1 (15/Mayo/2005) Curriculum Vitae 1. DATOS PERSONALES APELLIDO : Gogichaishvili NOMBRE : Avtandyl FECHA DE NACIMIENTO : 09/11/1970 RFC: GOAV701109 CURP: GOXA701109HNEGXV16 LUGAR DE NACIMIENTO : Tbilissi, Georgia NACIONALIDAD : Mexicana ESTADO CIVIL: CASADO, Un Hijo DIRECCIÓN PARTICULAR : Rancho Miradores, 40-204, Los Girasoles COYOACAN, 04920 Mexico D.F. MEXICO, Tel: 56775998 DIRECCIÓN DE TRABAJO : Instituto de Geofisica, U.N.A.M. Laboratorio de Paleomagnetismo, Ciudad Universitaria, D. COYACAN, 04510 Mexico D.F. MEXICO Tel : (52) 55 5622 4230 FAX : (52) 55 5550 2486 E-MAIL : avto@geofisica.unam.mx 2. FORMACION ACADEMICA 1) Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas por la Universidad de Tbilissi (Republica de Georgia). Estudios de Física de 1989 a 1993. Tesina titulada: Paleomagnetismo y Paleointensidad en Rocas Volcánicas Pliocenas en Georgia del Sur. 2) Estudios y Tesis de Maestría (Opción Geofísica) por la Universidad de Montpellier II (Francia) de 1993 a 1995. Título de la Tesis: Inversion Géomagnetique en Géorgie du Sud et Etude d’un Example d’Auto-Inversion (Pinatubo). (Inversión geomagnética en Georgia del Sur y estudio de un ejemplo de autoinversión (Pinatubo). 2) Estudios de Doctorado en la Universidad de Montpellier II (Francia). De 1995 a 1999. Título de la Tesis: Fluctuations of the Earth magnetic field in Mio-Pliocene and self-reversal of thermoremanent magnetization. (Fluctuaciones del campo magnético terrestre en el Mio-Plioceno y autoinversión de la imanación termorremanente). 3. DISTINCIÓNES Y AFILIACIONES CIENTÍFICAS: 3.1. AMC (Academia Mexicana de Ciencias) – Miembro Regular desde 2002. 3.2. S.N.I. - Investigador Nacional nivel 2 desde 2004. 3.3. PRIDE (nivel ‘D’) – desde Enero, 2004. 3.4. PROFESOR EMERITO Electo de la Universidad Nacional de Georgia (Tbilisi State University, Physics Faculty, Geophysics Department) – desde 5 de Diciembre de 2002. 2 3.5. Jefe de Departamanto de Geomagnetismo y Exploración (Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM) – desde 1 de Marzo, 2003. 3.6. Miembro de Consejo Interno de IGEF (UNAM) – desde Octubre, 2003. 3.7. AGU (American Geophysical Union) – desde 1998. 3.8. EGS (European Geophysical Society) – desde 1997. 4. PUBLICACIONES EN REVISTAS INTERNACIONALES ARBITRADAS 4.1. M. Gratton, A. Goguitchaichvili, G. Conte, J. Urrutia and J. Shaw, Microwave paleointensity study of Jorullo Volcano (Central Mexico), Geophys. J. Int., 161, 627-634, 2005. (Science Citation Index) 4.2. A. Goguitchaichvili, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Morales, Erroneous results from historic lavas: A microwave paleointensity análisis of Paricutin volcano, Mexico, Geofisica Internacional, vol. 44, n°3, 219-230, 2005. (Considerada de excelencia por el CONACYT). 4.3. M. Petronille, A. Goguitchaichvili, B. Henry, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Rosas-Elguera, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi and M. Rodriguez Cejá Paleomagnetism of Ar-Ar Dated Lava Flows From the Ceboruco-San Pedro Volcanic Field (Western Mexico): Evidences for the Matuyama-Brunhes Transition Precursor and Fully Reversed Geomagnetic Event in the Brunhes Chron, J. Geophys. Res., doi: 1029.2004JB003321 2005. (Science Citation Index) 4.4. G. Conte, J. Urrutia, A. Goguitchaichvili and A. Incoronato, Paleomagnetic Dating of Lava Flows of Uncertain Age, Somma-Vesuvius Volcanic Complex (Southern Italy), Int. Geol. Rev., vol. 47, n° 6, 1-12, 2005. (Science Citation Index). 4.5. A. Gogichaishvili, A.M. Soler, E. Zanella, , G.Chiari, R. Lanza, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi and T. Gonzalez, Pre-Columbian Mural Paintings From Mesoamerica As Geomagnetic Field Recorders, Geophys. Res. Letters, 31, No. 12, L12607, 10.1029/2004GL020065, 2004. (Science Citation Index). 4.6. A. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J. Rosas-Elguera, J. Morales and J. Solé, Absolute Geomagnetic Paleointensity After the Cretaceous Normal Superchron and Just Prior the K-T Transition, J. Geophys. Res., 109 (B1): Art. No. B01105 JAN 24 2004, 2004. (Science Citation Index). 3 4.7. A. Goguitchaichvili and P. Riisager (Editores), Paleo- and archeointensity: methods, techniques and new results, special issue of Phys. Earth. Planet. Int., 147, issue 2-3, 87296, 2004. (Science Citation Index). 4.8. J. Urrutia-Ficugauchi, L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, A. Rivas-Sanchez y J. Morales, Paleomagnetic, Rock-magnetic and Microscopy Studies of Historic lava flows from Paricutin Volcano, México, Implications for deflection of Paleomagnetic Directions, Geophys. J. Int., 156, 431-442, 2004. (Science Citation Index). 4.9. G. Conte, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A. Goguitchaichvili, A.M. Soler-Arechalde O. Morton-Bermea and Alberto Incoronato, Paleomagnetic and Paleointensity Study of Lava Flows From the Popocatepetl Volcanic Region in Central Mexico, Int. Geol. Rev., vol. 46, issue 2, 102-114, 2004. (Science Citation Index). 4.10. A. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J. Riisager, P. Riisager, On the long-term variation of geomagnetic field strength: A cautionary note, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 85, n° 21, 209-212, 2004. (articulo de portada). 4.11. M. Royo-Ochoa, L. M. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia Fucugauchi, R. Chavez, A. Goguitchaichvili, J. Solé and M. L. Rivas, Further Paleomagnetic, Geochronology and Microscopy Studies of the Camargo Volcanic Field, Northern Mexico: Tectonic Implications, Inter. Geol. Rev., 46 (6): 558-573, 2004. (Science Citation Index). 4.12. Y. Hueda-Tanabe, A. Soler-Arechalde, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, L. Barba, L. Manzanilla and A. Goguitchaichvili, Archaeomagnetic Studies in Central Mexico - Dating of Mesoamerican Lime-Plasters, Phys. Earth. Planet. Int., 147, 269-283, 2004. (Science Citation Index). 4.13. Riisager, P., Knight, K.B., Riisager, J. & Goguitchaichvili, A. (2004): Paleomagnetism and Paleointensity of Yemen flood volcanics, In Mertanen (Ed.), special issue on ‘Supercontinents, remagnetizations and geomagnetic modeling’, Geological Survey of Finland Bulletin, 29, 115-120, 2004. 4.14. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, J. Morales, E. Cañon-Tapia, and R. Negrete. Geomagnetic field strength During Late Miocene: First Absolute Paleointensity Results from Baja California, vol. 108, 1029/2002JB002081, J. Geophys. Res., 2003. (Science Citation Index). 4.15. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, P. Arredondo-Guerrero and J. UrrutiaFucugauchi, A pilot rock-magnetic and ore microscopy study of the Camargo volcanic field (Chihuahua, Northern Mexico), J. South Amer. Earth. Sci., 15/7, 823 – 833, 2003. (Science Citation Index). 4 4.16. J. Morales, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, An attempt to determine microwave paleointensity on Paricutin Volcano lava flows. Geofisica Internacional., vol. 42, n°1, 95-100, 2003. (Considerada de excelencia por el CONACYT). 4.17. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Petromagnetic properties in the Naica mining district: Chihuahua, Mexico: looking for the body source of mineralization, Earth, Planets, Space, vol. 55, issue-1, 19-31, 2003. (Science Citation Index). 4.18. J. Morales, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, An experimental Reevaluation of Shaw’s paleointensity method and its modifications using Late Quaternary basalts, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., vol 138, 1-10, 2003. (Science Citation Index). 4.19. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Paleomagnetism and Rock-Magnetism of the Jurassic La Negra Formation, Northern Chile: Implications for Tectonics and Volcanic Stratigraphy, Int. Geol. Rev., vol. 45, n°6, 563573, 2003. (Science Citation Index). 4.20. L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Ficugauchi, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, M. Rivas-Sanchez, F. Enriquez, J. Nigstrom, J. Morales, Petromagnetism of EL Laco ore deposit, central Andes, Int. Geol. Rev., 45, 533-548, 2003. (Science Citation Index). 4.21. J. Morales, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Absolute paleointensity of Earth’s magnetic field during Jurassic: Case study of La Negra Formation, northern Chile, C.R. Acad. Sci., Earth and Planet. Sci., 335, n° 6, 1-11, 2003. (Science Citation Index). 4.22. L. Alva-Valdivia, M. Sanchez-Rivas, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, J. Gonzalez, J. UrrutiaFucugauchi and W. Vivallo, Integrated Magnetic Studies of the El Romeral Iron-ore Deposit, Chile: Implications for the Genesis and Modeling of the Magnetic Anomaly, J. Applied Geophysics, 53, 137-151, 2003. (Science Citation Index). 4.23. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, J. Urrutia-Ficugauchi, J. Riisager, P. Riisager and O. Ferreira-Lopes, Paleomagnetic poles and paleosecular variation of basalts from Paraná Magmatic Province, Brazil: geomagnetic and geodynamic implications, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 138, 183-196, 2003. (Science Citation Index). 4.24. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Ficugauchi, J. Rosas-Elguera, Ana Soler and Cecilia Caballero, Combined Paleomagnetic and Petromagnetic Study of the Upper Cretaceous Volcanic Sequence in Western Mexico: Implications for Tectonics and Magnetostratigraphy of the Jalisco Block, Int. Geol. Rev., 45, n°10, 886-898, 2003. (Science Citation Index). 5 4.25. J. Morales, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, E. Cañon-Tapia, and R. Negrete, Further Absolute Geomagnetic Paleointensities From Baja California: Evaluation of Plio-Pleistocene Data, C.R. Acad. Sci., Earth and Planet. Sci., 335, 995-1004, 2003. (Science Citation Index). 4.26. J. Rosas-Elguera, L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A. Ortega-Rivera, J. Salinas-Prieto and J.K.W. Lee, RADIOMETRIC AND PALEOMAGNETIC EVIDENCE OF MIOCENE COUNTERCLOCKWISE TECTONIC ROTATION OF MICHOACAN BLOCK: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE RELATIVE MOTIONS OF THE COCOS PLATE, Int. Geol. Rew., 45, n°9, 814-827, 2003. (Science Citation Index). 4.27. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Rosas-Elguera and J. UrrutiaFucugauchi, J. Gonzalez, J. Morales and J. Solé. An integrated Paleomagnetic study from Rio Grande Santiago volcanic sucession (Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt): Revisited, Phys. Earth Planet. Int, 130/3-4 pp. 175-194, 2002. (Science Citation Index). 