BIOL 750.03 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY: SCHEDULE OF LECTURES AND TOPICS DATE TOPIC GILBERT WEB REFS PART ONE: PRINCIPLES OF DEVELOPMENT 1/30 Introduction Ch. 1-3 2/1 Genomic equivalence Ch 4 Yes 2/6 Genes and Development Ch 4 Yes 2/8 Differential gene expression Ch 5 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 2/13 NO CLASS/MONDAY SCHEDULE 2/15 Differential gene expression Ch 5 5.8 Yes 2/20 Induction/Signaling Pathways Ch 6 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6 Yes 2/22 Induction/Signaling Pathways Ch 6 Yes 2/27 Model Systems: Drosophila (Guest Lec: Brennan) Ch 9 3/1 Model Systems: Drosophila (Guest Lec: Brennan) Ch 9 3/6 EXAM #1 PART TWO: EARLY DEVELOPMENT IN VERTEBRATES 3/8 Fertilization Ch 7 5.9 Yes 3/13 Comparative early development 10,11 11.6, 11.7, 11.10 Yes 3/15 Comparative early development 10,11 3/20 Comparative early development 10,11 3/22 The HOX gene code 11 Yes 3/27 Neural Induction, CNS development 10,12 12.4, 12.5 Yes 3/29 Nerual Crest 13 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 Yes 4/3 Model Systems: Dictyostelium (Guest Lec: Brazill) 2 2.5 4/5 EXAM #2 PART THREE: SELECTED ORGAN SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 4/17 Mesoderm development, Somites (Guest Lec: Atit) 14 4/19 Limb Development (Guest lecturer: Atit) 16 4/24 Blood and Vasculature development 15 Yes 4/26 Model Systems: Hematopoiesis in Zebrafish Yes 5/1 Selected Organ Development 5/3 Selected Organ Development 5/8 Stem Cell Biology Yes 5/10 Primary Literature 5/15 Primary Literature LEC DATE REFERENCE LIST (will be updated as necessary) 2/1 (Y) Wakayama and Yanagimachi (1999) Cloning the laboratory mouse. Sem. Cell Dev. Biol. 10:253-258 2/1. 3/13 (Y) Kikyo and Wolffe (2000) Reprogramming nuclei: Insights from Cloning. J. Cell Sci. 113:11-20 2/6 Anderson (2000) Finding the genes that direct mammalian development. Trends Genet. 16:99-102 2/6 (Y) Rajewsky, et. al. (1996) Conditional gene targeting. J. Clin. Invest. 98:600-603 2/15 (Y) Li and Peterson (1999) Locus Control Regions. Trends Genet. 15:403-408 2/20-2/22 (Y) Munroe, et. al. (1999) Hedgehog signal transduction. Exp. Cell. Res. 253:25-33 2/20-2/22 (Y) Polakis, P. (2000) Wnt signaling and cancer. Genes Dev. 14:1837-1851 2/20-2/22 (Y) Piek, et. al. (1999) Specificity, diversity and regulation in TGFb superfamily signaling. FASEB J. 13:2105-24 3/8 (Y) Wassarman, P. (1999) Mammalian Fertilization. Cell 96:175-183 3/13-3/20 (Y) Beddington and Robertson (1999) Axis development and early asymmetry in mammals. Cell 96:195-209 3/22 (N) Deschamps, et. al (1999) Initiation, establishment and maintenance of Hox gene expression patterns in the mouse. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 43:635-650 3/27 (Y) Harland, R. (2000) Neural induction. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 10:357-362 3/29 (N) LaBonne and Bronner-Fraser (1999) Molecular mechanisms of neural crest formation. Ann. Rev. Cell. Dev.Biol. 15:81-112 4/24 (Y) Engel and Murre (1999) Transcription factors in hematopoiesis. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 9:575-579 4/26 (Y) Amatruda and Zon (1999) Dissecting hematopoiesis and disease using the zebrafish. Dev. Biol. 216:1-15 References that are not available as PDF files on the website (marked with "N") will be placed on reserve in the Socrates Center