
日期:2012 年 7 月 25 日至 29 日
国际智能计算学术会议(ICIC)自 2005 年始,由 IEEE 计算智能协会和国际神经网络
韩国蔚山、中国长沙、郑州成功举办七届。ICIC 是面向国内外工作在人工智能、模式识
ICIC 系列会议每篇投稿文章至少将得到 3 个国际同行专家的审稿意见,已经被业界认
ICIC2012 的论文集将由斯普林格(Springer)的计算机科学讲义(LNCS)、人工
出版(全部将由 EI / ISTP 等全文检索),部分高质量的论文将推荐到 Neurocomputing
和 BMC Binformatics 等国际 SCI 杂志发表。
更多会议详情请参阅 ICIC2012 官方网站:http://www.ic-ic.org/2012/index.htm
Apologies if you get multiple announcements
Call for Papers
2012 International Conference on Intelligent
Computing (ICIC’12)
July 25-29, 2012
Huangshan, China
Internet based paper submission opens October 15, 2011
Paper Submission Deadline: January 1, 2012
This is the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, which is built upon the
success of ICIC’05, ICIC’06, ICIC’07, ICIC’08, ICIC’09, ICIC’10, and ICIC’11 held in Hefei, Kunming,
Qingdao, Shanghai/China Ulsan/Korea, Changsha, and Zhengzhou/China, respectively. The intelligent
computing annual conference primarily aims to promote the research, development and application of
advanced intelligent computing techniques by providing a vibrant and effective forum across a variety
of disciplines. This conference has a further aim of increasing the awareness of industry of advanced
intelligent computing techniques and the economic benefits that can be gained by implementing them.
The intelligent computing technology includes a range of techniques such as Artificial Intelligence,
Pattern Recognition, Evolutionary Computing, Informatics Theories and Applications, Computational
Neuroscience & Bioscience, Soft Computing, Human Computer Interface Issues, etc.
ICIC theme unifies the picture of contemporary intelligent computing techniques as an integral
concept that highlights the trends in advanced computational intelligence and bridges theoretical
research with applications. Therefore, the theme for this conference is Advanced Intelligent Computing
Methodologies and Applications. Papers related to this theme are especially solicited, including
theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology. Topics covering industrial
issues/applications and academic research into intelligent computing will be included, but not limited to:
A1 Neural Networks
A2 Evolutionary Learning & Genetic Algorithms
A3 Granular Computing & Rough Sets
A4 Fuzzy Theory and Models
A5 Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing
A6 Particle Swarm Optimization and Niche Technology
A7 Swarm Intelligence and Optimization
A8 Supervised & Semi-supervised Learning
A9 Unsupervised & Reinforcement Learning
A10 Kernel Methods and Supporting Vector Machines
A11 Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation
A12 Biology Inspired Computing and Optimization
A13 Nature Inspired Computing and Optimization
A14 Systems Biology and Computational Biology
A15 Computational Genomics and Proteomics
A16 Cognitive Science & Computational Neuroscience
A17 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
A18 Artificial Life and Artificial Immune Systems
A19 Graph Theory and Algorithms
A20 Quantum Computing
A21 Ensemble Methods and Multiple Classifiers
A22 Machine Learning Theory and Methods
A23 Healthcare Informatics Theory and Methods
A24 Biomedical Informatics Theory and Methods
A25 Complex Systems Theory and Methods
A26 Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing Theory and Methods
A27 Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics
A28 Compressed Sensing and Sparse Coding
B1 Intelligent Computing in Bioinformatics
B2 Intelligent Computing in Neuroinformatics & Cheminformatics
B3 Intelligent Computing in Computational Biology and Drug Design
B4 Intelligent Computing in Signal Processing
B5 Intelligent Computing in Pattern Recognition
B6 Intelligent Computing in Biometrics Recognition
B7 Intelligent Computing in Image Processing
B8 Intelligent Computing in Robotics
B9 Intelligent Computing in Computer Vision
B10 Intelligent Computing in Brain Imaging and Bio-medical Engineering
B11 Intelligent Computing in Management
B12 Intelligent Computing in Finance/Banking
B13 Intelligent Computing in Communication Networks
B14 Intelligent Computing in Petri Nets/Transportation Systems
B15 Intelligent Computing in Social Networking
B16 Intelligent Computing in Network Software/Hardware
B17 Intelligent Control and Automation
B18 Intelligent Image/Document Retrievals
B19 Intelligent Data Fusion and Information Security
B20 Intelligent Prediction & Time Series Analysis
B21 Intelligent Agent and Web Applications
B22 Intelligent Sensor Networks
B23 Intelligent Fault Diagnosis
B24 Knowledge Representation/Reasoning and Expert Systems
B25 Virtual Reality and Human-Computer Interaction
B26 Optical Networks/Processing
B27 Business Intelligence and Multimedia Technology
B28 Intelligent E-services/Smart Homes
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag, including Lecture Notes in
Computer Sciences (LNCS)/Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)/Lecture Notes in
Bioinformatics (LNBI)/ Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS).
And a small
number of selected high-quality papers will be extended for possible inclusion in several main-stream
international journals. Fees, if any, for subsequent journal publication, will have to be borne by the
An exhibition will be held during the conference at the same venue. Research institutes, instruments
companies, publication companies and industrial enterprises are welcome to participate. Exhibitors are
encouraged to contact the secretariat for details
Working Language
English is the official language of the conference
Important Dates
Paper submission:
January 1, 2012
Decision notification:
April 10, 2012
Workshop/Special session proposal:
December 20, 2011
Tutorial proposal:
May 1, 2012
Camera-ready submission:
April 25, 2012
April 25, 2012
July 25-29, 2012
For more information, please visit the conference website http://www.ic-ic.org/2012/index.htm.
ICIC2012-Shanghai Secretariat
wang fengyi