4.28. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Rosas-Elguera, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, M. Cervantes and C. Caballero, Magnetic mineralogy, Paleomagnetism and Magnetostratigraphy of Nayratit volcanic formations: A Pilot study. Int. Geol. Rev., vol. 44, 264-277, 2002. (Science Citation Index). 4.29. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J. Morales and O. Ferreira-Lopes, On the Reliability of Mesozoic Dipole Low: New Absolute Paleointensity Results from Parana Flood Basalts (Brazil), Geophys. Res. Letters, vol. 29, n° 13, 1655, 10.1029/2002GL015242, 2002. (Science Citation Index). 4.30. L. Alva-Valdivia, M. Carmen-Rosales, M. Bennami, M. Grajales-Nishimura, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Reconnaissance microfossil and magnetic stratigraphy of the Miocene Sayula-Isla sequence, Veracruz, Mexico, Geofisica Internacional, vol. 41, n° 2, 151-161, 2002. (Considerada de excelencia por el CONACYT). 4.31. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi and L. Alva-Valdivia, Mesozoic Dipole Low, Mith or Reality? EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 83, n° 41, 457-462, 2002. (articulo de portada) 4.32. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Rosas-Elguera, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, M. Cervantes and J. Morales. Paleosecular variation record of geomagnetic full vector during late Miocene, From Nayarit area (Western Mexico). Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., vol. 134 issue 1-2, 71-88, 2002. (Science Citation Index). 4.33. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, A. Flores Dios and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Further constraints for Permo-Carboniferous magnetostratigraphy from San-Salvador Patlanoaya (Mexico), C.R. Acad. Sci., Earth and Planet. Sci., vol. 334, n° 11, 811-818, 2002. (Science Citation Index). 6 4.34. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, P. Camps, and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, On the features of the geodinamo following reversals and excursions: by absolute geomagnetic intensity data, Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 124/1-2, 81-93, 2001. (Science Citation Index). 4.35. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, C. Zesati and C. Caballero. Paleomagnetic and Paleointensity study of volcanic rocks from Chihuahua (Northern Mexico), Phys. Earth Planet. Int, 124/3-4, 223-236, 2001. (Science Citation Index). 4.36. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, M. Calvo-Rathert, J. Sologashvili and J. Morales, A Reconnaissance Magnetostratigraphy of Georgian Plio-Quaternary Volcanic Provinces (Southern Caucasus), Geofisica Internacional, 40, 111-119, 2001. (Considerada de excelencia por el CONACYT). 4.37. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, W. Vivallo ans J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Magnetite properties and Microscopy of host rocks and magnetite-apatite from Cerro de Mercado, Mexico, Earth, Planets, Space 53, 181-192, 2001. (Science Citation Index). 4.38. J. Morales, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A Rock-Magnetic and Paleointensity Study of Some Mexican Volcanics during Latest Pleistocene to Holocene, Earth, Planets Space, 53, 893-902, 2001. (Science Citation Index). 4.39. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, J. Cobeilla J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, M. Fundora and M. Grajales. Paleomagnetism of the Guaniguanico Cordillera, Western Cuba: A Pilot Study, Cretaceous Research, vol 22/6, 705-718, 2001. (Science Citation Index). 4.40. M. Prévot, K. Hoffman, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, V. Chshervakov, M. Bina and Ö. JC. Dunkan, The mechanism of self-reversal of thermoremanence in natural hemoilmenite crystals: new experimental data and model, 126: (1-2) 75-92, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 2001. (Science Citation Index). 4.41. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi and J. Morales. Further constraints for the Pliocene Geomagnetic field strangth: case study of Tuxtla volcanic field, Mexico, 53, 873-881, Earth, Planets, Space 2001. (Science Citation Index). 4.42. J. Pares and A.T. Goguitchaichvili, On the earliest human occupation in Europe: Paleomagnetic Constraints, vol. 40, n. 3, 239-243, Geofisica Internacional, 2001. (Considerada de excelencia por el CONACYT). 4.43. J. Morales, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and L. Alva-Valdivia, Low-temperature demagnetization of volcanic rocks containing Multi-domain magnetic grains: Implications for Thellier paleointensity experiment, Vol. 40, n. 4, 293-300, Geofisica Internacional, 2001. (Considerada de excelencia por el CONACYT). 7 4.44. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, J. Morales and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, On the use of continuous thermomagnetic curves in paleomagnetism, C.R. Acad. Sci., Earth and Planet. Sci., vol 11, 333, 699-704, 2001. (Science Citation Index). 4.45. A.T. Goguitchaichvili and M. Prévot : Magnetism of oriented single crystals of hemo-ilmenite showing self-reversal of thermoremanent magnetization. J. Geophys. Res. B2, Vol 105, 2761-2781, 2000. (Science Citation Index). 4.46. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, A. Chauvin, P. Roperch, M. Prévot, M. Vergara and H. Moreno: Paleomagnetism of the Miocene Farelonnes Formation in Chile. Geoph. J. Int vol. 140, Issue 2, 357-374, 2000. (Science Citation Index). 4.47. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva Valdivia, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Juan Morales and Luca Ferrari, Absolute Paleointensity results from the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt: Implication for the Late Miocene Geomagnetic field strenght, Gephys. J. Inter., vol. 143, issue 3, 977-985, 2000. (Science Citation Index). 4.48. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Luca Ferrari, Jose Rosas-Elguera, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Paleomagnetic data from the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt: Implications for Tectonics and Volcanic Stratigraphy. Earth, Space Planets, 52, 467-478, 2000. (Science Citation Index). 4.49. A.T. Goguitchaichvili and J. Pares, A recognition paleomagnetic study of volcanic and sedimentary ricks from Dmanissi (Caucaus): Implications for the oldest human occupation in Europe, C.R. Acad. Sci., Earth and Planet. Sci., vol. 3, 331, 183-188, 2000. (Science Citation Index). 4.50. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, M. Calvo-Rathert, J. Sologashvili, L. Alva-Valdivia and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi. Paleomagnetism of Georgian Volcanic Provinces (Southern Caucaus): A pilot study. C.R. Acad. Sci., Earth and Planet. Sci., vol. 11, 331, 683-690, 2000. (Science Citation Index). 4.51. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva Valdivia, J. Morales and Jose-Antonio Gonzalez, New Contributions to the Early Pliocene geomagnetoc strength, case study of Caucaus Pliocene volcanic rocks, Geofisica Internacional, vol. 3, 277-284, 2000. (Considerada de excelencia por el CONACYT). 4.52. J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Rosas Elguera, O. Campos, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, S. Venegas Salgado, A.M. Soler Arechalde and S. Sanchez Reyes, Magnetostratigraphy of the volcanic sequence of Rio Grande de Santiago-Sierra de la Primavera region, Jalisco, Western Mexico, Vol. 3, 247-267, Geofisíca Internacional, 2000. (Considerada de excelencia por el CONACYT). 4.53. L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and D. Dunlop, Magnetic mineralogy and properties of Peña Colorada Iron-Ore deposits, Guerero Terrane: 8 Implications to magnetometric modeling, Special issue on the Guerrero terrane, J. South Amer. Earth. Sci., vol 13, issue 5, 415-428. 2000. (Science Citation Index). 4.54. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, M. Prévot, J.M. Dautria and M. Bacia: Thermo-detrital and crystalline magnetizations in an Icelandic hyaloclastite. J. Geophys. Res. B12, vol, 104, 29219-29239, 1999. (Science Citation Index). 4.55. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, M. Prévot and P. Camps: No evidence for strong fields during the R3-N3 Icelandic geomagnetic reversals. Earth. Planet. Sci. Letters, 167, 15-34, 1999. (Science Citation Index). 4.56. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, M. Prévot, N. Roberts and J. Thompson: An attempt to determine the absolute geomagnetic field intensity in Southwestern Iceland during the Gauss-Matyama reversal. Phys. Earth Planet. Lett., 115, 53-66, 1999. (Science Citation Index). 4.57. Bina M., Tanguy J.C., Hoffmann V., Prévot M., Listanco E.L., Keller R., Goguitchaichvili A.T., Fehr K.T, and A.T. Punongbayan : A detailed magnetic and mineralogical study of self-reversed dacitic pumices from the 1991 Pinatubo Eruption (Philipinnes). Geoph. J. Int., 138, 159-178, 1999. (Science Citation Index). 4.58. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, On a simple, alternative presentation of the paleomagnetic demagnetization data. Geofisica International, Vol., 38, No-4, 285-290, 1999. (Considerada de excelencia por el CONACYT). 4.59. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, D.Z. Sologachvili, M., Prevot, M. Calvo, E.SH., Pavlenichvili, G.M., Maissuradze, and E. Schnepp : Paleomagnetic and rock-magnetic study of a Pliocene volcanic section in south Georgia (Caucasus). Geology in Mijnbouw, 76(1/2), 135-143. 1997. (Science Citation Index). 4.60. Camps P., Ruffet G., V.P., Sherbakov, V.V., Sherbakova, M., Prevot, A., MoussinePouchkin, L., Sholpo, A.T., Goguitchaichvili and B., Asanidze : Paleomagnetic and geocronological study of a geomagnetic field reversal or excursion recorded in pliocene volcanic rocks from Georgia (lesser Caucasus). Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 96, 41-59, 1996. (Science Citation Index). 4.61. D. Sologachvili, E. Pavlenichvili and A.T. Goguitchaichvili: Zur frage paläomagntischen Stratigraphie einger junger Vulkanite und Sedimentgesteine im Machavera-becken. Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz, 42, 51-74, 1996. Articulos En Prensa y en Revision 9 4.62. Juan Morales, A. Goguitchaichvili, Luis M. Alva-Valdivia & Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Further details on the applicability of Thellier paleointensity method: The effect of magnitude of laboratory field, En prensa en C.R. Acad. Sci., Earth and Planet. Sci.,, 2005. 