ST%20JUNE%205%201913.htm WOMAN`S SUFFRAGE RNING POST JUNE 5 1913 NAL DERBY RSE BROUGHT DOWN D JOCKEY INJURED ry incident marked the race for the Derby yesterday afternoon. As re making for Tattenham Corner a woman rushed out on the of the King's horse Anmer, and put her hands above her head. cked her down and then turned a complete somersault on its t Jones. When the animal recovered itself Jones was dragged a is suffering from concussion, and the woman, who had a Suffragist ound her waits, and whose name is Emily Wilding Davison, is in a ondition in Epsom Cottage Hospital. The King made immediate ding his jockey, who has no bones broken. rites our Special Correspondent] were nearing Tattenham Corner ot of the course - when the woman was seen to rush from the to the course. At the moment the field was beginning to tail; but it hat the King's horse - Anmer - was just then outside to Nimbus, o the French owner of Nimbus pulled his horse out to avoid the werved into Anmer. In a moment the woman was trampled down by also stumbled, and Herbert Jones, the jockey, was thrown and a little distance. Police and course officials rushed to the aid of y and the woman. Superintendent Robinson commanding the olice at Epsom Races, and Superintendent McCarthy in charge of orce, were quickly on the scene. The woman who had brought ster was seriously injured about the body and head and was Superintendent McCarthy despatched her in charge of one of his r-car to Epsom Cottage Hospital. An inquiry on the spot by the olice disclosed little information beyond the fact that the woman e rails as the field was coming along, and dived between the and those which looked virtually beaten, and missing Nimbus, wn by Anmer. It is assumed that it was sheer accident that enabled e King's horse. At such a point, and with the filed galloping, it to impossible to single out the right moment. But the woman's er it was, was achieved at the cost of grave injury to herself. When he hospital for the purposes of identification, the clues to her h the Suffragist movement were a couple of smallflags and a marked "Emily Davison." Last evening the hospital authorities at the woman's skull was not fractured, and there were hopes of he vicinity of the incident were aware of the cause of the fall of he stand M. Aumont had observed, to use his own expression, g had happened." He was naturally watching his horse, and was see it swerve away from the field. His jockey explained afterwards the horse out to avoid the woman. In this way any chance of his the leaders passed away. M. Aumont could not veil his t at the incident. at consternation among those of the Grand Stand when they saw , obviously unconscious, being brought on an ambulance into the osure. His Majesty left the Royal Box and came down to the Jockey o inquire as to the condition of his jockey. Jones was for a little ous from concussion, and his face and arms were injured. But it is arn that he is recovering from the shock and the fall. The King uperintendent McCarthy to bring him details of the affair. These efly set out as officially furnished. When the cause of the injury to known a feeling of resentment against the Suffragists was only et outside the Epsom Downs Station about five o'clock when the was in full swing, a woman in the Suffragist colours was to be uring to sell the papers of the cause ED WOMAN: QUEEN'S INQUIRIES nocked down by Anmer was Miss Emily Silding Davison, a wellist, who has been sentenced on several occasions for acts of fact that a Women's Social and Political Union card was found on he had the Suffragist colours tied around her waist, suggested that eliberate one, but [says the Press Association] people who were the rails expressed view that she rushed on the course in the he horses had passed. Some of the spectators gave it as their e was crossing the course in order to get to a friend on the and fainted when she saw the horses galloping on her. On the eyewitness regarded it as a deliberate act. "We were," he said, he finish of the race, and were straining forward to see which of the on. Just at that moment there was a scream, and I saw a woman d and making a grab at the bridle of Anmer, the King's horse. The nd fell, bringing down its jockey. Jones seemed to be stunned and ay by ambulance men. The woman was lying on the ground, and d rush on to the course the police surrounded her. She was stretcher." he hospital Miss Davison was attended by Dr. W. B. Peacock, n, and a surgeon from one of the London hospitals who happened cene. She was suffering from concussion, but it is not believed that acture of the skull. It is thought that she was struck by the horse's that as there are no marks on her face or head she could not have n the head by the horse. She was still unconscious late last night. nt a messenger to Epsom Hospital last night to inquire as to Miss dition. S CAREER Miss Davison is given as follows in "Women's Who's Who's": Emily Wilding, B.A. Honours [London], Oxford Final Honour ish Language and Literature [Class 1], &c., Society: W.S.P.U.; born daughter of Charles Edward and Margaret Davison; joined mber, 1906. Imprisoned: [1] March 30, 1909, one month for going [2] July 30, 1909, two months' for obstruction at Limehouse, five and a half day's hunger strike; [3] September 4, 1909, stonehite City, Manchester, two months, but released after two and a half trike; [4] October 20, 1909, stone-throwing at Radcliffe, one abour on each count, hunger struck, forcibly fed, hosepipe incident s Prison, and released at end of eight days; [5] November e a window inside the House of Commons; one month, hunger fed, and released after eight days; [6] December 14, 1911, tting fire to pillar-boxes in City of Westminster, Holloway, remand [7] January 10, 1912, for above, sentenced at Old Bailey to six onment; hunger struck twice with others, and twice forcibly fed; ays before sentence finished on account of injuries sustained in against forcible feeding; [8] November 30, 1912, sentenced to 10 ment for assaulting a Baptist minister by mistake for Mr. Lloyd rdeen Station; hunger struck, and released at end of four days' ted on great deputation, together with Mrs. Pankhurst, June 29, 19, 1910, won case against visiting Magistrates at Strangeways ester; has three times hidden in House of Commons - April, 1910, ; April, 1911, in crypt; and also in June, 1911; marches in which ch, 1907; July, 1910; June, 1911; and July, 1911. Publications: es for Women and other papers. Recreations: Swimming, cycling, Address: Longhorsley S.O. Northumberland G POST JUNE 9 1913 y Suffragist incident - Death of Miss Davison oman ran out to stop the KING'S horse in the chief race at Epsom, resulted in serious injury to herself, and considerable damage to ly yesterday morning some women succeeded in burning a e near Trowbridge. In the night of Monday to Tuesday ROUGH'S the river at Oxford, near the Long Bridges, was