Social studies concept being taught in this lesson: Conflict Resolution Book Kit Title: The Recess Queen Book Author and Publication Date: The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill 2002 ISBN#: 0-439-20637-5 This Book Kit was planned by: Ali Rogers Grade Level this kit is intended for: 2nd Core Curriculum Standard and Objective OR NCSS Standard this lesson teaches: Standard 2 Students will develop a sense of self in relation to families and community. Objective 1 Describe behaviors that influence relationships with family and friends. Indicator e Identify behaviors that might create conflict situations and ways to resolve them. Materials for the Lesson: The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill Conflict Resolution Scenario Worksheet* Link to The Recess Queen book talk* Paper for students Recording of The Recess Queen* The Recess Queen Quiz* *indicates materials included in the book kit Lesson Objective: Students will learn about conflicts and appropriate ways to solve them. Background Knowledge: Students should understand the terms conflict and resolution. Anticipatory Set/Invitation to Learn: Have the students think about a time when they had a conflict, or a fight, with someone. What started the disagreement? Was the other person being mean? What did they do or say that hurt your feelings? Once students have shared a few responses (3) as them how they handled it. Ask for suggestions by other members of the class for their suggestions. After the discussion introduce the book, The Recess Queen to the class, introducing the title, author, and illustrator. Listening Focus: As you listen to the story, think about the conflict that is taking place and think about ways that you would solve the problem. See if your ideas about conflict resolution match those of the characters in the book. Method for sharing the book: Today we are going to read a book called The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill. This is a story about a girl who is a bully. Who can tell me what a bully is? (take 3 or 4 responses) Is bullying a type of conflict? (yes) Well, this conflict is about to get solved by a new girl in school. As I read I want you to think about the conflict that is happening in the story. We will stop along the way to make sure everyone knows what the conflict is and then we will discuss what we think might be a good resolution. (stop at pg. 18, ends with “No one breathed”). At this point in the story talk about what the conflict is. (Mean Jean won’t let anyone play before her, she is mean and beats up kids, everyone is scared of her) Then let the students share ways they would solve this conflict if they were Katie Sue. (tell the teacher, ask her to play with you, etc.) After students share their responses continue reading. When the book is finished, have students identify what the resolution was. Talk about why it is important to talk problems out instead of reacting the way Mean Jean did. Instructional Procedures: State Objective: Today we are going to talk about conflict resolution. Instruction: Attitude Orientation: As we read the book The Recess Queen, I want each of you to think about the conflict in the story. We are going to talk at the end about resolutions to the conflict so it is very important that we all know what the conflict is. Schema Orientation: First, we need to know what a conflict is! A conflict is a disagreement, argument, fight, or misunderstanding. Who has ever had a conflict? Now who knows what a resolution might be? A resolution is the solution or answer to the problem or conflict. The resolution is how we fix the conflict! Activity Orientation: Ok, as I read think about the conflict. Remember to be ready to talk about the problem in the story so we can think of resolutions together! Ok, here we go with The Recess Queen! Closure: Now that we know how Katie Sue and Jean solved their problem, how can we learn from this? Can this help us when we have conflicts at recess? What about at home? Why is it important that we know ways to solve problems? (record student responses on the board for all to see) These are all great answers and I hope that we can all remember how to solve a conflict whenever we are in one. Evidence of Student Learning: Give the students a worksheet with 3 conflict scenarios. Have the students respond with a resolution to the conflict. If the responses are not fair, or reasonable, have a class discussion and talk about the scenarios together and come up with resolutions as a class. Integrated Learning Activities: Activity 1: “No Bullying at School” Advertisement (Technology) Students will create a flyer for a “No Bullying at School” campaign. Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Application Activity 2: Book Talk PowerPoint (Technology) Students will create a book talk for The Recess Queen using PowerPoint. Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Synthesis Activity 3: Personal Conflict Resolution Story (Literacy) Students will write a personal story about when they had a conflict and how they solved it. Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Synthesis Activity 4: The Recess Queen Tableau (Drama) Students will perform a tableau from the book expressing feelings of the characters. Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Application Activity 5: Listening Center (Literacy) Students will listen to a recording of the book. Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Knowledge Activity 6: The Recess Queen Quiz Students will take a short, individual quiz on the book. Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Comprehension Instruction Cards: Activity #1: You are designing an advertisement (flyer) for the “No Bullying in School” campaign. You may work in groups of 3-4. Here are the requirements: -must be done on the computer -must have the slogan “No Bullying in School” -must include at least 1 picture or drawing -must present to the class when finished Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Application Activity #2: After viewing the book talk for The Recess Queen at the following link: e84b38980bddb51d015 Create your own book talk for the Recess Queen using PowerPoint. You may work in groups of 3-4. Here are the requirements: -must use PowerPoint -must include the title, author, and illustrator of the book -must be 3-5 slides -must have text and at least 2 pictures Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Synthesis Activity #3: This is to be done individually. On a piece of paper write about a time when you were faced with a conflict and what you did to resolve it. Describe what the conflict was, how it began, where it took place. Then talk about your resolution. Tell how you decided on that solution, if it worked, and what you could have done differently. It must be at least 5 sentences. Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Synthesis Activity #4: Pick a scene from the book The Recess Queen. Your group will reenact the scene in front of the class. At the end of the scene everyone will freeze and hold their positions. When the teacher taps you on the shoulder tell the thoughts and feelings of the character that you are portraying for that particular scene. Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Application Activity #5: Listen to the recording of The Recess Queen. As you listen, think about ways that the characters in the story showed good conflict resolution skills. Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Knowledge Activity #6: This quiz is to be taken individually. You may not use the book or any other person to help you. Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Comprehension WORKSHEET Name_________________________________ Conflict Resolution 1. Josh brought his favorite baseball card to school to show his friends. While they were at recess, Josh’s card fell out of his pocket and Cameron stepped on the card and it ripped. What is the conflict? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ What is a possible resolution? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 2. Sam and Julie were standing in line to play four-square. Just before Julie goes in for her turn, Sam says she cut her in line. What is the conflict? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ What is a possible resolution? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 3. In P.E. some boys were pointing and laughing at the new girl in the class because she didn’t know how to play soccer. What is the conflict? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ What is a possible resolution? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ QUIZ Name________________________________ The Recess Queen 1. What is the name of the new girl at the school? ________________________ 2. Why did the kids call Jean “Mean Jean the Recess Queen”? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3. What did Katie Sue use to get “Mean Jean” to play with her? a. A basketball b. A piece of candy c. A jump rope d. A hula-hoop 4. True or False. Jean was a bully. a. True b. False 5. What was the conflict of the story? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 6. How does Jean change at the end of the story? a. She only picks on the boys b. She has friends and is nice c. She stays inside during recess d. She stays the same