4.63. M. Calvo, Cuevas, J., Tubía, J.M., Aranguren, A. y Goguitchaichvili, A. Resultados paleomagnéticos preliminaries en rocas volcánicas cretácicas del Arco Vasco. En: Publicación especial. MAGIBER I: Paleomagnetismo en la Península Ibérica. Editor(es): M. Garcés, C. Gomes, J.C. Larrasoaña, E. Pueyo, J.J. Villalaín y M. Calvo.Edit. Universidad de Burgos, 2004. 4.64. L. M. Alva-Valdivia, J. Rosas-Elguera, T. Bravo-Medina, C. Caballero, M. L. Rivas, B. Henry, J. Urrutia Fucugauchi, A. Goguitchaichvili and Hector Lopez-Loera, Paleomagnetic and AMS studies of San Gaspar ignimbrite (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt): implications for tectonics and emplacement conditions, En prensa en J. Volcanology and Geother. Res., 2005. 4.65. J. Morales, A. Goguitchaichvili and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Further details on the applicability of Thellier paleointensity method: The effect of cooling rate, Enviado a Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2005. 4.66. M. Calvo, Cuevas, J., Tubía, J.M., Aranguren, A. y Goguitchaichvili, A, A paleomagnetic study of Cretaceous Rocks from the Basque Arc (Northern Spain), Enviado a Tectonophysics, 2005. 4.67. G. Conte, J. Urrutia, A. Goguitchaichvili and A. Incoronato, Paleosecular variation of geomagnetic full vector from Vesuvius (southern Italy), Enviado a Earth Planets Space, 2005. 4.68. G. Conte, J. Urrutia and A. Goguitchaichvili Paleomagnetism of MichoacanGuanajuato Volcanic Field, (Central Mexico): Implications to the Paleosecular Variation of the Earth’s Magnetic Field at Low Latitudes, a Geophys. J. Int., 2005. 5. CAPITULO EN LIBRO 5.1. J. Sologashvili, E. Pavlenishvili and A.T. Goguitchaichvili, The magnetostrarigraphy of Plio-Quaternary volcanics and sedimentary rocks of the Mashavera bassin (Caucasus), In:. Dmanissi, Georgian Academy of Science, Ed: Metsniereba, 286pp, 1998. 6. RESUMENES EN EXTENSO 6.1. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, A., Chauvin, P., Ropperch, M. Vergara and H. Moreno: Preliminary paleomagnetic results from the Pleistocene Villarica Volcano and Miocene Farellones formations. In: Géodinamique Andine, Ed: Orstom/Géoscience Rennes, 179182, 1996. 10 6.2. M. Calvo, J. Cuevas, J.M. Tubia, A. Aranguren and A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Resultados paleomagneticos preliminares en rocas volcanicas cretacicas del Arco de Vasco. In: Paleomagnetsim of Spain and Portugal, Proccedings, Burgos, 11-14, 2001. 6.3. M. L. Rivas-Sánchez, L. M. Alva-Valdivia, A. Goguitchaichvili and J. UrrutiaFucugauchi, Mineralogical and Physicochemical Characterization of the Peña Colorada Iron Oxide-Ore, México: Genetic Implications, Contributions to Geophyscs and Geodesy, special issue, 2004. 6.4. J. Morales, A. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Further details on the applicability of Thellier paleointensity method: The effect of magnitude of laboratory field, Contributions to Geophyscs and Geodesy, special issue, 2004. 6.5. A. Gogichaishvili, A.M. Soler, E. Zanella, , G.Chiari, R. Lanza, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi and T. Gonzalez, Mural Paintings From Mesoamerica As Geomagnetic Field Recorders, Contributions to Geophyscs and Geodesy, special issue, 2004. 6.6. A. Kosterov, G. Conte, A. Gogichaishvili and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Lowtemperature magnetic properties of andesitic rocks from Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico, Contributions to Geophyscs and Geodesy, special issue, 2004. 6.7. L. M. Alva-Valdivia, J. Rosas-Elguera, B. Henry, A. Goguitchaichvili and J. Urrutia Fucugauchi, Implications for tectonics and emplacement conditions of paleomagnetic and AMS studies of San Gaspar ignimbrite (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt), Contributions to Geophyscs and Geodesy, special issue, 2004. 7. DOCENCIA 7.1. FORMACION DE RECURSOS HUMANOS 7.1.1. Miguel Angel Cervantes, ‘Registro de la variacion secular del campo magnetico terrestre durante el Mioceno tardio: Area de Tepic, (Nayarit, México)’. Licenciatura en Fisica-Geofisica, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM. Defendida, Marzo, 2002. 7.1.2. Victor Romero Benitez, ‘Rotacion del bloque Michoacan, desde Mioceno Tardio: Evidencias paleomagneticas’ Licenciatura en Ciencias de la tierra, Escuela Superior de Inginieria y Arquitectura, IPN. Defendida, Febrero, 2002. 7.1.3. Victor Manuel Flores, ‘paleomagnetismo y estratigrafia magnetica de las sequencias volcánicas de San Cristobal y Garcia de la Cadena (Estados de Jalisco y Zacatecas)’ Licenciatura en Ciencias de la tierra, Escuela Superior de Inginieria y Arquitectura, IPN. Defendida, Febrero, 2002. 7.1.4. Cecilia Zesati, ‘Estudio paleomagnetico y de paleointensidades de las rocas volcanicas de Chihuahua (norte de México’. Licenciatura en Ciencias de la tierra, Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Titulo obtenido por la participación en el proyecto de investigación, ver articulo n° 4.35, Enero, 2002. 11 7.1.5. Juan Julio Morales, ‘Determinacion de la intensidad absoluta del campo geomagnetico sobre las rocas volcanicas de America’. Doctorado en Geofisica, Posgrado en Ciencias de la Tierra, Instituto de Geofísica. Defendida, Diciembre, 2003. 7.1.6. Ruben Cejudo Ruiz, ‘Estudio Paleomagnetico Integrado de formaciones Volcánicas Miocenicas en el área del lago de Chapala (Estados de Jalisco y Michoacán, Faja Volcánica Mexicana)’, Licenciatura en Fisica-Geofisica, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Defendida, Enero, 2004. 7.1.7. Arturo Erneso Gutierrez Gonzalez, Historia magnetica del volcan Cerro Negro, Nicaragua, America Central. Licenciatura en Fisica-Geofisica, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Defendida, Febrero, 2004. 7.1.8. Alex Doublet, Co-Tutoria, ‘Les rotations paleomagnetiques en Basse Californie depuis le Miocene Superieure’ – equivalente de Maestria (DEA por sus siglas en frances) en Física y Química de la Tierra, Universidad de Rennes 1, Francia. Defendida, Junio, 2004 7.1.9. Marie Petronille, ‘Reconaissance paleomagnetiques de quelques coulées volcaniques de ceinture volcanique Trans-Mexicaines’ ‘Magistere’ equivalente de Licenciatura, Ecole Normal Superieure de Paris’- Laboratoire de Geologie et Geophysique, Francia, Defendida, Septiembre del 2004). 7.1.10. Gennaro Conte Fasano Co-Tutoria ‘Estudio paleomagnetico integrado de los volcanes Plio-Quaternarias de México central y Italia’ Doctorado en Geofísica, Posgrado en Ciencias de la Tierra, Instituto de Geofísica, Defendida, Octubre, 2004. 7.1.11. Antonio Rodríguez González, Co-Tutoria "Evolucion paleotectonica de bloque Jalisco". Maestría en Geofísica, Posgrado en Ciencias de la Tierra, Instituto de Geofísica, Co-director. Avance 80 %. 7.1.12. Juan Manuel López Téllez, ‘Estudio arqueomagnetico de los sitios postclasicos de Quiahuiztlan (Veracruz)’, Licenciatura en Fisica-Geofisica, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Avance, 10%. 7.1.13. Jesús Hernandéz Sánchez, ‘Fechamiento magnetcio de las formaciones volcanicas de Estado de Nayarit’ Licenciatura en Ciencias de la tierra, Escuela Superior de Inginieria y Arquitectura, IPN. Avance 90 %. 7.1.14. Ruben Cejudo Ruiz, ‘Estudio paleomagnetico comparativo de las formaciones Miocenicas de la Faja Volcánica Mexicana y Baja California’ Maestría en Geofísica, Posgrado en Ciencias de la Tierra, Instituto de Geofísica, Avance 70%. 12 7.1.15. Maria Guadalupe Rodríguez Ceja ‘Paleomagnetismo y Estratigrafia magnetica del volcan Ceburuco, Faja Volcánica TransMexicana’ Maestría en Geofísica, Posgrado en Ciencias de la Tierra, Instituto de Geofísica, Avance 70%. 7.1.16. Marie Petronille ‘Paleomagnetismo de las rocas volcánicas de estado de Veracruz y Hidalgo, IPGP, Instituto de Física del Globo de Paris, Avance 100%, fecha de examen, 4 de julio, 2005. 7.1.17. Antoine Conbe ‘Variacion secular y tectonica del area Moyahua-Mezquetal (estado de Zacatecas), IPGP, Instituto de Física del Globo de Paris, Avance 50%. 7.2 CURSOS IMPARTIDOS 7.2.1. Paleomagnetismo y Magnetismo de Rocas Posgrado en Geofísica (Maestria). de la UACPyP del CCH-UNAM. Sem:1999-2 7.2.2. Magnetismo de Rocas Avanzado (Temas Selectos) Posgrado en Geofísica (Maestria). de la UACPyP del CCH-UNAM. Sem:2000-1 7.2.3. Magnetismo Paleoambiental Posgrado en Geofísica (Maestria). de la UACPyP del CCH-UNAM. Sem:2000-2 7.2.4. Magnetismo Paleoambiental (Maestria). de la UACPyP del CCH-UNAM. Sem:2001-1 7.2.5. Magnetismo de la Tierra, de las rocas y las minerales (Temas selectos, conjunto con la Dra. Ana Maria-Soler) Posgrado de Instituto de Física, (Maestría) Sem: 2001-2 7.2.6. Fisica del Interior de la Tierra Posgrado de Instituto de Geofísica, Diplomado en Ciencias de la Tierra, 2000-2 7.2.7. Magnetismo Paleoambiental (Maestria). de la UACPyP del CCH-UNAM. Sem:2001-2 7.2.8. Paleomagnetismo y Magnetismo de Rocas Posgrado en Geofísica (Maestria). de la UACPyP del CCH-UNAM. Sem:2001-2 13 7.2.9. Paleomagnetismo y Magnetismo de Rocas Posgrado en Geofísica (Maestria). de la UACPyP del CCH-UNAM. Sem:2002-2 y 2003-1 7.2.10. Magnetismo Paleoambiental (Maestria). de la UACPyP del CCH-UNAM. Sem:2002-2 y 2003-1 7.2.11. Paleomagnetismo y Magnetismo de Rocas Posgrado en Geofísica (Maestria). de la UACPyP del CCH-UNAM. Sem: 2003-1 y 2003-2 7.2.12. Paleomagnetismo y Magnetismo de Rocas Posgrado en Geofísica (Maestria). de la UACPyP del CCH-UNAM. Sem: 2004-2 y 2005-1 7.2.13. Arqueomagnetismo Posgrado en Geofísica (Maestria). de la UACPyP del CCH-UNAM. Sem: 2005-2 7.2.14. Curso intensivo en Arquomagnetismo y Paleomagnetismo Centro de arqueología y antropología de Conicyt (Argentina) y Universidad de Buenos Aires, Marzo-Abril, 2005. 7.2.15. Rock and Paleomagnetism, Curso conjunto a traves de internet para los estudiantes de UNAM y la Universidad de California San Diego, Enero-Junio, 2005. 8. TRABAJOS DE CAMPO 8.1. Georgia del Sur - varias campañas de 1991 a 1992. 8.2. Andes Centrales, Chile - Diciembre de 1995 a Febrero de 1996. 8.3. Región de Esja en Islandia - Julio-Agosto de 1996. 8.4. Regiones de Esja y Tjornes en Islandia - Junio-Julio de 1997. 8.5. Steens Mountain, Oregon en EEUU - Septiembre-Octubre de 1998. 8.6. Región de Pinar del rios, Cuba, Septiembre, 1999. 8.7. Parana, Brasil, Abril, 2001. 8.8. Baja California, México, Febrero, 2001. 8.9 Antofagasta, Chile, Enero, 2002. 14 8.10. Maranhao, Brasil, Mayo, 2002. 