WFD RBMP schemas and tools change log Jon Maidens, WFD Helpdesk log, version 22-10-2009 The following document details the changes made to the schemas, database and documentation as a result of the RBMP testing phase 2009. Changes have also been made to the validation tool and conversion tool. Contents Section 1 is a log of the changes made to schemas Section 2.1 is a log of the database changes implemented in the release of version 3 of the WFD Reporting database. Section 2.2 lists identified errors in the database which have not been fixed. Section 3.1 Changes to WFD Guidance on reporting spatial data v2.0.doc Section 3.2 Changes to Reporting User Manual RBMP v2.0.doc Section 3.3 Changes to 3.3. User guide to the streamlined schemas v4.3.doc 1. Schemas No. 1. 2. 3. Schema and position Change Type of Change Element Enumeration list changed from ProtectedAreaSWType to ProtectedAreaGWType Type change Element RBDSUCA/RiverBasinDistrict/ PrimeCompetentAuthority Change to allow multiple entries. Structure Monitoring schema Update the field types for NO_BIRDS_SITES, NO_SITES to NonNegativeNumber and Type change GroundWaterBodies/GroundWaterBody/ StatusProtectedAreas/ GWProtectedAreaDetails/ TypeOfProtectedArea WFD River Basin Management Plan schema and reporting tool test change log 1 Atkins 22-10-2009 ANALYSIS_METHOD to String2000 4. Element SurfaceWaterBodies/SurfaceWaterBody/ SurfaceWaterBodyStatus/ EcologicalStatusOrPotential/ValueQE33NonPrioritySpecificPollutants Add enumeration “1” corresponding to “High status” Enumeration list Element GroundWaterBodies/GroundWaterBody/ GroundwaterBodyStatus/ SignificantUpwardTrends/UpwardTrend Change to type YesNoUnknownCode Type change Elements Add optional comment boxes immediately below both QuantitativeStatusValue and ChemicalStatusValue with names Structure Element SWStatusNonPrioritySubstanceCode in WFDCommon 5. GroundWaterBodies/GroundWaterBody/ GroundwaterBodyStatus/QuantitativeStatus 6. and CommentQuantitativeStatusValue CommentChemicalStatusValue GroundWaterBodies/GroundWaterBody/ GroundwaterBodyStatus/ChemicalStatus Element Eliminate the option IndividualPesticides Enumeration list Add the following additional facets to QE3-1ParameterType in WFDCommon: Enumeration list 7. GWPollutantAnnexI-IIType in WFDCommon Element QE3-1ParameterType in WFDCommon QE3-1-4-Chloride QE3-1-4-Sulfate QE3-1-6-Nmineral QE3-1-3-DissolvedOrganicCarbon 8. Element ProtectedAreas/ProtectedArea Changed to "required" as at least the Structure protected areas under WFD article 7 must be reported. Element Economic2009to2015Code in WFD Common Add the option "2009-2015" to the enumeration list. Enumeration list Element InvestmentCostItem Change from "7" to "1 to7" Element multiplicity 9. 10. 11. WFD River Basin Management Plan schema and reporting tool test change log 2 Atkins 22-10-2009 12. All schemas Check to ensure CONDITIONAL in annotation for appropriate elements Annotation All schema Update of annotation text to reflect above changes, updates to schema documentation and various actions identified in outcomes of testing period – see document ‘’open issues schemas and products 22-10-2009” Annotation Field ReferenceDataSet in SWB/SurfaceWaterBody Element is a string2000Type but it is only asking for Yes/No/Unknown Type change SurfaceWaterBodies/SurfaceWaterBody/Status ProtectedAreas/SWProtectedAreaDetails/Value StatusProtectedArea change to CONDITIONAL Element multiplicity and added to validation rules Change to Enumeration list 13. 14. 