPP Balancing Authority performance or that are transmitted for Regulation Service are not filtered prior to transmission, except for the Anti-aliasing Filters of Tie Lines. (Reference BAL-005 R12.2) 3.2.4 Each SPP TOP shall install common metering equipment where Dynamic Schedules or Pseudo-Ties are implemented between the SPP BAA and other Balancing Authorities to deliver the output of Jointly Owned Units or to serve remote load. (Reference BAL-005 R12.3) 3.2.5 Each TOP sharing a tie with an adjacent BA shall perform hourly error checks using Tie Line megawatt-hour meters with common time synchronization to determine the accuracy of its control equipment. (Reference BAL-005 R13) 3.2.6 Each SPP TOP shall at least annually check and calibrate its time error and frequency devices used by the SPP BA to perform the BA function against a common reference. (Reference BAL-005 R17) OPERATIONS 4.1 GENERAL. In carrying out obligations under this Agreement, the SPP BA and the SPP Member who are NERC Registered Entities shall (i) follow Good Utility Practice, (ii) comply with applicable policies, standards and requirements of NERC Standards and SPP Criteria and their successors, and (iii) follow applicable laws and regulations. 4.2 PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is to delineate the responsibilities between SPP Balancing Authority and the SPP Member who are NERC Registered Entities as is necessary to allow the Integrated Marketplace to be implemented. 4.3 EFFECT OF TRANSFER OF RESPONSIBILITIES. To the extent that responsibilities and their associated tasks are transferred to the SPP Balancing Authority by this Agreement and, as applicable, upon approval by NERC and other applicable Regulatory entities, SPP here accepts the responsibilities, and the previously registered SPP member Balancing Authorities are no longer obligated to perform the tasks associated with the responsibilities that have been transferred except those contained in Article 3 to which those entities retain the responsibilities associated such as compliance with related NERC Standards and SPP Criteria. 4.4 NET SCHEDULED INTERCHANGE Responsibilities of the SPP BA include, but are not limited to: 4.5 4.6 4.4.1 The SPP Balancing Authority shall evaluate and approve all Scheduled Interchange for energy profile, ramp scheduling path, start and stop-time and timing requirements associated with resources delivering from/to another Balancing Authority. [References: NERC Standards INT-003 and INT-006, SPP OATT Section 1] 4.4.2 The SPP Balancing Authority shall be responsible for receiving information from a Market Participant (Generator Operator) or Transmission Customer relating to operating reserve contingency, as defined in SPP Criteria 6, or load interruption. If SPP receives information regarding operating reserve contingency and/or load interruption directly from a Market Participant or Transmission Customer, shall implement the contingency schedules in the IM and EMS. 4.4.3 SPP shall confirm with all neighboring Balancing Authorities Net Scheduled Interchange daily for each hour of the previous day. SPP will resolve any discrepancies. [References: NERC Standard INT-003-0] 4.4.4 The SPP Balancing Authority shall implement confirmed interchange into the SPP ACE equation (Reference NERC Standards BAL-009) NET ACTUAL INTERCHANGE Responsibilities of the SPP BA include, but are not limited to: 4.5.1 The SPP Balancing Authority responsible for receiving, evaluating and entering the Net actual interchange with adjacent Balancing authorities into the SPP EMS [References: NERC Standard BAL-006] 4.5.2 Hold for reference to specific TOP responsibilities as mention in section documentation) INADVERTENT MANAGMENT Responsibilities of the SPP BA include, but are not limited to: 3 4.6.1 4.7 4.8 The SPP Balancing Authority shall operate to a common Net Interchange Schedule and Actual Net Interchange value (with Adjacent BA) and shall record the hourly quantities, with like values but opposite sign. The SPP Balancing Authority shall use the agreed-to daily and monthly accounting data to compile and report its monthly accumulated Inadvertent Interchange for the On-Peak and Off-Peak hours of the month. (Reference NERC Standards BAL-006) BALANCING AUTHORITY AREA CONTROL Responsibilities of the SPP BA