8.11. México Central (Jalisco, Michoacan, Nayarit, Queretaro, Colima)- Varias campañas, 1999 a 2004. 8.12. Nicaragua, Diciembre, 2002. 8.13. Peru, Marzo, 2003. 8.14. El Salvador, Diciembre, 2003 8.15. Argentina-Uruguay, Abril, 2004. 9. PROYECTOS DE INVESTIGACION 9.1. Intensidades geomagnética absolutas del centro de México y Baja California, Implicaciones en Geofísica y Arqueología, Proyecto UNAM-DGAPA, 3 años, (Monto 160.000 M.N. anuales). 9.2. Absolute geomagnetic field intensity determination on the Mexican and some South American volcanic formations older than 5 My. Responsable Proyecto Conacyt, J32727T ( monto total 1,284,300 M.N.) 9.3. Absolute paleointensities from México: Implications for Geomagnetism and Archeology: Responsable Proyecto ConacyT-UC-Mexus, (monto total 250.000.00 M.N.) 9.4. ‘L’intensité du paleochamp magnétique durant le Miocene á partir de roches volcanique du Mexico Cenrale.’ Responsable Pryecto Bilateral: Conacyt-CNRS (Centre National des Recherches Scientifique, FRANCIA) (monto total 160.000 M.N. anuales financiodo por CNRS) 9.5. ‘An Integrated Paleomagnetic Study along Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt’. Responsable Pryecto Bilateral: US-MEXUS, Conacyt-University of California (monto total 250.000 M.N.) 9.6. Determinacíon de la paleointensidad absoluta sobre las sequencias volcanicas Co-Responsable Proyecto UNAM-DGAPA, 3 años, (Monto total 94.000 M.N. anuales) 9.7. Variation de l’ intensité du champ geomagnetique au cours de Miocene depuis les roches volcaniques de la Basse de Californie Responsable de los trabajos realizados en México Proyecto de CNRS (Centre National des Recherches Scientifiques, FRANCIA), 2 años, (Monto total 15.000 EUROS) 15 9.8. Rock-magnetic, mineralogical and geochimical characteristics of the Iron-Ore deposits in Mexico. Co-Responsable Proyecto Conacyt, 32756T ( monto total 872,912 M.N.) 9.9. Deciphering the Caribbean Tectonic history by paleomagnetic, Rock-magnetic, isotopic and paleontological studies. Co-Responsable Proyecto de Movilizacíon México-Cuba (Instituto de Astronomia y geofisica, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba) 9.10. Paleotectonics and high resolution magnetostratigraphy along trans-mexican volcanic belt. Responsible Proyecto Bilateral Conacyt- CNRS (Francia) – 2 años. 9.11. Paleomagnetism of Socorro Ignimbrites. Responsable Pryecto US-MEXUS, Conacyt-University of California (monto total 250.000 M.N.) 9.12. Long-term variation of geomagnetic field strength, contributions from Latin America, Proyecto Conacyt, n°42661 (monto total 1.124.500 M.N.) 10. ORGANIZACIÓN DE CONGRESOS INTERNACIONALES Y NACIONALES 10.1. EGS (European Geophysical Sosciety) Anual Meeting, Millenium Conference on Earth, Planetary & Solar System, Niza, Francia, 25-29 Abril, 2000. CO-CONVENOR 10.2. AGU (American Geophysical Sosciety) Special Session: Paleointensity from Archean to the Present, Time-averaged geomagnetic field and paleosecularvariation). San-Francisco, 15-19 Diciembre, 2000. CO-CONVENOR 10.3. AGU (American Geophysical Sosciety) Special Session: FLUCTUATIONS OF EARTH MAGNETIC FIELD (DIRECTION AND INTENSITY): FROM PALEOSECULAR VARIATION TO REVERSALS. Boston, Mayo. 2001. CONVENOR 10.4. UGM (Union Geofisica Mexicana), Reunion Anual Recientes Avances en Paleomagnetismo y Arqueomagnetismo, Puerto Vallarta, 5-9 Noviembre, 2001. CONVENOR 10.5. EGS (European Geophysical Sosciety) Anual Meeting 16 Magnetomineralogy - methods, approaches and interpretations, Niza, Francia, 22-26 Abril, 2002. CO-CONVENOR 10.6. NEW TRENDS IN GEOMAGNETISM VIII, PALAEO, ROCK AND ENVIRONMENTAL MAGNETISM, 8th Castle meeting, Rep. Checa, Sep. 2-9 Sep, 2002. CONVENOR 10.7. EGS (European Geophysical Sosciety) and AGU (American Geophysical Union) joint Meeting Paleoinetensity and Archeointensity, technical aspects and geomagnetic implication Abril, 2003 CONVENOR 10.8. UGM (Union Geofisica Mexicana), Reunion Anual Paleomagnetismo y Geomagnetismo, Puerto Vallarta, 3-7 Noviembre, 2003. CONVENOR 10.9. AGU-CGU (American Geophysical Union, Canadian Geophysical Union) Reunion BiAnual (AGU Spring) Long and short term variation of geomagnetic field strength, Montreal Canada, 21-28 Mayo, 2004. CONVENOR 10.10. AGU (American Geophysical Union) fall meeting GP05. General Special Session about Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. San-Francisco, 13-17 Diciembre, 2004. CONVENOR 10.11. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Spring meeting GP04. Paleomagnetism and Tectonics from Latinamerica 22-27 May, 2005 CONVENOR 11. PARTICIPACION EN COMITES EDITORIALES NACIONALES E INTERNACIONALES. ‘Guest Editor’ de la revista ‘Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors’ – Edition Especial sobre ‘Paleo and Archeointensity: methods, techniques and applications’. 2003-2004. Revision de Articulos: 17 11.1. On the suitability of firebricks (refractory bricks), from a Medieval brass melting and working site, as geomagnetic field recorders Authors: J. Hus, R. Geeraerts and J. Plumier 11.2. Paleointensity database : Structure and distribution of the data set' Authors: Perrin, M. and Schnepp, E. 11. 3. Archaeomagnetic analysis of glassmaking sites at Bagot's Park in Staffordshire, England. Authors: Paul Linford and Chris Welch 11.4. German archaeomagnetic curve Authors: Lisa Schneppe and Phillipe Lanos 11.5. An upper Pleistocene (0-350 ka) relative geomagnetic field intensity and directional behaviour from Mediterranean sediments. Authors: Jaume Dinarès-Turell, Leonardo Sagnotti, Andrew P. Roberts 11.6. Title: The Inverse Problem of Paleointensity Determination Author: A. Abokhodair 11.7. Paleointensities determined from the middle Cretaceous basalts at Chifeng in Inner Mongolia (northern China). Authors: Rixiang Zhu, Ruiping Shi, Yongxin Pan 11.8. ESTIMATING THE APPROXIMATE FIRING TEMPERATURE OF BURNT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SEDIMENTS THROUGH AN UNMIXING ALGORITHM APPLIED TO HYSTERESIS DATA Authors: N. Linford (1,2) and E. Platzman (2) 11.9. Archaeomagnetic investigation and dating of Neolithic archaeological site (Kovatchevo) from Bulgaria. Authors: Mary Kovacheva, Neli Jordanova, Maria Kostadinova 11.10. Multidomain behaviour during Thellier paleointensity experiments: Results from the 1915 Mt. Lassen flow Authots: Robert Coe and Roman Leonardt 11.11. Multidomain behaviour during Thellier paleointensity experiments: A phenomenological model Authots: Leonhardt Roman and Karl Krassa. 11.12. Magnetic characterization and paleointensity experiments on basalts from a 10-12 Ma crust. Authors: J Carlut, H. Horen, S. Révillon, X. Zhao 11.13. PALEOINTENSITY RESULTS OBTAINED ON BRUNHES AGE OCEANIC BASALTS AND VOLCANIC GLASSES FROM THE CENTRAL INDIAN RIDGE. Authors: A. Chauvin , M. Ravilly, H. Horen , J. Dyment , C. Hémond 11.14. Archeointensities from Eurasia Authors: Yves Gallet and Agnes Genevey 11.15. Microwave palaeointensity and rock magnetic study of Precambrian dykes, Canada. Authors: Nick McArdle, Henry Halls and John Shaw 18 11.16. Microwave paleointensities from dyke chilled margins: a way to obtain long-term variations in geodynamo intensity for the last 3 billion years? Authors: Nick McArdle, Henry Halls and John Shaw Revisión de otros artículos 11.17. M. Luise-Osete, V. Ruiz-Martinez, C. Caballero, C. Galindo, J. Urrutia and D. Tarling. Southern migration of continental volcanic activity in the Sierra de las Cruces, Mexico: Paleomagnetic and Radiometric evidence. Tectonophysics, 1999. 11.18. B. Ortega Guerrero, M. Caballero, S. Lozano and M. De la Villanueva, Paleoenviromental record of the last 70000 yr in San Felipe Basin, Sonora desert, Mexico. Geofisica Internacional, 1999. 11.19. R. Cottrel and J. Tarduno, In search of high fidelity geomagnetic paleointensities: A comparison of single plagioclase crystal and whole rock Thellier-Thellier analyses, Journal of Geophysical Research. 2000. 11.20. Y. Yu and D. Dunlop, Paleointensity determination on the Precambrian tudor gabbro, southern Ontario, Journal of Geophysical Research. 2000. 11.21. P. Riisager and J. Riisager, "Detecting multidomain grains in Thellier paleointensity experiments" Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 2001. 11.22. O. Orlický and M. Funaki, Study of laboratory induced self-reversed thermoremenent magnetization and Fe-Ti oxides of the dacite ash from the Pinatubo eruption (Philippines)’ Studia Geophysica et Geodetica, 2001. 11.23. Y. Pan, J. Shaw, R. Zhu and M. Hill, ‘Experimental reassesment of the Shaw paleointensity method by laboratory-induced thremal remanent magnetization’, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2001. 11.24. H.C. Palmer and W.D. MacDonald, ‘The Northeast Nevada volcanic field: Magnetic properties ans sourse implications, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2001. 11.25. P. Riisager and J. Riisager, Thellier paleointensity experiments on Faroes flood basalts: Technical aspects and Geomagnetic implications, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2002. 11.26. R. Shi, R. Zhu and K. Hoffman, Paleomagnetic investigation of Miocene lavas from Pingzuang Inner Mongolia, Geophysical Research Letters, 2002. 11.27.F. Hrouda et al., Repeated progressive heating in susceptibility vs. temperature investigation: a new paleotemperature indicator? Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2002. 19 11.28. A. Hoffer, Geomagnetism – an alternative source, Geofisica International, 2003. 11.29. Ozima M, Funaki M, Hemoilmenite as a carrier of SRTRM in dacitic pumice from Akagi, Ontake and Sambe Volcanoes, Japan, EARTH PLANET SC LETT 213 (3-4): 311-320 AUG 25 2003 11.30. J. Riisager, P Riisager, X. Zhao, R. Coe, A. Pedersen, Paleointensity during C26R chron excursion recorded in West Greenland Lava flows, Journal of Geophysical Research. 20032004. 11.31.M. Pilkington, D.E. Ames and A.R. Hildebrand, Magnetic petrology and rock-magnetism of the YAX-1 core, Chicxulub, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 2004. 11.32. C. Prezzi, R. Somoza and R. C. Mercader, Mineralogical changes during termal demagnetization of matural continental sandstones, Studia Geophysica et Geodetica, 2004. 11.33. J.M. Abou-Deeb and D. tarling, Paleomagnetic study of upper Pliocene volcanic rocks in the area of the levant fault near Homs, Western Syria, Geofisica Internacional, 2004. 11.34.Yamamoto, Y. and Tsunakawa, H. Geomagnetic field intensity during the last 5 My: LTD-DHT Shaw paleointensities from volcanic rocks of the Society Island, French Polinesia, Geophysical Journal International, 2005. 