Assessment Key for Mentoring Session (fill one form out for each Student/Mentor Session) Date:______________________________ Student:_______________________ Module:____________________________ Mentor:_______________________ Lessons:___________________________ Directions: Using the “Rubric for Grading Mentoring Sessions” (page 3 of this document) as your standard, please grade these mentoring session by entering an “x” next to the the number corresponding to the grade that you believe the student earned in each of the four criteria below. Average those four numbers to the second decimal place and place that number in the “Session Average” below. Criteria Assignments: Did the student complete all of the assignments for the lessons covered in the mentoring session? __ 0 (F) __ 1 (D) __ 2 (C) __ 3 (B) __ 4 (A) Factual Knowledge: Did the student demonstrate a command of the principal factual knowledge (times, people, places, events, movements, ideas, etc.) presented in the lessons covered in the mentoring session? __ 0 (F) __ 1 (D) __ 2 (C) __ 3 (B) __ 4 (A) Conceptual Knowledge: Did the student demonstrate a command of the principal concepts presented in the lessons covered in the mentoring session? __ 0 (F) __ 1 (D) __ 2 (C) __ 3 (B) __ 4 (A) Interaction: Did the student demonstrate any intellectual interaction with the content of the lessons covered in the mentoring session in any of the following ways: analysis, evaluation, synthesis, application? __ 0 (F) __ 1 (D) __ 2 (C) __ 3 (B) __ 4 (A) Session Average __________ assess _mentor _session_11_06 1 of 3 Affective Student Learning Outcomes Directions: Please record the student’s progress in the following “Affective” Student Learning Outcomes. In what ways does the student increasingly: a. Show an appreciation of the cultural and religious diversity among human societies and the value of each culture and religion. b. Reflect critically on their own culture and worldview and the implications for understanding the roots of human problems. c. Exhibit the values of life-long learning, reflection, and service characteristic of voluntary international development agencies. assess _mentor _session_11_06 2 of 3 Rubric for Evaluation of Mentoring Sessions Criteria Assignments: Did the student complete all of the assignments for the lessons covered in the mentoring session? Factual Knowledge: Did the student demonstrate a command of the principal factual knowledge (times, people, places, events, movements, ideas, etc.) presented in the lessons covered in the mentoring session? Conceptual Knowledge: Did the student demonstrate a command of the principal concepts presented in the lessons covered in the mentoring session? Interaction: Did the student demonstrate any intellectual interaction with the content of the lessons covered in the mentoring session in any of the following ways: analysis, evaluation, synthesis, application? Standards F=0 Completed no assignments. D=1 Completed some assignments in a haphazard manner. C=2 Completed most assignments, some in a haphazard manner and some in a conscientious manner. C=2 Demonstrated a mastery of a few facts presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session and a vague familiarity of a few others. B=3 Completed most assignments in a conscientious manner. A=4 Completed all assignments in a conscientious manner. F=0 Demonstrated no knowledge of the facts presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session. D=1 Demonstrated a vague familiarity of a few of the facts presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session. B=3 Demonstrated a mastery of some facts presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session and a vague familiarity of some others. A=4 Demonstrated a mastery of many facts presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session and a familiarity with many others. F=0 Demonstrated no knowledge of the principal concepts presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session. D=1 Demonstrated a vague familiarity of a few of the principal concepts presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session. C=2 Demonstrated a knowledge of a few of the principal concepts presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session. B=3 Demonstrated an understanding of most of the principal concepts presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session. A=4 Demonstrated a mastery of all of the principal concepts presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session. F=0 Demonstrated no interaction with the content presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session. D=1 Demonstrated a superficial interaction with the content presented in the lessons covered in mentoring session. C=2 Demonstrated the beginnings of a significant interaction with the content in one of the ways listed in criteria to the left. B=3 Demonstrated a significant interaction with the content in one of the ways listed in criteria to the left. A=4 Demonstrated a significant interaction with the content in two of the ways listed in criteria to the left. assess _mentor _session_11_06 3 of 3