include, but are not limited to: 4.7.1 The SPP Balancing Authority shall be responsible for monitoring and controlling the ACE for the SPP Balancing Authority Area. [References: NERC Standards BAL-001-0 and BAL-002-0] 4.7.2 The SPP Balancing Authority shall be responsible for calculating and utilizing the Frequency Bias Value for its Balancing Authority Area. [References: NERC Standard BAL-003-0] 4.7.3 The SPP Balancing Authority shall be responsible for responding to time error corrections. [References: NERC Standard BAL-003-0] 4.7.4 SPP Balancing Authority shall provide each Generation Operator with the setpoint instructions, excluding any price information, for each generating resource within its Balancing Authority Area as determined on a five (5) minute basis. (Reference Integrated Marketplace protocols) See Ancillary Services section for more details 4.7.5 The SPP Balancing Authority shall be responsible for compliance with NERC and the SPP Criteria control performance requirements. [References: NERC Standards BAL-0010 and BAL-002-0, SPP Criteria 6] DATA EXCHANGE Responsibilities of the SPP BA include, but are not limited to: 4.8.1 The abilities of the Balancing Authorities and SPP to implement the provisions of Section 4.11 is only effective if all Market Participants and/or Transmission Customers within that Balancing Authority’s Area are diligent in timely and accurately transmitting the referenced information to the Balancing Authority and/or SPP. If SPP receives information directly from a Market Participant/Transmission Customer, it will immediately send that information to that Market Participant’s/Transmission Customer’s host Balancing Authority. A Balancing Authority will not be found in violation of the terms of this Agreement if a Market Participant/Transmission Customer is found by the appropriate authority to be in non-compliance of the SPP OATT, the Membership Agreement, the SPP Criteria, and/or NERC Standards with respect to the information referenced in Section 4.11. 4.8.2 Each Generator Operator or Transmission Operator shall provide the information and data that the other Party reasonably believes that it needs in order to carry out its responsibilities under this Agreement. The following subsections set forth certain specific data exchange requirements that are in addition to the general requirement in this Section 4.11.1. 4.9 4.10 4.8.3 The SPP Balancing Authorities shall be responsible for obtaining and receiving operational plans from generator operators and Market Participants of the Integrated Marketplace within the SPP Balancing Authority Area. [References: NERC Standard TOP-002-0] 4.8.4 The SPP Balancing Authorities shall be responsible for submitting operational plans specified in NERC Standard TOP-002-0 to the Reliability Coordinator and to SPP, as required, for reliability assessment. [References: NERC Standard TOP-002-0] 4.8.5 The SPP Balancing Authority shall develop available operational information as required under the SPP Criteria Appendix 7. [References: SPP Criteria Appendix 7 and NERC Standard TOP-005-0] 4.8.6 The Balancing Authorities retain the responsibility of providing planned generation dispatch to the Reliability Coordinator. [References: NERC Standard TOP-002-0] ??? 4.8.7 All data provided under this Section shall be subject to any already applicable and any appropriate and reasonable confidentiality requirements. ANCILLARY SERVICES Responsibilities of the SPP BA include, but are not limited to: 4.9.1 The obligation to provide and cost recovery for Ancillary Services shall be pursuant to applicable tariffs and contracts and is not being addressed here. This Agreement does not modify, limit, or expand the obligations in those contracts or tariffs. (is this necessary here?) 4.9.2 The SPP Balancing Authority shall determine Energy and Operating reserves requirements for integrated marketplace processing (Reference NERC standards BAL-00, OATT section XX, Integrated Marketplace protocols section XX) 4.9.3 The SPP Balancing Authority shall coordinate the deployment of regulation and operating reserves through the Integrated Marketplace (Reference NERC standards BAL00, SPP OATT section xx, Integrated Marketplace protocols) 4.9.4 SPP Balancing Authority shall determine and deliver Transmission Losses through the SPP Integrated