11.35. Erwin Appel, One inch of reversal or how a single sample holds variations of the Earth magnetic field, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2005. 12. DESARROLLO DE INFRAESTRUCTURA 12. 1. Fabricación de un horno para estudios de arqueo- y paleointensidades (Laboratorio de Paleomagnetismo, Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM, 1999 - 2000). Fabricacíon de equipo para medir la viscosidad magnetica (Tipo Thellier) (Laboratorio de Paleomagnetismo, Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM, Agosto-Septiembre, 1999 - 2000). 12.2. 13. CITAS (Total de 171 Citas sin mencionar citas cruzadas y autocitas) ver anexo 14. CONGRESOS 20 14.1. D. Sologachvili, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, E. Pavlenichvili, G.M.Maissuradze y M. Calvo: Plio-Quaternary Magnetostratigraphy on volcanic rocks from Georgia. EGS, La Haya (Holanda), 21-26 de Abril de 1996. 14.2. D. Sologachvili, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, E. Pavlenichvili, G.M. Maissuradze y M. Calvo: Olduvai geomagnetic episode : paleomagnetic data from Georgia. EGS, La Haya (Holanda), 21-26 de Abril de 1996. 14.3. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, M. Prevot, M. Calvo, D. Sologachvili y E.Pavlenichvili : An exemple of self-reversal: Pinatubo (Philipines). International Conference "Problems of Geokosmos", San-Petersburgo, Rusia, 1996. 14.4. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, M. Prevot, M. Calvo, D. Sologachvili y E.Pavlenichvili : Magnetic properties of vocanic rocks from Southwest Iceland recording a magnetic polarity reversal. International Conference "Problems of Geokosmos", San-Petersburgo, Rusia, 1996. 14.5. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, D. Sologachvili M. Prevot, M. Calvo, E.Pavlenichvili y G. Maissuradze : Gilbert-Cochiti polarity reversal recorded in the Tchuntchka volcanic section (Southern Georgia). International Conference "Problems of Geokosmos", SanPetersburgo,Rusia, 1996. 14.6. A. T. Goguitchaichvili, A., Chauvin, P., Ropperch, M. Vergara y H.Moreno : Paleomagnetic and Paleointensity results from Miocene Farellones Formations (Chilean Andes), IAGA, Uppsala, Suecia, 4-15 de agosto, 1997. 14.7. A.T. Goguitchaichvili y M. Prévot : Absence of high field evidence during the R3N3 Icelandic geomagnetic polarity reversals, IAGA, Uppsala, Suecia, 1997. 14.8. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, M. Prévot y Ö. Özdemir : Magnetic properties of single magnetic grains from the 1991 Pinatubo eruption (Philipinnes), IAGA, Uppsala, Suecia, 4-15 de agosto, 1997. 14.9. M. Bina, J.C. Tanguy, V. Hoffmann, R. Keller, T. Fehr, M. Prévot, A.T.Goguitchaichvili, E.L. Listanco y R.S. Panongbayan : Magnetic properties of the 1991 Pinatubo eruption dacitic pumices, IAGA, Uppsala, Suecia, 4-15 de agosto, 1997. 14.10. A.T. Goguitchaichvili y M. Prévot : Magnetic properties and paleointensity from Southwest Icelandic volcanic rockcs recording the R3-N3 geomagnetic polarity reversal. EGS, Viena, Austria, 21-25 de abril, 1997. 14.11. D.Z. Sologachvili, E.SH. Pavlenichvili y A.T. Goguitchaichvili : Paleomagnetic study of volcanic and sedimentary rocks from Dmanissi region (Georgia). Application to the "European oldest man’s" age. EGS, Viena, Austria, 21-25 de abril, 1997. 21 14.12. V.K. Kakoulia, D.Z. Sologachvili, E.SH. Pavlenichvili y A.T.Goguitchaichvili : The conditions of formation and evolution of the magmatic rocks by a magnetic diagnostics. EGS, Viena, Austria, 21-25 de abril, 1997. 14.13. A.T. Goguitchaichvili : Inversion du champ géomagnetique et autoinversion. Journées de L´école doctorale Geosciences (Université Montpellier II), Montpellier, Francia, 3 a 4 de abril de 1998. 14.14. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, M. Prévot y J.M. Dautria : Anomalous variations of geomagnetic palaeointensity within a single Pliocene Icelandic hyaloclastic lava flow. EGS, Niza, Francia, 20-25 de abril de 1998. 14.15. A.T. Goguitchaichvili y M. Prévot: Transitional field palaeointensity from two Icelandic Pliocene magnetic polarity reversals. EGS, Niza, Francia, 20-25 de abril de 1998. 14.16. J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Rosas Elguera, O. Campos, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, S. Venegas Salgado, A.M. Soler Arechalde and S. Sanchez Reyes, Magnetostratigraphy of the volcanic sequence of Rio Grande de Santiago-Sierra de la Primavera region, Jalisco, Western Mexico, UGM, Puerta Vallarta, 25-29 Octubre, 1999. 14.17. A.T. Goguitchaichvili and J. Morales, Paleomagnetism in context of hydrothermalism, case study of Chilean Miocene volcanics, UGM, Puerta Vallarta, 25-29 Octubre, 1999. 14.18. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, On a simple, alternative presentation of the paleomagnetic demagnetization data, UGM, Puerta Vallarta, 25-29 Octubre, 1999. 14.19. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Jose Rosas-Elguera, Jaime UrrutiaFucugauchi and Luca Ferrari, New Rock-Magnetic and Paleomagnetic results from the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt: Implications for Tectonics and Volcanic Stratigraphy. AGU, San-Francisco, 12-17 Diciembre, 1999. 14.20. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva Valdivia and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Absolute Paleointensity results from the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt: Implication for the Late Miocene Geomagnetic field strenght, EGS (European Geophysical society), Millenium Conference on Earth, Planetary & Solar System, Niza, Francia, 25-29 Abril, 2000. 14.21. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, J. Sologashvili, M. Calvo-Rathert, L. Alva-Valdivia and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi. Reconessance Paleomagnetic Study on the Georgia Volcanic Provinces (Southern Caucaus). EGS (European Geophysical society), Millenium Conference on Earth, Planetary & Solar System, Niza, Francia, 25-29 Abril, 2000. 22 14.22. L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Cruz Ocampo, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, W. Vivallo ans J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Magnetite properties and Microscopy of host rocks and magnetiteapatite from Cerro de Mercado, Mexico, EGS (European Geophysical society), Millenium Conference on Earth, Planetary & Solar System, Niza, Francia, 25-29 Abril, 2000. 14.23. M. Prévot, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, V. Shcherbakov, K. Hoffman and M. Bina, Constraints from MFM, TEM and thermomagnetic investigations on the mechanism of TRM self-reversal in natural hemoilmenite, EGS (European Geophysical society), Millenium Conference on Earth, Planetary & Solar System, Niza, Francia, 25-29 Abril, 2000. (Invited talk) 14.24. A.T. Goguitchaichvili and M. Prévot, Magnetism of oriented single crystals of hemoilmenite with self-reversed thermoremanent magnetization, EGS (European Geophysical society), Millenium Conference on Earth, Planetary & Solar System, Niza, Francia, 25-29 Abril, 2000. 14.25. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, P. Camps and M. Prevot, On the feathures of the posttransitional geodinamo: by absolute geomagnetic intensity data, EGS (European Geophysical society), Millenium Conference on Earth, Planetary & Solar System, Niza, Francia, 25-29 Abril, 2000. 14.26. A.T. Goguitchaichvili and J. Pares, On the Oldest Human Ocupation in Europe: Paleomagnetic Constraints, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 29 Oct-4 Nov, 2000. 14.27. Manuel Calvo, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Julia Cuevas Urionabarrenetxea, José María Tubía Martínez y Aitor Aranguren Iriarte, Resultados Paleomagnéticos y de Paleointensidad en Rocas Volcánicas Cretácicas del Arco Vasco (País Vasco, España). UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 29 Oct-4 Nov, 2000. 14.28. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, P. Camps and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Características del Geodinamo Siguiendo Inversiones o Excursiones Geomagneticas: Mediante Datos de Paleointensiddad Absoluta, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 29 Oct-4 Nov, 2000. 14.29. A.T. Goguitchaichvili and M. Prévot, Mecanism of Self-Reversal in Natural Titanohematites: Constraints From Nanoscopy and Thermomagnetic Investigations, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 29 Oct-4 Nov, 2000. 14.30. J. Morales and A.T. Goguitchaichvili, On the Use of Continuos Thermomagnetic Curves in Paleomagnetism: Emphasis to the Low Temperature Demagnetization, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 29 Oct-4 Nov, 2000. 14.31. J. Morales and A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Estudio Magnético de Rocas y de Paleointensidades de algunos Volcanes Mexicanos Cuaternarios, UGM, PuertoVallarta, 29 Oct4 Nov, 2000. 23 14.32. Luis M. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Manuel Grajales-Nishimura, Antonio Flores de Dios, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Carmen Rosales and Juan Morales, Some New Constraints for Permo-Carboniferous Magnetostratigraphy: Case Study of the Sedimentary Sequence from San Salvador-Patlanoaya (Mexico), GSA (Geological Society of America) annual meeting, Reno (Nevada), 9-15 Nov, 2000. 14.33. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi and C. Zesati, An integrated paleomagnetic study of some volcanics from Chihuahua (Mexico), Latin American Colloquium, Studgart, Alemania, Octubre 2000. 14.34. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi and C. Zesati, Paleomagnetic Study of Oligocene Volcanic Rocks from Chihuahua (Northern Mexico), AGU (American Geophysical Union) annual meeting, San-Francisco, 15-20 Dec, 2000. 14.35. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Cobiella-Reguera, J., Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J., Fundora, M., and Grajales-Nishimura, J. M. Magnetostratigraphy of the Guaniguanico Terrane, Western Cuba: A Pilot Study, AGU (American Geophysical Union) annual meeting, SanFrancisco, 15-20 Dec, 2000. 14.36. J. Morales and A.T. Goguitchaichvili, On the Use of Continuos Thermomagnetic Curves in Paleo and rock-magnetism: A comparative study, EGS (European Geophysical society), Niza, Francia, 25-30 March, 2001. 14.37. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia and J. Gonzalez, New contributions to the early Pliocene geomagnetic field strength: Case study of southern Caucasus volcanics, EGS (European Geophysical society), Niza, Francia, 25-30 March, 2001. 