ITEM - South Hams District Council

Report of Head of Community Services
Statutory Powers:- Land Drainage Act 1991
Water Resources Act 1991
Budgetary Implications: Possible capital expenditure of up to £30,000 for works and
fees (no current budget allocation)
Over the last eighteen months erosion has occurred to a section of the left bank of the
River Erme fronting the public open space between Marjorie Kelly Way and the A38
Trunk Road. This land is in the ownership of the Council. Action is required to
prevent further erosion of this land.
Responsibilities and Liabilities
This stretch of the River Erme is “Main River” for which the Environment Agency
exercise control. The section of bank that has been eroded was faced with a near
vertical blockstone wall to control erosion. The Environment Agency advise that
responsibility for this wall and the bank rests with the riparian owner (the Council).
Any repairs would require Environment Agency consent in accordance with the
relevant legislation.
A popular public footpath runs adjacent to the river linking the town centre with the
open spaces and playing fields on the south side of the A38. For a length of
approximately 40 metres the river bank has been eroded back a distance of up to 3
metres. The resulting top of the bank is now therefore adjacent to the public footpath
(a temporary fence has been erected between the footpath and the area of erosion).
The Problem
The erosion has occurred around the outside of a moderately sharp bend in the river.
The bank to this bend had at some time been provided with a man-made near vertical
blockstone wall. Erosion has removed the majority of this blockstone wall and the
bank has been graded out to an angle of repose of approximately 45°. By its location
on the bend in the river there is an inherent risk of further significant erosion at times
of flood flows.
Any further lateral erosion would remove sections of the public footpath continuing
erosion downstream could have an impact on existing sewer outfalls to the river.
Repairs to the blockstone wall at this location following previous erosion were carried
out some ten years ago. These works were arranged by the Environment Agency
Direct Labour Organisation and subject to a financial contribution from the Council.
Remedial Works
To control any further erosion at this location works will be required. Subject to
Environment Agency approval, work would involve the bank being protected with
blockstone laid to the existing batter of 45° rather than re-construction of the vertical
wall that previously existed.
Access to this site for construction plant and supply of the appropriate size blockstone
is difficult, possibly requiring a temporary access off Marjorie Kelly Way – this will
have a significant impact on the cost of the work. A preliminary estimate for the total
cost, including design fees, is in the region of £30,000.
No provision exists for this expenditure within existing budgets.
This report has been presented in advance of the overall capital programme to ensure
that Members are aware of this issue.
The Way Forward
Preliminary design works are being undertaken in liaison with the Environment
Agency. Firm costings will be prepared and these may then be considered in the
forthcoming review of the Council’s Capital Programme.
That the Executive RESOLVES that the report be noted and that any decision be
deferred until the whole Capital Programme is reviewed.
W.R. Lawrence
Principal Engineer
J Barrett
Head of Community Services
Background Papers:
Location plan
31 January 2002