15. and SurfaceWaterBodies/SurfaceWaterBody/Status ProtectedAreas/SWProtectedAreaDetails/Com mentValueStatusProtArea EconomicWaterServiceType in WFDCommon -water supply for households -water supply for industry -water supply for agriculture -wastewater collection and treatment for households -wastewater collection and treatment for industry -Other 16. WFD River Basin Management Plan schema and reporting tool test change log 3 Atkins 22-10-2009 2. Database 2.1 Database issues fixed in release No. Table Change 1. SWB_NonPrioritySpecPollutant sEx Table deleted - not used 2. SWMET_NonPriorityPollutants* Table deleted - not used 3. RBMP_SWPressureMeasuresCh eckList Table deleted - not used RBDSUCA_Additional_PrimeCo mpetentAuthorities Added table. The schema now allows for multiple PrimeCompetentAuthority under certain circumstances. Added table RBDSUCA_Additional_PrimeCompetentAuthorities where the multiple PrimeCompetentAuthority can be registered. MON_GWGeneralParameter Table renamed – removed asterisk. Originally marked as mandatory, but is in fact optional PA_Protected_Areas* Table renamed – added asterisk. Now mandatory as at least the protected areas under WFD article 7 must be reported. SWMET_IntercalibrationTypes* and SWMET_EcologicalClassification * Field NationalTranslation field removed from SWMET_IntercalibrationTypes*and added to SWMET_EcologicalClassification* table as it only requires one value per classification GWB_Quantitative_Status* Added optional field CommentQuantitativeStatusValue type Memo GWB_Chemical_Status* Added optional field CommentChemicalStatusValue type Memo GWB_CHEMICAL_EXEMPTIONS The element “EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode” renamed “EUGroundWaterBodyCode” GWB_CHEMICAL_REASONFORF AILURE The element “EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode” renamed “EUGroundWaterBodyCode” GWMET_ClassificationMatrix* Field names OtherPesticideDescription and OtherPesticideCASNumber renamed OtherPollutantDescription and OtherPollutantCASNumber 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. WFD River Basin Management Plan schema and reporting tool test change log 4 Atkins 22-10-2009 13. GWB_CHEMICAL_EXEMPTIONS Description of the field PollutantEx_Unique_Code updated 14. GWB_GROUNDWATERBODY Description of the fields Lat and Lon updated 15. RBMP_GWWATERBALANCE Description of the field WaterBalance updated RBMP_SUBUNIT Description of the field ActionPlanUnkownPressures updated 17. RBMP_SWPRESSUREMEASURES CHECKLIST Description of the field Unique_Pressure_ID updated 18. SWB_CHEM_EXEMPTIONTYPE Description of the field Exemption_type updated 19. RBMP_PRESSREQSUPPADDMEA Description of the field SWCategory updated SURES 16. MON_SWSUBQualityElements* Description of the fields FREQ_METHOD and FREQUENCY updated RBMP_EconomicAnalysis Description of the field VolumesPricesCostsSummary and InvestmentCostMethodology and WaterServiceCostMethodology updated 22. SWB_Eco_ExemptionQE Description of the field UniqueCode_ExType updated 23. RBDSUCA_RiverBasinDistrict Field Area changed to Long Integer type 24. Attributes* Field Schema name option GWD updated to GWB 25. SWMET_InitiativesObjectives Field SummaryText changed to Memo type 26. SWB_SurfaceWaterBody Field ReferenceDataSet changed to Text type 27. MON_SWProgrammes* Field RELATED_PROGRAMMES changed to Memo type 28. MON_SWProgrammes* Field REASON_DELAYED changed to Memo type 29. MON_SWProgrammes* Field NAME changed to 250 length text 30. RBMP_CostOfMeasuresType Field CalculationMethod changed to Memo type SWB_Eco_StatusorPotential* Enumeration for fields ValueQE33NonPrioritySpecificPollutants*and ValueQE34OtherNationalPollutants updated to add “1” corresponding to “High status” GWMET_ClassificationMatrix* RBMP_GWPointDiffuseSourceL Enumeration for field PollutantOrIndicator updated to 20. 21. 31. 32. WFD River Basin Management Plan schema and reporting tool test change log 5 Atkins 22-10-2009 oads eliminate the option IndividualPesticides SWMET_EcologicalClassification Enumeration for field QEParameterTypes* updated to add * the following additional facets: QE3-1-4-Chloride QE3-1-4-Sulfate QE3-1-6-Nmineral QE3-1-3-DissolvedOrganicCarbon 33. 34. RBMP_InvestmentCostDetails* Enumeration for field Year2009to2015* updated to add the option "2009-2015" to the list. RBMP_WaterServicesDetails* Enumeration for field WaterServiceType* updated to remove old and add: -water supply for households -water supply for industry -water supply for agriculture -wastewater collection and treatment for households -wastewater collection and treatment for industry -Other 35. 