14.38. Manuel Calvo, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Julia Cuevas Urionabarrenetxea, José María Tubía Martínez y Aitor Aranguren Iriarte and Martin Espinosa, Paleomagnetic study on Cretaceous volcanic rocks from the Basque Arc (Basque Country, Spain), IAGA (International Associasion of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Hanoi, Vietnam, 3-17 August, 2001. 14.39. J. Morales, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A rock-magnetic and paleointensity study of some Mexican Quaternary volcanics, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Spring Meeting, Boston, May, 29- June, 2, 2001. 14.40. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Further Constraints for the Pliocene Geomagnetic Field Strength: Case Study of Los Tuxtlas Basalts (Mexico), AGU (American Geophysical Union) Spring Meeting, Boston, May, 29- June, 2, 2001. 14.41. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, P. Camps and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Some characteristics of the geodynamo following reversals and excursions, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Spring Meeting, Boston, May, 29- June, 2, 2001. 24 14.42. G. Conte, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A.M. Soler and A. Incoronato, Paleomagnetic and Paleointensity studies in the Popocatepetl volcano, central Mexico. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Spring Meeting, Boston, May, 29- June, 2, 2001. 14.42. P. Camps, C. Carvalo and A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Domain Structure inferred from a Thermomagnetic Criterion: Example of application in paleointensity determinations of volcanic rocks from Amsterdam Island, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Spring Meeting, Boston, May, 29- June, 2, 2001. 14.43. Y. Hueda, A. Soler, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, M. Rebolledo, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, C. Caballero and D. Tarling, Archaeomagnetic Study of Limeplasters from Pre-hispanic Sites from Central Mexico, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Spring Meeting, Boston, May, 29- June, 2, 2001. 14.44. Luis M. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Paleomagnetic study of volcanic formations on the central and southern part of Chihuahua, Mexico, IAGA (International Associasion of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Hanoi, Vietnam, 3-17 August, 2001. 14.45. Luis M. Alva-Valdivia, María Carmen Rosales, Mouloud Bennami, Manuel GrajalesNishimura, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A Reconnaissance Microfossil and Magnetic Stratigraphy of a Miocene Sayula-Isla Sequence, Veracruz, Mexico, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.46. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Ana María Soler & Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Sobre la Enseñanza de la Diagrama de Zijderveld a los Alumnos de Paleomagnetismo. UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.47. Ana Ma. Soler-Arechalde, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Yuki Hueda-Tanabe, M. RebolledoVieyra, C. Caballero-Miranda, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, D.H. Tarling, New contributions to Archaeomagnetic master curve of Mesoamerica, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.48. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Juan Morales, Edgardo Cañon-Tapia, Raquel Negrete, Further constraints for Miocene Geomagnetic field strength: Case study of Baja California Volcanics, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.49. Victor Romero Benitez , A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Luis Alva-Valdivia, Jose Rosas Elguera, Pierre Camps and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi. Preliminary paleomagnetism and magnetic mineralogy from Cotija Volcanic field (Michoacan, Mexico). UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.50. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, and Juan Morales, Domain state estimation of magnetic minerals: Hysteresis vs Thermomagnetic criteria, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 25 14.51. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Manuel Calvo-Rathert, Jemal Sologashvili, Juan Morales, Ana-Maria Soler and Martin Espinosa, Estratigrafia magnetica de las provincias volcanicas de Georgia (Caucaso del Sur). UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.52. Juan Morales and A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Estudio comparativo de los métodos para la estimación de Paleointensidades del campo magnético terrestre : Aplicación a Rocas Volcánicas Mexicanas Cuaternarias, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.53. Juan Morales and A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Estudio magnético de rocas y de paleointensidad de flujos de los volcanes Iztaccíhuatl y Popocatépetl: Enfoque metodológico, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.54. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Juan Morales and L. Alva-Valdivia, Can Low Temperature Demagnetization Remove the Remanence Carried by Multidomain Magnetic Grains? Possible Implications for the Thellier Paleointensity Determination, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.55. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Juan Morales, L. Alva-Valdivia, Martin Gratton, John Shaw and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, An attempt to determine the microwave paleointensity on Paricutin volcano lava flows, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.56. Jose Antonio Gonzalez, Luis Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Jose Rosas Elguera, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Juan Morales, Paleomagnetismo de la Secuencia Volcánica del Río Grande de Santiago (Faja Volcánica Mexicana): Revisitado, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.57. Victor Manuel Flores Rios, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Luis Alva-Valdivia, Jose Rosas Elguera, Annick Chauvin and Jaime Urruria-Fucugauchi, Paleodirectional and Paleointensity Results from San Cristobal and Garcia de la Cadena Volcanic Sucsessions, (Jalisco and Zacatecas States, Central Mexico). UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.58. Miguel Angel Cervantes, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Luis Alva-Valdivia, Jose Rosas-Elguera and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi. Geomagnetic paleosecular variation during Miocene, from the Tepic area (Nayarit, Mexico). UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.59. M. Royo Ochoa, L. M. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, P. Arredondo-Guerrero, and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Paleomagnetismo, Magnetismo de Rocas y Microscopía del Campo Volcánico de Camargo (Chihuahua, Mexico), UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.60. A.M. Soler Arechalde, J. Urrutia Fucugauchi, C. Caballero Miranda, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva Valdivia & G. Bocanegra Noriega, G., Paleomagnetism and Tectonics of Mexico, Central America, Caribbean and Northern South America, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 26 14.61. Alva-Valdivia, L. M., A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Cobiella-Reguera, J., Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J., Fundora-Granda, M., Grajales-Nishimura, J. M. and Rosales, C. Reconocimiento Palaeomagnético del Terreno Guaniguanico, oeste de Cuba, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.62. C. Zesati, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. M. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi y C. Caballero, Estudio Paleomagnético y de Paleointensidad de las Rocas Volcánicas del Oligoceno en Cuahútemoc-La Junta, Chihuahua (Norte de México), UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.63. Luis M. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Aportaciones a la Intensidad del Campo Geomagnético del Plio-Pleistoceno: Campo Volcánico Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México. UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.64. Jose Antonio Gonzalez, Christopher Pluhar, Rob Coe, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Xixi Chao, Luis Alva-Valdivia, Jose Rosas Elguera, John Lyons and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi. An Integrated Paleomagnetic Study Along the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt: Preliminary Results, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 5 – 9 Nov, 2001. 14.65. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Luis Alva-Valdivia, Jose Rosas Elguera , Jaime UrrutiaFucugauchi, Jose Antonio Gonzalez , Juan Morales and Jesus Solé, An Integratted Paleomagnetic Study of Rio Grande Santiago Volcanic Succession (Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt): Revisited, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec, 10 - 14, 2001. 14.66. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Luis Alva-Valdivia, Jose Rosas Elguera and Jaime UrrutiaFucugauchi, Palaeosecular Variation of Gomagnetic Full Vector During Late Miocene: Case Study of Rio Grande de Santiago Volcanic Succession (Central Mexico), EGS (European Geophysical Sosciety), Annual meeting, Niza, Francia, Abril, 21-26, 2002. 14.67. A.T. Goguitchaichvili,, Juan Morales and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, On the Use of Thermomagnetic Curves in Paleomagnetism: A Cautionary Note, EGS (European Geophysical Sosciety), Annual meeting, Niza, Francia, Abril, 21-26, 2002. 14.68. L. Alva-Valdivia, A.T. Goguitchaichvili and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Petromagnetic Properties in the Naica Mining District, Chihuahua, Mexico: Searching for Source of Mineralization, EGS (European Geophysical Sosciety), Annual meeting, Niza, Francia, Abril, 21-26, 2002. 14.69. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Paleomagnetic dating of the Dmanissi archeological site in Georgia (Lesser Caucasus), NEW TRENDS IN GEOMAGNETISM VIII, PALAEO, ROCK AND ENVIRONMENTAL MAGNETISM, 8th Castle meeting, Rep. Checa, Sep. 2-9 Sep, 2002. 14.70. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, Jose Rosas Elguera and Jaime UrrutiaFucugauchi, Extremely low paleosecular variation of geomagnetic field in Central Mexico: high 27 eruption rate or evidence for Pacific Dipole Window ? NEW TRENDS IN GEOMAGNETISM VIII, PALAEO, ROCK AND ENVIRONMENTAL MAGNETISM, 8th Castle meeting, Rep. Checa, Sep. 2-9 Sep, 2002. 