seen to be on fire. ble to save the building or the boats which it contained. Nailed to r was found a card with the words "Votes for women. No peace till e." The presumption is that the boathouse was set on fire, the was stopped, and the Trowbridge mansion was destroyed by males who are discontented with the structure of society. Whether se or not - it is quite possible that the truth may not be ascertained pical of much that has happened lately and deserves thinking if we are to believe the leaders of the "movement", the purpose se things are done is to make men think. The question is, What are he planned and deliberate destruction of property is intelligible as of anger against the owner. But as the wellbeing of society the security of persons and property against wilful attacks, such garded as crimes, and one of the principal purpose for which nised is to prevent such acts and to punish those who commit e class or cases which we are considering there is not motive or nst the particular person whose property is destroyed. Those who not the personal hatred which usually explains such doings. If this ed case, if it were found that a house had been wilfully set on fire y well brought up and accustomed in other respects to behave jury would probably come to the conclusion that she was not in her d the Court order that she should be taken care of until she was mplete sanity. But the present case is not isolated. There is an e state of mind which produced it; it is but one of a large number of This frame of mind cannot possibly be considered healthy. The roduces constitute a war, not only upon society as at present upon any conceivable state of society because it is impossible to ommunity of human beings not based upon laws for preserving the perty as well as of life and society, the propounds of the most hemes for the reconstruction of the community, have ever plan which would not guarantee the work of and man's hands n and wilful destruction. The women who go about setting fire to therefore to have their thoughts out of gear. In most respects r minds work as other people's do, but the epidemic of arson a form of monomania. This quality of the minds concerned noes under an examination of the alleged motive. These ladies say that to have the same political rights as men, and in particular the franchise, and they assert that women are qualified to be e body polite. But it is unthinkable that a person who refuses to fundamental condition upon which every society is founded can be embership in that society. The person whose mind works in that sible to reasonable arguments. There is no common basis of ween such a mind and that of the healthy man or woman. There ore, no escape from the conclusion that society has to deal with an onomania. nd its organs, the Law Courts and the Administration, have to deal of hygiene, and the question to be answered is, What is the matters of national urgency it is important to put the right question, hat is done there is little chance of the right answer being found. r that we have to do with disease it follows that diagnosis must earch for a cure, and the diagnosis which we have reached so far to lead directly to the remedy. Place the house-burning lady in nd she refuses food. The disease becomes more acute. Confine a m together in a home where they will be detained and kept from campaign of house burning, and they will brood together and symptoms. To treat symptoms is always unsatisfactory. It is scertain the cause of the epidemic. In the human body pain, if not me external accident, leads the patient to send for a doctor, who n to something that has gone wrong in some part of the organism, of his remedies is to restore the organism to its normal condition. uggests that what is called "militant suffragism" is, like a pain in the om of something abnormal, or out of order, in the social organism. to ascertain the cause of the epidemic. In the human body pain, if some external accident, leads the patient to send for a doctor, who n to something that has gone wrong in some part of the ortganism, of his remedies is to restore the organism to its normal condition. uggests that what is called "militant suffragism" is, like a pain in the om of something abnormal or out of order, in the social organism. It s of the statesmen, or physicians of society, to find out what is the meantime they obliged to treat symptoms, thereby admitting that discovered the real nature of the disease. For the moment they are force - policemen and the goal - and no doubt by that means the be moderated. But for the ailments of the body politic force is no for a time suppress the symptoms, but so long as the causes at work the signs of distress will recur, though they may appear in es uld be less serious than it is if we, or anyone else, could offer a clear, however, that the diagnosis offered by the Suffragists wide of the mark. Their idea is that the body social is out of order en have not votes, and that therefore to give them votes would put oes anyone believe this? Is it not evident that this remedy would disease? Some of the clever ladies who are the ferment which ously would initiate a Parliamentary campaign, and by way of he particular demand which commended itself to them, whatever would have recourse to the methods which they have invented r proposals would be advertised by conflagrations, and their firmed by brief periods of abstention from food. The epidemic the plague. We must reject, then, the diagnosis given by those empted to call the patients, though probably the real patient is e angry ladies are merely the bacteria swarming in its veins. The ears to be the relations between men and women. The notion of is that the conditions of women's lives should be, as much as milated to the conditions of mens' lives. This is their notion of giving ce. Everybody, and certainly all the men, are most anxious to give ce, but a chance of what? Common sense tells us that it would be very woman a chance of being a mother, and every man a chance er. But that result would differentiate rather than assimilate the he lives of men and women. It has become the fashion, perhaps by m abroad, to propose that any function recognised as a good one osed by law as an obligation upon those capable of performing it. It a manly function to fight for one's country if and when it has to roposed that every man should be trained for the purpose and led out when wanted. We could imagine a proposal to impose by y man the duty of being a father and upon every woman that of r. It is probably not a very practicable proposal, and we have no aking it. There are too many obvious difficulties. To start with, in this are not enough men to go round, so that at least a million women be left out. But the mere idea of such a proposal suggests h might perhaps lead a statesman towards a preliminary diagnosis disclosed by the burning of the boathouse at Oxford.