36. GWMET_ClassificationMethod* Field TrendReversalStartingPoint* changed required=No 2.2. Errata: Identified database errors not addressed No. Table All optional tables and some mandatory tables 1. Issue Workaround Optional schema elements still have mandatory items under them. In the database mandatory fields within optional tables have not been marked with an asterisk. Some mandatory tables have also not had their mandatory elements properly marked. Use schema to identify mandatory elements within a table. Validation tool will flag any missing mandatory fields. Even though this issue was identified in the test period, the size of the change and knock-on affect to other tools and to Member State implementation means that the issue has not been fixed. WFD River Basin Management Plan schema and reporting tool test change log 6 Atkins 22-10-2009 3. Documentation changes 3.1 WFD Guidance on reporting spatial data v2.0.doc No. Position Change 1. Throughout Minor text edits e.g, surfacewater -> surface water 2. Quick start Minor changes 7.2.6 New section detailing reporting of spatial data and shape file templates. The detail of the section has also been updated since the WG D September meeting version. 5.3 / 7.1 / 7.2.8 / 8.3 Clarification that no spatial datasets of points to be submitted. Centroids of features are reported in the associated reporting schema, linked by the unique code. 8.1.2 Clearer listing of relevant documentation 8.1.5 Removal of ‘Box 1: Relation of Surface Water Bodies to Main Rivers and Lakes reference dataset’ 8.1.7 Section on Protected Areas moved to 10 Metadata section updated with reference to updated Appendix 11 and WISE profile example XML schema link 9. Previous Appendix B.1 Appendix in v1.0 on Groundwater body code list moved to section 10. Appendix B.1 Various updates made to metadata table on 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3.2 Reporting User Manual RBMP v2.0.doc No. Position 1. 2. 3. Change 2.4.2 Warning about optional tables not having their mandatory elements marked in the database 2.4.7 Warning that date fields must be in correct format 4 Documentation on validation tool updated to reflect addition of functionality to view XML using style sheets WFD River Basin Management Plan schema and reporting tool test change log 7 Atkins 22-10-2009 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5.3 Detail on ReportNet CDR and the pre-creation of RBD and National data collections for reporting 5.7.1 The cross-schema check has been moved to a manual stage after MS have completed their submissions. 6 QA/QC clarification of which checks are carried out in the XSD schema check and which are carried out by validation rules 8 Removed reference to need for reporting of river basins. Only River Basin Districts and Sub-units expected to be reported under WFD. Appendix A The following database schemas were updated to reflect changes in the database: Appendix B The validation rules table updated to reflect only those changes in the complex validation check (see section 6). The list also serves as a resource for all Conditional fields in the schemas. Appendix C Link to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which links the database tables to the relevant schema section 9. 10. 3.3. User guide to the streamlined schemas v4.3.doc No. Position Various 1. Change The user guide has been updated with respect to comments received during the outcomes of the test period. See document ‘test phase issues outcome 22Oct2009’ for triggers for the updates. Images have also been updated where appropriate. Tip: Word 2007 has an in-built Document Compare tool in the ‘View’ ribbon. WFD River Basin Management Plan schema and reporting tool test change log 8 Atkins 22-10-2009