14.71. Soler-Arechalde Ana Maria, Hueda-Tanabe Yuki, A.T. Goguitchaichvili,, UrrutiaFucugauchi Jaime, Rebolledo-Vieyra Mario, Caballero Cecilia and Tarling Donald, Archaomagnetism of some Pre-Hispanic sites from Central Mexico, NEW TRENDS IN GEOMAGNETISM VIII, PALAEO, ROCK AND ENVIRONMENTAL MAGNETISM, 8th Castle meeting, Rep. Checa, Sep. 2-9 Sep, 2002. 14.72. Alva-Valdivia Luis, Rivas-Sánchez Luz , A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Gonzalez José and Urrutia-Fucugauchi Jaime, Urrutia-Fucugauchi Jaime. An integrated microscopy and rock magnetic studies in El Romeral iron-ore deposit, Chile: implications for genesis and modeling of the magnetic anomaly, NEW TRENDS IN GEOMAGNETISM VIII, PALAEO, ROCK AND ENVIRONMENTAL MAGNETISM, 8th Castle meeting, Rep. Checa, Sep. 2-9 Sep, 2002. 14.73. Jose Rosas Elguera, A.T. Goguitchaichvili, Alva-Valdivia Luis, Counterclockwise rotation of the Michoacan block: Tectonic implications for the Guadalajara triple junction, NEW TRENDS IN GEOMAGNETISM VIII, PALAEO, ROCK AND ENVIRONMENTAL MAGNETISM, 8th Castle meeting, Rep. Checa, Sep. 2-9 Sep, 2002. 14.74. A.T. Goguitchaichvili , L. Alva-Valdivia Luis, J. Rosas-Elguera Jose, J. UrrutiaFucugauchi and J. Morales, VARIACIÓN PALEOSECULAR ANORMALMENTE BAJA DEL CAMPO MAGNÉTICO TERRESTRE DURANTE EL MIOCENO TARDÍO: EL CASO DE SECUENCIAS VOLCÁNICAS DE MÉXICO CENTRAL Y OCCIDENTAL, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 4 – 8 Nov, 2002. 14.75. J. Gonzalez, A. T. Goguitchaichvili , L. Alva-Valdivia Luis, J. Rosas-Elguera Jose and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, New Paleomagnetic and geochronology data from Rio Grande de Santiago Volcanic Succession (Central Mexico), UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 4 – 8 Nov, 2002. 14.76. L. M. Alva-Valdivia, A. T. Gogichaishvili, and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi: A detailed Rock-Magnetic and Microscopy Study of Naica Mining District (Northern Mexico), UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 4 – 8 Nov, 2002. 14.77. G. Conte, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A. T. Gogichaishvili, O. Morton-Bermea, A.M. SolerArechalde and Alberto Incoronato, Paleomagnetism, Magnetic Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Lava Flows From the Popocatepetl Volcanic Region in Central Mexico, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 4 – 8 Nov, 2002. 14.78. J. Morales, A. T. Gogichaishvili, L. M. Alva-Valdivia y Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi Paleointensidad absoluta del campo magnético de la Tierra durante el Jurásico: el caso de la formación La Negra (Norte de Chile). UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 4 – 8 Nov, 2002. 28 14.79. J. Morales, A. T. Gogichaishvili and J. Gonsalez, Reproducibilidad del método de Thellier: aplicación en un rango amplio de campos de laboratorio. UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 4 – 8 Nov, 2002. 14.80. José Rosas-Elguera , V.H. Garduño-Moroy, A. T. Gogichaishvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, GEOLOGY OF THE COTIJA HALF-GRABEN: TECTONIC IMPLICATIONS FOR THE GUADALAJARA TRIPLE JUNCTION, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 4 – 8 Nov, 2002. 14.81. M. Rosales, L. Alva-Valdivia, A. Carreño, M. Benammi, M. Grajales and A. T. Gogichaishvili, Calibracion magnetoestratigrfica del Mioceno Temprano-Medio en la Cuenca Salina del Istmo, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 4 – 8 Nov, 2002. 14.82. José Rosas-Elguera, A. T. Gogichaishvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, An integrated geochronology and paleomagnetic study from Michoacan Block: tectonic implications for the Guadalajara triple junction, AGU (American Geophysical Union) annual meeting, SanFrancisco, 6-11 Dec, 2002. 14.83. A. T. Gogichaishvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, C. Zecati and M. RoyoOchoa, A Rock-magnetism and paleomagnetism from Volcanic Rocks from Chihuahua, Northern Mexico – Tectonic and Geomagnetic Implications, GSA (Geological Society of America, Cordilerran Section), Puerto Vallarta, 1-3 Abril, 2003. 14.84. J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, X. Zhao, S. Girdler, R.S. Coe, A. T. Gogichaishvili and L. AlvaValdivia, Continental margin truncation, along-trench terrane transport, lateral migration of igneous activity and deformation in southern Mexico, GSA (Geological Society of America, Cordilerran Section), Puerto Vallarta, 1-3 Abril, 2003. 14.85. A. Soler-Arechalde, M. Rodríguez, O. Ramírez, A. Gogichaishvili,, C. CaballeroMiranda, Y. Hueda-Tanabe, and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A detailed rock-magnetic and archeomagnetic study of lime-plasters from central Mexico, EGS/AGU/EUG Joint meeting, Niza, Francia, 6 –11 Abril, 2003. 14.86. A. T. Gogichaishvili, J. Morales, Edgardo Cañon-Tapia and Raquel Negrete, Geomagnetic field strength during Late Miocene: first paleointensity results from Baja California, EGS/AGU/EUG Joint meeting, Niza, Francia, 6 –11 Abril, 2003. 14.87. A.T. Goguitchaichvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J. Riisager, Peter Riisager and Omar Ferreira Lopes, Paleomagnetic poles, paleosecular variation and paleointensity of basalts from Paraná Magmatic Province, Brazil: geomagnetic and geodynamic implications, EGS/AGU/EUG Joint meeting, Niza, Francia, 6 –11 Abril, 2003. 14.88. J. Morales, A. Gogichaishvili, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, An experimental evaluation of Shaw’s paleointensity method and its modifications using Late Quaternary basalts, EGS/AGU/EUG Joint meeting, Niza, Francia, 6 –11 Abril, 2003. 29 14.89. A. Gogichaishvili, A. Chauvin, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Rosas-Elguera, J. UrrutiaFucugauchi and V. Flores-Rios, Paleomagnetism of San Cristóbal and Garcia de la Cadena volcanic successions (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt), EGS/AGU/EUG Joint meeting, Niza, Francia, 6 –11 Abril, 2003. 14.90. G. Conte, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A. Goguitchaichvili, A.M. Soler-Arechalde, O. Morton and A. Incoronato, Paleomagnetism and Geochemistry of Popocatepetl Volcano, Central Mexico, EGS/AGU/EUG Joint meeting, Niza, Francia, 6 –11 Abril, 2003. 14.91. J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, X. Zhao, S. Girdler, R.S. Coe, A. T. Gogichaishvili and L. AlvaValdivia Paleomagnetism of igneous and sedimentary units from Zihuatanejo-Papanoa-Acapulco area, southern Mexico, EGS/AGU/EUG Joint meeting, Niza, Francia, 6 –11 Abril, 2003. 14.92. J. Rosas-Elguera, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A. Gogichaishvili and J. Morales, Shallow paleomagnetic inclination of the historic 1943-1948 lava flows of Paricutin volcano, Mexico, EGS/AGU/EUG Joint meeting, Niza, Francia, 6 –11 Abril, 2003. 14.93. Alva-Valdivia, L. M., Rivas, M. L., Goguitchaichvili, A., Morales, J., Gonzalez and J. A., Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Rock-magnetic and oxide microscopy studies of the El Laco iron-ore deposits, Chilean High Andes: implications for magnetometric modeling, EGS/AGU/EUG Joint meeting, Niza, Francia, 6 –11 Abril, 2003. 14.94. P. Riisager, J. Riisager, X. Zhao, Avto Gogichaishvili, M. Perez, J. Tarduno, Single grain and whole-rock Thellier paleointensity experiments on Oligocene lavas and ignimbrites from Yemen. EGS/AGU/EUG Joint meeting, Niza, Francia, 6 –11 Abril, 2003. 14.95. Alva-Valdivia, L. M., Rivas, M. L., Goguitchaichvili, A., and Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J., Rockmagnetic and oxide microscopy comparison among the magnetite-apatite ore deposits from Chile and Mexico: geophysical and genetic implications, IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics), Sapporo, Japon, 30 Junio – 11 Julio, 2003. 14.96. A. Gogichaishvili, L. Alva-Valdivia and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Long-Term Variation of Geomagnetic Field Strength : Contributions from Latin America, IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics), Sapporo, Japon, 30 Junio – 11 Julio, 2003. 14.97. A. Gogichaishvili, J. Rosas-Elguera, P. Camps, L. Alva-Valdivia , J. Urrutia-Ficugauchi and V. Romero-Benitez, Rotation of Michoacan block (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt) since late Miocene: paleomagnetic constraints, IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics), Sapporo, Japon, 30 Junio – 11 Julio, 2003. 14.98. A. Gogichaishvili, A.M. Soler , E. Zanella, , G.Chiari, R. Lanza and J. UrrutiaFucugauchi, Reconnaissance archaeomagnetic study from some pre-Columbian mural paintings in Mexico, IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics), Sapporo, Japon, 30 Junio – 11 Julio, 2003. 30 14.99. A. Gogichaishvili, M. Gratton, J. Morales, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi and J. Shaw, Microwave paleointensity determination on historic Paricutin volcano lava flows, Central Mexico, IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics), Sapporo, Japon, 30 Junio – 11 Julio, 2003. 14.100. J. Morales, A. Goguitchaichvili, L. M. Alva-Valdivia and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Absolute Paleointensity of the Earth’s Magnetic Field During Jurassic: Case Study of La Negra Formation (Northern Chile), IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics), Sapporo, Japon, 30 Junio – 11 Julio, 2003. 