Marketplace (Reference NERC standards BAL-00, SPP OATT section xx, Integrated Marketplace protocols) 4.9.5 The SPP Balancing Authority ensures reliability operations data and integrated marketplace data including outage data, forecast information etc. OTHER Responsibilities of the SPP BA include, but are not limited to: 4.10.1 The SPP Balancing Authority shall be responsible for the coordination (what does ‘coordination’ mean in this context?) of controllable loads with load serving entities within the SPP Balancing Authority Area, except for load acting as a resource offered into the Integrated Marketplace. SPP shall coordinate with the LSE to enable a load to act as an Integrated Marketplace resource.(not needed here) [References: NERC Standard BAL-002-0 and OATT Attachment AE 1.1.28] 4.10.2 The SPP BA shall have sufficient back-up facilities, functions, personnel, and all other capabilities for performing the BA function. As such SPP and the Balancing Authorities are not utilizing the reversion plan pursuant to the SPP OATT. 4.11 4.10.3 The SPP Balancing Authority shall comply with the directives of its Reliability Coordinator based on the next day assessments in the same manner in which it would comply during real time operating events. (IRO-002-1) R7 4.10.4 The SPP Balancing Authority operating personnel shall have the responsibility and authority to implement real-time actions to ensure the stable and reliable operation of the Bulk Electric System. (IRO- ) 4.10.5 The SPP Balancing Authority shall be familiar with the purpose and limitations of protection system schemes applied in the SPP BA Area and shall monitor the status of each Special Protection System. The SPP BA shall notify affected Transmission Operators of each change in status. (PRC-001-1) EMERGENCY OPERATIONS Responsibilities of the SPP BA include, but are not limited to: 4.11.1 4.11.2 4.11.3 SPP retains the responsibility of declaring Energy Emergency Alerts in the event of an actual or projected energy deficiency in either any Balancing Authority Area or SPP’s Electric Transmission System. . [References: NERC Standard EOP-002-0] Both SPP and the Balancing Authorities shall have reasonable capabilities in place to ensure continuity of reliability operations in the event that their primary control center functionality becomes inoperable. [References: NERC Standard EOP-008-0] 4.11.4 Each Balancing Authority shall comply with directives of the Reliability Coordinator, in accordance with NERC Standards, including implementing emergency procedures. (Reference NERC EOP-001 and TOP-001) 4.11.5 The SPP Balancing Authority shall analyze and report system emergencies as needed (Reference NERC EOP-004) 4.11.6 The SPP Balancing Authority shall (in coordination with the TOP) develop, maintain, and implement a set of plans to mitigate operating emergencies for insufficient generating capacity, mitigate operating emergencies on the transmission system, for load shedding and a for system restoration. (Reference NERC standards EOP-001) 4.11.7 The SPP Balancing Authority (in coordination with the TOP) shall annually review and update each emergency plan. The SPP Balancing Authority shall provide a copy of its updated emergency plans to its Reliability Coordinator and to neighboring Transmission Operators and Balancing Authorities. (Reference NERC Standards EOP-001) 4.11.8 The SPP Balancing Authority and Reliability Coordinator shall have the responsibility and clear decision-making authority to take whatever actions are needed to ensure the reliability of its respective area and shall exercise specific authority to alleviate capacity and energy emergencies. (Reference NERC standards EOP-002) 4.11.9 Each Balancing Authority and Reliability Coordinator shall implement its capacity and energy emergency plan, when required and as appropriate, to reduce risks to the interconnected system. (Reference NERC standards EOP-002) Shari to do more research and this section may not be necessary. 4.12 TRANSMISSION OPERATIONS 4.12.1 System Planning and Forecasting . [References: NERC Standard TOP-002-0] 4.12.2 4.12.3 4.12.4 Outage Planning and Coordination (Reference NERC Standards TOP-003) Resource Plans . [References: NERC Standard TOP-005] Monitor Transmission and Generation Resources (Reference NERC Standards TOP-006)