This is a template Consent Form and is intended as a guide to help you draft your own Consent Form. Please check all sentences and tailor each sentence carefully to match your own study. Watch out for words such as ‘Patient’ and ‘Medical Record.’ Your study may not involve patients! CONSENT FORM Protocol Title: Please tick the appropriate answer. I confirm that I have read and understood the Patient Information Leaflet dated ____________ attached, and that I have had ample opportunity to ask questions all of which have been satisfactorily answered. Yes No I understand that my (my child) participation in this study is entirely voluntary and that I may withdraw at any time, without giving reason, and without this decision affecting my future treatment or medical care. Yes No I understand that my records may be viewed by individuals with delegated authority from ___________________ Yes No (Be careful: your study may not involve viewing medical records!) I understand that my (my child) identity will remain confidential at all times. Yes No While I (my child) is a subject of this study, I agree to follow the instructions of the doctor/researcher and to call the doctor/researcher immediately if I (my child) become(s) ill or experience(s) any side effects. Yes No I give my informed consent for the doctor/researcher to have access to my medical notes in the National Rehabilitation Hospital. I understand that the contents of my medical notes will not be disclosed to a third party. Yes No I have been given sufficient time to consider my (my child’s) participation in this study. Yes No I understand that my (my child) records will be viewed by (NAME) Yes No I understand that my name and address will be given (NAME) at the ………………. in order to be included in the study. Yes No I am aware of the potential risks of this research study. Yes No (Be careful: you may have stated in your Information Leaflet that there are no risks!) I have been given a copy of the Patient Information Leaflet and this (my child) Consent form for my records. Yes No FUTURE USE OF ANONYMOUS DATA: I agree that I will not restrict the use to which the results of this study may be put. I give my approval that unidentifiable data concerning my person may be stored or electronically processed for the purpose of scientific research and may be used in related or other studies in the future. (This would be subject to approval by an independent body, which safeguards the welfare and rights of people in biomedical research studies - the National Rehabilitation Hospital Ethics Committee.) Yes No (Be careful to check if this sentence applies to your research study. Do not blindly copy this sentence to your own Consent Form.) Patient ________________ Signature and dated ___________________ Name in block capitals To be completed by the Principal Investigator or his nominee. I the undersigned, have taken the time to fully explained to the above patient the nature and purpose of this study in a manner that he/she could understand. I have explained the risks involved, the experimental nature of the treatment, as well as the possible benefits and have invited him/her to ask questions on any aspect of the study that concerned them. I have obtained written consent from the subject (subject’s legally authorised representative) prior to the subject’s participation in this study. ________________ Signature: _____________________ Name in Block Capitals: _____________ Qualification: ________ Date: In accordance with Good Clinical Practice if there is a dependent relationship between the Physician and the Subject then another Physician should obtain consent. Likewise the person obtaining consent should be fully conversant with the study and be suitably trained and qualified. 3 copies to be made: 1 for patient, 1 for PI and 1 for hospital records. Don’t forget to put the Version Number and date of this Consent Form at the bottom of this form!