14.101. Annick Chauvin, Avto Gogichaishvili, Luis Alva-Valdivia, Jose Rosas-Elguera, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, An Integrated Paleomagnetic Study of San Cristóbal Basalts (TransMexican Volcanic Belt), UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 14.102. Antonio Gonzalez-Ranguel, Avto Goguitchaichvili, Luis M. Alva-Valdivia, José RosasElguera, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Ana-Maria Soler & Cecilia Caballero, Combined Paleomagnetic and Petromagnetic Study of the Upper Cretaceous Volcanic Sequence in Western Mexico: Implications for Tectonics and Magnetostratigraphy of the Jalisco Block, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 14.103. Juan Morales, Avto Goguitchaichvili , Edgardo Cañon-Tapia and Raquel Negrete, Further Absolute Geomagnetic Paleointensities From Baja California: Evaluation of Pliocene and Early/Middle Pleistocene Data, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 14.104. Luis M. Alva-Valdivia, Avto Goguitchaichvili, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Paleosecular variation and Paleomagnetic poles of basalts from Paraná Magmatic Province, Brazil: geodynamic implications, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 14.105. Juan Morales, Avto Goguitchaichvili, Luis M. Alva-Valdivia & Jaime UrrutiaFucugauchi, Paleomagnetism and Absolute Paleointensity of the Jurassic La Negra Formation, Northern Chile, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 14.106. J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Ana-Maria Soler, X. Zhao, S. Girdler, R.S. Coe, A. Gogichaishvili and L. Alva-Valdivia, Paleomagnetism of igneous and sedimentary units from Zihuatanejo-Papanoa-Acapulco area, southern Mexico, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 14.107. Avto Goguitchaichvili, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi and Luis M. Alva-Valdivia, On the Long-Term Variation of Geomagnetic Field Strength: A Cautionary Note, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 31 14.108. Rivas-Sánchez, M. L., Alva-Valdivia, L. M., Goguitchaichvili, A. y Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J., Magnetismo de rocas y microscopía de la magnetita y aplicación en el modelado magnetométrico: yacimientos en México y Chile, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 14.109. Juan Morales, Avto Gogichaishvili, Martin N. Gratton, Luis Alva-Valdivia, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Investigación de paleointensidades por el método de microondas en flujos de lava históricos del volcán Paricutín, México Central, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 14.110. M. Rodríguez, X. Guerrero, A. Soler-Arechalde, O. Ramirez, A. Gogichaishvili, C. Caballero-Miranda, Y. Hueda-Tanabe, and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Nuevos resultados de arqueomagnetismo sobre estucos del centro de México, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 14.111. A. Gogichaishvili, A.M. Soler, E. Zanella, G.Chiari, R. Lanza, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi and Tomas Gonzalez, Estudios arquemagnéticos sobre algunas pinturas murales precolombinas, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 14.112. G. Conte, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A. Goguitchaichvili, A.M. Soler-Arechalde, O. Morton and A. Incoronato, Paleomagnetismo y Geoquímica del Volcán Popocatépetl, México central, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, 3 – 7 Nov, 2003. 14.113 . A. Gogichaishvili, A.M. Soler, E. Zanella, G.Chiari, R. Lanza and J. UrrutiaFucugauchi, Archaeomagnetism of some pre-Columbian mural paintings in Central Mexico, American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting, San Francisco, 8-12 Diciembre, 2003. 14.114. José Rosas-Elguera, A. T. Gogichaishvili, L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, COUNTERCLOCKWISE ROTATION OF MICHOACAN BLOCK: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE TECTONICS OF WESTERN MEXICO, Hawaii International Conference on Sciences, Honolulu, HI, 15-18 Enero, 2004. 14.115. Morales, J. Gogichaishvili, A.; Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J. Further details on the applicability of Thellier paleointensity method: The effect of magnitude of laboratory field, European Union of Geoscience (EUG) annual meeting, Nice, 25-30 April, 2004. 14.116. G. Conte, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A. Goguitchaichvili, Paleomagnetism and Paleointensity from Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, AGUCGU (Anerican Geophysical Union – Canadian Geophysical Union) joint meeting, Montreal, 16-21 Mai, 2004. 14.117. A. Gogichaishvili, J. Morales, L. Alva-Valdivia and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, What We Really Know About the Long-Term Variation of Absolute Geomagnetic Paleointensity? AGUCGU (Anerican Geophysical Union – Canadian Geophysical Union) joint meeting, Montreal, 16-21 Mai, 2004. 32 14.118. L. Alva-Valdivia, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A. Goguitchaichvili, Magneto-Petrological database of Mexican host rocks and Fe-Ore minerals: Geophyscical and Genetic implications, AGU-CGU (Anerican Geophysical Union – Canadian Geophysical Union) joint meeting, Montreal, 16-21 Mai, 2004. 14.119. M. L. Rivas, L. Alva-Valdivia, A. Goguitchaichvili and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Mineralogical and physico-chemical characterization of the Peña Colorada Iron-Ore, Mexico, AGU-CGU (Anerican Geophysical Union – Canadian Geophysical Union) joint meeting, Montreal, 16-21 Mai, 2004. 14.120. M. Calvo Rathert, A. Gogichaishvili, J. Cueva, J. M. Tubía, Estudio paleomagnético de rocas cretácicas de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica: Origen secundario del Arco Vasco, UGM (Union Geofísica Mexicana), Juriquilla, 1 – 5 Nov, 2004. 14.121. A. Soler-Arechalde, A. Gogichaishvili and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi Archaeomagnetic studies in Central Mexico using non-conventional materials, UGM (Union Geofísica Mexicana), Juriquilla, 1 – 5 Nov, 2004. 14.122. Marie Petronille, A. Goguitchaichvili, Bernard Henry, Luis M. Alva-Valdivia, José Rosas-Elguera, Jaime Urrutia Fucugauchi, María Rodríguez Ceja, Manuel Calvo Rathert, Estudio paleomagnético de lavas del campo volcánico Ceboruco-San Pedro (México occidental): Evidencia de un precursor a la transición Matuyama-Brunhes y un evento geomagnético de polaridad inversa en el Brunes, UGM (Union Geofísica Mexicana), Juriquilla, 1 – 5 Nov, 2004. 14.123. Arturo Gutiérrez Gonzalez, A. Gogichaishvili, Luis Alva Valdivia y Jaime Urrutia, Historia magnética del volcán Cerro Negro (Nicaragua, Centro América), UGM (Union Geofísica Mexicana), Juriquilla, 1 – 5 Nov, 2004. 14.124. M. N. Gratton, A. Goguitchaichvili, G. Conte, J. Shaw and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Microwave paleointensity study of Jorullo Volcano (Central México), UGM (Union Geofísica Mexicana), Juriquilla, 1 – 5 Nov, 2004. 14.125. L. M. Alva-Valdivia, J. Rosas-Elguera, T. Bravo-Medina, J. Urrutia Fucugauchi, B. Henry, C. Caballero, M. L. Rivas, and A. Goguitchaichvili, Paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric studies of the San Gaspar ignimbrite, western Mexico – constraints on emplacement mode and source vents, UGM (Union Geofísica Mexicana), Juriquilla, 1 – 5 Nov, 2004. 14.126. G. Conte, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, A. Goguitchaichvili, Paleomagnetism of MichoacanGuanajuato Volcanic Field, (Central Mexico): Implications to the Paleosecular Variation of the Earth’s Magnetic Field at Low Latitudes, UGM (Union Geofísica Mexicana), Juriquilla, 1 – 5 Nov, 2004. 14.127. Gennaro Conte, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Avto Goguitchaichvili and Alberto Incoronato, Paleomagnetic Evidence on a Volcanological Mystery - The 1631 Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Italy, UGM (Union Geofísica Mexicana), Juriquilla, 1 – 5 Nov, 2004. 33 14.128. Marie Petronille, Avto Goguitchaichvili, Bernard Henry, Luis M. Alva-Valdivia, José Rosas-Elguera, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Maria Rodriguez Cejá and Manuel Calvo-Rathert, Paleomagnetism of Ar-Ar Dated Lava Flows From the Ceboruco-San Pedro Volcanic Field (Western Mexico): Evidences for the Matuyama-Brunhes Transition Precursor and a Fully Reversed Geomagnetic Event in the Brunhes Chron, AGU Fall (American Geophysical Union) meeting, San Francisco, 12-17 Dic, 2004. 14.129. A. Soler-Arechalde, A. Gogichaishvili and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Archaeomagnetic studies in Mesoamerica using non-conventional materials, AGU Fall (American Geophysical Union) meeting, San Francisco, 12-17 Dic, 2004. 14.130. M. N. Gratton, A. Goguitchaichvili, G. Conte, J. Shaw and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Microwave paleointensity study on recent lava flows from Central Mexico (Jorullo and Paricutin), AGU Fall (American Geophysical Union) meeting, San Francisco, 12-17 Dic, 2004. 14.131. B. Henry, Luis. Alva-Valdivia and A. Goguitchaichvili, Mgnetic anisotropy from igneous rocks, IAGA Scientific Assembly, Toulouse, July 18-29, 2005. 14.132. M L Rivas-Sanchez, L M Alva-Valdivia, A Goguitchaichvili, J H UrrutiaFucugauchi, Rock Magnetic and Oxide Microscopy Studies of two South American Iron-Ore Deposits, AGU (American Geophysical Union) joint meeting, New Orleans, 22-27 May, 2005. 14.133. M Rodriguez Ceja, A Gogichaishvili, L Alva-Valdivia, J Rosas Elguera, M Calvo, J Urrutia-Fucugauchi, w Contributions to the Geomagnetic Instability Time Scale: Paleomagnetic study of Tequila and Ceboruco-San Pedro-Amado Nervo Volcanic Fields (Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt), AGU (American Geophysical Union) joint meeting, New Orleans, 22-27 May, 2005. 14.134. A. Gogichaishvili, J Morales, L Alva-Valdivia, J Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Long-Term Variation of Geomagnetic Field Strength - Contributions from Latinamerica, AGU (American Geophysical Union) joint meeting, New Orleans, 22-27 May, 2005. 14.135. A. Soler, A. Gogichaishvili and J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Towards the determination of Mesoamerican chronology: Past and present of archeomagnetic studies in México, AGU (American Geophysical Union) joint meeting, New Orleans, 22-27 May, 2005. 14.136. J Morales, L Alva-Valdivia, A Gogichaishvili, J Urrutia Fucugauchi, On the importance of cooling rate correction in volcanic rocks: case study of a single Xitle lava flow (Central Mexico), AGU (American Geophysical Union) joint meeting, New Orleans, 22-27 May, 2005. 14.137. F Sanchez, M Rodriguez, A M Soler-Arechalde, A Goguitchaishvili, J UrrutiaFucugauchi, L Manzanilla, Magnetic Dating of Ancient Residential Areas of Teotihuacan, AGU (American Geophysical Union) joint meeting, New Orleans, 22-27 May, 2005. 34 14.138. L M Alva-Valdivia, J Morales, A. Goguitchaichvili, M P Hatch, First Archeomagnetic Intensity Results from Ancient Guatemala Potteries, AGU (American Geophysical Union) joint meeting, New Orleans, 22-27 May, 2005. 14.139. J Urrutia Fucugauchi, X Zhao, S Girdler, R Coe, A. Gogichaishvili, Paleomagnetic Study of the Zihuatanejo-Papanoa Sector of the Pacific continental margin of Southern Mexico Continental Margin Truncation and Migration of Magmatism, AGU (American Geophysical Union) joint meeting, New Orleans, 22-27 May, 2005. 15. IDIOMAS Georgiano, Francés, Español, Inglés, Portuges, Ruso.